Binding Procedure
1. Disconnect the fl ight battery from the helicopter.
2. Refer to the Transmitter Setup Table to correctly set up your transmitter.
3. Lower the throttle and throttle trim to the lowest position.
4. Power off the transmitter and move all switches to the 0 position.
5. Install the bind plug in the bind port extension.
6. Connect the fl ight battery to the ESC. The receiver LED fl ashes, indicating it is in bind mode.
7. Put the transmitter into bind mode while powering on the transmitter.
8. Release the bind button/switch after 2–3 seconds. The helicopter is bound when the LED on the receiver turns solid.
9. Disconnect the fl ight battery and remove the bind plug. Store the bind plug in a convenient place.
Remove the bind plug to prevent the system
from entering bind mode the next time the power is
turned on.
If you encounter problems, obey binding instructions and
refer to transmitter troubleshooting guide for other
instructions. If needed, contact the appropriate Horizon
Product Support offi ce. For a list of compatible DSM trans-
mitters, please visit
www.bindnfl y.com.
Binding is the process of programming the receiver to
recognize the GUID (Globally Unique Identifi er) code of a
single specifi c transmitter. You need to ‘bind’ your chosen
Spektrum™ DSM2/DSMX technology equipped aircraft
transmitter to the receiver for proper operation.
Transmitter and Receiver Binding
Throttle Hold
Throttle hold only turns off the motor on an electric helicop-
ter. You must maintain pitch and direction control.
The blades will spin if throttle hold is OFF. For safety, turn
throttle hold ON any time you need to touch the helicopter
or check the direction controls.
Throttle hold is also used to turn off the motor if the
helicopter is out of control, in danger of crashing, or both.
Please refer to your transmitter manual for more
information on programming throttle hold.
Control Tests
Test the controls prior to the fi rst fl ight to ensure the servos, linkages and parts operate correctly. Turn on Throttle Hold
when doing the control tests.
Rear View
Side View
Side View
Rear View