During display of the time code value, the top discrete LED for the colon between the seconds and frames digits
“flashes” to indicate reading of time code as follows:
Indicates that an active LTC input to the TR-100 is not present.
Indicates LTC is being read at play speed and MIDI time code
quarter frame messages are being output.
Indicates LTC is being read at search/shuttle speeds and that full frame
MIDI time code messages are being output.
DF LED is on whenever drop frame time code is being read. It is off
for non-drop frame time code or when user bits are displayed.
5.3 MIDI Time Code Output
The TR-100 outputs quarter frame MIDI Time Code (MTC) messages when reading time code at play speed. Full
frame MTC messages are output when the TR-100 is reading time code at speeds slower or faster speeds than play
For reference, the complete MTC quarter frame message format is (in “hex”): F1- 0uf - F1-1tf - F1- 2us - F1- 3ts -
F1 - 4um - F1 - 5tm - F1 - 6uh - F1 - 7th. Where “u” = units, “t” = tens, “f” = frames, “s” = seconds, “m” =
minutes, “h” = hours. There are 16 bytes altogether, sent at a rate of 8 per frame, requiring 2 frame times to send
all 16.
When the TR-100 initially acquires and starts reading time code, it first outputs a full frame MIDI time code
message consisting of both time code and user bit values. After doing this, it continues to output full frame time
code messages if not at play speed, or quarter frame time code messages if at play speed. For reference, the
complete MTC full frame message format is (in “hex”): F0 - 7F - 7F - 01 - 01 - hr - mn - sc - fr - F7 for the time
code value, and, for the user bit value: F0 - 7F - 7F - 01 - 02 - u1 - u2 - u3 - u4 - u5 - u6 - u7 - u8 - u9 - F7.
This TR-100 MTC output will "coast" or "flywheel" for up to 3 FRAMES should there be errors reading the input
5.4 Frame Rate Display
The TR-100 determines the frame rate by checking the frame number immediately preceding the reading of frame
number zero (00). Frame number 23 precedes frame 00 when reading 23.976/24 FPS time code, frame number 24
precedes frame 00 for 25 FPS, and frame number 29 precedes frame 00 for 29.97/30 FPS.
Because 29.97 drop frame, 29.97 non-drop frame, and 30 FPS time codes all have frame number 29 preceding
frame number 00, there is an ambiguity in determining the frame rate in this manner. So, in the TR-100, if the
frame preceding frame 00 is 29 and the time code is not drop frame, then the TR-100 displays a frame rate of 30
FPS. If drop frame time code is being read, as indicated by a special “drop frame” bit in the time code itself, then
the TR-100 displays “29” as the frame rate. and the “DF” LED on the display is illuminated.
Immediately after the frame rate is first determined, the 24, 25, 29, or 30 FPS frame rate value is displayed for one
or two seconds in place of the time code frame number. After this time the frames digit reverts to displaying the
normal changing frame value of the time code being read. The frame rate is not displayed again until a different
frame rate is detected.
1. Do not attempt to disassemble your TR-100 to clean it.
2. Clean your TR-100 using only a damp cloth.