MMU cabinets can be used to house Class 100, Class 200, Class 320 and Green
Class meters. IDRs, (Interval Data Recorders) can also be installed in the MMU
cabinets with the meters.
These units are briefly described below:
4.1 Class 100/200 Meters
The Class 100 and Class 200 meters are power meters for use in sub metering
applications. The devices take inputs from current sensors and the line voltage and
output kW hours in pulses.
Refer to Sections 5, 6, &7 for general installation instructions on installing Class 100 or
Class 200 meters into a MMU Cabinet.
4.2 Class 320 Meters
The Class 320 meter is a 3-element meter with communication. The device is used to
monitor electric power usage after the utility meter and store kW and kVAR data for
automatic meter reading.
Refer to Sections 5, 6, &7 for general installation instructions on installing Class 320
meters into a MMU Cabinet.
4.3 Green Class Meters
The Green Class Meter is a power meter for use in sub metering applications. The
devices take inputs from current sensors and the line voltage and output kW hours in
Refer to Sections 5, 6, &7 for general installation instructions on installing Class 320
meters into a MMU Cabinet.
4.4 IDR (Interval Data Recorders)
The Interval Data Recorder (IDR) is an energy data collection device with
communication. The device is used to count digital pulses of the utility meter and store
data for automatic meter reading. Various communications types are provided, EZ7,
Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP, BACnet MS/TP, BACnet IP, and Lonworks TP/FT-10.
Refer to Sections 5, 6, &7 for general installation instructions on installing IDR meters
into a MMU Cabinet.