Electrical Installation - Field and Host Port Connections
Part No.: 4417590_Rev13 CIU 888
Installation Manual
3 - 3
3.4 Field and Host Port Connections
3.4.1 Enraf Field Bus (BPM Port)
A maximum of 80 gauges can be connected to the CIU 888. Gauges
should be divided over the field ports with a recommended maximum of
15 instruments per line. Best results are obtained when the Enraf field
bus signal to the gauges is connected in a “star” configuration. Refer to
FIGURE 3-2. Enraf Field Bus Board (BPM Board) can be placed in any
of the option slots 1 – 6.
Enraf Field Bus (BPM Port)
Connect the Enraf Field bus cable to the two outer terminals of the
connector at the Field Port. The Enraf field bus signal is not polarity
sensitive. The shield (dotted lines) of the Enraf field bus cable must be
connected to the centre terminal. Refer to FIGURE 5-3.
See section 3.3 "CIU 888 Interface Summary" for locating the ports.
NOTE: Number of instruments per BPM field line depends on the cable specifi
cations and the total cable length.