Aerospace Electronic Systems
Page 28
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Figure 11 AMI/HGI Generation
The GST offers a robust set of capabilities that allow the user to completely customize their AOC
application. With the GBST, the user can control the functionality of the CMU, including such major items
defining the datalink menu structure,
defining the content and characteristics of uplink and downlink messages,
defining the format of printed messages and screen displays,
defining user parameters,
specifying message review categories,
defining areas and regions of the world to be used for specifying preferred frequencies and
specifying the set of downlink buffers, and
generating user-defined algorithms that trigger events when certain conditions are met (such as
OOOI algorithms, engine exceedance algorithms, etc).
The GBST provides a wide range of capabilities, and all of the capabilities of the GBST are more than what
can easily be described in this product description document. The following sections provides some
additional information on how the GBST is used for reconfiguring the Mark III CMU, with the intent of
identifying some of the major features of the GBST.
Mark III