3. First use: using the foot pump supplied with your boat, inflate the tubes completely, being careful to balance the pressure be-
tween the various chambers. Once fully inflated, deflate the chambers half way by pressing the yellow push-button [4] at the
center of each valve.
Subsequent uses: using the foot pump supplied with your boat, inflate the chambers to half their capacity.
4. Inflate the two half-decks [6] to 3/4 capacity.
5. Install the bench [5].
6. Fully inflate the tubes (recommended pressure: 0.25 bar).
7. Finish inflating the deck [6] (recommended pressure: 0.80 bar).
8. Close the valves by fitting their caps in order to ensure optimal airtightness.
9. Secure the oars [7] on the oarlocks [8] if rowing or in the boat using the oar ties for storage when power boating.