Aerospace Electronic Systems
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Control and Display Unit (CDU)
In the business jet and regional aircraft market place, there is limited cockpit pedestal real estate. Often,
these aircraft are equipped with a 4-line-select key CDU instead of a 6-line-select key MCDU. The Mark III
CMU can be configured to interface with one or two of these CDU devices via an RS-422 interface.
The Mark III CMU can interface with a single ARINC 740 or 744 compliant printer via low speed ARINC 429.
This includes Honeywell’s ARINC 740 printer, as well as all other manufacturer’s who support the ARINC
740/744 specification.
ARINC 744A defines an Ethernet printer interface. The Mark III CMU has available Ethernet ports but
requires a software upgrade to support an ARINC 744A printer. Currently, there are no aircraft configurations
defined using the Ethernet interface for the CMU to printer interface.
Crew Alerts
The Mark III CMU provides the interfaces necessary to support aural and visual alerts as well as an
indication of NO COMM.
Figure 2.2.2-1 Datalink Display Units
Figure 4 Cockpit Printer