LED Powerline ACIC
#078734DE-EN e
4. Installation, commissioning and power-up
4.1. General Notes
When installing the LED Powerline ACIC, make sure that there is
adequate cooling
In normal operation, the unit reaches a tempera-
ture of up to 60 °C and may only be attached to heat-resistant, non-
flammable materials.
The installation location must be sufficiently ventilated. Under no cir-
cumstances may the air inlets and outlets be covered or blocked
Max. ambient temperature 35 °C.
The operating unit must always be switched off before the LED Pow-
erline ACIC is connected to or disconnected from it! Disconnecting
the LED Powerline ACIC during operation can damage the LED unit
or the operating unit.
Do not touch the contact pins in the LED Powerline ACIC plug con-
nector (danger of ESD damage).
Protect the LED Powerline ACIC against chemical vapours and sol-
Only operate the LED Powerline ACIC in dry rooms. Max. rel. humid-
ity 70 %; non-condensing. Open-air operation is not permitted.
It should be observed that the unit is not exposed to any spray water.
Furthermore, no condensation may form on the surface of the unit.
Before switching on, check again that all plug-in connections are
firmly seated.
Observe workplace safety.
Observe operational safety.
Check the power of the lamp unit.
It is forbidden to operate the device in the immediate vicinity of flam-
mable objects, liquids or gases.
4.2. Electrical Connections
The LED Powerline ACIC is supplied with power and activated either via
an external power supply unit and customer-side activation of the in-
terface with the PLD terminal or
the Hönle LED Powerdrive IC
The LED Powerline ACIC may only be connected and disconnected with
the operating unit switched off.
4.3. Power supply unit
A power supply unit is required to operate the LED Powerline ACIC:
The required values can be found in chap. 7 Technical data p. 23
General notes
Power supply