UVA analog output:
4 ... 20 mA = 0 ... x m/s (or m³/h),
terminal value x configurable / burden max. 400 Ohm,
0 ... 10 V = 0 ... x m/s (or m³/h),
terminal value x configurable / impedance 1 kOhm
Relay: (potential-free change-over contact), max. 300 mA / 27 V DC
configurable as limit value v, quantity pulse or ±flow direction
(see under 7 Functional Description)
RS232 interface:
for connection with UCOM (see under 7 Functional Description)
9600 Baud, 8Bit, no parity, 2 stop bits, Xon/Xoff
5.7 Measurement Uncertainty
Recording the measurement frequency (at 1000 Hz): <0.1%
Analog output (terminal value):
Linearity error:
Temperature coefficient:
<20 ppm/K
(at 25 °K temperature difference equivalent to <0.05%)
6 Installation
The current European Specifications for Assembly, the recognised standards of good practice and this
Operating Instructions apply.
6.1 Block Diagram
Transducer UFA
Transducer UVA