Head Assembly (H)
Step H2
Step H1 parts (bags H1 and H2)
Step H2 parts (bags H1 and H2)
Step H3 parts (bag H3)
Step H3
Step H1
M4 X 25 Cap Head
Shoulder Bolt (x2)
Larger inner
diameter (I.D.)
Smaller inner
diameter (I.D.)
• The stepped sides of the washers should face the
radial bearings.
Any time you loosen the spin-
dle bolts, completely clean the bolts with
denatured alcohol and ensure you have removed
any residual oil. When putting bolts back on, apply
medium-strength threadlock to the bolts and allow
time for the threadlock (about 4 to 6 hours) to dry
before attempting to fl y your helicopter.
• Clean the threads in the spindle thoroughly with
alcohol before installation.
M4 Locknut (x2)
M3 X 10 Cap Head Bolt
Spindle Sleeve
Damper (x2)
M4 X 12 Cap Head Bolt (x2)
M4 X 10 X 2 Washer (x2)
Thrust Bearing, 8 X 16 X 5 (x2)
Washer, 8 X 12.5 X .5 (x2)
Radial Bearing, 8 X 16 X 5 (x2)
Stepped Washer, 8 X 16 X 1 (x2)