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Summary of Contents for Prelude 1993

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Page 2: ...hodswhich could causePERSONAL lNJURy d8mag6 a vahicl or mako it unsafe Pleaaaund ratandthat thos6 warnings cannot cover all conc ivableways in which sorvice whethgr 01not recommended by HONDA might b6 dono or of tho possible hazardous consequences of evely conceivablo way no could HONDAinvostigateallsuch ways Anyono usingsorvicsproceduros 01toofs whetheror not rocommendedby HONDA must satjslyhim s...

Page 3: ...sis andPaintCodes 1 2 ldentification Number Locations 1 4 Warning Caution Labels 1 s Lift and SupportPoints Lift 1 9 Floor Jack 1 10 Safety Stands 1 11 Towing 1 12 ServicePrecautions Handlingof SpecialNuts and Bolts 1 1 3 7t ...

Page 4: ...ilorniawith F22A1 engine 923 49ST with F22A1 engine Serial Numbel Paint Code COLOR B 64P ii ir i i F22A1 9200001 JHMBA814 PCOOOOol Type of Vehicle JHM HONDAMOTOR CO LTD HONDA Passenger Car BA8 Prelude2 2 BBl Prelude2 2 t VfEC BB2 Prelude2 3 Body and TransmissionTYPe 1 2 doors sDeed Manual 2t 2 doot 4 speedAutomatic Vehicle Grade 4 PreludeS 5 Prelude Si 6 PreludeSi 4WS 7 Prelude Si VTEC Chock Digit...

Page 5: ...OHCSequential Multi port Fuefinjected engine H22A l 2 2 DOHCVTECSeouential MultiportFuel injected engine H23A1 2 3 DOHCSequential Multi pon Fuel injected engine F22A1 engine 928OOO1 H22A1 engine l TOOOO l H23A1 engine 27OOOO1 M2F4 1000001 M2F4 Manualwith H22A1 engine M2L5 Manualwith F22Al engine M2S4 Manualwith H23A1 engine M2F4 l OOOOO l ExceptM2F4 2OOOO01 VehicleldentificationNumbe and CanadianM...

Page 6: ...ldentification NumberLocations Vehicle ldentif ication Number V hicl ldontitication Numbo TransmissionNumber Automaticl TiansmissionNumber lManual t l i l ...


Page 8: ...I F Warning Caution LabelLocations cont dl E Inflatorwarningtag Reterto page l 5 ...



Page 11: ...e center of gravity may change and can causs the car to tip forward on tho hoist NOTE Sinceeachtire wheelassemblyweighsapproximately 30 lbs 14 kg placingthe front wheelsin the trunk can assistwith weight dist ibution 1 Placethe lift blocksas shown 2 Raisethe hoist a few inches centimeters and ock the car to be sureit is firmly supponed 3 Raisethe hoistto tull heightand inspectlift pointsfor solids...

Page 12: ...standplacethe satetystandsasshownon page 1 11 sothe car will be approximately level then low er the car onto them o Always uso sal ty stands when wolking on or undor any vehiclo that is supponed only by a jack a N veratt mpt to use a bumpel iack for lifting ol supporting tho cat CENTER BEAM Centerthe iacking bracket in the middle of the jack lilt Platform PLATFORM Centerthejacking bracketin the mi...


Page 14: ... thismethodof towing is attempted lf the carcannotbetransported by flst bed it shouldbe towed with the front wheelsoff the ground lf due to damage the car must be towed with the front wheels on the ground do the following 5 spe6d Manual Tlansmission a Release the Parkingbrake a Shift the transmission to Neutral Automatic Tlansmission a Release the Parkingbrake a Startthe engine a Shift to position...

Page 15: ...seof othertypes ot nuts and boltsmay cause electrolvsis and corrosion which in turn could caus the bolt to loosen l When replacingnuts and bolts use only the same type Tightenthe nuts and bolts with I torqua wrench to ths specifications providedin this manual Cleanall thread ridges with a non wire type bristle brush Foroignmatter in the threadsmay causethe bolt to loosen S ctionson this car requir...

Page 16: ...Specifications Standards andService Limits 3 2 Design Specifications 3 15 BodySpecifications 3 18 ...

Page 17: ...O D Stem to guideclearance EX IN EX IN EX IN o 23 0 28 0 o09 0 o1 1 0 27 0 30 0 01 1 0 01 3 5 485 5 495 10 21 59 0 21 63 5 450 5 460 0 2146 0 21 50 0 o20 0 045 o 0008 o oo20 0 055 0 o80 0 0022 o oo3 l ooss ro Ioet 5 4201o 21341 0 08 o oo3 o 1 2 0 oo5 Valve seat width Stem installedheight I N EX I N EX 1 25 1 55 0 049 0 061 1 25 1 55 O 049 0 061 48 245 48 7 15 1 8994 1 91 79 50 31 5 50 785 1 9809 1...

Page 18: ... 0 oo2l Valve clearance Valvestem O D Stem to guide clearance IN EX IN EX IN EX o 07 0 1 1 0 003 0 004 o 15 0 19 t0 oo6 0 007 6 580 6 590 O 2591 0 2594 6 550 6 560 O 2579 0 2583 o o2 o 05 o oo1 0 002 0 o5 o 08 o oo2 0 o031 6 55 O 258 6 32 t0 257l 0 08 o oo3 0 11 O OO4 Valve seat Widrh Stem anstalled height IN EX IN EX 1 25 1 55 0 049 0 061 1 25 1 55 0 049 O 061 39 365 39 835 t 1 5498 1 5683 39 195...

Page 19: ...O OO8 5 475 5 485 1O 2 l 56 0 21 59 5 475 5 485 0 21 56 0 21 59 o 025 0 055 0 001 0 0 oo22 o o5o 0 080 0 0020 0 0031 i oou to z tool 5 445 0 2144 0 08 0 003 0 11 0 oo4 Valveclearance lN EX Valvestem O D lN EX Stem to guide clearance lN EX Valve seat widrh Steminstalled height IN EX I N EX 1 25 1 55 0 049 0 061 1 25 1 55 0 049 0 061 37 465 37 935 1 4750 4935 37 165 37 635 1 4632 1 481 7 2 0 10 079 ...

Page 20: ... 0 13 0 oo5 0 13 0 005 Ringend gap F22Al engine Top Second oil H23A1 H22A1engines Top Second oil 0 20 o 35 0 008 0 01 4 0 40 o ss 0 o1 6 0 022 0 20 0 70 0 0080 028 o 25 0 35 0 01 0 o 014 0 60 0 75 o 0240 o30 0 20 o 50 0 008 0 o20 2 0 20 0 70 0 oo8 0 0281 3 0 60 0 024 0 70 0 028 o 80 0 031 o 60 0 024 0 90 0 035 0 6010 024 0 80 o 031 Piston Pin o D Pin to pistonclearance F22A1 engine H23Al H22A1 eng...

Page 21: ...rhaul 4 A i 4 21tor oil ch nge including filter Oil p rmp Displacement IUSqt lmp qtl min rpm 73 5 177 7 64 7 6 000 lnner toouter rotorradialclearance Pumpbody toouterrotor radialclearance Pumpbody to rotor axialclearance o 02 0 16 10 001 o 006 0 10 0 1 9 0 004 0 007 o 02 0 07 o oo1 0 003 o 20 0 008 0 21 O OO8 0 12 0 005 Flelief valve Pressure settingat oil termperature 176oF 80oC kPa kg cm2 psi at...

Page 22: ...third gearcontactar a Diameterol ball bearingcontact area Runout 0 10 0 16 0 0039 0 0063 27 977 27 990 1 1015 1 1020 37 984 38 OOO 11 49541 4961 27 987 28 OOO 1 1018 1 1024 0 02 0 0008 max Adjustwitha shim 27 94 11 1001 37 93 1 493 27 94 1 100 0 o5 0 0021 Mainshatt3rd and fourth gears L D Endplay Thickness 3rd gearM2L5 M2S4 M2F4 4th gearM2L5 M2S4 M2F4 43 OO9 43 025 1 6933 1 6939 0 06 0 21 0 0024 O...

Page 23: ...1 0 3 0 01 Shift fork Fingerthickness M215 M2S4 M2F4 Forkto syncrosleeveclearance 6 2 6 41O 244 0 2521 7 4 7 6 O 291 0 299 o 35 0 65 t0 01 4 0 026 1 O 0 039 Reverseshitt fork a t A a t B a t A a t B Pawlgroovewidth ri w srouvc w uu A Fork to reverse idle gear clearance I Groove width Fork to tifth B reverseshift shalt clearance 13 0 13 3 0 51 0 52 0 5 1 1 0 02 0 431 7 O5 7 2510 27 a O 25541 7 4 7 ...

Page 24: ...LI position 800 850 8 0 8 5 114 121 750 17 5 1071 Throttle B pressure Throttle fully closed Throttle fully open 0 0 o 800 850 t8 0 8 5 114 1211 750 17 5 107 Hydraulic pressure H23A1engine kPa kg cm2 pst Linepressure at 2 000 rom in E or E position 850 8 5 121 thro le tully closed I 900 9 o 129 throttlemorethan3 16 open 8O0 8 0 t 14l throttlemorothan3 16 open 4rd clutch pressureat 2 OOOrDm in posit...

Page 25: ...l Parkingbrakegear Throttle cam stopper height 5 90 6 00 o 232 0 236 17 O 17 1 O 669 0 673 5 40 O 2131 Wearor t otherd fect Seryo body Shitt fork shaft bore l D Shift lork shatt valveborel D r4 00G1 4 010 0 551 2 O 551 6l 37 OOO 37 039 1 4567 1 4582 37 045 t1 4585 Regulatorvalve body SealingringcontactLD 35 OOO 35 025 1 3780 1 3789 35 05 1 3799 Accumulator DOOy Sealingringcontactl D 32 OOG32 O1 3 ...

Page 26: ... valve spring ThrottlevalveB adjusting sprang ThrottlevalveB spring 1 2 shilt valvespring 2 3l3 4 shift valvespring 1st holdaccumulator spring lst accumulator spring 4th accumulator spring 2nd accumulator spring 3rd accumulator spring Lock up shitt valve spring Lock uptirningvalvespring CPCvalvespring Modulatorvalvespring Lock up control valve spring 3rd kick downvalvespring 3 2 kick down valvespr...

Page 27: ... to oo1 0 o oo26 0 10 0 004 o 12 0 005 Differcntial Backlash LO Piniongear to pinionshaft clearance 0 05 0 15 o oo2 o oo6t 18 042 18 066 O 7103 0 71 13 0 059 o o95 o oo23 o oo37 Adjust with a shim o 12 O OO5 Taperroller bearimpreload Starting Torque New bearing N m lkg cm lb inl Reused bearing 2 A 4 O QA 40 24 3sl 2 5 3 7t25 37 22 321 Adjustwith I thim MEASUREMEl T STAI DARD INEW St sring whsel Pl...

Page 28: ...ell Axial Radial o 0 710 0 03 o o 7 0 0 03 o 1 0 o 0 041 0 1 0 o 0 041 2 OtO 08l 1 5 0 06 2 0 o 08 r 5 to o6 Front Rear End play 0 0 05 o oo2 o 0 05 0 oo2l Brakes Section MEASUREMENT STANDARD NEWI SEFVICELIMIT Parking brake lever F r braL pedal M t y d Playin strokeat 2OON 20 kg 44lbsl lev rforce To be locked when pulled 6 10 notches Pedalheight with floor mat removod Freeplay M T Atf 165 6 5 min ...

Page 29: ...vwinding resistanceat 68 oF 20ocl kO 1 2 0 6 0 8 SparkPlug Type Gap S6e Sgction 23 1 0 1 1 0 39 0 43 lgnitiontiming At idling o BTOC STDC 15ol2o Red Alternator belt Defloction with 1OON 10 kg 22 lbs between pulleys 10 5 1 2 5 0 42 0 51 with usedbelt 8 O 10 0 0 32 O 4Ol with new b lt Belt tension N kg lbsl Mgasuredwith belt t nsion gauge 3OO 45O 30 45 66 99 with usod belt 550 750 55 75 121 165 with...

Page 30: ...ineengine Inline4 cyljnder transverse 85 0x 95 Omm 87 0x 95 Omm 87 Ox 90 7 mm 2 156 cm3 cc 2 259 cm3 cc 2 157 cm3 cc 3 35x 3 74 in 3 42x 3 74 in 3 43 x 3 57 in 132cu in 138 cu in 132 cu in 8 8 1 9 8 1 1 0 0 1 Beltdriven SOHC4 vatvepercytinder Beltdriven DOHC4 valvepercytinder Beltdrive DOHC4 valveper cylinderVTEC Forcedand wet sump trochoidpump UNLEADED gradegasolinewith 86 pump OctaneNumberor hig...

Page 31: ...ric8nt CaPacitY ScrooltyP SANDEN 85 7cc rev 5 23cu in rev 10 000rpm 130cc I 4 1 3tl oz sP 10 Condenser TyPe Corrugatod lin type Evaporator Type Corrugatedlin type Elower Type Motor Input SpeodControl Max CaPacity Sirocco lan 220 Wl12 V 4 spsod 460 m3 h I 16 247 cu ft h Temp Control Air mix type Comp Clutch Type Power ConsumPtion Dry single plat poly V belt drive 42 W max l12 V Rotrigerant Type Oua...

Page 32: ...CAL Battery Starter Allernator FusesIn UndeFdash Fuse Relay Box In UndeFhood Fuse Flelay Box FrontTurn SignalLights FrontParkingLights RearTurnSignalLights Brake Taillights HighMount BrakeLight SideMarkerLights Front Rear Back p Lights LicensePlateLights InteriorLights TrunkLights GaugeLights IndicatorLighrs WarningLights lllumination and PilotLights 12V 55AH 5HR 12V 1 4 kW 12V t 6 kW 12V 90A 80 A...

Page 33: ...Body Specifications Unit mm in I lr i ...

Page 34: ...Maintenance Lubrication Points 4 z Maintenance Schedule 4 4 ...

Page 35: ...ts Steeringballjoints Selectlever Automatictransmission Pedallinkage lntermediate shaft BrakemastercylinderPushrod Trunk hingesand latch Doorhingesupper lowerand latches Dooropeningdetents Fuelfill lid Enginehood hingesand enginehood latch ClutchmastercYlinder Pushrod Throttlecableend Caliper Pistonseal Dust seal Caliperpin Piston Shift and selectcableends Hondapower steeringfluid V Comoressor oil...

Page 36: ...4 3 ...

Page 37: ...b 9 B E T H I N N A uJ E e z 2 z z o o 9 P 4 P c 6 E q i E o r H E 9 P E B E u 6 o i 9 t P i d d c i c i c i d d L l l stststdstst l c l 6 l l l i t i E i i E i 3 e e 9 1 9 6 t _ c o o r rE a a q 6 p P 9 E 3 E E g E 8 d g z 6 3 E B s Y e E o i i3FF 1 e 3 E 3 S ie Nll E 9 a 9 Q c 6 6 5 9 o b 6 i 6 ...

Page 38: ... 6 q 3 5 5 d E i S ee PP i s i i F P b 6 6 P g t a i s i i s E l g g l E r 3 i E E E J E E i r c 9 6 9 o o d 9 o o e I E i E 3 3 3 e 3 3 r o n g o o F aj 6 ci ai H 5 E i S t 6 o n F o J l r o o o z x F E F a E i S iik a E E E E I i 4 5 ...

Page 39: ...a r E i i tE ii 5 E ER T Eg E EE i EF 9i srs i EsiEi i qHE i igxB E o E d d s s t t t I t 3 o F li 3 z E L 6 li I i I ir l ri P E 4 9 9 8 b c E c r a b i i c t s E E E E t 6 E E E cE I e E t E 9 c E r cii Fi i r i 3 E 8 i d d c i i i 9 E g B E a i o o i E 6 C n o E t i i o 6 6 i c 6 8 r i 3 5 5 e3 9 a E E E E 9 I 4 6 ...

Page 40: ...ine Constructionand Function lH22Al engine 5 1 Engine Removal lnstallation 5 17 Cylinder Head Valve Train 6 1 E n g i n e B f o c k 7 1 Engine Lubrication 8 1 IntakeManifold Exhaust System 9 1 Cooling 10 1 ...

Page 41: ...1 enginel Outline Description 5 2 VTEC Outline 5 4 Mechanism 5 6 Control System 5 7 Gylinder Head Outline 5 9 Camshafts 5 10 Valves andValve Springs 5 11 BeltTensioner Outfine 5 12 Auto Tensioner 5 13 CylinderBlock 5 14 OilFlow 5 15 ...

Page 42: ...sepremiumunleaded fuelandusesa pGM Fl Sequential MultiponFuelIniection system Thisengineincorporates a mechanism calledHondaVariable Valve Timingand ValveLift Electronic Control VTEC System Thisststem allowsthe timingandlitt oJthe intakeandexhaustvalvesto be changed simultaneously Theenginealsoin cludesa electronically controlled intakemanitoldsystemthat variesthe volumeof the intakechamber i Ii l...

Page 43: ...cerweights The balancershaftsemploya gear typereve semechanism to reducesecondary enginevibration The intakemanifoldis madeot aluminumalloy andthe heat riseris usedfor h atingthe airlfuelmixture The exhaustmanifoldis madeof stainless steel The electronicfuel injectionsystem is of a sequentialmaltiportfuel injectiontype and injectsfuel into all four cylinders the throttlebody is of a one barrel sid...

Page 44: ...h speed switch overfrom oneprofileto the otheris controlled electronically andis selecied by monitoringcurrentenginespeedand load i lr r l il CAMSHAFT CAM LOBESFORLOW RPM CAM LOBESFORHIGH RPM PRIMARYBOCKERARM MID ROCKER ARM SECONDARYROCKERARM HYDRAULICPISTON A HYORAULICPISTOI AI STOPPER PISTON LOST MOTIONASSEMBLY EXHAUSTVALVE INTAKEVALVE 5 4 ...

Page 45: ...rthan in a standard engine Whon valveactuationis then switchedlor highrpmtimingandlift outputimproves to the levelgivenby a racingengine Until now tew variable valvetimingsystemshavebeencommercialized Inthosethat have onlythe timethat bothvatves8re open intake exhaust overlap couldbe changed Honda ssystemis the first in the worldin which boththe valvetiming and the degreeof valvelitt can be change...

Page 46: ...e n d r i v i n g a t h i g h r p m p l s t o n l A m o v e s i n t h e d i r e c t i o n s h o w n b Y t h e a r r o w i n t h e f i g u r e b a o w A s a r e s u t t h primary secondary andmidrockerarmsareIinkedby2hydrau icpistons ikeaskewerlandthe3rockerarmsmoveas a singleunit Inthis state a the rockerarmsaredrivenby camlobec openingandclosingthe valvesat the valvetiming and valvelift set fot h...

Page 47: ... and vehiclespeed this intormationis transmittedto the EngineControlModule ECM Valv Timing ChEngeConditions EnglneSpeed 4 9OOnm or higher Vohicle Spood 19 mph 3Okm hl 01tastel EnginoCoolant Temperature lrtooF 6OoC or higher ControlSystem VTECSOLENOID VALVE F oft OILPUMP VTEC PRESSURE SWITCH Et Gtt E CONTROL MODULE ECM 5 7 ...

Page 48: ...A RETAINEN GUIDEHOLDER I Hydraulic Prg ure Contlol Machanism VTECsolenoidvalve VTEC pressuteswitch The VTECsolenoid ralve in response to a signalfrom the ECM closesthe oil passaga to the rocketarm at low speed This cuts oiI pressureto the hydrau icpistons in the rocker arms so the a ms ope 8t6 indopendent y At high sp66d tho EcMopsnstheVTEcso enoidva ve Theincreasedoi pressurecausesthehydrau icpis...

Page 49: ...ris a compactpentroofshape centerplugtype Thecylinder headusesa DOHC4 valvesystem with 2 intakevalvesand 2 exhaustvalvesarranged for crossflow Combustion is stabledueto the optimization of the ignitiontiming compression ratioand valvetiming EXHAUST CAMSHAFT INTAKE CAMSXAFT EXHAUST ROCKER ARM II TAKE ROCKER ARM INTAKEPORT INTAKEVALVE EXHAUST VALVE 5 9 ...

Page 50: ...ead Eachcamshaftis supported on five bearing iournals with forc ed lubrication on the leftendof eachcamshaftis a drivenpulley Theexhaustandintakecyctesrequire I totaloJ24 cam lobesto oDenand closethe valves A PRIMARY B MID C SECONOARY CAMSHAFTJOURNALS CAMSHAFTJOURNALS Low speed valvetiming EXHAUST II TAKE High speod valve timing F i Intok6 valva opon Exhau3t vslvg opon INTAKEA INTAKEB XHAUST B TDC...

Page 51: ... match with laroe diametervalves Valve specitications Unit mm in VALVE ITEM INTAKE EXHAUST HEADDIAMETER 3 5 O 1 3 8 3 0 o 1 1 8 STEMDIAMETER 5 5 tO 22l 5 5 lO 22l OVERALL LENGTH r06 75 4 203 106 95 4 2r 1 VALVELIFT Secondary 8 O O 31 M i d 11 5 O 4 5 Primary 6 5 O 26 Secondary 7 5 O 3O M i d 1 O 5 O 4 1 1 Primary 6 O 0 24 Indicates high speed valves I oVERALL LENGTH Fr l ffir HEAD DIAMETER The val...

Page 52: ...sha tdrivebe tandthetimingbe tarearrangedinpara e onasing eaxisforamolecom pact configuration This tensionerallowseasvbelt maintenance TIMINGBELT WATERPUMP PULLEY TENSIOI ER SPRINGfol TIMING BALAIIICER BELT MAINTENANCEBOLT TIMI G AELT AOJUSTER BALANCERBELT TENSIONER 5 12 ...

Page 53: ...s lhe lemalerod out againstthe belt The designis suchthat the rod cannotbe pushedbackintothe housingby beltten s on To pull the femalerod backinto the assembly the malescrew must be turnedwith a screwdriver SCREW IMALEI Machanbm 8 lt Ro6ctlonFo ce ri oThe malescrew is rotated by the lorsron spflng The lemale rod is pushedout as lhe rod rotates O The rod stops when the force oI the torsion spring a...

Page 54: ...iber Theboresin the cylinderblockfor the balancer shaftsandthe deep skirt designimprovethe rigidityof the block BALA CERSI AFT BORES Cylinder spocitications Borex Stroke 87 Ox 90 7 mm 3 43x 3 57 in 94 Omm 3 7Oin BorePitch BlockHeight 2 1 9 5 2 8 6 4 3i n Skirt Depth 50 Omm 1 97 in 2 157 cm3 131 6 cu in Displacement 7 0 mm 0 28 inl L J JJ 7 J zr O O O Q O iEff ...


Page 56: ... e r a t e t h e V T E C o i i s pumpedintothecamshaftho dertoIub icatethejourna s anditsprayslfomorificesintheho derto ubricatetherocker armsandvalves oil is alsosupplied to the VTECsolenoid valve At highRPM this valveopensandoil is pumpedat high Dressure throughthe rockerarm shattsto operatethe VTEC VTEC SOLEIIOIDVALVE OIL CONTROL ORIFICE OIL JET NOZZLE ENGINEOIL FILTER ...

Page 57: ...EngineRemoval lnstallation ...

Page 58: ...reconnectpower to the radioandturn at on When the word CODE is displayed enter the customer s5 digitcodeto restoreradiooperation 1 Securethe hood as far openas possible 2 Disconnect the batterynegative terminaltirst then the positivetetminal 3 Removethe radiatorcap use care vuhonremoving tho radiator cap lo avoid scaldingby hot coolant ol atoam 4 Raisethe hoist to full height Removethe Jront wheel...

Page 59: ...ion 11 Do not smoke while working on tu l systom Keopopsn tlame or spark away ttom work alaa Drain tuol only into an apptoved containet 0 r 1 0rnm 10N m 1 0kg m 7 tb ftl 12 5 1 9 CAUTION a B fore disconnocting any fu6l line r6li vs the tuel pr ssur os dosc ibod above a PlaceI shop towol ovel the tu ltilter to prevent prossulizodtuol trom sprsying ovor tho ongine 13 Removethe fuel feed hosefrom the...

Page 60: ...ethe enginewire harnessconnectors rer minal snd clamps on the right side of engine compartment Bemove the power cable from the under hood tuse relaybox POWER CABLE UNDER HOOD Ir t l Il t o ADJUSYING NUT 18 Removethe brakeboostervacuumhossandemis sion control vacuum tubes from the intake manilold EVAPORATIVE EMISSION IEVAPI CONTROL 1 9 BRAKE BOOSTER VACUUM HOSE Disconnect the connector and vacuum t...

Page 61: ...smovethe air conditioning A C condenserlan shroud then install a protector Dlate on the radiator 6 x 1 O m m 10 N m 1 0 kg m 7 tb ft 23 Loosenthe alternatormountingbolt nut and ad justingnut then removethe alternatorbelt 24 Loosenthe mounting bolt then removethe A C compressof Disconnect the connector a Do not disconnectthe A C noses 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m 12 2kl m 16 rb ft Do not remove tho bohs conr ...

Page 62: ...akecarenot to bendthe cablewhen removing it Always replaceany kinkedcablewith a new one a Adjustthe shiJtcableand selecicablewhen in stalling seesection13 I x 1 25mm WASHER BRACKET i COTTER Roplace WASHER SELECT CAELE PI ASTIC WASHCR Removeth clutch slavecylinderandthe pipe hose assembly M T NOTE a Do not ooerate the clutch pedal once the slave cvlinderhasbeenlemoved a Take care not to bend the Pi...

Page 63: ...18 N m 1 8 kg m P S 5 23 I UT 55 N tn 5 5 kg h 40 b trl 31 Raisethe hoistto ful hoight 32 Removethe exhaustpipeA and bracket GASKET SEI F LOCKIIIG NUT 18 N m 1 8 ks m t3 tb ft Replace EXHAUST PIPEA Replace 33 Removethe A T shift cable A T NOTE a Take ca e not to bend the cable when removing it Always r placeany kinkedcablewith a new one a Adiust the shift cable when installing see sec tion 14 tg N...

Page 64: ... ftI RePlace 35 Disconnect the suspension lowerarmballjointwith the special tool Refer to section 18 tor the procedure 36 43 tb ft CASTLENUT 14 x 2 Omm 50 60 N m DRIVESHAFT 36 Removethe driveshafts 37 Swing the driveshaftunderthe fender NOTE a Coat all precision finished surfaceswith clean engineoil or grease a Tie plastic bags over the driveshaJtends PLASTICBAG ...

Page 65: ...38 Lowerthe hoist 39 Attach the chainhoistto the engine 5 25 ...

Page 66: ...racket transmrsslon and mount 44 Raisethe chainhoist to removeall slackfrom the chain 45 Checkthat the engineis completely freeof vacuum hoses fuet and coolant hoses and elect ical wiring 46 Slowly raisethe engineapproximately 150 mm 6 an Check once again that all hoses and wires have beendisconnected trom the engane 47 Raise the engineallthe way andremoveit Jromthe car ...

Page 67: ...le tension Checkthe clutch pedalfree play M T Check thst the transmissionshifts into gear smoothly l2 x 1 26mm es m le s tg m 2r m t2 1 1s b ft 10r 1 25mm 10r 1 25mm 39 m 3 9kg m 28lb ft 12 7 29 55 m 5 5lg ln 40 NOTE Torque th mounting bolts nuts in the numbgreds quenceas shown O After road t6sting loosen and r tighten the thre bolts on the front r lount brackoi a a a REARMOUITIT 47 b trl R place ...

Page 68: that the fuel pump operatesfor approximately two secondsand the fuel line is pressurized Repeatthis operationtwo or three times then check for fuel leakageat any point in the Juel line cont d MOUNT BRACKET TRANSMISSION 10 r 1 25mm 39 N m 13 9kg m 12 r 1 25mm 95 N m 9 5 kg m 69 lb ftl REABMOUNT 10r 1 25mm 39 N m 3 9 kg m 28 lb tt 2a tb ft 12 x 1 25mm 95 N m 9 5 kg rn 69 lb ftl Standardfor some t...

Page 69: ... lb ftl P S BRACKET F22A1onginol 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m 12 2kg m 16 tb ftt ft x 1 25mm 50 N m 5 Okg m 36 rb ftt 8 x 1 25mm N m 2 2 kg m 16lb ftt 10 x 1 25mm 50 N m 5 O kg m 36 lb frl P SBRACKET H23A1 H22Al ongino tg m I for es 10 x 1 25mm 50 N m 5 O kg m 36 lb ftl Apply liquidgasket to the bok threads 10x 1 25mm 50 m 5 O kg m 36 lb trl ALTERNATORBRACKET INTAKEMANIFOLO A C BRACKET 5 29 ...

Page 70: ...CylinderHead ValveTrain F22A 1 engine 6 1 H23A1engine 6 37 H22Al engine 6 71 ...

Page 71: ...lves Valve Springsand Valve Seals Removal 6 16 Valve Spring and Valve S6al Installation Sequence 6 21 ValveInstallation 6 21 ValveSeats Reconditioning 6 17 ValveGuides Valve Movement 6 18 Replacement 6 19 Reaming 6 20 Camshaft Rocker Arms and CamshaftSeals Pulley fnstalfation 6 22 TimingBeltandTimingBalancer Belt lllustrated Indox 6 25 Replacemont 6 29 TimingBelt lnspection 6 26 Tension Adjustment...

Page 72: ... tlumber 6 20 6 22 6 22 6 22 6 19 20 ValveGuideReamer 5 5 mm Installer CUP lnstaller Shalt SealGuide ValveGuideDriv r 5 5 mm 07HAH PJ701OA or OTHAH_PJ701OB OTNAF_ PTOOl OA OTNAF_PTOO20A OTNAG PTOOl OA o7742 OO10100 o o e Gt r E o ...

Page 73: ... 0rrn 10 N m11 O kg m 7lb ftI Put longer bolt CYLII OER HEADCOVER RUBEER SEALS R placo whondEmag d or d teriorst d CYUITDER HEADBOLT 12r 1 25mm 1OO m lO Okg n 72 lb ft Tightening page6 23 Applysngineoil to the thrgadg CYLII DER HEAD 8 x 1 25mm la N m11 8kg m 13lb ftl R T CYLINDER HEADGASKET METAL GASKETI R olacg DOWEL PI otl coilTRol oRtFtcE Clean O RING Roplace 8 r 1 25mrn 22 t m 2 2kg m 16 lb ft...

Page 74: ...ALVEGUIDE EACr COVER 6 x 1 Orm 12 N mll 2 kg m 9 lb ftl INTAKEV B6movsl pao 6 16 Installation page 6 21 nl rto to teassembling cleanallthe partsin solvent drythem nd applylubricant to anycontsctparts 6 x 1 Omm 12 N m tl 2 ks m 9 lb ft r 1 25 mm 22 trl m 2 2 kg h 16 lb ft VALVE ADJUSTINGSCREW 7 r 0 75 mm 20 m 2 0 kg m 14 lb ft Apply oil Adjustment psge 6 34 Ib ili i ExHAUsr vALvE spRrNG _____la I I...

Page 75: ...tors and the wire hsrn ss 4 Usingthe 8 mm bolts suppliedwith the tool mount the two uprightsto the cylinderh6adatthe endcam shaft holders Th uprights tit ov8r the camshatt as shown 5 Insertthe crossshaftthroughth6 top holaof th two uprights trl 6 5 OII PA gAGES 6 Intake V lv Soals 6 S lgctthe 7 8 in diameterlong compressorattach m nt 8nd fasten the gttachment to th6 No 5 hole of th levorarm with t...

Page 76: ...ith the speedpin supplied 14 Positionthe lever arm under the cross shaft so the leveris perpendicular to the shaft andthe compressor attachmentrestson top of the retainerfor the spring beingcompressed Usethe front positionslot on the leveras shown NOTE Putshoptowels overthe oil passages to pre vent the valve keepersfrom fallinginto the cylinder head 6 6 15 Usinga downwatd motion on the levsrarm co...

Page 77: ...leyso that tho No 1 dston is at top doadcenter pag 6 281 a Maks all emission hos s betore disconnocting th m NOTE The radiomay havea codedtheft protectioncir cuit Besureto get the customer scode numberbefore Disconnecting the battery Removing the No 43 1OA tuse ln the under hood fuse relavboxl Removing the radio After service reconnectpowerto the radioandturn it on Whentheword CODE isdisplayed ent...

Page 78: ... m 2 2kg m 16lb ftl Removethe sparkplugcapsandthe distributor Remove the connectorandthete minalfromthe alter nator then removethe enginewire harnesstrom the cylinderheadcover Remove thefollowingenginewireharnessconnectors and clamps f om the cylinder head and the intake manitold a Fourtuel injectorconnectors o IntakeairtemDerature lAT sensorconnector o ldleaircontrol lAC valveconnector Throttlepo...

Page 79: ... intake manifold THERMOSTATASSEMALY 18 Disconnect theconnector andvacuumtube thenre move the cruisecontrolactuator CNUISE CONTROL ACTUATOR 6 x 1 0 rnm 10 N m 1 0kg h 7 tb trl VACUUMTUBE cor r EcToR Removethe enginegroundcablefrom the bodyside Remove thepowersteeringlP S pumpbeltandpump NOTE a Do not disconnect the P S hoses After installingsdiustthe tensionof the P Spump belt seesection 17 P S PUM...

Page 80: ...l on you wh e workng und91il 23 Remove the front wheelsandthe enginesplashshield page5 18 6 10 24 Remove the heatinsulator carsequipped with aircon ditioning onlY 25 Removethe self ocking nuts and disconnectthe ex haustmanifoldandexhaustPiPeA 26 Bemovethe exhaust manifoldbracket and exhaust manifold HEAT INSULATOR Carsoquippedwith airconditioningl Remove the positive crankcase ventilation PCV hose...

Page 81: ...1 inl in diameter GANo Good 32 Removethe cylinderheadbolts then removethe cylinderhead CAUTION To prevontwarpag unscrow tho bolts in soquonc 1 3 turn at a timo rop atuntllall bohs ars loosonad CYLIT OER HEAOSOLTLOOSENING SEOUENCE ning cv mrng NOTE Separate the cylinderheadfrom ihe blockwith a llat bladescrewdriveras shown 6 1 1 ...

Page 82: ... specialwasher the camshaftpulleyand the key then removethe back cover CAMSHAFT PULLEY RockerArm AssemblY Removal 1 Loosenthe sdjustingscrews then removethe bolts andthe rockerarm assembly NOTE Unscrswthe camshaftholderboltstwo tums at a time in a crisscrosspsnern to pre nt damaging the valvesor rockerarmassmbly When removingthe rockerarm assembly do not removethe camshaft holderbohs The bolts wil...

Page 83: ...he projectionof the intakerockershaftto the notch in the camshaftholder Priorto reassembling cleanallthe part in solvent dry them andapplylubricantto anycontactparts Letter 9 is stamped on tockeratm IITITAKE BOCKER INTAKE ROCKER INTAKE ROCKER sHAFr sxmr ARM s lshon 2 placesl long 3 places 4 plsces Lefter A is stampod on tockerarm lh tr o I liif ro I ti or or ll t o HoLDER I HoLDER I HoLDER HoLDER ...

Page 84: ...lNow 0 o5 o 1 5 mm O 0O2 O 0O6 in S rviceUmh O 5mm O O2 in 6 mm BOLTS 8 mmBOLTS CAMSHAFT 6 14 o Removethe bolts then removethe camshaftholders lrom the cylinderhead Liftcamshaftout ot cylidnerhead wipeclean then inspectlift ramps Replace camshaftiflobesarep t ted scored or excessively worn Cleanthe camshaftbearingsurfscesinthe cylinder head then set camshaftbackin place Insertplastigage strip acro...

Page 85: ...ol tolerance replacethe cylinderhead Measurecam lobeheight CamLob Height lntakeStanda d 38 526mm 1 5168in ErhaustStandard 38 778 mm 1 5267 in RockerArms Clearance Measureboththe intakerockershaftsandexhaustrocker shaft Measure diameter ot the shaft at the tirst rocker location Measure the insidediameter of the ocker arm and checktor out of roundcondition Rock rAm to Shaft Cloarance Standdd N w lma...

Page 86: ...P N57900orKD3350 COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE 6 16 4 Removethe valveseal lntako Valvo txrronsions A Standtd tlowl 33 90 34 1O mm 1 335 1 343 in B Standtdocw 11O 88 l 11 18mm 4 365 4 377 in C Strdard ow 5 485 5 495 mm O 2159 O 2163 in C SorviceLinit 5 455 mm 0 2148 in D Standard t ow 0 85 1 1 5 mm 0 033 O 045in D S rvbr Linit 0 65 mm 0 026 inl Exha 3tValvo Dlmonsions A Sta dsd t ow 28 90 29 10 mm t 1 1 3...

Page 87: ...stthe seatseveraltimes PRUSSIAI 6 Theactualvslveseatingsurface asshownbythe blue compound shouldbe centeredon the seat lf it istoo high clos rto the valvestem youmust makea secondcut with the 600 cutterto move it doun then onemor cut with the 45o cutterto re storesest width a lf it is too low closerto the vslveedge you must makea secondcut with the 3Oocutterto moveit up then one more cut whh the 4...

Page 88: ...ite Clea ance Standard New 0 11 0 16 mm 0 0O4 0 0O6in SorvicoLimit O 24mm 0 OO9in Valveextended1Omm out from seat a lf measurement exc edsthe servicelimit recheck usinga new valve a l measurementis now within servicelimit reas s mbleusinga new valve a lf measurement stillexceeds limit recheckusingal ternate method below then replace valve and guide it necessary NOTE An ahemate method oJ checking g...

Page 89: rhan 3 X oF fi5oocl oxccsslvc hoat may looaantl c vdw rcat3 a To avoid brrB uco heavy gbves whon hsnding tho hoad cyrer h ad eck as J al and t o alve r ol eler alve iure nor 4 Workingtromthecamshaftside Usethedriverandan air hammerto drive the guide about 2 mm 0 1 in towardsthe combustionchamber Thiswill knockoff someof the carbonandmakeremovaleasier GAUTION o AlwEys woar satsty goggles or a fa...

Page 90: ... untilthe attachmentbottoms on the head lf you haveallsixteenguidesto do you mav haveto reheatthe headone or two moretimes Valve GuldeInsta od H iglrt fntak 23 75 24 25 mm O 91 5 O 947 inl Exhaust 15 o5 15 55mm 0 593 0 61 2 in Reaming NOTE Fornew valveguidesonly 1 Coatboth reamerandvalveguidewith cuttingoil 2 Rotatethereamerclockwisethefulllengthol thevalvs guidebore 3 Continueto rotatethe reamerc...

Page 91: ...e vatvespringcests boforeinstallinothe vstvgseals VALVEGUIDE SEAI I STALTIR KD 2899 COUMERCIAI I Y AVAILABT E t OlE Usgsrnall lOendof tool IBLACTSPRIITGI Replace ValveInstallation When installingvalvesin cylinderhead coat valvestems with oil beforeinsertinginto vslve guides and makesure valvesmove up anddown smoothlv Whenvalvesandspringsarein place lightlytap the endof eachvalvestemtwo or th eetim...

Page 92: ...esof the No 1 and No 6 camshaftholders Apply liquidgasketto the shadedareas No 1 B J l t v Setthe rockerarmassembly inplace8ndlooselyinstall the bolts Make surethat the rockerarms are propeflyposl tionedon the valvestems lnstallthe camshaftoil s8alusingthe speci8ltools as shown o7l ac PTOOl0A Applyoil INSTALLER SHAFT OTNAF_PTOO2OA CAMSHAFT SEALGUIDE 6 22 OILSEAL SEAL GUTOE o7t AG PT0010A INSTALLEF...

Page 93: ...nstallthe boltsthat securethe intakemanifoldto its bracketbut do not tightenthem yet Positionthe camshaftcorrectly page6 29 Tightenthe cylinderheadbolts sequentially in three steps 1rt stopto que 40 N m 4 0 kg m 29 lb ft 2nd stoptorque 70 N m 7 0 kg m 51 tb ft 3 d ctepto quo 10ON m 10 Okg m 72 tb ft NOTE a W recommendusinga beam type torquewrench Whenusinga preset type torque wrench be sure to tig...

Page 94: ... rb ftl 7 8 lnstallthe exhaustmdtifold andtightenthe nuts n a ri roo putt a in 2 or 3 steps beginningwith the innel nut a Always use8 now exhaustmanifoldgasket lnstallth exhaustmanifoldbracket th n instsllthe i h tt pip q and the bracket and then installthe cov f GASKET Replace 8x l 25mm 32Nm13 2kg m 23 lb ft Replace I x 1 25mm 22N m 22 kg m 16 tb ft 1Ox 1 25mm 45 N m 4 5kg m 33 tb ft GASKET R pla...

Page 95: ...tod LOWER COVER Remove thefive bolts CAPNUT 6 x l O m m 10N m 1 0kg m 7 tb ft CYLINDER HEAD COVER 12 N m 1 2kg m _ glb tr l CRAr KSHAFT WIIIV UAMSHAFT ltrcnNartia aelr i n oir PYLEY a N m 2 2 0 k s m 3 bft ot engineoil to the crr threads but not u surfacethat r ts the washet uGAELT 6 r 1 O m m r2 N m 1 2 ks m I rb ft Adjustment section23 BELT TE SIOITERS Remove anyoil SEALS Replace when damaged or...

Page 96: ...owing ad justment a Always rotate the crankshaftcounterclockwisewhen viewedlrom the pulleyside Rotatingit clockwisemay resultin improperadlustmentof the belttension Inspectthetimingbalancer beltbeforeadiusting thebelt tension Donot loosenthe adjustingnut morethan onefullturn 1 Disconnect the alternator terminalandthe connector thenremovetheenginewireharness flom the cylinder headcover Removethe cy...

Page 97: ... Removethe lower cover 6 Installthe crankshaftpulley 7 Inspectthe timing balancerbelt for c acks and oil or coolantsoaking NOTE o Replace the belt if oil or coolantsoaked a Removeanyoil or solventthat gets on the belt Inspect thisarea tor wear Botate pulley andrnspect belt After inspecting retorque the crankshaftpulleyboltto 22ON m 22 Oks m 159 tb ftl NOTE Referto page 6 32 tor timing batancerbelt...

Page 98: ...rquethe crankshaftpulleybolt to 220 N m 22 0kg m 159lb ft CAMSHAFTTDCPOSITION NOTE When turning the crankshaft with a socket wrench installthe crankshaftpulleyandrhe pulleybolt UP MARK 6 28 CRANKSHAFT TDCPOSITIO T MANUALTRANSMISSION FLYWHEEL AUTOMANC TRANSMISSION DRIVEPTATE INSPECTIOI HOLE INSPECNO HOLE POINTERS ot BLocK TOC MARK WHITEI ...

Page 99: ...tingbolts nuts and P Spump belt from the power steering P S pump NOTE a Do not disconnectthe PiSpipeand hose After installing adiustthe tensionof the P Spump belt seesection171 POWEB PUMP STEERING LOCKNUT 15N m 1 5 kg m 11tb ft 4 MOUNTING BO TS 8 x 1 2 5 m m 22 N m 12 2kg m 1Erb ftl P SPUMP AELT Disconnect the alternator terminalandthe connector thenremovetheenginewireharness fromthe cvlinder head...

Page 100: ...13 Removethe lower cover 10 6 r l Omm 12N m t 2kg m 9 rb ft 12r 1 25 un 55N m 5 5kgfl 40 lb ft CYUNDER HEAD COVER e e DIPSTICK PIPE RUBEER SEALS l2 x 1 25mm 65 N m 6 5kg m 47 tb ft R placewh n damag dor deterioratsd SIDE MOUNT RUEBER SEAL Replace whsn damaged or detorioratod 6 x l O m f t 12 N m 1 2kg m I rb ft UPP R COVER 6 x t O m m RUBBER SEALS Replace when damagedor deterior6ted AOJUSTINGNUT 1...

Page 101: ...h this procedure TIMINGBELT ADJUSTER ARM 17 Loosen the 6 x 1 0mm lockboltandthe adjustingnut Pushon the timing beltadjusterpulleyto removeten sionfrom the belt thentightenthe adiustingnut 18 Removethe timing belt 19 Installthe timing belt in the reverseorderof removal Adjustthe valveclesrances page6 34 Betoreinstalling therimingb lt the crankshaftand camshaftpulleysasshown on page6 28 2O Perform t...

Page 102: ...y Installthe timing balancerbelt Removethe 6 x 1OO mm bolt from the rearbalancershaft 27 Turn the crankshaftpullev about one turn counter clockwise thentightenthe adjustingnuitto the speci iedtorque NOTE Both belt adiusters are spring loadedto properly tensionthe behs Donot spplyanyextmpres sureto the pulleysor tensionerswhile performingthe adiustment REARBALANCER SHAFT 25 MAII TENANCE HOLE WASHER...

Page 103: ...UT 1 0 x 1 2 5 r n 45 N m 4 5kg m 33 rb ft PULLEY BOLT 14x 1 25 mm 22ON m 22 0kg m 159 lb ft Applyengine oilto the bolt threads Installthe uppercover Installthe crankshaftpulley Coat the threadsand seatingtace oJthe putleybolt with engineoil Installand tighten to the specified rorque Specifiodtorqus 220 N m 22 Okg m 159 tb ft SEAL Replgcswhon damsged or dsterioratsd 32 33 34 6 x 1 0 m m 12 N m 1 2...

Page 104: ...op andTDCgrooveson the cam shaft pulleyshouldalignwith cylind rh adsurface Numbor1 riston atTDC N o 4 N o 3 N o 2 N o 1 N o 4 N o 3 N o 2 N o 1 Ut l 24 6 34 Adjustvalveson No 1 cylinder Intake 0 26 mm o o1o in 1333fll13 ffi lll Exhaut o 30 mm 0 o12 in 13 33ffi13ffi9ili Loosenlocknutandturn adjustmentscrewuntilJeeler gaugeslidesbackandforthwith slightamountofdrag LOCKlrlUTTxO T5mm 20N m 2 0kg m 14l...

Page 105: ... 3 Piston at TDC 7 Rotatecrankshaft180o counterclockwise to bring No 4 pistonto TDC Both TDC g oovesare once againvisible Adjust valveson No 4 cylinder Numbor 4 Piston at TDC UP MARK 8 Rotatecrankshat180o counterclockwise to bring No 2 pistonto TDC The UP markshoutdbe at intskeside Adjust valveson No 2 cylinder Number 2 Pbton at TDC 6 35 ...

Page 106: ...emoval 6 50 Valve Spring and Valve Seal Installation Sequence 6 55 Valv Installation 6 55 Valve Seats Recondltioning 6 51 ValveGuldes ValveMovement 6 52 Replacernent 6 53 Reaming 6 54 RockerArms Camehafte and CamrhaftSoals Pulleys lnstallation 6 57 TlmlngBeltand TimingBalancer Belt lllustratod Index 6 59 Replacement 6 63 TimingBelt Inspoctlon 6 60 Tension Adjustment 6 60 Positionlng CrankshaftBefo...

Page 107: ...l0tr qq Prq Rd r nca o 07GAD PH70100 o7757 PJ1010A 07942 6570100 O7984 657O1OC or 07984 657010D Valve Guide S al lnstall6 Valve Spring CompressorAttachment ValveGuideDriver 6 6 mm ValveGuideReamer 6 6 mm 1 I 1 1 6 55 6 50 6 53 54 6 54 o fl o 6 38 ...

Page 108: ...BEB SEAIS Replace wlrsn or doteriorat d DOWEL PIII 13 lb frl EXHAUST CAMSHAFT ROCKERARM ADJUSTINGSCREW Adjustment page 6 68 LOCKT UT L e 8 I n flE ufl nfl ui V 6 r l O m m 12 N m 1 2kg m 9 lb ttl 6 x 1 0 m m lO N m 1 2kg m 7 lb ft tt TAKE CAMSHAFT HOLDER AKECAMSHAFT roction pag66 48 l T iih qub o HEX SEALS Instsllation psge6 57 Roplacs DISTRIBUTOR CAMSHAFT PULLEYS Removal pag6 6 48 Installation pa...

Page 109: ...6placoment page 6 63 ADJUSTIT G EXHAUSTVALVESEAL Rsplaca VALVESPRING SEAT EIIDPIVOT EOLTS 64 N m 16 4kg m 46 lb ftl INTAKEVALVE GUIDE Insp ction page 6 52 Replacement page 6 53 Rsaming pag 6 54 nfl 12x 1 26mrn lOON m 10 0ks m 72 lb ft Applycleanongine oil to threadsandunderthg boltheads VALVEKEEPERS SPEING RETAINER ENGII E MOUNT BRACKET B 10 r 1 25mm A E VAIV SPNIG I TAXEVALVESEAL Replacam nt psg ...

Page 110: ...with thetool mount the two uprights to the cylinder as shown Insert the cross shaft through the bottom holes ol the two uprights OIL PASSAGES OIL PASSAGES 9 10 Intako Valva Sorb 8 Selectthe 1 1l18in diameter longcompressor at tachment andfastenthe attachmentto the holeof the leverarm with the speedpin supplied Insertan air sdaptorinto the sparkplughole Pump air into the cylinderto keepthe valveclo...

Page 111: ... speedpin 17 Positionthe leverarm underthe crossshaft so it is perpendiculsrto the shaft and the compressor attachment rests on top of the retainer for the spring being comprcssed Use the front position slot on the leveras shown NOTE Putshop towels overthe oil passages to prevent the valve keepers from Jalling into the cvlinderhead ll 6 42 1 8 Usinga downward motion on the leverarm com pressthe va...

Page 112: ...ore disconnecting them a The radiomay have a codedtheft protection cir cuit Besureto get the customer s code number before Disconnectingthe battery Removing the No 43 lOAl fuse ln the under hoodfuse relav boxl Removingthe radio After service reconnect Dowe to th radio and turn it on Whenthe word COOE is displayed enter the customer s 5 digit code to restore ra dio ooeration l Disconnectthe negativ...

Page 113: ...necror o Heatedoxygensensor HO2S connectot a ECT sensor connector a ECTgaugesendingunit connector a lgnitioncontrolmodulellCMl connector a CKP ToC CYP sensorconnector a VehiclesDeedsensor VSS connector a lgnitioncoil connector a Intake air bypass solenoid valve connsctor a ECTswitch A connector a Knocksensorconnector 6 44 9 R moveth enginegroundcableJtomth cylinder head cover 10 Disconnectthe alte...

Page 114: ...e and heaterhose from the cvlinderhead 15 Removethe water bypasshoseand the thermostst housing 6 x 1 0mm 12 tt m 11 2kg_m 9 tb ft CORNOSION RESISTANTBOLT 16 Removethe intake manifold manitold bracket and intake 17 Removethe selt lockingnuts anddisconnectthe ex_ haust manitold8nd exhaustpipeA 18 Removethe heatinsulator carsequippedwith A Cl exhaustmanifoldbracketand exhau manifold HEAT INSULATOR ca...

Page 115: ...lleys CAUTION Do not crimp or bond tho timing belt more than 90 o ol lsss than 25 mm l inl in diametor G4z No Good 1 9 20 21 24 Removethe camshatt Pullsys NOTE To set the camshaftsat TDC for No 1 cylinder alignthe holesinthe camshaftswith thg holesin the No 1 camshaftholdersandinsert5 O mm oin punches 8 r 1 25mm 38 m 13 8kg r 27 tb ft 25 Loosenthe rocker arm adiusting screws then re move the camsh...

Page 116: ... 1 25mm 22 N m12 2kg m 16 tb ftl 27 Removethe cylinderheadbolts then removethe cylinderhead CAUTION To prevontvvalpaga unscrlw tho bohr in sequenc 1 3 turn at a timo rapaatuntil all bohr arg loosaned CYLINOER HEAD BOLTLOOSEI INGSEOUEI CE NOTE Separate the cvlinderheadfrom the blockwith a flat tip screwdriveras shown 6 47 ...

Page 117: the holesin the No 1 camshaftholdersandinsert5 0 mm pin punches UP m6rks Alignthe markson the pulleys Camshafts Inspection NOTE Do not totate camshaft during inspection 1 Removethe rockerarms NOTE Rockerarmsmusi be installedin the same oosition if reused 2 Putthe camshaftsandthe camshaftholderson the cylinderhead then tighten the boltsto the specified toroue Specifledtorque Exc8pt Intake Exhaus...

Page 118: ...urnal Camshsfi to HoldorOil Cloaiance Standard Now O O5O 0 089 mm 0 0020 O OO35inl SorvicaLimit O 15 mm 0 0O6inl ExhaustNo 5 Jounal Standard Newl O lOO 0 139 mm 0 0039 0 OO55 inl Servics Limit 0 20 mm O OOB inl 7 lf camshaft to holder oilclearancsis out oftolerance a And th6 camshafthasalreadybeenreplaced you must r6placgthe cylinderhead r lf camshafthasnot beenreplaced first checkto tal runout wi...

Page 119: ...PJIOIOA VALVEGUIDESEALRETVIOVER LISLE P N57900 or KD335o COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE 6 50 4 Removeth valvese8l lntake Valvo Dlncndons A Standard Nowl 33 90 34 10 mm B Standard l wl C Standard rw C Sorvic Llmh D StandErd rv D Servic Llmh B stand rd lt cw C StandErdlt ewl C Servico Lknh D Standard Nrw D Sorvico Lirit 1 335 1 343inl 102 6O 1O2 8O mm 4 035 4 047 lnl 6 58O 6 590mm 10 2691 O 2594 inl 6 55mm ...

Page 120: ...E VALVE SEAT PRUSSIANBLUECOMPOUI D The actualvslve seatingsudace as shown by the bluecompound shouldbo centeredon the seat a lf it is too high closerto the valv6 stem you must make a secondcut with the 600 cuttef to move it down then onBmore cut with the 45o cutter to rgstore saat width a f it is too low closeto th6 valveedge you must make a secondcut with the 30o cutter to move it up then one mor...

Page 121: ...Exha6t Valve Stom to4ulde Clearanca Standrd lNow O 10 0 16 mm O 0O4 O 006 in Sowic Limh 0 22 mm 0 OO9in a lf measuremant exce dsthe servicelimit r8check using a new valvs a lf measurementis now within the servic limit reassembleusing a ngw valv a lf measurementstill excaadslimit recheckusing alternatem thod b low then replacevslve snd guide if necessary NOTE An altsrnate m thod of ch cking guide t...

Page 122: ...s a lorch h may wan rh h ad Do not got ths headhotr6rthan 3O0oF 1soocl oxcasaivo hsat may loosentho valve seats a To avoid burns uso hoavy glovas when handling ths heatod cylinde hoad 4 Workingfromthe camshaftside usethe driverandan air hammerto drive the guide about 2 mm 0 1 in towardsthe combustionchamber Thiswill knockoff someoJthe carbonandmakeremovaleasier CATUION a Always wear sal ty goggles...

Page 123: Vdvo Guide InstatredHoight Standard Newl lmake 13 25 13 75mm O 522 O 541 in Erhaust 13 75 14 25mm O 541 O 561 in VALVEGUIDE Reaming NOTE Fornew valveguidesonly 1 Coat both reamerandvalveguidewith cuning oil 2 Rotatethe reamer clockwisethefulllengthofthe valve guidebore 3 Continueto rotatethe teamerclockwisewhileremov ing it trom the bore 4 Thoroughlywashthe guidein detergentandwater to removean...

Page 124: ...NNO SPRING SEAT NOTE Installthe valvespringseatsbefore installinothe valveseals VALVEGUIDE SEAL IITSTALLER oTGAO PH701 x BTACK SPRING Replac ValveInstallation When installingvalvesin cylinderhead coat valvestems with oil beforeinseninginto valveguides and makesure valvesmove up anddown smoothly Whenvalvesandspringsareinplace lightlytap the endof eachvalvestemtwo orthreetimeswith a plasticmalletto ...

Page 125: ...SKET Replace OILCONTROL ORIFICE Clean O RING Replace 6 56 2 Tighten the cylinder headboltssequentially in three steps lst stoptorque 40 Nm 4 0kg m 29lb ft 2ndsteptorque 70 N m 7 0kg m 51lb ft 3rdstoptorquo 10ONm 10 0kg m 72lb ft NOTE a Werecommend using abeam type torque wrench Whenusinga preset type torquewrench besure to tighten slowlyandnotto overtighten It a boltmakes anynoise whileyouaretorqu...

Page 126: ...camshaltsealswith the openside spring facing in 3 Apply liquidgasketto the headmatingsurtacesof the No 1 and No 6 camshaftholders then install them alongwith No 2 3 4 and 5 NOTE a 1 or E marksarestampedon the camshaft holders a Do not applyoil to the holdermatingsurfaceof camshaftseals a Apply liquidgasketto the shadedareas a The a rows marked on the camshaft holders shouldpoint toward the timing ...

Page 127: ...2 kg m I lb ft INTAKE 6 58 1 1 SDecifi6d Torque Exhaust Exceot G O 10Nm 1 0kg m 7lb ft i 12N m 1 2 ks m 9 lb ft 8 lnstallthe backcover Installkeysinto camshaftgrooves NOTE To setthe camshaftsat TDCpositionfor No 1 piston align the holesin the cdnshafts with the holesin llo 1 camshaftholdersandinsert5 Omm pin punchesin the holes 9 Pushcamshaftpulleysonto camshafts then tighten the retainingboltsto ...

Page 128: ...cement page6 63 PULLEY 8OL 14 x 1 25mm 220 N m 22 0kg m 159tb ft Apply engineoilto th6 bolt thrcads but not to the surfacethat contactsthe washer TE SIOI ER SPRII G RUEBER SEALS Roplace whendamaged 9 TEI SIO ER SPAII G Remove any ofl CRANKSHAFI R LLEY Removg anyoil 6 x 1 0 m m 12N m 1 2kg m I lb ft or detoriorated 8 r 1 25mm 38N m 3 8ks m 27lb ft KEYS CAMSI AFT PULLEYS CAPt UT 6r 1 0 nm lON ml1 O ...

Page 129: ...opertensionto the belt automaticallyafter makingthe following ad justment Alwavs rotate the crankshaft counterclockwise when viewedtrom the pulleyside Rotatingit clockwisemay resultin improperadiustmentot the belttension Inspectthetimingbalancer beltbeforeadjusting the belt tension a Donot loosenthe adjustingnut morethanonefull turn 1 Disconnect the alternator terminalandthe connector thenremoveth...

Page 130: ...he crankshaftpulley 5 Removethe lower cover 6 Installthe crankshaftpulley 7 Inspectthe timing belt for cracks and oil or coolant soaking NOTE a Replace the beltif oil or coolantsoaked o Removeanyoil or solventthat gets on the belt Rotate pullgy andinspect bglt After insp cting retorquethecrankshaftpulleyboltto 22ON m 22 Okg m 159lb ft NOTE Referto psge 6 66 for timing batancerbelt tensionadiustm n...

Page 131: ...ftpulleybolt to 22ON m 22 Oks m 159lb ft CMN SHAFTTDCFOSITION FLYWHEEL DRIVEPLATE NOTE When turning the crankshaft with a socket wrench installthe crankshaJt pulleyandthe pull y bolt POINTERS ON BLOCK 6 62 UP MARKS CAMSHAFT TDCFOSITION TDC MARKS Align the marks on the pullays CAUTIOI Romovc thr pln Frnchos attor installlng th tlming boh PI Pt CHES 5 0 nm ...

Page 132: ...e mounting bolts nutsandpoly V b lt from thepowersteering P Sl pump NOTE Oonotdisconnect theP SpiDe andhose Afterinstalling adiust thetension ottheP Spump belt seesection 171 P SPUMP LOCKI UT 15 N m 1 5 kg m 11tb ft BOLTS T UTS 8 r 1 25rfn 22 N m12 2 kg m 16rb ftt Disconnect the alternatorterminalandthe connector thenremovethe enginewirehamessfromthecylinder headcover Loosenthe altemator mounting ...

Page 133: ... lower cover 12x 1 25mm 6 x 1 0 m m 12N m 1 2 kg m 9 rb ftt 12 x 1 25mft 55 N m 5 5kg r 40 tb ft 1 1 RUBBER SEALS Replace when oamageo ol 65 N m 6 5kg m 47 tb ft RUBBER SEALS Replace whsn damagedor deterio ated RUBBER SEAL Replace when damagedor det aiorated MIDDLECOVER Semove o any 6 x 1 0 m m 12 N m 1 2 kg m 9 lb ft PULLEY BOLT 14x 1 25 mm 220N m 22 O kg m 159lb ft Apply engineoil to the bolt th...

Page 134: ...h belts continuewith this procedure TIMING BELT ADJUSTER ARM 16 Loosen6 x 1 Omm lock bolt and the adjustingnut Pushon the timing beltadjusterpulleyto removeten siontrom the belt then tightenthe adjustingnut 17 Removethe timing b lt 18 lnstallthe timing behin the reverseorderof removal Beforeinstalling the timingbelt positionthe crank shaft and camshaft pulleys as shown on page 6 62 19 Per ormthe t...

Page 135: ...senthe adjustingnut and verifYthat the timing balancerbeltadiustermovesfreely 25 Installthe timing balancerbelt Removethe 6 x 1OO mm bolt from the rearbalancershaft 26 Tu n the crankshaftpulleYabout one turn counter clockwise then tighten the adiusting nut to the specl tied torque NOTE Both belt adiusters are spring loadedto properlytension the belts Donot applyanyextrapres sureto the pulleYsor te...

Page 136: ...of the pulleybolt with engine oil Installand tighten to the specified toroue Spocifiedto ql 3 220 N m 22 0 kg m 159 tb ft RUBBER SEAL Replacewhen damagedor deteriorat d 6 x l O mm 1 2 N m 1 2 k s m I l b f t PULLEY EOLT 14r 1 25mm 22ON m122 0 ks tn 159lb ft MIODLE COVER RUBEERSEAL Replac when damagedot deteriorated RUEBER SEALS Repl6c6 when damag dor dsteriorated 6 x 1 Orrn 12 N mll 2 kg m I lb ft...

Page 137: ...ttop andTDCArooves onthe cam shaft pulleysshouldalignwith cylinderheadsurface Number1 fiston at TDC INTAKE UP MARKS TDC MARKS Align the marks on the pulleys 6 68 4 Adjustvalveson No 1 cylinder Valve Cl6a anca lntak 0 07 O 11 mm O 0O3 0 0O4 in Exhaust 0 15 0 19 mm 0 006 0 007 in Loosenlocknut and turn adjustingscrew until feeler gaugeslides backandJonhwith slightamountofdrag 27N m 2 7kg m 20lb ftl ...

Page 138: ... 3 Distonat TDC 7 Rotatecrankshaft18Oocounterclockwise to bring No 4 pistonto TDC the TDCgroovesareonc agsin aligned Adjust valveson No 4 cylinder Numbor 4 piston 8t TDC 8 RotatecrankshaftI8Oo counterclockwise to bring No 2 Distonto TDC The UP marksshouldbe at intakeside Adjust valveson No 2 cylinder Number 2 dston at TDC UP MARKS 6 69 ...

Page 139: ...103 RockerArmg and Shafts Removal 6 g Locations 6 90 Clearance 6 91 Installation 6 102 Lost motion AssemHies Inspection 6 92 Camshafts Inspectbn 6 93 Vdves VafueSpringsandValveSeals Removal 6 95 Vdve SpringandVdve Seal lrutalation Sequence 6 101 Vdve lnstallation 6 102 Vaho Seats Reconditioning 6 97 Vdve Gukles Valve Movernent 6 98 Replacemst 6 99 Reaming 6 t0O TimingBdt andnming Balancer B at ltu...

Page 140: ...130100 07742 O010100 o7757 PJ10l0A vaNe Gu de Reame 5 5 mm Air Stopper Tappet Adiuster Tappet Locknut Wrench ValveSpringCompr ssor Attachment Extension Timing Belt Slider ValveGuideDriver 5 5 mm Valve Spring CompressorAttachment 1 1 1 1 6 100 6 81 82 6 115 6 1 1 5 6 95 6 106 6 99 100 6 95 _rr _ __ b P il o B U A J 9 r r blrrrlllsaf q _ ___e dD o 6 72 ...

Page 141: ...idgask t to thesepornts RUBBEB SEALS Replacewh n or deteriorated 8 x 1 25mm 1 8 N m 1 8 k g m 13 tb ft DISTBIBUTOR I r 1 25mm 2 6 N m k 2 6 k g m t 9 lb ftl 6 x 1 O m m 12N m 1 2kg m 9 t b f t RUBBER CAP Replacewhen damaged or dete orated CAMSHAFTHOLOER AKECAMSHAFT page6 93 Installation page6 105 Replace wEc SOLENOID VALVE CAMSHAFTPULLEYS Removal page6 86 Installation page6 105 KEYS 10x 1 25mm 51 ...

Page 142: ...VALVE LOST MOTION ASSEMBLY CYLINDER HEADGASKET METAL GASKETI Replace DOWEL PINS NOTE Do not installthe oil controlorifice I EXHAUST ROCKER SHAFT ORIFICE Clean i INTAKE VALVE R placement Oimension pag 6 95 Reconditioning valve seal pago6 97 Adiustment page6 1 15 f o o n INTAKE VALVE SPRING INNER INTAKE VALVE SPNING OUTER Replacement pag s6 95 SPRING SEAT ALVEGUIDE Inspection page6 98 Replacement pa...

Page 143: ...MIL hr b on aoon6don With s rvlc chock connoctor Fmpod lp go 11 42 cod6 2 1 i8 indhatod Do tho onglno c ontrol modole ECMI Rosot Plocoduro p go 11 43 Wann up onginoto normd op rat ing tompo ature lradiator t6n como onr Do thg RoadTest r Intorrnlttaot lailuro 3y8tom ir OK at thi tim6 Ch6ck tor poo connoctiona o 10036 wiro at VTEC aolonoid valveand ECM ls MILon anddoesit indicate code21 Dbconnoc tth...

Page 144: ...TEC solonoidvalv6 Conngcttho ECM tost hamds lo the moin ha n t Measuro the rosfutanco botween A4 t rmlnaland 426 t6rminal Ch d lor ogdt or ho l In wlto ba tw on ECM lnd VTEC lohnold vdvg ls there14 30 0 substituts a known ood ECM and rccheck ll symplom indlc tion goosaway toplacothc odginal ECM 6 76 ...

Page 145: ...chccl corn cior Fmp d p gr I 142 Cod 22 l Indlcltrd Do the ongine control moduls ECMI Bgset Procedure lpags 11 43 Warmup engine to normaloper ating temp mtur lradiEtorfan comes onr Do the RoodTest lr tmltt nt dura y t m b OK rt lhl tlmc Chlck td poor conn ctlionr ot loota wklr rt VTEC prct or rwltch lnd EM Tu n the ignition switch OFF Digconnoctthe 2Pconnoctor from th VTEC oressuroswitch Chsck for...

Page 146: ...mlnll ol th EcM It wko b oK rub iltuto r known good ECM and ictort ls there approx 10 V Measurs the voltage across the 8LU BLKandBLKwiresin 2Pcon nector Rgpolropon d ori In BLKwko bo twc n lha 2P connoctor gnd body ground ls ther6 approx 10 V Turn the ignitionswitch OFF Reftove 10 mm soalingbolt nd connect oil prgss re gauge Connoct a tachomster se sec tion 1 1 Start the ngine and warm it uP to no...

Page 147: ... engins and run above 5 OOO rpm Measurethe voltage between D6 l l and O22 l l terminal ol the ECM Subrlhute a known good ECM nd r chock It rymptoh lndic tlon gooalwsy rcplscetha o igi nll ECM PRESSURE GAUGE COMMERCIAI IYAVAILAALE WASHER R6place NOTE Keeprl ossuringtimg as short as poasiblebgcause engin is running with no losd l6ssthan one minute SEALIIIGBOLT 20 N lnl2 Okg ln 14 tb frl S AP ON MT26...

Page 148: ...e approx14 30 ohms lf the resistanceis within specifications removethe VTEC solenoidvalve from the cylinder head and checkthe VTECsolenoidvalvefilter for clogging o lf thereis clogging replacethe engineoilfilter and the engineoil VTECSOLENOID VALVE 6 80 4 lf the filter is not clogged push the VTECsolenoid valvewith yourfingerandcheckits movement o lf VTECsolenoidvalveis normal checkthe engine oil ...

Page 149: ...stonsin the mid and pfimary rockerarmsmovesmoothly o lf any rocker arm needs eplacing replacethe primary mid andsecondaryrockerarmsasan as_ semblv Inspection UsingSpecial Tools o B toro using the spodd tool Valv lmp ction Tooll mak6 surethat tho aL pnesauro gaugaon th6 air com_ pressorindkrat s ovor 250 kpa 2 S kg cmr 36 p3l o Inspect th valv clearance before rock r arm in spoctbn a Covcr thc dmin...

Page 150: ... 5 0 kg cm 71 Fil Makesurethatthe intakeprimaryandsecondary rock erarmsaremechanically connectedbythepistonsand that the mid rockerarms do not move when pushed manuallv MIDROCKER ARM LOST MOTION ASSEMBLY o lt anymidrockerarmindependently of the primary and secondaryrocker 8rms replace the rocker arms asa ser Removethe tools Checkfor smoothoperation oI the lostmotionassem bly lt is compressed sligh...

Page 151: ...edisconnecting them NOTE The radiomay havea codedtheft protectioncir cuit Besureto get the customer scodenumberbefore Disconnecting the b8ttery Removingthe No 43 1OA tuse ln the under hood fuse relavboxl Removingthe radio After service reconnectpowerto the radioandturn it on Whenthe word CODE is displayed enrerthe cus tomer s s igit codeto restoreradiooperation Removal Engineremoval E 4 J 1 o Disc...

Page 152: ...orconnector ECTgaugesendingunit connector lgnitioncontrolmodule lCMlconnector CKP TDC CYP sensorconnector VehiclesDeed sensor VSS connector lgnitioncoilconnector VTECsolenoidvalveconnector VTECpresserswitch connector Intake8irbypasssolenoidvalveconnector ECTswitch A connector Knocksensorconnector a fo a a o o o o a a o a a a 9 Removethe engineground cable lrom the cylinder headcover 10 Disconnectt...

Page 153: ...bypasshosesfrom the intakemanifoldassembly Remove the radiStorupperhoseandheaterhosetrom the cylinderhead 15 Removethe water bypasshose and the thermostat housing o Rt G Replace 13 14 16 Femove the bracket and intake manifold 17 Removethe selflocking nuts and disconnectthe ex haustmanitoldandexhaustpipeA 18 Remove the heat insulator brackets and exhaust manifold BBACKETS 6 85 ...

Page 154: initialloosen ing only 22 Loosenthe maintenanceboh by hand until it stops The auto tonsioner bracketis now tixed NOTE a Neverusea toolto loosenthe maintenance boltaf ter initislloosening a ll tha auto tensioner has been extendsd 8nd the timing beh cannot b install d removethe auto tensionsr mpressit andlainstsllh page6 112 MAINTENANCE AOLT 6 86 23 Removethe beltfrom the camshaftpulleys CAUTION ...

Page 155: ... rb ft 8 x 1 25 mm 22Nm12 2kg n 16tbft ADJUSTINGSCREWS ADJUSTINGSCREWS 27 R moveihe cylinder head bolts then remove the cylinder head CAUTION To p event warpag unscr w the bolts in soqu nce1 3 tutn at a time rspeat the sequonceuntil all bohs aro loossned CYLINDER HEAD SOLT LOOSENING SEOUENCE NOTE Separate the cylinderheadfrom the blockwith a flat tip screwdriveras shown 6 87 ...

Page 156: ...ventdamag ng the valvesor rockerarmassembly a when removingthe rockerarm assembly do not removethe camshaft holderbolts The bolts will keep the camshaft holders the springsand the rockerarmson the shafts No 4 INTAKE No 3 No 2 N o 1 i t i No 4 No 3 No 2 EXHAUST 6 88 2 Removethe VTECsolenoidvalve8ndfiher wEc solEflolD VALVE VTECSOLENOID VALVE FILTER Replace 6 x k1 Omm 12N m 1 2kg m I tb ft ...

Page 157: ...hapesof the rockershaft ori icesof the intakeand exhaustaredifterent ldentifythe partsas theyareremovedto ensurereinstallation intheoriginal locations 4 RUBBER BAND Screw 12 mm bolts into the rockerarm shafts Re move eachrockerarmwhile slowly pullingout the in lake andexhaustrockerarm shafts BOCKER ARMS 12 mm EOLTS ROCKER SHAFT 6 89 ...

Page 158: ...tions Inspectrockershaftsandrockerarms pages6 93 and941 a Rockerarmsmust be installedin the samepositionit reused o Cleanthe intakeand exhausttocketshaft orificesbetoreinstalling I eriorto reinstalling cleanallthe partsin sopent dry thernandapplylubricantto any contactsurfaces TNTAKE ROCKER ARMASSEMBLIES cyLtNoER NUMBEB m I t No 2 SEALING BOLTS 20 mm TNTAKE ROCKER 60N m 6 0ks m 43lb ft SHAFT No 3 ...

Page 159: ...iameterof rockerarm and checktor out of roundcondition Rocksr Arm to Shatt Clearance l sko and Erhaust Standard N w 0 025 0 052 mm O OO1O 0 OO2O in S wiceLimit O 08 mm 0 003 in Surfaceshouldbesmooth Repeatfor all rockers lf over limit replace rocker shaft and all ove tolerancerockerarms NOTE lf any rockerarm needsreplacement replace all three rocker arms in that set primary mid and secondarvl 6 91...

Page 160: ... to the pistonswhen reassembling Bundlethe rockerarmswith a rubberbandto pre vent them from separatlng LostMotionAssemblies Inspection Removethe lost motion assemblyfrom the cylinder headand inspectit Pushingit gently with the linger will causeit to sinkslightly Increasing the forceon it will causeit to sinkdeeper lf the lostmotionassembly doesnot movesmooth ly replaceit LOST MOTION ASSEMBLY PRIMA...

Page 161: ...ylinderhead Zerodialindicatoragainstendof camshaft then push camshaftbackandtorth andreadthe end play CamshaftEndPlay Standa d New O O5 O 1 5 mm O OO2 O 006 in S rvicoLimh O 5mm lO O2in Removethe camshaftholdersand holderoiDes tromthecylinder head Liftcamshaftout of cylinderhead wipeclean then inspect lift ramps Replacecamshaftif lobesare pitted scored or excessivelyworn Cleanthe camshaftholdersur...

Page 162: Newl O O3mm O OOIin max Servica Limit O O6mm 0 0O2 Inl Rotate camshaft while measuring lf thetotalrunoutot thecamshaftiswithintoler ance replacethe cylinderhead lf the totalrunoutis out of tolerance replace the camshaftand recheck It the beanang clearance is still out of tolerance replacethe cylinderhead 6 94 Measurecam lobe height INTAKE Pf I MID SEC EXHAUST SEC MID PBI T B T 8 Pql PRIMARY MI...

Page 163: ... 1 Using an appropriately sized socket and Dlastic mallet lightly tap the valve retalnerto loosenthe valvekeepersbeforeinstallingthe valvespringcom pressor SOCKET PLASTICMALLET cont d 6 95 2 Installspring compressor Compressspring and re move valvekeeDef VALVESPNI G COMPRESSOR ATTACHMENT EXTENSION OTMAF_PR90lOA VALVESPRING COMPRESSOR ATTACHMENT 07757 PJ1010A ...

Page 164: ...C Ssrvlco Limit D Standard Newl D Scruico Limit ExhaGt vllvc A Standard Nsw B Standard t ow C Standard Ncw C Service Llnh D Stand8rd Ncwl D S rvico Limit 34 9O 35 10mm 1 374 1 382In 105 rO 1O5 7O mm 14 150 4 161 lnl 5 475 5 483 mm O 2156 0 2159lnl 5 W 10 2144lnl 1 05 1 35mm O O41 0 O53 In 0 86 mm O O34 Inl 29 90 3O 1O mm 1 177 1 185 inl 105 OO 105 30mm 4 134 4 1116 inl 5 475 5 485 mm O 2156 0 2159...

Page 165: ... al tames o VALVE SEAT PRUSSIANBLUECOMPOUI D The sctual valve seating surface as shown by the blue compound should be centered on the seat a lf it is too high closerto the valve stem vou must make a second cut with the 600 cutter to move it down then one morecut with the 45o cutter to restoreseat width a lf it is too low closeto the valveedge you must make a second cut with the 3Oocutter to move i...

Page 166: ...Stem to Guldc Cloarancc standard Now 0 1O 0 16 mm O oO4 o 006 inl Sarvice Limh 0 22 mm O OO9Inl 10 mm out trom t t a lf measursmentexceedsthe servicelimit recheck usinga new valv6 a lf measurementis now within th service limit reassembleusing a new valve a lf measurementstill exceedslimit rechackusing alt rnatemethod below then replscevalve and guide if nec ssary NOTE An ahernate method of ch ckin...

Page 167: ...ay looron tho valvo soats a To avoid burns usohoavyglovoswhon handling tho h Etedcylindsr head 5 3 mm lO 2 l in I l r t l_r l 10 8 mm 10 42Inl 2 VAI VEGUIDEDBIVER 4 Workingfrom the camshaftside usethe driverand an air hammerto driver the guide about 2 mm O 1in towa dsthe combustion chamber Thiswill knock off some of the csrbonand make removal easier CAUTION a Always wear satoty goggles or a tace s...

Page 168: ...imes I Reaming NOTE Fo n w valveguidesonly 1 Coatboth reamerand valveguidewith cuttingoil Rotate the reamer clockwise the full length of th valveguide bore Continue to rotate the reamer clockwise whil removing it from the bore Thoroughly wash the guide in dstergent and water to removeany cutting residue Checkclealancewith a valve page6 98 a Verify that the vslve slidesin the intake and ex haust va...

Page 169: ... whh clo3 ly wound coll VALVESPRING OUTER row d tho cyllndor herd VALVESPNNG INNER II TAKEVALVESEAL WHITESPRING Replace 7 NOTE In6tallthevalvespringseats beforeinstallingth6 valv seals VALVEGUIDESEALINSTALLER KD 2899 NOTE Usesmalllo ndol tool wre Valves ValveSpringsand ValveSeals ValveSping andValveSealInstallation Sequence 6 101 ...

Page 170: ...stinglocknutsshouldbe loosenedand adjustingscrew backedoff betoreinstallation o The comDonentDans must be reinstalledin the originallocations Installthe lost motionassembly Installthe rockerarms while passingthe rockerarm shaft throughthe cylinderhead NOTE Removedthe rubberbandafter installingthe rockerarms lnstallthe rockershaftorifices lf the holesinthe rock er8rmshaftandcvlinderheadarenotin lin...

Page 171: ...e cylinderheadbolts sequentiallvin thr6e steps lst stoptorquo 40 N m 4 0 kg m 29 lb ft 2nd stoptorquo 70 N m 7 Okg m 51 lb ftl d st ptorque 10ON m 10 Okg m 72 lb ftl NOTE o We recommendusinga beam type torquewrench When usinga preset typetorquewrgnch be sure to tightenslowly and not to overtighten lf a boltmakesanynoisewhileyou 8retorquingit loosenthe bolt andretightenit from the lst step CYUNDER ...

Page 172: ... 1 25mm 2 2 N m 2 2 k g m 16 lb fr 6 lnstallthe camshaftsandcamshaftoil seals NOTE o Installthe camshaftswilh keywayfacingup Installth oil s8alwith the springsidefscingin The dl sealhousingsurfaceshouldbe dry Cleanandinstallthe oilcontrolorificewith new O ring in the oil passageof the No 3 camshaftholde o RrNG ReDlac Apply liquidgasketto the headmatingsurtaceof the No 1 and No 5 camshaftholderson ...

Page 173: ...urely againstthebaseof the camshaftholder 10 11 Tightenthe bolts in the sequenceshown below O 8 x 1 2 5 m m 26 N m 2 6kg m 19 lb ft 6 x 1 O m m 12 N m 1 2 kg m 9 lb ft 12 Installthe backcoverot thetimingbelt 13 Installthe camshaft pulleys KEY l 7 I W 10r 1 25mm 51 N m 15 1 kg m 37lb ft CAMSHAFTPULLEY 6 105 ...

Page 174: ...n extendedand the timing belt cannot be installed removethe auto tensioner mpressit ard reinstallit page6 112 Takecarenot to damagethe timing belt when in stallingit CRANKSHAFT TDGPOSITION 17 Tighten the maintenancebolt to make the auto tensionertunctional NOTE Turn the maintenancebolt bv hand until it stoos TDC MARK ON 1 E THEFI YWHEEL lnstallthe specialtool on the intakecamshaftpulley Auto tensi...

Page 175: ...NKSHAFT PULLEY Removeany ojl PULLEY EOLT 14r 1 25mm 220 N m 22 Okg m 159 lb tt Applyengine oilto the bolt threads but not to the surtacethat contactsthe POWER STEERING BELT Adiushent s ction 17 RUBBER SEALS Replace when damaged or deteriorated 6 x 1 O m m l2 N m 1 2kg m 9 lb ft CAMSHAFTPULLEYS 1Ox 1 25mm 51 N m 5 1kg m 37lb ftl lnstallwith concave surtacefacing in Remove anyoil Adjustment section2...

Page 176: ... boltto 220N m 22 O ks m 159lb ft d TimingBalancerBelt Inspection 1 Disconnect the alternatorterminalandthe connector then emovetheenginewire harness fromthe cylinder headcover 2 Removethe cylinderheadcover 3 Removethe middlecover 4 Removethe crankshaftpulley 5 Removethe lower cover 6 Installthe crankshaftpulleY 7 Inspectthe timing belt for cracks and oil or coolant soaking NOTE Replace the belt i...

Page 177: ...TOR TERMINAL 6 109 Removethe mountingbolts nuts and belt from the power steering P S pump NOTE o Do not disconnectthe P Spipeandhose o After installing adjustthe tensionof the P Spump belt seesection 171 MOUNTING EOLTS LOCKNUT 1 5 N m 1 5 k g m ALTERNATOR COI NECTOR l l MOUNTINGNUT 8 x 1 25mm 22N m 12 2kg m 16 tb ft 8 x 1 25mm 22N m 12 2kg m P SPUMP BELT 16tb ft Disconnect the ahetnatorterminaland...

Page 178: ...m 9 tb ft t 6 1 1 0 Replace 10 1 1 Removethe crankshaftbolt andthe pulley Removethe two rearbolts lrom the centerbeamto allow the engineto drop down andgive clearance to removethe lowercover Removethe adiusterrubberseal Do not loosenthe adjustingnut Removethe lowercover Loosentheadjusting nut Pushonthe pulleytoremove tensiontromthe timingbalancer belt thentightenthe adjustingnut Removethe timing b...

Page 179: ...BALANCER BELT Inspection page6 108 AUTO TENSIONER RUBBER rullEY BOLT 14 x 1 25mm 220 N m 22 0kg m 159lb ft ADJUSTIT G NUT l0 x 1 25mm 45 N m 4 5kg m 33lb tt PULLEY RUBBER SEAL Replace whendamaged ordeleriorated Replacewhen damagedor deteriorated 6 t 1 0 m m 1 2 N m 1 2 k g m 9 tb ft Remove any oil 6 1 1 1 ...

Page 180: ...protectthe boss NOTE Donot gripthe housingot the auto tensioner 20 lnsert a flat bladescrewdriverinto the maintenance hole Placethe stopper P N1454O P1 3 OO3 on the auto tensionerwhile turning the screwdriverclock wise to comDress the bottom T MARKS TDC MARK i t I I 6 112 NOTE Takecare not to damagethe threadsor the gasketcontacl surfacewith the sctewdriver MAINTENANCE BOLT FLATBLADE SCREWDRIVER S...

Page 181: ...lancerbeltadiustermovesfreely 28 Instsllthe timing balancerbelt Removethe 6 x 10O mm bolttrom the rearbalsncershsft 29 Turnthe crankshaftpulleyaboutoneturn thentighten the adjustingnut to the specifiedtorque NOTE Both belt adjusters are spring loadedto properlytension the belts Donot applyanyextrapros sureto the pulleysor tsnsionerswhile performingtha adjustmenl REARBALANCER SHAFT 12 mm SEALINGBOL...

Page 182: ...ey 34 Coat the threadsand seatingface of the pulleybolt with engineoil Installand tighten to the specified torque Spocifiedtorquo 22ON m 22 Okg m 159 lb ft 30 3 1 I I i AD USTING t UT 1Ox 1 25tnm 45N m 4 5kg m 33lb ft RUBBER SEAL Roplace whgndarn ged ordeteriorated ldl A LLEY EOLT 14r 1 25mm 220 N m 22 0kg m 159lb ft Apply engineoil to the bolt thrsads but not to the surfacethat contactsthe washer...

Page 183: ...e shouldalignwith cylinderheadssurface Number 1 pistonatTDC pulleys pulleys TDC MARKS Alignthemarks on the pulleys 3 Adjustvalveson No 1cylinder ValveCloalance Intaks O 15 0 19 mm 0 0O6 0 O07in Exhaust O 17 0 21 mm O O07 O OO8 in 4 Loosenlocknut and turn adjustingscrew until feeler gaugeslidesbackandfonh with slightamountof drag TAPPET ADJUSTER o7MAA PR70 110 20 N m 2 O kg m WRENCH 14tb ft oTMAA P...

Page 184: ... cylinder Numbd3 glston atTDc 7 Rotate crankshaft 1800 counterclockwiseto bring No 4 pistonto TDC TheTDCgroovesareonceagain aligned Adjustvalveson No 4 cylinder Number 4 Dl tonatTDC li I ld l I I MARKS 6 1 1 6 8 Rotate crankshaft 18Oo counterclockwiseto bring No 2 pistonto TDC The i marksshouldbe at in take side Adjustvalveson No 2 cylinder Numbrr2 Di tonatTOC ...

Page 185: ...ns Inspection 7 16 fnstallation 7 25 CylinderBlock fnspection 7 17 BoreHoninglH23A1 H22Al enginesl 7 18 BoreHoning F22A1 engine 7 19 PistonPins Removal 7 19 fnstallation 7 20 fnspection 7 21 ConnectingRods Sefection 7 2O Piston Rings EndGap 7 22 Repf acement 7 23 Ring to Groove Clearance 7 23 Afignment 7 24 Crankshaft Oil Seal fnstaf lation 7 25 Crankshaft and Balancer ShaftOil Seal Installation e...

Page 186: ... O 07948 sBoo101 07973 PEoo3lo 07s73 PEoo32o 07s73 6570500 I 07973 6570600 PistonPinBaseInsert PilotCollar HubAssembly GuideAttachment PistonBaseHead Se8lOriver RingGearHolder Attachment 30mm l D Driver DriverAttachment PistonPinDriverShaft PistonPinDriverHead PistonEase PistonBaseSpring 1 19 20 7 19 20 7 30 7 19 20 7 30 7 30 1 25 30 7 25 30 7 19 20 7 t9 20 7 19 20 1 19 20 o o o o 0 I 1 1 ti t I t...

Page 187: o6chcap turn crankshaft to check Ior binding OIL SCAEEN GASKET Roplace 6 x 1 0 m m 12N rnlt 2 kg m 9lb ftI BAFFLEPLATE AEARINGCAP BRIOGE DOWELPIN rx TOROUE CONVERTER COVER IA T DOWELPINS 12x 1 0mm 75N m 17 5 kg m 5t tb ftl Torquesequence page7 7 WASHER DRIVEPLAIE A T Checkfor cracks CLUTCHCOVER M T 12x 1 0mm 6 t 1 Omm 12 N m 1 2 kg m 9 rb ftl cont d 7 3 105N n 10 5kg m 76lb ft Torquesequence pa...

Page 188: ...L SEAL Install6tion pag 7 25and 30 RIGHTSIDE VEB I l l l I I I l i l il 8 x 1 25mm 25 N n 2 5kg m 18tb frl Groovedsidestac outward NOTE Thrustwasherthicknoss is lixed and must not bechanged by grindingor shimming O RINGS Replace CRANKSHAFT OILSEAL Installation psges7 308nd8 11 Replace THRUSTWASHER AALANCER DRIVEN GEAR Apply liquidg88k tto blockmatingsurface G r 1 0 m m 12Nrn 1 2 9IEftI PIN OILPUMP...

Page 189: ...damageor detormed Inspection page8 8 H22Al engincl REARBALANCERSHAFT Endplay p6ge7 31 Runout Taporand Out of Round psges7 31 32 Inst6llation pag 7 26 BALANC R SHAFT BEARINGS Insp ction page7 31 BETAINER NOTE Retainerthicknossis tixed and must not bs changedby Orinding or shimming BALANCER cont d 7 5 ...

Page 190: ...IRECTION EXHAUST A AAA 3 3e l 9 Eo J 7 7 7 r Installation page7 20 lnspection page7 21 CONNECNNG ROO Endplay page7 7 CONNECTING ROD BEARINGS Clearance page7 10 Selection page7 11 CONNECNNG RODBEARING CAP Installation page7 26 B o r l ENGINE BL rcK Cylinder boreinspection p6oo7 17 Warpageinspection Page7 17 Cylinder borehoning pag66 7 18 19 Inspecttop of eachcylinderbore tor carbonbuild upor ridge ...

Page 191: ...hersand thrust surfaceon the crank shaft Replace partsas necessary NOTE Thrustwasherthickness is fixedandmust not be changedeitherby grindingor shimming Thrustwashersare installedwith groovedsidesfacing outwaad Flywheeland DrivePlate Crankshaft Replacement EndPlay ManualTransmission Removethe eight flywheel bolts then separatethe fly wheelfrom the crankshaft flange After installation tightenthe bo...

Page 192: ... Bearing to Journal Oil Clearance Siandard Newl No 1 2 0 021 0 0i15 mm 0 xn8 0 0018in SqrviceLimit 0 050mm 0 0020 inl No 3 0 025 0 0 19 mm 0 0010 0 0019 in ServiceLimii 0 055mm 10 0022 inl No 4 0 013 0 037mm 10 0005 0 d115in ServiceLimit 0 050mm 0 1X120 in No 5 o xlg 0 033mm 0 0004 0 0013 in ServicaLimii 0 040mm 0 0015 inl 7 8 PLASTIGAGE STRIP lf the plastigage measures too wide or too narrow remo...

Page 193: ...ngs IPULI TY END BcaringDosign No 5 JOURNAL FLYWHEEL ENDI PROJECTION LOWER Berring ldentitication Colorcodeis onthe edgeofthe bearing Largercrankbore NOTE Whenusingbearing halves of differentcolors it doesnot matter whichcoloris usedin thetop or bottom Smaller Smaller main bearing iournal Thicker Smallerbearing Thicker Main Journal CodeLocations Numbersor Bars H22Alengine MainJoumalCodeLocations l...

Page 194: ...002in H23A1 ll22Ai enginos Standald Newl 0 027 0 055mm 0 0011 0 0022inl SsrviceLimh 0 06mm 0 002in PLASTIGAGESTRIP i I H t ili tit il it ll l I 7 10 1 lf the plastigage measurss too wide or too narrow removethe upperhalfot the bearing installa new complete bearingwith the same color code select the color as shownon the next page and recheck the clearance CAUTION Do not file shim or scrapothc boari...

Page 195: ...rrectbear ings Halfot numberor bar isstamped on bearing cap andtheotherhalfis stampedon rod BoaringD6i9n PBOJECTION Eoaring ldantif ication Colorcodeison the edgeol thebearing Smaller Smaller rod bearing journal lThicker Largerbig end bore Smaller bearing Thicker Elue Conn qtingRodJournal CodeLocations Lettersor Barsl H22A1engine ConnectingRodJournalCodeLocliion lLstterr or BrBl H23Al F22Al cnginc...

Page 196: ...LANCER DOWELPIN GEARCASE DOWELPIN DOU ELPIN 7 1 2 3 Remove thefront balancor drivenpulleyasthown BALANCER DF VENPULEY MANTE ANCE HOI SCREWT RIVER Alignthe boltholeandthe bslancer shafthole thon insert a 6 x 100 mm bolt to hold the rear balsncsr shaft Remove th6 boltandthe balancor drivengs8r REARBALA IIGEB SHAFT REARBALANCERSHAFT 6 x lm nm BOLT va mm 2 9 inl ...

Page 197: ...e BAFFLEPLATE o LscaEE 7 13 8 Removethe boltsand the bearingcap bridge then removethe bearingcaps CAUTION To provent wsrpago un3crew tha bolts in loqucnc 1 3 turn at a timc ropcst tho srqucnco until rll bolt3 are loosGnod MAIN BEARING CAPBOLTSLOOSENING SEOUENCE ...

Page 198: ...n aroundthe top of eachcylinder removeit with a ridge reamer Follow the reamer manufactursr s instructions CAUTION lf the ridgo k not rcmoved h mly dtm ag6the pistons a thcy lrc purhod out Usethe wooden handleof a hammerto drivo the pastons out CAUTION Tako caro not to dtmago thc contlct turflcc of tho motal g kot Whan romoving thc pirton connactlng rod trka caranot to hit thr oil irt H22Al cngine...

Page 199: ...or V blocks DIALINDICATOR Rotatecrankshafttwo comptete rovolutions Out of Roundand Taper o Measureout of round at the middle of each rod andmainjournalin two places The differgncebetyveen measurements on each journalmustnot be morethanth servic limit Journal Oui ot Round Standa d Ncw o qE mm 0 0002in SorvicoLimit O q 6mm 0 0002inl M6asursin two pl6cesat middl Measu16 taper nearedg s Measure tapera...

Page 200: ...o Lettor A 86 980mm 3 12 14 inl 86 970 mm 3 2 10in SKIRT DIAMETER 7 16 4 Calculate the differencebetweencylind6rbore diameter on page7 17 andpistondiamet6r Pbton to CvlinderClsrranco F22Al engine Standard N w 0 020 0 0 mm l0 00oB 0 0016in ServiceLimil 0 05mm 0 002in H2341 H22A1engines Standard Newl 0 007 0 030mm 0 0003 0 0012in SorviceLimit 0 04mm 0 002inl lf the clearance is nearor excesds the se...

Page 201: Srrvicc Limit 87 070mm 3 i l79inl OvoEizo F22Al cngino 0 25 85 250 85 260mm 3 356 t 3 3569inl 0 50 85 500 85 510mm 3 3661 3 3665in H2341 H22Al 6nginsr 0 25 87 260mm 13 4 l5i inl BoroTaprr Limil Diftorcncabotw on lirst snd third maasuromcntl 0 05mm 0 002inl lf measurements in any cylinderare beyond OversizeBoreServiceLimit replacethe block lf the block is to be r6bored referto Piston Clearance I...

Page 202: ...ethan 20 cvcl s Honinglubricant Oiltype Roughness of finishedsurfaces VVV or 1 2S Honingpattern 60degr ecross hatch CAUTION Cloantho honing stono oyory5 cyclos 3 4 When honingis complete thoroughlycleanthe cylinderblockof all metalparticles Washthe cylin der boreswith hot soapywater then dry and oil immediately to preventrusting NOTE Neveruse solvent it will only redistribute the griton thecylinde...

Page 203: ...r boresafter honingto the servicelimit rgborethe cvlinderblock NOTE Somelightvsrticalscoringandscratching is acceptableit it is not deepenoughto catchyour fin g rnailanddoesnot runthe full lengthof the bore CYLINDEB HONE NOTE After honing cleanthe cylinderthoroughlywith soapywater o Only a scoredor scratchedcylind rbore must be honed t l PFTONBASE 0tt3 65t0500 PISTONPINBASEINSENT OTGAF PHq 3U Adju...

Page 204: ...ASE 07973 6705 X NOTE Installthe assembledpiston and rod with the oil hole facing the intakemanifold Er cept H22A1enginel Eachrod fallsinto one of four toleranceranges from0 to 0 024mm 0 0009 in in 0 006mm 0 0002 in incre ments dependingon the sizeof its big end bore lt s then stampedwith a numberor bar 1 2 3 ot 4ll t ttl or Irl indicating the range You may find any combination oI 1 2 3 ot 4 1 t t...

Page 205: ...E Check the pistonfor distortion or cracKs lf the pistonpin clearance is greaterthan F22A1 e n g i n e 0 0 2 4m m 0 0 0 0 9i n H 2 3 A 1 H 2 2 A 1 engines 0 026 mm 0 0010 in remeasure usingan oversize pistonpin PistonPin to PistonClearanco F22A1engine Standird Ncw 0 012 0 024mm 0 0005 0 q xtin H2341 H22Al ongines Stlndsrd lNewl 0 012 0 026mm Checkthe diferrencebetweenpistonpin diameter andconnecti...

Page 206: ...n S condRing Slandard N6wl o i t 0 55mm 0 015 0 022 inl SorviceLimh 0 70mm 0 028inl OilRing Standard Newl 0 20 0 70mm 0 008 0 028in Servic Limit 0 80mm 0 03 linl H23A1 H22Al engine3 Top Ring Standard New 0 25 0 35mm 10 010 0 014in SorvicaLimit 0 61t mm 0 02 lin SocondRing Standard N6w 0 60 0 75mm 10 02 t 0 030in ServiceLimit 0 90mm 0 035inl Oil Ring Stsndard Newl TEIKOKUPISTONRINGmanufacturs 0 20 ...

Page 207: ...cut ring groove3d9 per with cloaning tools NOTE lfthe pistonisto be separated from thecon nectingrod do not installnew ringsyet Installnew rings in the propersequence and posi tion page7 24 NOTE Do not useold pistonrings groove 0 05in 0 ll in Ring to Groove Clearance After installing a new set of rings measurethe ring to grooveclearances Top RingCl arlnc6 Standard New 0 035 0 060mm SorvicoLimit 0 ...

Page 208: ...he manufacturingmarks must be facing upwaro Rotatethe ringsin their groovesto makesurethey do not bind TOPRING SECOND RING 3 Position the ringendgsps8sshown SECOND RINGGAP DONOTpositionany rinOgap at pistonthrust surfaces H23A1 H22Alonginos Approx 90 Appiox 90 OILRING GAP TOPRINGGAP GAP DO NOTposilionany ring gap in linewiththe oistonoin hole OILRINGGAP MARK ...

Page 209: ...onsof rubberhoseover the threadedends of the connecting rod bolts Installthe ring compressor checkthat the bear ing is securelyin place then position the piston in the cylinder and tap it in using the wooden handleof a hammer a Stop after the ring compressorpops free and checkthe connectingrod to crank journalalign mentbeforepushingpistonintoplace Install the rod capswith bearings andtorquethe nut...

Page 210: ...ith plastigage page 7 10 thentorquothe capnuts 47N m 4 7kg m 34lb ft NOTE Reference numberson connectingrod are for big endbore toleranceand do not indicatethe positionof pistonin the engine I I l 7 26 6 Installthe thrust washers main bearingcaps and bearingcapbridge Checkclearancewith plastigage page7 8 then tightenthe bearingcapboltsin 2 steps ln the first step tighten all bolts in sequence to a...

Page 211: 8 Apply liquid gasketto the block mating surfaeeof the right side cover then installit on the cylinder block BIGHTSIDECOVER Apply liquidgaskstalong the brokenline Applyliquidgasket to blockmatingsurface 6 x 1 0rnm 12N m 1 2kg m 9 lb ft Apply liquidgasket to the bolt threads RIGHTSIDECOVER 9 Apply liquidgaskstto the oil pump matingsurfac of the block then installthe oil pump on the cylin der blo...

Page 212: ...rgearsas shown before installing the balancerdriven gear and the balancergear case Applymolybdenum disutfide EALANCER SHAFT OILPUMP Applyliquidgasket to blockmatingsurface DRIVEN BALANCERBELT DRIVENPULLEY BALANCERDRIVEGEAR 7 28 AALANCERGEARCASE 12 Holdthe rearbalancer shaftwith a 6 x 100mm bolt theninstallthebalancer drivengear REAFBALANCER SHAFT 13 Hold the front balancershaft with a screwdriver ...

Page 213: ... Applyengine oil Roplace Alignthegroov to pornter GROOVE Checkalignmentof pointersafterinstalling the gear case POINTER ONTHEPUL1TY DOWELPIN POINTEB 16 Installthe oil pan OILPANGASKET Replace Applyliquid gasketto here WASHER Replace 6 x l 0 m m 12N m 1 2kg h 9 rb ft 11 45N m 4 5 kg m 33tb ftt Donotovertighten Tightenthe boltsandnutsasshownbelow Torqu 12N m 1 2kg m 9 lb ft NOTE Tightenthe boltsand ...

Page 214: ...the part numbersido facingout I 2 Usingthe specialtool d ive in the front balancer shaftoil sealuntilthe driverbottomsagainstthe oil pump Whenthe sealis in pl8ce cleanany excess greaseoff the balancer shaft8nd checkthst the oil sealliDis not distorted HUBASSEMBLY GUIDE ATTACHMENT OTGAF _ ATTACHMEITT 30mm l D 077t6 30300 7 30 3 Using the specialtool drive in the crankshaftoil sealintoths rightsidec...

Page 215: ... playis excessiv inspect the thrustwash er andthrustsurfaces on the drivenqearand oil pumpDody NOTE The thickness of the retainer front and thrust washer rear are fixed and must not be changed eitherby grindingor shimming Remove the balancer shafts page7 12 NOTE Clean the balancer shsfts Inspect the surfaceof the balancer shaftjournaland balancer bearing Replace if thereis wear damageor discolorat...

Page 216: ... mm 11 6820 1 6824inl Rear 20 938 20 950mm 0 824 l 0 82 18 in No 2 iourn l 38 712 38 724mm l1 52al 1 5245 inl No 3 iourn f 31 722 31 731mm 1 3670 1 3675 inl ScrvicaLimit No I iournal Front 42 71mm 1 681 in Rcar 20 92mm 10 82 1 inl No 2 iouinll 38 70mm 1 524 inl No 3 iournal 34 71mm 1 367 in Removethe crankshaft the pistonsand the other oartsfrom the block then cleanthe balancershaft iournal bearin...

Page 217: ...1 3701 1 3709 inl ServicoLimit No l iournals Front 42 8 lmm 11 686 inl R6ar 21 02mm 0 828 in No 2 iournals 38 tIl mm 1 529in No 3 iournsls 3i1 83 mm 1 371 in 11 Calculate the shaft to bearings oil clearances BEARING l D JOURNALO D OtLCLEARANCE Boaring to shaftOil Cl aranc Standard Newl No I iournal front and No 3 iournsls 0 066 0 118mm 0 0026 0 0046 inl No 2 iournab 0 076 0 128mm 0 0030 0 0050in N...

Page 218: ...iaf Tools 9 2 lllustrated lndex 8 3 Engine Oil Inspection 8 5 Replacement 8 5 Oil Filter Rep acement 8 6 OilPressure Testing 8 8 OilJet fnspection lHz2Alengineonly 8 8 OilPump Overhaul 8 9 RemovaUlnspection lnstallation 8 10 ...

Page 219: ...alTools I Rs No I Tool Numbel Drtcription Oty I PEg Rctercnc o Ar OTLAD PT3O1OA 07746 0010300 07749 0010000 07912 6110001 SealDriver Attachment 42x 47mm Driver Oil Filterwrench 8 11 8 11 8 1 I a 7 o o o 8 2 ...

Page 220: ...ORIFICE Do notinstall it on theH22A1 engine Clean O RING Replace F22Al engin ENGINEOILPRESSURE SWITCH 18N m 1 8kg m t3 tb ft 1 8in BSP British standard pipetaper 28threads inch Use properliquidsealant H23A1 H22At engin s KNOCKSENSOR 32 N m13 3kg m 23tb ftl ENGINE OILCOOI ER H23A1 H22Al ongin6 OILPANGASKET Roplace 12N m11 2 kg m 9tb ft OILFILTER 7 8 turn or 22 N m l2 2lg m i6 tb ft Replacemg6lp6gsg...

Page 221: ...pplyengineoiltolhe bolt threadsandth washers NOTE Alter torquing eachcap turn crankshaft to chock for binding CRANKSHAFT 5 x 1 0 m m 12N m11 2 kg m 9lb ft BAFF1TPLATE EEARINGCAP BRIDGE OILJETBOLT 40N m a 0kg m 29tb ft OILJET Handle thenozzle with care Replace il anypan is damagedor detormed 6 x 1 0 m m 12N m 1 2lg m 9lb ft i i THRUST WASHERS Groovedsidesfaceoutward a 4 ...

Page 222: 45N m a 5kg m 33tb ft Reinstall the drain plug with refillwiththe recommended oil WASHER R6placo a new washer and cont d CAUTION Do not ov6rtight6nthe drain bolt Requirement APIServiceGrade Use Energy Conserving ll SGgradeoil F22A1 H23A1engines 5 W 30preferred H22Alengine 10W 30preferred Capacity F22A1 enginel 3 8f 4 0USqt 3 3tmpqt change including filter 4 91 5 2 USqt 4 3lmp qt atterengineover...

Page 223: ...roundprotectionin the car You may use a 5 W 30 oil if the climatein your areais withinthe temperature rangeshownon the chan NOTE The oil filter should be replacedat eachoil change 8 6 OilFilter Replacement o Ltter tte engine has been run the exhaurt pipo will be hot be carofulwhen working around the axhau3t pipo Be careful when loo3oningthe drain bolt while tho engino i3 hot Burns can rosult becau...

Page 224: ...rocedure for tighteningfil tersusingthesenumbers 1 Makea markon the cylinderblockunderthe num ber that showsat the bottomof the filterwhen the rubbersealis seated I 2 Tightenthefilterby turningit clockwise sevennum bersfrom the markedpoint Forexample if a mark is madeunderthe number2 when the rubberseal is seated the filtershouldbe tighteneduntitthe number1comesupto the markedpoint Numberwhenrubbe...

Page 225: ...OT within specifications inspect the oil pump pages 8 10 11 OILPRESSURE GAUGE ENGINE OILPRESSURE SWITCH MOUNTINGHOLE F22A1engino ENGINE OILPRESSURE SWiTCH MOUNTINGHOLE lH23A1 H22Al cneinos lH23A1 H22A1 ngin l Oil Jet 1 I I I i I I Oil Pressure fnspection lH22A1 engineonlyl Removethe oil jet page8 4 and inspectit as fol rows Makesurethat a 1 1mm 0 04in diameterdrill will go throughthe nozzle hole 1...

Page 226: ... Useliquidgasket PartNo 08718 0001 OOWEL PIN 6 x 1 0 m m 7 N m 0 7kg m 5 1lb ftl PUMPCOVER OUTER ROTOR Inspection page 8 10 11 6 x 1 0 m m 12N m 1 2kg m 9lb ft Apply liquidgasker to the bolt threads OILSEALS Replace INNERROTOR Inspection page8 10 t 1 PUMPHOUSING Insp ction pageI 10 11 8 9 ...

Page 227: ...ndthe oil screen R e m o v et h e m o u n t i n gb o l t sa n d t h e o i l p u m p assemory DOWELPIN OILPUMP t ii I OILSCREEN 9 Removethe screwsfrom the pump housing then separate the housingandcover 10 Checkthe inner to outer rotor radialclearance on the oumorotor lnner Rotor to OuterRotor RsdialClea anc Sland8ld Newl 0 02 0 16mm 0 001 0 006in ServiceLimit 0 20mm 10 008 inl lf the inner to outer...

Page 228: ...e oil pumpturnsfreely 8 Installa dowelpin andthe newO ringon the pump NOTE Useliquidgasket PanNo 08718 0001 Check thatthe matingsurfaces arecleanand dry beforeapplyingliquidgasket Applyliquidgasketevenly in a narrowbeadcen teredon the matingsurface a a To preventleakage of oil apply liquidgasketto the innerthreadsof the boltholes Do not installthe parts if 20 minutes or more haveelapsed sinceapply...

Page 229: ...VEN GEAR BALANCER DRIVE GEAR 8 12 Removal lnspection lnstallation cont d Apply grease to theseallips 6 x 10 mm OILPUMP Applyliquidgasket to blockmatingsurface O RINGS Applyengineoil Replace case Apply molybdonum disulfide 23 Hold the rear balaocorshaftwith the 6 x 100mm bolt theninstallthe balancer drivengear REARBALANCER I x 1 25mm 25 N m 2 5kg m 18lb ft 24 Hold the front balancershaft with a scr...

Page 230: ...eplace DOWELPIN POINTER AligntheO oove to pornter 26 Checkalignmentof pointersafterinstalling the gear case POINTER ONTHE PULLEY POINTER ON THEOILPUMP DOWELPIN GROOVE 27 Installthe oil pan OILPANGASKET Replace Applyliquid gask there 24 WASHER Replac6 DRAIN EOLT ils m14 5 ks m 33tb_ft Donotovertightsn Tightenthe boltsand nutsasshownbelow Torquo 12Nfl 1 2tg m 9 lb ft NOTE Tightenthe boltsand nuts in...

Page 231: ...IntakeManifold Exhaust System Intake Manifold R e p l a c e m e n t 9 2 ExhaustManifold R e p 1 a c e m e n t 9 4 ExhaustPipeand Muffler Rep acement 9 7 ...

Page 232: ... 22 N m 12 2 kg m 16 lb ft d THROITLE BODY INTAKEAIR BYPASS IIAB VALVEBODYASSEMELY FAST IDLETXERMOVALVE O RINGS Replace 6 x 1 0mm 12 N m 1 2kg m I lb ttl GASKET Replsce Replace if crackedor if mating surlaces are oamageo 8 r 1 25 mm 22 N m 12 2 kg m 16 lb ft GASKET Replace l sJ J fAT SE SOR EXHAUST GAS NECIBCULATIOI IEGR VALVE 8 r 1 2 5 m m 22 N m 2 2ks m l6 lb tt O RING Replace INTAKE Replace it ...

Page 233: ...1 25 mm 22 N m 12 2kg m 16 lb ftl IAC VALVE O RINGS Replace 6 x 1 0 mm 12 N m 11 2kg m 9 lb ttt INTAKEMANIFOLD CHAMBER Replaceif cracked or if mating surfaces are damaged GASKETS Replace O RINGS Replace 6 x 1 0 mm 12 N m 11 2kg m 9 lb ft THROTTLE BODY 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m 12 2kg m 16 tb ftl 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m 12 2kg m 16 lb ft EGRVALVE GASKETS Replace 8 x 1 25mm 8 r 1 25 mm 22 N rn 12 2 kg m 16 lb ft ...

Page 234: ...F LOCKING NUT I x 1 25 mm 32 N rn 3 2 kg m 23 lb ft GASKET R6place Replace 8 r 1 25 mm 22 N n 12 2kg m 16 lb ft EXHAUST MA IFOID BRACKET lO x 1 25 mm 45 t m 4 5 kg m 33 lb ft r 1 25 mm GASKETS Roplace 22 N m 12 2 kg m l6 lb ftl 10 r 1 25mm 45 N m t4 5 kg m 33 lb ft 6 x 1 0 m n 12 N m ll 2 kg m 9 lb ft T INSULATOR SELF LOCKING NUT 10 x l 25 mm 55 N m t5 5 kg m 40 lb ftl 6 x 1 0 mm 10 N m 1 0 kg m 7...

Page 235: ...ING 1 UT 8 x 1 25mm 32 m 13 2 kg m 23 lb ft Replace HEATED OXYGEI SENSOR HO2Sl 45 N m 14 5 kg m 33 lb ft Be carelul not to EXHAUST MANIFOI D BRACI ET 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m 12 2kg m 16 lb ft GASKET Replace 10 x 1 25 mm 45 N m 4 5 ks m 33 lb ft SELF I OCKIl G NUT 10 x 1 25mm 55 N m 15 5 kg m 40 lb fi Replace COVER HEAT INSULATOR lCarsequippedwith airconditioningl HO23 CONNECTOR 6 x 1 Omm 10 N m 1 Okg m ...

Page 236: ...ot it damaged H22A l ongino SELF LOCKING t UT 8 r 1 25 mm 32 N m 3 2 kg m 23 lb ft GASKET Replace Replace EXHAUSTMAf IFOLD COVER 10r 1 25m n m 14 5 lg n 33 lb tt GASKETS R6place 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m 12 2 kg m 16 lb ft HEATINSULATOR SELF LOCKII G NUT 10 x 1 25 mm 55 N m 5 5 kg m il Olb ft 8 x 1 25 mm 22 N m 12 2 ks m 16 lb ft1 EXHAUSTPIPEA 6 x 1 0 mm 10 N m 1 0 ks m 7 lb ft lr I 9 6 ...

Page 237: ...Replace EXHAUSTPIPETIP SELF LOCKING NUT 10 x 1 25mm 34 N m 3 4 kg m 25 lb ttl R6place MUFFLER 6 x 1 0mm 10 N m 1 Okg m 7 lb ftl GASKET Replace EXHAUSTPIPEB SEI F LOCKING NUT 10 x 1 25 mm 34 N m 3 4 kg m 25 tb ftl Replace 45 N ln 14 5 kg m 33 lb ft Be carefulnot to damage oor rrr 3 Replace V SELF LOCKING NUTS I x 1 25 mm 18 N m 1 8 kg m 13 tb ftl Replace SELF LOCKING NUT 10 x 1 25mm 55 N m 5 5 kg m...

Page 238: ...fffustrated Index 1O 2 Rep acement 1O 5 EngineCoolantRefilling andBleeding 10 6 CapTesting 10 7 Testing 1O 7 Thermostat Rep acement 1O 8 Testing 10 9 WaterPump lllustrated Index 1O 1O fnspection 10 12 Repfacement 1O 12 ...

Page 239: ...tha paintsd po ion lf 8ny coolant spills rinse it off imm diately NOTE a Checkallcooling systemhosesfor damsge leaks or deterioration and replaceif necessSry a Checkall hossclampsand retightenif necessary a Use new O ringswhen reassembling RADIATOR Engine coolant Refilling and bleoding p6ge l0 6 Leaktest page 1O 7 Inspect solderedjoints and seamsfor leaks Blow out dirt from between core fins with ...


Page 241: ...stratedIndex cont d Engin Hose Connections H22A l ngin HEATER OUTLET HOSE I THERMOSTAT HOUSING HEATER HOSE INLET O RING Replaco PIPE COOLER CONNECTING 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m12 2kg m 16 tb ft CORROSION RESISTANT BOLT 10 4 ...

Page 242: ...t1 5 Removethe fan shroudassemblies andotherparts from radiator Instsllthe radiatorin the reverseorderof removal NOTE a Set the upperand lower cushionssecurly a Fillthe radistorwith engine coolantandbleedthe ai 1 a 4 page 1O 7 BADIATORCAP Testing page lO 7 tt l13l3l _g I x 1 0 mm lO N in t O kg m 7 tb frt RADIATOR P 1 owE ATF COOLER HOSE UPPER I OSE DRAIN PLUG RESERVOIR UPPER BRACKET ANDCUSHION F ...

Page 243: ...radiatoris cool removethe radiatorcap Loosenthe drainplug and drainthe coolant 4 Removethe drain bolt trom the rear side of the cylinderblockto drainthe blockand heater 5 Apply liquidgasketto the drainbolt threads then reinstallthe bolt with a new washer and tighten it securely 6 Tightenthe radiatordrainplug securely 7 Remove drainandreinstallthe reservoir Fillthetank haltway to the MAX markwith w...

Page 244: ...e radiator cap and fill the radiator with engine coolantto the toD of the fillerneck 2 Attachthe pressure testerto the radistorandapply a pressure of 95 125 kPa 0 95 1 25 kg cmr 1 4 1 8 p s i 3 Inspectfor ennginecoolanl leaks and a drop in pressure 4 Removethe tester and reinstall the radiatorcao NOTE Checkfor engineoil in the coolantand or coolantin engineoil 4 RADIATOR PRESSUBE TESTER COMMERCIAL...

Page 245: ... lb ft ENGIfTE COOLANT TEMPERATURE ECT SWITCH A 28 t m 2 8 ks m 20 lb ft CONNECTING PIPE 6 x l Om m 12 N ml 1 2kg m 9 lb ft RUBBER SEAL Replace THERMOSTAT Install withpinup AT COVER H22Al enginor BLEED BOLT 10 N m 1 0kg m 7 lb ftl THENMOSTAT Instali withpinup ECTSWITCH A 28 N m 2 8 kg m 20 lb ft 6 x 1 0 m m 12N m 11 2kg m 9 lb ttl AT COVER 10 8 ...

Page 246: ... checkthe temperaturewith a thermometer Checkthe temperature at which the thermostatfirstopens andat whichit isfullyopen CAUTION Do not l6t the thelmometor touch tho bottom of hot containor 3 Measurelift height ot the thermostatwhen fullv ooen STANDARDTHERMOSTAT Lift h ight above8 0 mm O 31in Stans oponing 169 176oF 76 8OoCl Fullyopen 194oF 9OoC THEBMOSTAT 10 9 ...

Page 247: ... ET HOUSING Apply liquidgasketto cylind rheadmating surface x l O mm 12 N m 1 2 kg m 9 tb fr BLEEDBOI T 10 x 1 25mm 1ON m 11 0kg m 7 tb trl ECT SWITCH A 2a m 2 8 kg m 20 lb ft 6 x l O mm 12 N m 1 2 kg m I rb ft O RINGS Replace 8 x 1 25 mm 22 N m 12 2 kg n 16 tb fr 6 x 1 0mm 12 N m 1 2kg m 9 rb ft DRAIN BOLT 60 N m 16 0kg m 43 rb frl Apply liquid gasket to bolt threadswhen installing O BING Repl6ce...

Page 248: ... mlO 9kg m 6 5 rb ft ECTSWITCH B 28 N m 2 a kg m 20 lb ftl 6 r 1 0 ir m 12 m 11 2kg m glb ft BLEEDBOLT 10 x l 25 mm lO N m l O kg m 7 tb ftl E GINEOIL COOLER A 28 N m12 8kg m 20 rb frl o Rtt Gs Replace 6 x l O mm 12 ln lt 2 kg m 9 lb ft 8 x 1 25 mm 22 N m 12 2 kg m 16 lb fr CONNECTING PIPE CORROSION RES STANT BOLT 10 1 1 ...

Page 249: ...age NOTE Smsllamountof weeping Irombleedhole is normal BLEED HOLES Removethe timing balsncerbelt and timing b lt F22A1 engine page 6 29 H23A1 engine page 6 63 H22A1 engine Page6 1091 Unscrew the bolts then remove the water pump I Replacement 12 N m 1 2 kg m 9 tb ft O RING R6place 3 Install the water pump in the reverse order of removal RUBBER SEAL Apply liquid gaskst to the water pump matingsurtac...

Page 250: ...oting Guide I 1 92 SystemDescription 11 93 Troubleshooting Flowcharts ldleAir Control Valve 11 96 Air Conditioning Si9na1 I 1 98 Alternator FRSignal I1 1OO AutomSticTransaxle G e a rP o s i t i o n S i g n a l 11 1 0 2 Starte SwitchSignal 11 104 B r a k e S w i t c hS i g n a l 11 10 6 PowerSteeringPressufe Switch Signal 1l 108 F a s tl d l eT h e r m o V a l v e I 1 1 0 9 S t a r t i n g A i r V ...

Page 251: ...o ar A A973X_041_XXXXX KS AHM_32 OO3 OTLAJ PT30lOA 07JAZ OO1000B 07406 OO40001 Vacuum Pump Gauge DigitalMultimeter Test Harness Vacuum Pressure Gauge0 4 in Hg FuelPressure Gauge 1 1 1 6 8 1 3 5 1 3 9 144 154 162 165 11 45 58 63 11 45 1 1 1 6 4 1 6 5 1 l 115 122 a 9 11 2 ...

Page 252: ...62 STABTINGAIR VALVE Description p a g e1 1 1 1 0 IIIIJECTOB RESISTER Testing page 11 121 AKE AIR IIATI SENSOR Troubleshooting page11 76 Troubleshooting o a q e 1 1 1 3 5 TOPDEADCEITTER CRANKSHAFT POSITION CYLII DERPOS TION ITDC CKP CYP Troubleshooting page11 70 ENGINECOOLANT TEMPERATUBE CT SENSOR Troub16shooling page11 72 KNOCKSENSOR t Sl Troubleshooting page 11 88 HEATED OXYGEN SENSOR tHO25 Trou...



Page 255: ...RAIL FUEL ruMP Tosting p6ge lt 125 Roplacemgnl paoo 11 125 FUELFILL CAP I TAI K Replacemgnt psg 11 130 EVAPORATIVE EMISSION IEVAP CONTROL CAI ISTEB Troubleshooting page11 162 FUELVAPOR HOSE FUEL PNESSURE REGULATOR Testing page11 122 R phcomont p g6 11 123 I JECTORS Troubleshooting p t g o 1 1 1 1 6 Replacomedt page 11 119 11 6 ...

Page 256: ...VENTILATIOI FCV VALVE Insp ction pago 11 159 PGM FIMAII RELAY RolayT6sting page l1 126 Troubloshooting page 11 128 SEBVICECHECKCONNECTOR 2PI S ff diagnosticProcedures page 11 42 II TAKEAIB II ITAKE cot TRoL DIAPfIRAGM Exclpt F22A1 ngin l Troubloshooting pag 11 135 ENGINECO TROL MODULE ECMI Sell diagnosticProcedures page 11 42 Troubleshooting page 11 50 Romoval page 11 45 11 7 ...





Page 261: ... FAl RELAY A C swtTcH GAUCEASSEMSIY i FUsEs A T GEAR POStTtOt swtrcH L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a t t z o 4 BACKUP 10 A ECUGcill 15Al t o 13 ttlETER 1OAl cot oEI sER FAt t15 At o 11 nEARDEFROSTER REIAY110At l o 2 ATARTER SIG AL 17 5Al c clocx RADro t10al SATTERY tlOO At rGsw tsoA sToPHORir 15Al FUSE BOX tr Alr in the UI OER HOOO FUSE RELAY BOX 1_ ...

Page 262: ...n co TnoL solEftolo valvE EVAPPUNGE CO TNOLSOLEI OID VAIVE IAB CO TROLSOlEtrtOtOVALVE INTAXECOITROL AOLETTOID VALVE TERMI AL LOCATIONS cont dl 1 1 1 3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ...

Page 263: Connections cont d Cttt HO23 YEIiTLK oR wlft nco Btu f t E WHT GRt WHT RED I 1l w si arn rfl cl13 vrr rvyxr J l R D srx l lrP sESoR I GRx wHTr _ l________J r T l __jl l r1l tto prg 1I 16l lTop gp t1 151 lTop 11 15 11 14 q101 ...

Page 264: ...jl__l clo3 w H T _ nronu 1 f iiliifididil BLU lltro 3l I c1 x c105 n omx j liiiiili6i5i l YEL l lr o a c l 1 1 srr 1 ffii l RED GR E lf9r ___l ct 09 sLxryel iid ox I lsolCtoro I vatvE I lErccpt F22A1 ngin cl22 Hiiii l I n o c10g ffiElfl rsenson I BED rHrlJ l wxrierr I I EGR VALVE I cRil wHr l I tlFr sEI soR I ...

Page 265: ...ll sa l Bt u RED_____ TO COi DEiISER FAI RED 8LU i Toa cHcRoMPnEssoR TOA C SYVITCH l I r ra co rnol I I lsor Er oro I llJ E J lErc Dl F2241 f arl J I6ERVTCE I llcHEct ll 99 9r98 J t Jl r C43 T GRX RED LTGFI RED_Il DATALt K I BLI RED l I cO ECTORI E _ REDiErx E YEL BLU ORIIl PI K TCil lA Tl 1 1 1 6 T GN BLX ...

Page 266: ...D HOOD FUSE RELAY BATTERY C537 pUMp swrTcH FUSE RELAY BOX BATTERY 1 x A tGsw l5o Al FUSE 8OXliro Ar CLOCK RADIO 10A sToP HOR t15 Al r I Grl03 BIK fl_ v l _ ____j 1 ____h Eszzaer x ll PJ G52r tc tTtON UI DER DASH FUSE REI AY BOX c ECU iECMI tls At Ito 2 STAKTER stcilAl t7 5Al o 4 BACK UPt10Al O o 13METER tlo A c479 GRr rHrljl BRAKE I wnrrrer ll_llcH l cont d PGM FI E BLK FUEL GRiUwHT lTo p 96 11 18...

Page 267: ...System Description Electrical Connections cont dl lF omp g 11 171 N FFGEF_I I I HPOSmOI ll ltrlswmcx I c13a c4a4 cr39 cRr YEL wEc solEl olD VALVE lH22A l n rn l r i GAUGEASSEi BLY swrTcH tH22 A1 1 1 1 8 ...

Page 268: ...System Description System Connectols lEngineCompartment H22Al engine USA Si VTEC Canada SR V H23A1 ongine USA Si Canada SR 11 20 i ENGINE WIREHARTTESS MAIN WIR HARNESS ...

Page 269: ... G R I I f5 lwxr 1 NOTE Diflerent wi es with the samecolor have beengiven a numbersuffix to distinguishthem for exampleYEL BLK1 and YEL BLKz are not the samel l Relatedto Fueland Emissions Svstem c122 c420 lrJ tr rF r l l l 2 1 3 l 6 I t lO IBL eL I l6F it 1 C138 H22Al nginol 1 2 4 5 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 REO 6LU 3 a LX tASSt FEOr GFN LKI EL IA65 5 ...

Page 270: ...System Description SystemConnectors Engine Compartment cont d H22Al engine USA Si VTEC Canada SR V H23A1 engine USA Si Canada SRI 6 c432 c 1 3 5 c4a4 c139 11 22 lv MAIN WIRE HARNESS ENGINEWIRE HARNESS ...

Page 271: ...lnrl lO lCiNrEL l oTE Diffotent wir s with the same color hsve baengiven a numbersuffix to distinguishthem for exampleYEL BLK1 and YEL BLK are not the same O R latedto Fuel and EmissionsSvst m cont d 11 23 t IBLUI EL IT It YEL RED II U ...

Page 272: ...System Description SystemConnectors lEngineCompartment cont d H22A1 engine USA Si VTEc Canada sR vl H23Al ongina USA Si Canads SRI LEFT E GIT E COIIPARTIIIENT WIREHARI ESS 11 24 HARNESS ...

Page 273: ... c320 NOTE Difterentwi es with the samecolorhavebeengivena numbersuffixto distinguish them torexsmpleyEL BLKI and YEL BLK are not the same O Related to Fueland Emissions Svstem c310 r l l l 2 l c321 c 104 tr r rl ll 2 I 1 ll l6TnED aLi f6 lilu c103 tr T ll t i 2 t l t l to tRED Blx I lZiTREp l c107 c106 ...

Page 274: ...i I ti System Description SystemGonnectors EngineCompartment cont d F22Al ongino Sl 11 26 MAINWIRE HARNESS HART ESS ...

Page 275: ... distinguish them forexampteyEL BLKr and YEL BLK2 are not the samel O Related to Fueland Emissions Svstem c122 c 11 5 rf lr l 1 l 2 1 3 l 16loRNi l lO IBLK YEL I loFii l c421 r Fl_____1 l r l 2 l 3 l FT __l l 2 l8r GFN I 16lwii cl14 1 2 4 8 9 1 0 t t 1 REO 6LU 6 2 3 I I ALK YEL IAAS 5 1 0 ...

Page 276: ...System Description SystemGonnectors EngineCompartment cont d F22A1angino lsl 11 28 MAIN WIBE HARNESS ENGI EWIRE HARI ESS ...

Page 277: ...nt wires with tho same color have beengiven a numbersuffix to distinguishthem for exampleyEL BLK1 and YEL BLK2 are not the sam O Relatedto Fuel and EmissionsSvstem ALK BIU RED 6LK LU EL ALK iED FEO 8LU YEL BLI I GiN LU GRIiI BfiI I 6LK a HT ...

Page 278: ... j System Description SystemConnectors EngineCompartment cont d F22A1 engine S 1 1 3 0 ...

Page 279: ...Erll cl02 J r r 1 II T rI tffJl c106 c320 NOTE Oifferentwires with the same color have beengiven a numbe sulfix to distinguishthem tor exampteYEL BLKi and YEL BLK are not the same r Related to Fueland Emissions Svstem c107 c 1 1 1 c108 c3lo l 1 l 2 l ...

Page 280: ...System Description System Connectors Dashand Floor lcont d I EFTENGINE COMPARTMENT WIRE LEFTSIDE WIRE HARNESS 11 32 DASHBOARDWIRE HARNESS MAIN WIRE HARNESS ...

Page 281: ...with heatedseatsl dastinguish them forexampleYEL BLK1 c451 r t I ll Tvrtl I r_____lz_____r_J I lElwH l t 2 t I 3 BLKIVHT I c466 l 1 l 2 l 3 l c461 2 ALK 3 GRNTYEL t o Y L 5 12 l 2 BLX GFN 12 3 l 3 RIO SLK Y L 7 8 BCU IYEL 1 A I 1 9 RED YEL 1 o 20 BLU REO q RED ALU 3 YEL BLK BIU BLK 1 5 1 6 aLu BLK ryEI FED GRN 2 BIU REO YEL BLU 1 0 5 6LU 12 8L 1 3 BLU YEL BLK tEL 12 2 ALK 1 3 ALK L YEL BLK YEI BLK...

Page 282: ...System Description SystemConnectors Dashand Floor cont d 11 34 OASHBOARDWIFE HARNESS MAIN WIRE HARI ESS ...

Page 283: ...EL BLK a e not the same O Related to Fueland Emissions Svstem Canada c601 c614 I 4 X t 7 I 9 t 0 1 1l2lxh31 4 1 5 1 RED BLK 3 AtK EL YEL 12 LIJ FEO BLK ALU I GiN ALU r 6 ALK RED 2 GRA YEL 3 1 t 12 GFN 6 l 6 BLK 1 2 BLK ryEL 1 7 3 YEL ALU t 9 20 GFN BLK 21 GhN REO 22 a YEL REO BLU FEO 26 1 2 YEL iED 27 RED BLK 1 3 1 5 3 ...

Page 284: ...I System Description System Connectors Dash and Floorl cont dl 1 1 3 6 OASHBOARD WIBE HARNESS MAIN WIRE HARNESS ...

Page 285: ...Svstem ExceptF22A1engine c415 ECM A to distinguish them forexampleYEL BLK1 1 t giN BLK 1 5 t a I AED BLU 20 12 2 3 r 5 YEL BLU RED gL LI GFN BLK 8 1 9 I 20 22 YEL RED GRNTYI H 2rlri rul I YEL GFN I LK 8 U BLK o 311 r9 7 5 3 1 ldl rfl 210 8 4 2 YEL BLK BLU FED BLU ALK 8LU GAN BLU rlt WHI YEL GRN IYHT AEo BLlr l BRN IVHT I a 0 EL i 1 a o LT 3 urtr22lrmnr l il REO ALK ...

Page 286: ...System Description SystemConnectors lFuelPump cont d 1 1 3 8 ...

Page 287: ...c537 E NOTE Ditfe ent witos with the same color have beengiven I numbersuffix to distinguishthem for exampleYEL BLKr and YEL BLKz are not the same O Relatedto Fuel 8nd EmissionsSvstem 1 1 3 9 ...


Page 289: ...SS iI XNOCK SENSOF SIGNAL A SIGNAL 8 IOIEAIF CON FOL OTH i IDL c0NTROTS FUEI INJECTOF OTHER FUEL ETHUSIGAS nEcncu c0 TioL sYstE OTHER EMtSS ON coNTiots 84 6 75 6 7 7 8a 90 90 96 92 1 1 6 r 1 3 1 3 1 1 5 3 1 4 9 tf q rg D E ffil r6t _ l r6t t 20 1 _ r l t 2rI _ i t 2 2 t 23I 11361 lrt l r6I 1 2t z i o o o o o o o o o o o 11 41 ...

Page 290: ... lengthand numberof blinks The MIL can indicstesimultaneous componentproblemsby blinkinqseparate codes oneatter another Codes1 through I areindicated by individual shon blinks Codes10 through43 areindicated by a seriesof longandshon blinks The numberof long blinksequalsthe first digit the numberoJ short blinksequalsthe seconddigit h USA CANADA MALFUNCTION CHECK INDICATOR ENGINE LAMP LIGHT MIL S6pa...

Page 291: ...nd the clock setting Make note of the radiopresetsbeforeremovingthe fuse so you can eset them a Theradiomay havea codedtheft protectioncircuit Besureyou get the customer scodenumberbeforeremoving the CLOCKRADIO 10 A fuse FinalProcedure this procedure must be donesfter any troubleshooting 1 Removethe jumperwire NOTE lf the servicecheckconnectoris jumped the MIL will stay on 2 Do the ECM ResetProced...


Page 293: ...ECM Unboltthe ECMcover With the ignitionswitch off connectthe test harn ss Checkthe systemaccording to the procedure described tor the appropriate code s listed on the followingpages TERMII ALLOCATIOI S cont d DIGITALMULTIMETER KS AHM 32 003 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 11 45 ...

Page 294: ...octdcal connectlona a Forlasling at connectoraothor than ths test harness brlng tho taster probo into contact wltlr tho telmlnll tlom tho connoctorside of wiro harnoaaconnoctorsin th engin companmont Fortemelo connectoB lust touch llghtly whh tho tostsr probe and do not insort th probe t l l rI i 1i it1 TERMII AL 11 46 ...

Page 295: ...stime It the Maltunction Indicator Lamp MlL onthe dashdoesnot comeon checkfor poorconnections or loosewires at all connectorsrelatedto the circuitthat you are troubleshooting seeillustration below a Mostof the troubleshooting flowchartshaveyou resetthe Engine ControlModule ECM andtry to duplicate the diag nostictroublecode DTC lf the problemis intermittentand you can t duplicatethe code do not con...

Page 296: ... ECMsuppliesgroundto the PGM FI main relaythat supplies currentto the fuel pumpfo two secondsto pressurize the fuel system a Whenthe engineis running the ECMsuppliesgroundto the PGM Flmainrelaythat suppliescurrentto the fuelpump a Whenthe engineis not runningandthe ignitionis on the ECMcuts groundto the PGM FI mainrelaywhich cuts currentto the fuel pump 3 FuelCut off Control a Duringdeceleration w...

Page 297: ...pliesa groundto the intakecontrolsolenoid valve This opensthe solenoidvalvesendingintakemanifoldvacuumto the intakecontroldiaphragm 8 ExhaustGas Recirculation EGR ControlSolenoidValve when the EGRis requiredtor controlof oxidesof nitrogen NOx emission the ECMsuppliesgroundto the EGR controlsolenoidvalvewhich suppliesfegulatedvacuumto the EGRvalve 9 Alternator ALT Control The systemcontrolsthe volt...

Page 298: ...e ignitionswitch OFF Connectthetest harnessb6tw96n the ECM and connectors see page 11 45 Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Measure voltage between body ground and the tollowing termi nafsindividually A23 A24 R6psir op6n in wir6 61botwoon ECM 6nd GlOl llocst d at ther moltat houringl that had mo 6 thsn 1 0 V ls therelessthan 1 OV Inspect tuel pressure see page 11 1 1 5 Popair as nocoaaa y ago pag6 11 tt 5 ...

Page 299: ...WHT wire botwoon ECM lA13l and gaugs a88ombly ls the MIL on Ropalropon in wiro sl botwson ECM and GlO1 locatodat thor mostat housing that had moro than 1 0 V ls thsre lessthan 1 0 V Subrtituto a known good ECM 6nd rechock lf symptom lndica tlon gooa away raplaco tho origi nal ECM Troubleshooting Flowchart EngineControlModule ECM 423 t I I LoooooooooooQo I ooooo999l1 9 t 1 lg ooooooooooo I T L Le t...

Page 300: ...ion Control Mod ulo lTCMl ABS contrcl unit or 4WS control unit and seryico chock connoqtor Mgasure voltage be tween D4 t terminal and D21 terminal Repairopenin BRN WHTwite botwoon ECM O4l and sorv ico chock connoctor Repairop6n in BLU WHTwite botwoon sorvico check con noctorand ECM O211 ls there spprox 5 V A T 11 Vl Removeand inspectthe NO 4 BACKUP 10Altuseintheunder dashfuse relay box Remove the ...

Page 301: ...CU ECM 15 A Iuse anthe underdash tuse relay box Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Disconn6ctthe 3P connector of each sengorone at a time MAP sensor EGRvalve litt s nsor Throttle Position TP sensor RoDlacatho aenaorthat causod thc light to 9o our Doesthe MIL romainON Turn the ignition switch OFF Connect the test harness Oisconnoct the O connector Irom the ECMonlv notthe m6in wire hamess seepage 1 451 Check...

Page 302: ...Y VOLTAGE Frompage 1 53 Measurevoltagebetweenbody groundandthetollowing terminal individually A26 B2 Repai op6nin BLK RED lA26 or BRN BLK B2l nd G101 llocatod 6t thormoslat housingl Repairopon in YEL BLKwir6 betweonECM 425 81 and PGM Flmain iolay CheckPGM FImain tolaY nd wiring connoctors at PGM FI main r6lav Substitute a known good ECM and recheck lf symptom indica tion goesavray replacethe otigi...

Page 303: ...C 1 A probleminth HeatedOxygenSensor HO2S circuit VOLTAGE IVI lm rl lrirl Y i 1 1 5 6 RICH AIR LEAI FUEL RATIO Tha MILhsabecnroDortod on Yvlthsorvicochack connoclor iumpodl 60 pageI 142 codo 1 i3 indicatod Do the ECMResetProcedure see page11 43 Warm up engineto normaloPeF atingt mperature theradiatorfan comeson Runenginetor 60 seconds Roadtest with the manualtrqls mission in 4th geat I AfIt lA pos...

Page 304: ...METEB KS AHM 32 003 1 1 5 8 Enginoia running Tho MIL hsr bconroportodon With rervica chock connoctol iumpod soopage11421 codo 41 ir indicalod Do the ECMRssetProcedure see page11 43 lrrtd frqrttS 6 3ys tom 13OK at thi tlmo Itost drlvo maY bo nacrsrsryl Chocklor poot connoc tionr or 10036wirot rt C432 llocat d at right shock toworl C114 lHO2Sl and EcM ls the MIL on and doesit indi cate code 41 Turn ...

Page 305: ...e voltage bstween YEL BLK l re minal and body ground At HO25 harness measurevol tage betweenYEL BLK termi nal and ORN WHT teiminal Repair 3hon in ORf WHT wire botwoen ECM A6l and HO2S ls there battery voltage Ropairoponin YEL BLK wiro botwoon HO2S and PGM FImsin rolav Turnthe ignirionswitch OFF Reconnect the HO25connector 1 1 5 8 YES H23A1 engino IUSA Si Canada SRl H22Al ongino USA Si VTEC Canada ...

Page 306: ...rn ECM lA6 nd HO2S ls there battery voltage Subllltuto 6 known good ECM and chock ll symptomlindica t roril golr ay ay rsplaco tho otigil_ nal ECM ooooooooooo ooooooooooo oooooooo oooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Connoctthe tesl harness A connector to the main wile haF nessonly not the ECM seepage 1 1 4 5 Connect an ammetet b tween tel minalsA6 and A26 ls the curront le...

Page 307: A T NorEposition Intlrmlttdrt t ilurc ly tom is OK at thir dm t6st drlv may ba nocoalarYl Chock tor ooor connactiona o loor wirst at C432 lloclt d t rtghtrhock low tl C1f4IHO2S and ECM ls the MIL on and doss it indicate code 43 Turn the ignition switch OFF Connectthe test hamessbgtween the ECM and connoctors see page 1 l 45 With the ignitionswhch OFF wait tor st least two minutes Install a iump...

Page 308: ...the engine wi e harness side ot the HO2S connector between GRNMHT a n d W H T Substitute a known ood ECM and r6 hock lf symptom indlca tion goos away roplact the orlgl nal ECM ls th remor than 0 1 V Chockfor oDcnin IIVHTwiro be tw n ECM D141and HO2S lf wlrs ir OK r6poir opcn in GBN WHT wiro berw66n ECM D221and HO2S H23A1 ongin6 USA Si CanadarSR H22Al ongino USA Si VTEC Conada SR V GRl WHT WHT F224...

Page 309: ...P sensorconvertsmanifoldabsolutepressureinto electricalsignalsand inputsthe EcM OUTPUT VOLTAGE vl3 5 3 0 2 5 2 0 1 5 I r i i l I iI l l CAVITY 16l Engin6is watm ond running Tho MILhasb6 nloPortodon With soryicoch6ck connoctot jumpod so pago 1 142 codo 3 is indicalod Dothe ECMResetProcedure see page11 43 Intgrmittont failuro 3yltam is OK at this time ltort ddve may D6 noc r ry Chock tor Poor connoc...

Page 310: ...he ignirionswirch OFF ls thereapprox 5 V Connectthe test harness D connecto to the ECMonly notto the main wire harness seepage 1 1 4 5 Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Measurevollage between D19 l t e r m i n a la n d D 2 1 terminal Measurevoltage betweon WHT BLU terminaland ELUMHT terminal ls thereapprox 5 V Ropairoponin RED WHTwiro bo twcon ECM D191 and MAP son3 r ls thereapprox 5 V Turn the ignitionsw...

Page 311: ...t th odgi nal ECM Turnthe ignitionswitch OFF Connect the test harn ss D connectorto the ECMonly not to the main wire harness seepage 1 1 4 5 Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Measurevoltage betweon D17 l t e r m i n a la n d D 2 1 tetmlnal Roplir rhort In WHT BLU wiro botworn ECf l D17 rnd MAP loflto R prir opon in WHT BLU wlrc botwo n ECM Dl7l nd MAP 36nao ls thereapprox 5 V7 Substltuto a known ood ECM a...

Page 312: ...ansmas sion in neutral A T or S po sition Intgrmitl6nt lailuro 3y3tomis OK al this tlm6 lt t ddvo mav bo nocoasaryl Chock vacuun ho3or PiPo3 ond connoctionS Mako turo all conn9ctota ar6 30cu16 ls the MIL on and doesit indi catecode 5 Turn the ignitionswitch OFF Disconnect 21 hoselrom the throtle body connect vacuum pump to the hose and apply Connect a vacuum pump to the MAP sensorand applyvacuum D...

Page 313: ...ness between the ECM and connectors see page11 45 Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Measurevoltage between D17 t terminal and 021 lermrnal Startthe engineand allow it to idle ls thereapprox 1 V Subltitute a known good ECM and rocheck ll symptom indica tion 9063away ropl6cotho o igi nal ECM T FITTING 3 V n D l 7 t l D 2 1 1 1 6 9 ...

Page 314: ...d alsodetectsenginespeed The TDCSensor determines ignition timingat start up cranking andwhencrankangleis abnormal The CYPSensordetects the position of No I cylinder for sequentialfuel injection to each cYlindet i r l l H23A l ongino USA Si Canada SRl H22a1 engino vrew rrom iiisr sivlicrca aaa sa vt jT 11 70 Tho MIL ha b n Jooortodon lilfith loruice ch ck conn ctol iump d 3ooprgo 1142 codc 4 8 rnd...

Page 315: op n In tho indi catad alnlor wi10a oo trble ls there 35O 7OO 0 Check tor continuity to body groundon Bl 5 813 or 811 ter mtnals Subltltuto a known good ECM lnd r6chock lt aymptom indicr tion goor away rcphca tho origi n l ECM SENSOR oTc SENSOF ECM COLOF cxP 8 1 5 ALU GRN 4 1 6 SLUTYEL TOC a c a l 3 OFN aLU G a t 4 B l l OFN B t 2 8 16 350 7OOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o I o o o o o o o l 1E iq ...

Page 316: ...IT E COOLANT TEMPERATURE j The MIL hasb6onroDongdon With sorvica ch6ck connoctol ump6d l oo pag l 1421 c d6 6 is indicatsd Dothe ECMResetProcedure see page 11 43 Turn the ignition switch ON Intermitt nt failure systgm i3 OK at thir timo lt6st d ivr m y b n6ce l yl Chock tor poor connootions or looro wir6 at 9125 9126 locrt od at righl shock toworl Cl22 IECT lenrotl AIf C411 TcMl and ECM ls the MIL...

Page 317: nal ECM Disconnect the 22P connector trom the TCM Turnthe ignitionswitch ON ls thereapprox 5 V Connect the test harness D connectorto the ECMonly notto the main wire harnsssls e page 11 45 Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Measurevoltage belween D13 l t e r m j n a la n d D 2 2 rermtnat Ropairopen or rhon in YEL BLU wir betwoon ECM lDl3l snd ECT sensor ls thereapprox 5 V GBN wHT A T only Turnthe igniti...

Page 318: ...ES GNN WHT Topage11 75 11 74 YEL RED WI T BLK Enginob running Tho MlLhas beonreDortedon With sorvicocheck connoctot iumpsd ls6opage1142 codo 7 is indicatod Dothe ECMResetProcedure see page11 43 InlormittontIailure systom b OK at this timo lt6st d ivs m6y b6 nocossaryl Chock tor Dooi connections or loos wiros at O125 g 13 llocat od at right shock rowerl C113 TP sonsorl A T C4 l l ITCMI and ECM ls t...

Page 319: ...noctthe test hamessb9tw6 n the ECM and connoctors ls e page11 451 Turn the ignhion switch ON Measurevoltago b tween Dll t r m i n a l a n d D 2 2 terminal ls voltago 0 5 V at full clos throttle and approx 4 5 V 8t full open throttls NOIE There should be a smooth transition from O 5 V to approx 4 5 V as the throttle is depressgd Diaconngct the 22P connecto from th6 TCM ls voltageO 5 V at full clos6...

Page 320: ... a Fr INTAKEAIRTEMPERATURE GR N VHT 611 frnl i T i IA7 SENSOR Tho MIL har b6onropon6don Wlth s6rvicochock connoctol iumpod 3 opago 1142 cod6 10 is indicsrod Dothe ECMResetProcedur see page11 43 Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Intermitl nt tailu o sydom iBOK at thir tims tost ddvo may bo noc6ssttyl Chock for poor connoction ol loo wircr t O 25 9126llocll ed ot right hock towor CiOS llAT sonsorl and ECM l...

Page 321: ...OrYEL wirebotween ECM D15 ndIAT aona tr ls ther6 approx 5 V Substilute a known good ECM and ochock lI symptom indica tion go6sawsy roplac6tha origi nal ECM MeasurevoltagebetweenRED YEL terminal and body ground Turnthe ignitionswitch ON ls th6reapprox 5 V Turnthe ignitionswitch OFF Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Connect the test hamess D connectorto the EcM only notto the main wire harnesslsee page 1 1 ...

Page 322: ...RO Sensor is builtintothe ECM 13 i Tho MIL hsr boon r ponod on With sr ico chack connacto iumpcd l o p 06 I 142 cod 13l Indlcstod Dothe ECMR sotProc6dlre se6 page l1 43 Turn the ignitionswitch ON Int rmltt nt f llut lyltgm Ir OK at thlr tlm lt6 t drlv mly b nacoar ry1 ls the MIL on and do6sit indicatecode 13 Subrtituto a known ood ECM nd rcchock lf symptom indlc tion goo away r6phca tha odol nsl E...

Page 323: ...TC 15 A problem inthe lgnitionOutput Signalcircuit Tho MILha5beenroponodon With sorvicechock connoctot iumpod p g 1142 code 15 is indic ted Do the ECMResetProcedure see page11 431 lnt rmittantfailute tYllam i OK t this timo t l drive may bo nac6slary Chcck for poot connactions or looso wi or ot C433 locrtod at ight shock towet Ct2S llgntdon Conlrol ModulollCMl and ECM ls the MIL on and doosit indi...

Page 324: YEL wiro bo twoon tho 2P oonngcto and ignition coil Ropaii opon in BLK EL wi o botwoon tho ignition coil ond ignition witch Reconnectthe 2P connector Connectthetest harnessbetween the ECMandconnector seepage 1 1 4 5 Turn the ignition switch ON Measurevoltage individuallybe tweenA21 A22 lt6rmi nalsand A26 t terminal 1OV r A 2 1 t J 10v NOTE lf the YEL GRN wire was shorted the ICM may be damag6d ...

Page 325: ... manualtransmission in 2nd gear A T E position accelerate to 4 000 rpm th n decelerateto 1 5OO rpm with throttle tully croseo Intormlttontlallurc 3ystcm ls OK at this tim Chock tor Door connoctiona ol loose wir6s at C433 locrtod at ight shock tow6 Cl15 VSSI and ECM ls the MIL on and doesit indicatecode 17 Block rear wheels and set the parkingbrake Jack up the front oI the car and support with sale...

Page 326: ...a n d A 2 6 tefmrnal Reprir 3hort in ORN wi e b6twoon ECM 8101and tho VSS Tianlmission Con trol Modulc spo6d omotor 4WS con trol unit or cruiso contrcl unit Ropoiropon in ORN wire b6two6n ECl 8101and VSS lf wlr i8OK tort th VSS oo oction 23t Does voltage pulse O V 8nd 12 V lH22A1 engine USA Si VTEC Canada SR V 5 0 VI Sub tituto r known ood ECM nd r ch ck lf lymptom indica tion goar rway roplace th...

Page 327: ...t ddv m Y bo nocoa 4ry1 Chock tor ooor connociion3 ot looso wlr6s at C420 IELD 8nd ECM Doesthe MIL indicatecode 20 Turnthe ignitionswilch OFF Remove the undeFhood tuse relay box and remove the fuse relay box lower cover Turn the ignitionswitch ON Measure voltage between BLK YEL terminal and BLK l terminal Measure voltage between BLK YEL terminal and body ground Roplir opon In BLKrvk batwcan tha 3P...

Page 328: ...nd Rep ir opon or short in GRN BLK rvi brtwoon ECMlDlO andtho 3P connoctoa It wiro is OK aubstitut6a known good ECM and chock ls there 4 5 5 0 V Turn the ignition switch OFF Connectth6t st hsmossbetween the ECM and conneclors see page11 45 To poge 11 86 LOWER COVER cont d 1 1 8 5 ...

Page 329: Headlightswitch first position 1 5 3 OV Headlightswitch secondposition a 1 0 2 O V 11 86 Underthe conditionslist din the chart to the right measurevol_ tage betweenD1O terminal and A26 l terrninal Substituto a known ood ECM and recheck ll symptom indica tion goosaway 6phco tha otigi nel ECM ...

Page 330: ... opgratingtempotature thoradia tor lan comgs on Holdengine8t 3 OOo 4 0OOrpm tor 1Osecondswith manualtrans miesionin neutral A T lll or lq position Int mittonl l llur sy t m b OK at thir tim tod driv maY bo nocolaorYl Chack for poot conncctlon ot loolq wlro3 al O 32 loortrd rt rightshod tow r Cl l2lKS and ECM ls the MIL on and doesit indicats code 23 Turn the ignition swirch OFF Connect the test ha...

Page 331: ...Warm up tho engineto normal operating temperature theradia tor fan comgson Holdengineat 3 OOO 4 OOO rpm lor 1Osgcondswith manualtrans missionin noutral A rf or oosr onl ls the MIL on and doesit indicatecode 23 Subslituto a known good ECM and rsch6ck lt symptom indic tion goosaw6y oplacothe origi nal ECM Continuity 32 N m13 2ks m 23lb ftl 1 1 8 9 ...

Page 332: ... harnssgto the msinh rnessonly nottothe ECM seepage l1 45 Disconnect the 22P connector from rhe TCIV Checkfor continuity between93 and or 84 terminal and body grouno RoDairrhort in ORNor Pf Kr wilo botw n ECM B3 or B4r I nd rh TCM Troubleshooting Flowchart A T Fl SignalA B A T only l The MalfunctionIndicatorLamp MlL indicatesDiagnostic TroubleCode DTC 30 A problemin l 30 l tne A T Fl SignslA circu...

Page 333: ...ty on ORN or PNK wire between83 or 84 and 22P connectorot rhe TCM Ropsiioponin ORI or P lK wir6 botween ECM 8 o 84 I and rhc TCM Subltitute a known ood ECM and rochack lt lymptorh indica tion gogs rway roplaca tha origi nal ECM 1 1 9 1 ...

Page 334: ...unctionIndicatorLsmp MlLl doesnot blinkDiagnostic Trouble Code DTC 14 go to inspectiondescribed on page 11 95 P A G E l s u s s Y s T M SYMPTOM IOLE ADJUST ING SCREW IDIEAIR CONTROL coNDr TIONING SIGNAL ALIER NATOs FR SIGNAI STARTER swtTcH srGt rAL ERAKE swtTcH SIGNAL STEERING PFESSUNE SIGNAL FAST IDLE THERMO STAFTING HOSES AND CONNEC TIONS t t l 96 98 100 102 l04 1 0 6 104 l09 1 1 0 DIFFICULT TOS...

Page 335: ...Vatve The vElvechsngesth smount of air bypassinginto the intake manifold in responseto electric current contro ed by the ECM Whenthe IAC Valveis activated the valveopensto maintainthe properidle speed TO PGM FI MAIN RELAY vARtous r SENSORS STARTITIG AIB VALVE FAST IOLE THERMO VALVE 1 1 9 3 ...

Page 336: ... certaintime Theamountof airis increased to raisethe idlesp6 d about l 50 3OOrPm 2 Whenthe enginecoolanttemperatureis low the IACvalve is openedto obtainthe prope fast idlespeed Theamount of bvoassedair is thus controlledin relationto the enginecoolanttemperature IDLESPEEO rpml 104 140 60 11 94 ...

Page 337: signal p8ge1j 1O41 Brakeswitch signal page11 106 PSPswitch signat paget 1 108 Fastidlethermovalve pagel l_109 Starting air valve Hosesand connections IAC valveand its mountingO fings 2 It the aboveitemsare normal substitutea known goodIAC valveand readiustthe idle speed page11 l1l lf the idlespeedstill cannotbe adjustedto specification andthe MtL does not blinkcode 14 sfter IAC valve replacemen...

Page 338: ...t6t Frl l r Tho MILhasboenr6portodon With sgrvicocheck connoctor jumpedls opago11421 codo l4 is indicatod Dothe ECMResetProcedure see page11 431 With lhe enginerunning and the accelerator pedal released dis connect the 2P connector lrom the IAC valve ls the MIL on and doesit indi cale code 14 Intormitlant lafluro ay8 tom is OK dt this timo to3t d iving may bo nocassa yl Chock tor ooor connoc tion ...

Page 339: ... IAC valve Connect the test hamess A connector to the main wire har nessonly not the ECMlseepage 11 45 Turn the ignition switch ON Mofientarily connectAg terminal to A26 terminsl severaltimes Subrtitut known ood ECM nd r to t lt rymptom ktdicrtkrn gooa away raplaca tho original ECM Doosthe IAC valveclick Ropairopon or hort in BLX aLU wirc b tw on IAC v lvo and ECM A9l It tho wlr i OK r6pl co th6 I...

Page 340: ...a known good ECMand e fieck It prssc bod voltago i3 now availablo rapl6c6 th6 origln l ECM ls thereapprox 5 V Reconnect 8 connectorto the main wirc harness Momentarilyconnect A15 ter minal to q26 t rminal several times Connecrrho RED BLUtorminrl ot ihe 4P conneclor on tho A C clutch rolty to body g ound ls thsre a clickingnob ftom the A C comprc or clulch S6a alr condltlonat in rpaetlon lrac tocti...

Page 341: ... o o Q I o o o o c r I A26 t_l Measurevoltage between 85 terminalandA26 terminal Ropairopenin BLU BLK wiro botwoon ECM lB5l and A C awitch ls voltagelessthan 1 OV Air conditioning iignal i3 OK Substituto a known good ECM and rodrock ll proscribod voltago is row availoblo rsplacg tho origi nal ECM 1 1 9 9 ...

Page 342: mrnat Subltitut a khown ood ECM and r hock lf pr rcribed voltlgo ir now availabl rophce lh ottgi nel ECM lsthereapprox 4 5 V Turnthe ignitionswrtchOFF Reconnect D connector to the main wire harness Warm up engineto normaloPer atingtemperatu theradiatortan comesonl Measure voltage between Dg l terminal and A26 ter minal Does the vohagedecreasewhen heedlighlsand rear d fogggr8re turnedon Turn the...

Page 343: ...Disconnect GRNconnector from the ALT Checktor continuity between D9 t rmin l and body g ound Checkfor continuity betwoon Dg terminaland bodyground Ropair3hon in WHT REDwiro bo twoon ECM Dgl snd ALT NOTE The radiomay havea codedtheft protection circuit Besureyou get the customer scode num ber beforedisconnecting the batterycable Ropoi op nin WHT REDwiro b6 two n ECM lDgl and ALT 11 1 0 1 ...

Page 344: ...ion 141 Ooesrhs indicatorlight ProP rlY Turnthe ignitiongwitchOFF Connectthe test harnessbetween the ECMand connectors Disconnect B connector trom the main wire hamess only not the ECM seepage 11 451 Turnthe ignitionswilch ON Measure voltage between 87 terminal and A26 ter minal Subltituto a known good ECM and rech ck ll prsc ibod voltago b now avriloblo taplaco the origi nal ECM ls there approx 5...

Page 345: ... twoon ECM lB7 nd gaug6 ae lombly ls there lessthan 1 0 V Measure voltage b tween 87 l terminal and A26 ter minal with the transmission in gear Ropalrrhort ir LT GRN wir6 b tw cn ECM 87 and gaugo r lombly ls ther approx 12 V7 A T gear poritlon lgn l i OK 8 7 l l o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A26 t l L6s8than 1 OV7 1 2 V 7 1 1 1 0 3 ...

Page 346: ...o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A26 t Connectthe test harness between the ECM and connectors see page11 45 Measurevoltage between Bg terminal and 426 terminal when the ignitionswitch in the start posrton Insoect No 2 STARTER SIGNAL 7 5A fus inthe und r dash fusefielav boxl ls there batteryvollage Rap i oponInBLU RED wlr b tw sn ECM B9l rnd t o 2 STARTER SIGNAL 17 5Al lur Start r switch sig...

Page 347: ...s on without depressingthe brake pedal Inapoctth6 br k6 3wltch o aoc tion 19 InspectSTOPHORN l5 A luse in th under hood Iuse rel8y boxl Oo the brakelighB come on7 Connect the t6st harnossto the mainwire harn ssonlv nottothe ECM seepage 11 45 Roprir op n In WHT EL wlrc b twoon bruks lwitch lnd STOPHOR 115A tu o Inrpgcl tho b r6korwltch l o lection l9l Topage11 1071 ...

Page 348: voltagebetweenD2 lerminal and A26 terminal with the brake oedaldeDressed Roplir opon in GRII WHT wlro be twoon th brakqlwltch rnd ECM D2t ls there bane y voltage t Br k wilch lional i OK I BAI TERY VOLTAGE 0 2 t l 11 107 ...

Page 349: ...ringwheel is turning Repairoponin RED GRN wir6 b6 tw6on ECM 88 snd PSPswitch or BLKwir bolwog i PSP wilch andGlOl ls there batteryvoltage Disconnect the 2Pconneclorfrom the PSPswitch PSP3wirch slgnal i OK Measurevoltagebetween88 terminaland 426 l l terminal ls there batteryvoltage Rooairshon in RED GRN wilo bo twoon ECM 88 and P1SP switch lI wire is OK substitutoa known good ECM and rochock lf pro...

Page 350: ...ngin USA Si VTEC Canada SR V NOT The fast idlethermovalveis factory adiusted it shouldnot be disassembled 1 Removethe intakeair duct from the throttlebodv 2 Stan the engine 3 Put your finger over the lower port in throttle body andmakesurethat thereis airflow with the engine cold engine coolant temperaturebelow 860F 300c FAST IDLE THERMO VAIVE thermo valve and 12 m 1 2 kg m 9 lb ttl 4 Warm up the ...

Page 351: ...idle thermo valve and retest t2 N m 1 2ks m I lb ttl 4 Warm up the engine the radaator tan comeson 5 Checkthat the valveis completely closed lf not air suctioncan be elt in the valveseat area a It any suction is felt the valve is leaking Checkenginecoolantlevelandfor air in the en ginecoolingsystem seesection lO It OK replacethe fast idle thermo valve and recheck Description Whencranking theengine...

Page 352: ...I M T 55O t 50 rpm A T 55O 50 rpm inS or position H22A1 engine USA Si VTEC Canada SR V 55O 1 50 rpm F22Al engine Sl M T 55O I 50 rpm NT 550 t 50 rpm inI or position 7 Adjustthe idlespeed if necessary by turning the idle adjustingscrew IOLEADJUSTING SCREW Turn the ignirionswitch OFF Reconnect the 2Pconnectoron the IACvalve then remove CLOCK RADIO 1OA Iuseintheunder hood fuse relaybox tor 1Osecondst...

Page 353: ...O t 50 rpm Afi 770 I 50 rpm inS or E position 1 1 Turn the headlightsand reardefoggeroff ldlethe enginefor oneminutewith heatertan switch at Hl and air conditioneron then check the idle speeo ldlo speod should be H23Al engin USA Si Canads SRI M T 78O t 50 rpm NT 78Ot 50 rpm inI or E position H22A1 engin USA Si VTEC Canada SR VI 79O 1 50 rpm F22A1 engina S M T 77O i 50 rpm NT 770 t 50 rpmlin S or F...


Page 355: ...sure from the systemby loosening the 6 mm serv ice bolt on top of the fuel rail 1 Disconnect the batterynegative cablefromthe bat tery negativeterminal NOTE Theradiomayhavea codedthettprotection circuit Besureyou get the customer scode num ber beforedisconnecting the batterycable 2 Removethe fuel fill caD 3 Usea box endwrenchon the 6 mm servicebolt at thefuelrail whileholding the special banjobolt...

Page 356: ...lator Pr ssureshould b H23Al engine USA Si Canada SR F22A1 ongine S 195 245 kPa 1 95 2 45 kg cm2 28 35 psi H22A1 engine USA Si VTEC Canada SR V 17O 22O kPs 11 7 2 2 kg cmr 24 31 psi PRESSURE REGULATOR lf the engine willnot stan turnthe ignition switch on wait for two seconds turn it otf then back on againand readthe iuel pressure a lf the fuelpressure is not asspecified firstcheckthe fuelpump seep...

Page 357: ... durationthe currentis supplied to the solenoidcoil The FuelIniectoris sealedby an O tingand seal ring at the top and bottom Thesesealsalsoreduceoperatingnoise 1 1 1 1 6 PLUNGER SEAL BII G FUEL INJECTOR INSULATOR __l __ _ tFJ ull Th6 MILhasboonrooortodon With sorvicechock conncctor iumpod s6 pago11421 codo l6 is indicatod Dothe ECMResetProcedure see page11 43 Into mittent lailuro 3yst6m ir OK at t...

Page 358: ...s of luol injector FUEL IITJECTOB Turnthe ignitionswitch OFF Ropl c th6 tu l ini ctor inioctor thlt aro not 1 5 2 5 O ls there1 5 2 5 O Turn the ignition switch ON Measuro voltaoebetweenREO 8LK terminalin rhe 2Pcon ngctorandbodyground Tu n tho ignition switch OFF Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Measure voltsge between YEL BLK terminal and body ground To page 11 118 To page 11 l 18 11 117 ...

Page 359: ...tha wire batwoon the ECM A1 A3 A5 or A2 and tho luol inioctor ls there battery voltage Frompage11 117 Rgpair op6n in tho YEL BLKwire botws6n the inioctor resistot and tho PGM FImain olaY Testthe injectorresistor seepage 11 1211 B pair op6n RED BLKwiro bo twe n lhe 2P connocto end inioc tor roaistor FuelSupply System FuelInjectors cont dl 13 rott t Li6iiitl A 1 lA 5 l Substilute a known good ECM an...

Page 360: ...wel over the hosesbeforedisconnecting them 4 Disconnect the tuel hosefrom the fuel rail 5 Loosenthe retainernuts on the fuel railand harnessholder 6 Disconnect the PCVvalveand fuel rail 7 Removethe fuel injectorstrom the intakemanifold SEALING WASHER Replsc6 0 0 0 0 CUSHION RING Replace 8 Slidenew 9 Coat new 1O Insertthe I 1 Coat new cushionringsonto the fuel injectors O ringswith cleanengineoil a...

Page 361: ...htenthe retainernuts 15 Connectthe Juelhoseto the fuel railwith new washers 16 Connectthe vacuumhoseto the tuelpressure regulator andEGRvalve andthe fuelreturnhoseto the tuelpressure regulator 17 Installthe connectorson the fuel injectorsand IAC valve 18 Replace the 6 mm servicebolt washerand tightenthe bolt 19 Turnthe ignitionswitchON but do not operatethe starter After the fuelpumprunsfor approx...

Page 362: ... faster responsetime of the fuel in rectors FUEL LLLLL Testing 1 Disconnectthe injectorresistorconnector 2 Check for resistancebetween each of the inisctor resistor terminals E D C 8ndB andthe powert r minal A Resistance shouldbe 5 7 O a Replace the injectorresistorwith a new one if any of the resistances areoutsideof the sDecification 11 121 ...

Page 363: ...Donot smok durlngtho test K ap opanflamesawaylrom yourwork area Attach a fuel pressure gaugeto the serviceport of the fuelrail seepage11 115 Pressursshould be H23A1 engino USA Si Canada SR F22A1 engino S 255 3O5 kPa 2 55 3 05 kg cm2 36 43 psi H22Al engino USA Si WEC Canada SR VI 23o 2ao kPa 2 3 2 8 kg cm2 33 4o psil with the fu6l pressurologulator vacuum hose dis connectod and pinchedl PRESSURE RE...

Page 364: ... H22A1 engine 23O 280 kpa 2 3 2 8 kg cm2 33 40 psi with the fuel pressure regulato vacuumhosedisconnected andpinchedlafter makingsurethat the fuel pump and the fuel pressure regulatorare OK 1 Placea shop towel underand aroundthe fuel rail 2 Relieve fuelpressure seepage11 1 14 3 Remove the 12 mm banjoboltandthefuelfeedpipe trom the fuel filter 4 Removethe fuel Jilterclampand fuel filter 5 When asse...

Page 365: ...oeller drivenby the motorl the fuel pumpcasing whichformsthe pumpingchamber andthe fuel pumpcove OPERATION o PGM FImain relavactrrates the le impeller 1 When the engineis stsrted the PGM FImain telaYactuatesthe fuel pump and the motor turns tl Differential pressureis generated by the numerousgroovesaroundthe impeller 2 Fuetenteringthe inletport flows insidethe motorfrom the pumpingchambefand is to...

Page 366: ...conneclorand connectthe BLK YEL wire and yEL wirc with a jumperwire BLK YEL YELG WIRE pcm H MA N JUMPER Checkthat batteryvoltageis available at the fuel pumpconnectorwhenthe ignitionswitch is turned ON positive probeto the yEL wire negativeprobe to the BLKwire Y E L lf battery voltageis available replacethe fuel D U M O lf thereis no voltage checkthe fuel pumpgrouno and wire harness seepage 1j 128...

Page 367: ...nchecktot continuitybetweenthe No 5 terminal8ndNo 7 tet minalof the PGM FImain r laY a It there is continuity go on to step 3 a ll there is no continuity replacethe relay and TOIGN 1 TO GROUND TOST SWTTCH TOECM A7 8 TO 8AT C to EcM A25 Btl TO FUELPUMP 3 Attach the batterypositiveterminalto the No 5 tsr minal and the battery negative terminal to the No 2 terminslof the PGM Flmainrelav Thencheckthat...

Page 368: ...l Ropoir op6n in rho YEL BLU wire b tweon tho NiM Fl rnain relayand ths No 4 BACK uP 10 Al lu8o ls there battery voltage Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Measure the voltago between BLK YELterminal and body glouno Roolaco th ECUIECMI 15 A tuis in tho und6r eh tut ro lay boxl R6pai opgn In tho BLK YEK wiro b tween d o FGM FItnein r6laYand tho Ecu ECM 15 Al fu3e ls there battery voltage Turn the ignition s...

Page 369: ...s A25 81 lf R pair oponin tho YEL BLKO rvi 6 botwoon th ECM A25 811 lnd PGM FIh in iohy R pl c PGM FImain r6lay ls there battery vokage Turn lhe ignilion switch OFF Connecta voltmeterbetweenA7 l l te minal and A23 l rer mtnat Subrtltulc 6 known good ECM and raatrock ll p eacriH voltago b now svail Hg rgf acotho origi nal ECM ls there batt ry voltage tor lwo seconds when the ignition switch is firs...

Page 370: ...ors 6 Oisconnect the hoses CAUTION Whon disconnoctingthe hos6s slide back ths clamps then twist hososas you pull to avoid damaglng them 7 Placea iack or other support underthe tank 8 Removethe strapbolts and nuts and let the strapsfall free 9 Removethe fuel tank NOTE The tank may stick on the undercoatappliedto its mount To remove caretullypry it off the mount 1O lnstalla new washeron the drainbol...

Page 371: ...nkedin the orderthev shouldbe inspectedstartingwith O Findthe symptomin the left column readacrossto the most likelysource then referto the pagelistedat the top of the column lf inspectionshows the systemis OK try the next system etc SYMPTOM WHENCOLDFASTIDLEOUT OF SPEC WHENWARM IDLETOOHIGH LOSSOF POWER ExceptF2241 engine S 11 131 ...

Page 372: ...ntakecontrol system andintakemanifold A resonator inthe intakeairpipeprovides additional silencing asairisdrawnintothe system ExceptF22A1 engine S IAB CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE tA8 VACUUM TANK t _ o ECU ECM r5 A FUSE PGM FI MAINRELAY Xll o VARIOUS SENSORS INTAKE AIRDUCT r AB CONTROL DIAPHRAGM BODY FAST IOLE THERMO VALVE II TAKE SLK TOECU ECM 15AI YEL FUSE INTAKE AIR PIPE CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE WHT RE...

Page 373: ...lementRaplacemont ACL HOUSING ACL EL MENT Roplac very 3O OOO miles 48 OO0kml or 24 months Cleanair cleanerelementeverv l5 OOO mil6s 24 OOO kml or 12 monthsunder conditions rough or muddv roads INTAKEAIR DUCT ACL HOUSINGCOVER 1 1 1 3 3 ...

Page 374: ...noise INTAKECONTROI SOLENOIDVALVE BLK TO ECU ECMIll5 Al YEL FusE II TAKE CONTROL VACUUMT INTAKECONTROL CHECKVALVE When the enginespeedis below 4 OO0rpm the ECMprovidesground for the intako control solenoidvalv6 This opens the solenoidvalvesendingintakemanifoldvacuumto the intakecontroldiaphragm BLK I I RESONATOR 11 134 ...

Page 375: ...cuum hos ofthe solonoidvalv6from the air chamb6r and connecl a vac uum gau96 to th hos6 Chcck tho v cuum lina tor profEr con n6ctlon crack blockrg or dtr on n tod ho o Closnmanltold m t Disconnect th 2P connector from the intake control solehoid Measurs votiag botwson BLK YEL l terminaland WHT tornanal R pl co th Intlko control aobndd volve ls there batteryvollag Measure voltage betwe n BLK YEL l ...

Page 376: ...e Turn the ignirionswitch OFF Connectthetest harnessbetween the ECM and connectors see page 11 45 Turn the ionition switch ON Connect a jumper wire between A19 terminaland A26 terminal Ropair opon in WHT wiro betwoon ECM lA19 andtho 2P con nectot Substituto s known good ECM and ochock lf symptom indica tion goosaway replgceth6 odgi nal ECM Turnthe ignilionswilch OFF Check for continuity to ground ...

Page 377: ...line for propor connaction oa diaconnected noaa lf OK plac6 tho inllk control dl phrlgm Doesit holdvacuumT l aha contol ayatam b OK R6pai ahort lo ground in WHT wira b6tw en ECM A19 nd rhe 2P connoctot Subltitute a known good ECM and rechock lf symptom goaa away oplaco tho originsl ECM 11 137 ...

Page 378: ...tinqtemp ra ture the radiatortan comeson 2 Holdthe cablesheath removingall slackfrom the cable Turntheadiusting nutuntilit is3 mm 0 12 in away from the cablebracket Tightenthe locknut Thecsbledetlectionshouldnow be 1O 12 mm O 39 O 47in lf not seeinspec tion adjustment DEFLECTION 1 0 1 2 m m 1O 39 O 47in It deflection is not withinspecs loosenthe locknut turnthe adjusting nutuntilthedeflection isas...

Page 379: of the throttlebody connec I vacuumgaugeto the throttle body VACUUM PUMP GAUGE A973X 04t XXXXX Allow the engineto idleand checkthat the gauge indicatesno vacuum a lf thereis vacuum checkthe throttlecable see page11 138 Checkthat vacuumis indicated on the gaugewhen the throttleis op nedslightlyfrom idle a lf the gauge indicatesno vacuum check the throttle body port ll the throttle body port is ...

Page 380: ...Throttle Body cont d THROTTLE STOPSCREW Non adiustable Replace the throttlebodyif thereisexcessive playinthe throttlevalveshattor if the shatt is bindingor sticking THROTTLE LEVER There should be no clearance 1 1 1 4 0 ...

Page 381: ...Throttle Body Disassembly GASKET Rgplaco THROTTLE CABLE 2 2 kg m 16 lb ft A T THROTTLE CONTROL CABLE 11 141 ...

Page 382: ...ftd rrllrombly adiust tho throftle cabl seopag6 l 1 138 and A T throttlo control cable s66section 141tor carsl whh A T F22A1 angine S H23Al ngino USArSi Can8d8 SR H22Al engine USA Si VTEC Csnada SR VI IDLEADJUSTING SCREW FAST IDLETHEBMO VAVLE Inspection pago1 l 110 11 142 1 2kg m 9 lb lt ...

Page 383: ... RPMis achievedby c osing and openingthe ntake Air ByDass tA Bl ratves High torque at low RPMis acheivedwhen the IABvalvesare closed whereashigh powe at high RPMis achievedwh n the IAB valvesare ooened tA8 CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE IABVACUUMTANK tA8 CHECK VALVE IAB CONTROL DIAPHRAGM 9i _ I i u tEcM 15 A VARIOUS SENSORS cont d IAB CONTROLSOLENOIDVALVE OFF ET GINE RPM IS ABOVE 4 800 rpm H23A1 onginel o...

Page 384: ...phragm hd connecl vacuum gauge to th6 nose Disconnect the 2Pconnectorfrom the IAB control sol noidvalve Measure voltagg between BLK YEL terminaland PNK terminal Rcp lr th block g or vlcuu n lark bltwaan lh intlk m ntlold nd d ph gm it vrqrxn l OK r pl c the IAB contrcl lolcnold vllva ls tho o banoryvohrgo Matturu voh ge b twe n BLK YEL t rmin l and bodv gaouno R p lr op r in BLK rEL wlre bctwaon t...

Page 385: ...ginal ECM Reconnectthe 2P connector to the IAB control solenoidvalve Connect the tost harnessto the mainwireharness only seepage 11 45 Turnthe ignitionswitch ON and connect a jumper wiro between A17 terminaland A26 torminal Rop ir opon in P K wlro botwoon ECM A17 ond tho 2Pconn ctor lf tho wiie i OK oDlac6 th6 IAB cootol 8olongid Does the solenoid valve click Substhuto a known good ECM and echack ...

Page 386: ...gor sticking 2 Checkthe IAB valvefor smooth movement 3 With the engineOFF ctreckthat of the bypass valveis in closecontactwith the stoDper 4 With the engineat idle checkthat 9of the IAB valveis in closecontactwith the full closescrew a ll sny fautt is found cl anthe linkagoand shafts with calbuistorclssner lf the Droblem stillexistsaftercleaning disassem blethe intakemanifoldandcheckthe IABvalve s...

Page 387: ...fntake Air Bypass lAB Control System lExcept F22A1 engine S l 22 N m 12 2kg m 16 e s H e s l l E 22 N m 2 2kg m 16 lb ttl IA8 VALVE IAB t CONTROL rrn 2 2 kg m 16 tb frl SOLENOIDVAI VE 11 147 ...

Page 388: ...IntakeAir System fntake Manifold 1F22A1engine S l 22 N m 2 2 kg m 16rb ftl l 9 e g H n E ...


Page 390: ...andards TailpipeEmission lnspection Do not smokeduringthis procedure Keep any open flame away ltom your wotk alea 1 Startthe engineand warm up to normaloperating temperature by drivingon the road Connecta tachometer Checkand adjustthe idlespeed if necessary see p a g e1 1 1 1 1 Warm up and calibrate the CO meteraccording to the metermanufacturer s instructions CheckidleCO with lhe headlights heate...

Page 391: ...ption The ThreeW8y CatalyticConverter TWC is usedto converthydrocarbons HC carbonmonoxide CO and oxides of nitrogen Nox in the exhaustgas to carbondioxide co2 dinitrogen N2 and water vapor THREE WAY CATALYST FROI TOFVEHICLE HOUSING 11 1 5 1 ...

Page 392: ... back pressureis suspected emovethe TWC from the car and make a visualcheckfor plug ging meltingor crackingof the cstalyst Replace the TWC if any of the visibleareais damagedor plugged 34 N m 13 4 kg m 25 lb ft 10 N m 11 O kg m 7 lb ft ia IJ FRONTOF VEHICLE 34 N m 13 4kg m SD SN HEAT SHIELD 11 15 2 ...

Page 393: ...cont olvalve EGRcontrolsolenoidvalve ECMand varioussensors The ECMmemorycontainsidealEGRvalvelifts tor varyingoperatingconditions The EGRvslve lilt sensordetectsthe amountof EGRvalvelift and sendsthe informationto the ECM The ECMthen comparesit with the jdealEGRvalve lift which is determined by signslssent from the other sensors lf there is any di ferencebetweenthe two the ECM variescurrentto the ...

Page 394: ...pth6 en ginespeedin the 1 700 2 500 rpm Intormitlrnt t llur6 yltom ir OK at thi tlm Chock for poor connaction ot loo wlr s at Ot25 gl28llocat od at rlght ihock towqr C463 locatodat loft ida und r dashl C117 EGR vllvo lift n or C31OGGB comrol olonoid vrlv l and ECM ls the MIL on and doesit indicatecode 12 With the engineat idle discon nectthe 16 hosefromthe EGR valve and connect a vacuum pump gauge...

Page 395: ...o und6r a h turo olay borl ls there battery voltage Reconnectthe vacuum pump gaugeto the 6 hose Topage11 156 Check vacuum hoso rouling of the ontiro EGR system It hoss routing ir OK roplac EGR control 3olenoid ls thereany vacuum Turnthe ignitionswitchOFFand disconnect the A conngctor from the ECM Checktor continuityto groundon REDwire of the 2P connector Ropairsho t in REDwir6 botween EGR control ...

Page 396: ...s for leaks restrictions or mis routing ls thereapprox 2OOmm Hg 8 in Hg within 1 second Turn the ignition swith OFFand reconnect the 2P connector Are the hoses OK Disconnect the lower hose on EGRcontrol solenoid valve and connecta vacuumgaugeto the hose Disconnect 3Pconnectorfromthe EGRvalve lift sensor Roobca the EGBvacu um control valvg ls there 150 250 mrn Hg 16 1o in Hg ol vacuum Turnthe ignit...

Page 397: ...T BLKwir botwo n EGRvalvo lift n or and ECM D12 ll YYi o b OK r Dlac th EGR To page 11 158 t1 156 Ropair open in GRN WHT wii botweon EGR vrlv6 lift sonsor ond ECM D22 Connect the test harness D connectorto the ECMonly not to th6 main wire harness seepags 11 45 Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Measure voltage botween D19 terminaf and O22 l l terminal Rgpair opon in RED WHT wir batwoon EGR valv litt n3or n...

Page 398: ... as the vacuumincreases decreases From page11 158 Connecl41 1 terminalto 426 teF minalwith a jumperwire Ropairopen in REDuvirobotwoon ECMlAl ll andEGRconlrol3do noid valv6 Did the enginestall or run rough Substitute a known good ECM and rech ck ll symptom indica tion goesaway replac the origi nal ECM 1 1 1 5 8 ...

Page 399: ...acuum and the blow by gas is drawn directlyinto the intake manifold BREATHER PIPE BLOW BYVAPOR Cf I FRESHAIR Inspection 1 Checkthe PCVhosesandconnections for leaksand clogging At idle makesurethereis a clickingsoundfromthe PCVvalvewhen the hosebetweenPCVvalveand intakemanifoldin lighttypincfiedwirh yourfingers or olrers L l l t lf thereis no clickingsound checkthe pCVvalve grommetfor cracksor dama...

Page 400: ...d burned B Vapor Putgo Control System EVAPcontro canisterpurg ngisaccomp ishedbydrawingfreshairthroughtheEVAPcontro canisterandintoa portonthethrott ebody Thepurgingvacuumiscontro edbytheEVAPpurgecontro diaphragmva veandthe EVAPputgecontrolsolenoidvalve FuelTank Vapor Conttol SYstem Whenfuelvaporpressure in the fueltank is higherthanthe setvalueof the EVAPtwo way valve the valveopens and regulates...


Page 402: ...Ppurge control di aphragmvalve onthe EVAPcon trol canister 6nd connect a vacuumgaugelo lhe hose Start the ongine and allow it to idle NOTE Enginecoolanttempera turemustbebelow158oF 70oC Measure voltage between BLK YEL terminaland REO GRN terminal Inspoct vacuum hoso routin9 lf OK oplaco EVAP purge control solenoid ls there batteryvollage Measurevoltage betwgon BLK YEL terminal and body ground 11 1...

Page 403: ...r short in RED GRN wiro b6tw6onECMlA2O andtho conn6ctol ll wir6 is OK sub3titutoa known good ECM and rech6ck lt 3ym ptom goo3 away r6placo tho original ECM lFrompage11 162 Ropairoponin BLK YEL wir6 betwoon ECU ECM 15 Al lus6 lin tho undordash fuso ro lay boxl 6nd ths 2P connoclor ls therebatteryvohage lBpoct RED GRN wlro tor anop n beiw en ECM 4201endtho con nocrot lf wir6 is OK substitut6a known ...

Page 404: ...gauge to EVAP control canister purge air nose Connect a vacuum gauge to the purgehoseand raiselhe ngine sDeed to 3 5OOrpm Does vacuum appgar on gauge within l minute Inlpacl tho purgo hoas d throt r body po t tor pinch or blockag SooEVAPtwo way valvo tost to comoloto Evaoorativo ombsion control aro oK Rsol6c6 th6 EVAP conttol caniator 11 164 ...

Page 405: ...zes valveopens below 5 mm Hs 0 2in Hg or abovel5 mm Hg o 6in Hgl installa new valveand retest Move vacuumpump hosefrom vacuumto pressure tifiing andmovevacuumgaugehosefromvacuum to oressure sideas shown Slowlypressuraze the vaporlinewhilewatchingthe gauge Pressure shouldstabilize at 1Oto 35 mm Hg O 4 to 1 4 in Hg a It pressure momentarily stabilizes valveopens at 1Oto 35 mm Hg O 4 to 1 4 in Hg the...

Page 406: ...Transaxle Clutch 12 1 Manual Transmission 13 1 Automatic Transmission 14 1 Differential Manual Transmission 15 1 Automatic Transmission 15 1 0 Driveshafts 16 1 ...

Page 407: ...sterGylinder RemovaUlnstallation 12 5 SlaveGylinder Removal 12 6 Installation 12 6 Release Bearing Disassembly f nspection 12 7 fnstaf lation 12 7 Pressure Plate RemovaUlnspection 12 8 GlutchDisc Inspection 12 9 Flywheel fnspection Removal 12 10 FlywheelandClutchDisc lnstaf lation 12 10 ...

Page 408: ...ools I Re No I Tool Numbqt OTJAF PM7011A 07LAB PV00100 or 07924 PD20003 07LAF PT00110 07936 3710100 ClutchAlignmentDisc RingGearHolder ClutchAlignmentShaft Handle 12 8 12 8 9 r0 1 2 4 1 0 12 8 t0 o g 6 B I 12 2 ...

Page 409: ...moval lnstall6tion pag6 12 5 DOU EL PIN FLYWHEEL Inspection Removal page12 10 Installation page12 10 CLUTCH DISC 7 rb ftl J rg runrfl g tg m 14lb ft1 15 N n l 1 5kg m RESERVOIF OILBOLT 30t n 3 0kg m l A REsERvolR HosE Y _ 7 r V fr lJYr l r n x r o mm t i 10N m 1 0ls m 7tb ft virh tW rg V Inspection page12 9 Installation psge12 10 PRESSURE PLATE Femoval lnspection pa96 12 8 Installation page12 10 T...

Page 410: ...locknutB andclutchpedalswitchB Measursthe clsarance between the floor boardand clutchpedal lvith the clutchpedalfullydepressed Release the clutchpedal 15 20 mm 0 59 0 79 in from the fully depressed positionand hold it there Adjustthe positionof clutchpedalswitchB so that the enginewill start with the clutch pedal in this position 7 8 q 10 Thread the clutch pedal switch B in 114 112 tu n further LO...

Page 411: ...rough thetop ot the reservoir with a syringe 5 Remove the clutchmast rcvlinder 2 Remove the reservoir from the enginecompartment bulkhead 3 Disconnect the clutchpipe from the clutchmastsr cylinder CLUTCH PIPE 19N m11 9 kg m la lb ttl 6 x 1 0 m m CLUTCHMASIER CYLINDER 10ll rn11 0 ke m 7tb ft 6 Install the clutch mastor cylinder in the rev rse order of removal NOTE Blsedthe clutch hydraulicsystom se...

Page 412: ... P N08798 9002 BrakeAssemblyLubeor equivalent rubber grease 1 Installthe slave cylinder on the clutch housing Connectthe clutch pipe CLUTCH PIPE 15N m 1 5kg m SLAVECYUNDER BLEEOER SCREW 10N n 1 0kg m 7tb ft 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m 2 2kg m 16tb ft BraksAssembly Lub6 3 Bleedthe ciutch hydraulic system Attacha hoseto the bleederscrewand suspend the hosein a container of brakefluid Makesurethereis an adequa...

Page 413: ...EASE FORK RELEASE FORK SET SPBING With the release fork slid betweenthe release bear ing pawls installthe releasebearingon the main shaft while inseningthe releasefork through the holein clutchhousing Alignthe detentof the release forkwith tlle release fork bolt then pressthe releasefork over the release forkboltsouarelv l P N08798 6El P N08798 RELEASE FOBK CLUTCH HOUSING RELEASE FoRK RELEAS SETSP...

Page 414: ...RING GEAR HOLDER ADJUSTER NUT AOJUSTEB BOLT FEELER GAUGE CLUTCH ALIGNMENT SHAFT 07LAF PTOo110 I 45 N m 4 5kg m 33tb ft RINGGEARHOLDER 07LAB PV001 00 07924 PD20003 HANDLE 07936 3710100 SHAFT 07LAF PT00110 I ALIGNMENT ENGINEBLOCK HANDLE CLUTCH WASHER 12 8 BOLT PRESSURE PLATE To preventwarping unscrewthe pressureplate mounting bolts in a crisscrosspattern in several steps then removethe pressureplate...

Page 415: ...t if it is burnedblackor oil soaked 3 Measure the clutchdiscthickness ClutchDiscThickn ss Standard New 8 4 9 1mm 0 33 0 36in ServiceLimit 6 0mm 10 24 inl CLUTCH OISC Measurethe depth from the lining surfaceto the rivets on bothsides Riv t Dspth StandardlNewl 1 3mm 0 05in min S rvicoLimit 0 2mm 0 01in x i CLUTCH DISC 12 9 ...

Page 416: ... I10 l 1 2 Inspect the ringgearteethfor wearanddamage Inspectthe clutch disc mating surfaceon the fly wheelfor wear cracks Sndburning Measurethe flywheelrunoutusinga disl indicator through at leasttwo full turns Pushthe flywheel towardsthe engineto takeup the crankshaft thrust washerclearance NOTE The runoutcan be measured with engine installed StandardlNowl 0 05mm 0 002in mrx ServiceLimit 0 15mm ...

Page 417: ...4 Install the Dressure Dlate Torquethe mountingboltsin a crisscross patternas shown Tightenthemseveral stepsto preventwarp ingthe diaphragm spring MOUNTINGBOLTS 26 N m 2 6kg m 19lb ft 6 Remove the soecial tools 12 11 ...

Page 418: ...n 13 24 Disassembly 13 25 Inspection 13 26 Reassembly 13 25 Shift Fork Assembly Disassembly Reassembly 13 28 Clearance Inspection 13 29 SynchroSleeve SynchroHub Inspection Installation 13 30 SynchroRing Gear Inspection 13 31 MainshaftBearing Oil Seal Replacement 13 32 Countershaft Bearing Replacement 13 33 MainshaftThrustShim Adiustment 13 34 Transmission Reassembly 13 37 Transmission Assembly Ins...

Page 419: ...0030400 07749 0010000 07947 6890100 Mainshaft Holder Mainshaft Base Adjustable BearingPuller 25 40 mm Attachment 42x 47mm Attachment 62x 68 mm Driver 40mm l D Attachment 35 mm LD Driver SealDriver 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 tJ JO J 13 32 33 t3 22 21 32 13 32 33 t3 22 13 22 13 22 21 32 33 t3 21 Mustbe usedwith commerciallv available 3 8in x 16thread in SlideHammer o o o 13 2 ...

Page 420: ...gettha customer s codenumberbefore Disconnecting the battery Removing the No 43 0 A fuse Under hood fuse relay box Removing the radio After service reconnectpower to the radioand turn it on When the word CODE is displayed enterths cus tomer s5 digitcodeto restoreradiooperation 1 Disconnect the negative and positive cabl s from the b8ttery then removethe battery 2 Drainthetransmission oil seepage13...

Page 421: ...usingof thetransmission NOTE Removebothcablesandthe bracket togeth er CAUTION Takecrre not to bondths cables Do not aamovo FT CAALE STEEL PLASTIC WASHER I WASHER Inspectfor wearand oamage WASI EB and WASHER Inspect for Replace 13 5 1 1 Disconnect the vehiclespeedsensor VSS connec tor and removethe VSS power steeringspeedsen sor but leaveits hosesconnected vss coNNEc oR POWER STEERING SPEED SENSOR ...

Page 422: ...ts thensep aratethe balljoints and lower arms on both sides seesection 18 Remove the rightdamperforkbolt 16 t1 Remove the right radius rod SELF LOCKING BOLTS Replace SELF LOCKING NUT DAMPER 36i J NUr f COTTERPIN Replace SELF LOCKING NUT Replace 18 Remove the driveshafts and intermediate shaft see section16 NOTE Coatall Drecision finishedsurfaces with cleanengineoil or grease Tie plasticbagsoverthe...

Page 423: ...19 Remove the centerbeam 20 Remove thefrontenginestiffener andclutchcover 21 Remove the intakemanifoldstav 22 Removethe rear beamstiffener INTAKEMANIFOLO STAY REARBEAMSTIFFENER 13 7 ...

Page 424: ... transmission just enoughto takeweight oft of the mounts Removethe transmission mount and mount brack et MOUNTBRACKET 13 8 UPPERMOUNTING BOLTS G 27 Remove thetwo uppertransmission housingmoun ting bolts Removethe three lower transmissionhousing mountingbolts 28 Pullthe transmission awayftom the engineuntil it clearsthe mainshaft LOWER MOUNNNGBOLTS ...

Page 425: ...ER Inspectfor damsge 10N m 11 0 kg m 7lb ft ry N L ou o WASHER SELF LOCKING NUT 6 x 1 0 n 10N m 11 0 kg n I WAVE WASH SELF LO Replace CHANGE LEVER LINKAGE CHANGE LEVER O RINGS Feplace CHANGE BALL HOLOER CHANGELEVER Ptvot CHANGE PIVOT GUIDE 6 x 1 0 m m 10N m11 0 kg m 7 tb ft SHIFTLEVER BRACKET SELECT CABLE sELF LocKrNG NUT CHANGEI EVER Replace 10N m 1 0kg m 7 lb ft CHANGEBALL 6 x 1 0 m m 10N rn 1 0...

Page 426: ...r thetransmission housingis disassembled t o an o 0 7 CLUTCH HOUSING oll SEALReplace Seesection15 14x 20mm DOWELPIN OILGUIDEPLATE NEEDLE BEARING Inspect forwearandoporation RETAININGPLATE MAGNET o REVERSE IDI IRGEARSHAFT REVERSE IDLER GEAR OILSEALReplace BALLBEARING Inspect forwearandoperation SPRING WASHER WASHER REVERSE SHIFI FORK G SHIFTFORKASSEMBLY Index page13 28 G MAINSHAFT ASSEMBLY lndex pa...


Page 428: ... 08798 9lD2l 6 x 1 0 m m 12N m 1 2kg m 9 rb ftt SELECT RETURN PIN 6 x 1 0 m m 12N m11 2 kg m 9 tb ft SHIFTARMCOVER SHIFTARM Inspoction page 13_29 OILSEAL Replac 8 x 1 0 m m 29 N m12 9kg m 2 l tb ftl 6 x l 0 m m 15N m11 5 kg m LOCK WASHEB Replace 11tb ftI 5TH REVERSE SELECT SPRING INTERLOCX BOLT sE rcT RETURN SPRING SELECT ARM 6ll N 08798 OILSEAL Replace 4 x B m m DOWELPINS SELEGT LEVER 13 12 ...

Page 429: ...WEI PINS Removethe spring pin then removethe select lever selectarm andsprings Remove the selectreturnpin SELECT ARM SELECT RETURN SPRIMi SELECT RETURN PIN 6 x l 0 m m 12N m11 2 kg m 9lb ft 5TH REVERSE SELECT SPRING SELECT LEVER JG 5 x 2 2 m m SPRING PIN 4 Remove the reverse lockcam 5 Remove the oil seal OILSEAL R place cont dl 6 x 1 0 m m 15N m 1 5kg m 11lb ftl 1 3 1 3 ...

Page 430: ...shiftarm andinterlock NOTE Turnthe bootsothe holeis facingdown 13 14 9 Install the shiftarm assembly in the reverse orderof removal NOTE Useliquidgasket P N08718 0001 o Remove the din oilfrom the sealingsurface Sealthe entirecircumference of the bolt holeto preventoil leakage lf 20 minuteshave passedafter applyingliquid gasket reapplyit and assemble the housings and allow it to cure at least30 min...

Page 431: WASHER Replace SETTINGSCREW 4 Remove the back up lightswitch Remove the l0 mm boltsand8 mm boltsin a criss crosspatternin severalsteps BACK UP LIGHT swlTcH r 7 Remove the 32mm sealingbolt Expandthe snapringon the countershaft ball bear ing and removeit from the grooveusinga pair of snapringpliers Separate the transmission housingfrom the clutch housingandwipeit cleanof the sealant Removethe 28 ...

Page 432: ...widthof the groovein the reverse shiftfork Stand8rd A 7 05 7 25mm 0 278 0 285inl 8 7 4 7 7mm 0 291 0 303 inl 4 lf the clearance exceeds the servicelimit measure the width of the reverseshift tork Standard 13 0 13 3mm 0 512 0 52 lin lf the width of the groove exceedsthe standard replace the reverse shiftforkwith a newone It the width of the groove is within the standard reolace thesth reverse shift...

Page 433: ...ear REVERSE IDLER GEAR SHAFT 1 Remove the mainshaft andcountershaft assemblies with theshiftforksfrom theclutchhousinq NOTE Tapethe mainshaftsplinebeforeremoving the mainshaft andcountershait assemblies MAINSHAFT ASSEMBLY COUNTERSHAFT ASSEMBLY Tapethe mai shattspline SPRING WASHER CLUICH HOUSING 2 Remove the differential assembly DIFFERENNAL ASSEMBLY 13 17 ...

Page 434: 1 3 1 9 3 1 NEEDLE BEARING Check wearandoperation MAINSHAFT Inspection page13 1 SYNCHRO SPRING SYNCHNO RING Inspection page13 31 3RD irTH SYNCHRO HUB Inspection page 13 30 TAPERRING NEEOLE BEARING Check wearandooeiation t 1 I SPACERCOLLAS SYNCHRO RING lnspection page1331 SYNCHRO SPRING sTHSYNCHRO HUB Inspection page13 30 sTHSYNCHRO SLEEVE Inspection page13 30 SYNCHRO SPRING SYNCHRO RING Inspect...

Page 435: ...ness of 4th gear is lessthan the service limit replace 4thgearwith a newone lf the thickness of 4th gear is within the service limit replacethe 3rd 4thsynchrohub with a new one cont d 1 NOTE lf replacementis required always replacethe synchrosleeveandhubasa set Supportthe bearinginner racewith a socketand pushdownon the mainshaft Measure the clearance between 2ndand3rdgears Stands d 0 06 0 21mm 0 ...

Page 436: ...arwith a newone lf distance is within the servicelimit measure thickness of sth gear Standard 30 92 30 97mm 1 211 1 219inl Service Limit 30 8mm 11 213 inl Disassembly CAUTION Removethe synchrohubs using a pressand steel blocks as shown Use of a iaw typ puller can damagethe gsarteeth Removethe ball bearingusinga bearingpulleras shown BEARING PULLER BALLBEARING BAI L BEARING STOPPER RING MAINSHAFT 5...

Page 437: ...lacol B Needlebearingsurfaco C Ballbearing3urface 27 987 28 000mm 1 1018 1 102 l in 37 98 l 38 000mm 1 irgsit 1 t961in 27 977 27 99O mm 1 1015 1 1020 in SsrvicoLimit A 27 940mm 1 1000in B 37 930 mm 1 4933 in C 27 940 mm 1 1000 in lf any part of the mainshaftis lessthan the service limit replace it with a newone Inspect for runout Standard 0 02mm 0 001in max SeivicoLimit 0 05mm 10 002 in NOTE Suppo...

Page 438: ...ling inspectthe operationof the 3rd 4thsynchrohubset M2L5 M2S4 T nsmi ionTypol PRESS 3RD 4TH SYNCHRO HU8 M2F4 Transmis3ion Typel ATTACHMENT 35 mm l D 07745 x 301o0 2ND GEAR 13 22 Installthe sth synchrohub anoa pressassnown usingthe spocialtools ORIVER 40mm l D 07746 x 30100 sTHSYNCHRO HUB 3 lnstallthe ballbearingusingthe special toolsand a pressassnown BCARING 1 ATTACHMENT a 2 x a T m m 07 46 0010...

Page 439: ... page13 24 3 l NEEDLE BEARING Check wearsndoporation THRUSTWASHER Solection page13 4 OOUNTERSHAFT InsDection p8g 13 26 SPRING WASHER BALLBEARING Checkwear and oporation NEEDLE BEARING Checkwear and operation 5THGEAR ilTH GEAR 3RDGEAR 2NDGEAR Inspoction pag 13 24 31 NEEDI E BEARING Chsck wearandoperation SPACER COLLAB Sel6ction pag 13 24 FRICTION OAMPER Checkwear anddamage Removal page13 25 Install...

Page 440: ... 000 1 96 mm 0 0771 in B 23922 PG1 000 1 99mm 0 0783 in 23923 PG1 000 2 02mm 0 0795 in D 2 3 9 2 4 P G 1 0 0 0 2 05mm 0 0807 in E 23925 PGl 000 2 08mm 10 0819 inl 13 24 3 Measurethe clearance betwoenthe 2nd gear and 3rdgear Strndlrd 0 0 1 0 10mm 0 002 0 00ilin Sorvico Limil 0 18mm 0 007 in 4 lf the clearanceexcesdathe servicelimit selectthe appropriatespace collarfor the correctclearance from the ...

Page 441: ...the grooveot the shaft andremovethe locknutandthespringwasher 4 Removethe friction damper trom the spacercollar usinga prgssand a socketasshown PRESS BENCH vtsE WOOD BLOCKS 3 Remove the ballbearingusinga pressasshown ATTACHMENT 4THGEAR COUNTERSHAFT CHISEL SPRING WASHER Replac PRESS STEEL BLOCKS 3 25 ...

Page 442: ...pectthe gear surfaceand bearing surfacefor wear and damage then measurethe countershaft at pointsA B andC StandErd A 38 fi10 38 015mm l1 i t61 f il967 inl B 39 984 1 000mm 1 5742 1 57 18 inl C 24 987 25 000mm 0 98 17 0 9843in Sorvico Limit A 37 950 mm t t t41 in B 39 930 mm 1 5729 inl C 2il 9il0 mm 0 9819 inl lf any part ot the countershaft is lessthan the ser vicelimit replace it with a newone In...

Page 443: ...2ndgeargrooves GROOVE FINGER PRESS COLLAR PRESS t Install the needlebearing Installthe ball bearingusing a specialtool and a pressasshown Install thespringwasher Securelyclamp th countershaft assemblyin a benchvisewith wood blocks Tightenthe new locknutto the correcttorque th n stakethe locknut tab intothe groove Torqus 130 0 130N m 13 0 13 0kg m 94 0 9alb ft LOCKNUT Replace 1 8 o BENCH vtsE t woo...

Page 444: ...ShiftForkAssembly Disassembly Reassembly I e ior o reassembling cleanallthe partsin solvent drythemandapplylubricant to anycontactparts 5 mm PINPUNCH 13 24 1ST 2NDSHIFTFORK ...

Page 445: ...2 9 13 0mm 0 508 0 5f2inl 2 lf the clearance exceeds the service thethickness of the shiftforkfingers Standard limit measure SHIFTARM d iy SHFTFORK lf the thicknessof the shift fork finger is lessthan thestandard replace the shjftforkwith a newone lf the thickness of the shiftfork finger is within the standard replacethe synchrosleevewith a new one lf the width of the shiftfork finger is lessthan ...

Page 446: ...ling the synchrosleevewith its longer teeth in the 1sV2nd synchrohub slotswill damage the springring LONGER TEETH SYNCHRO HUBSLOT 1 Inspect gearteethon all synchrohubsand synchro sleevesfor rounded off corners which indicates Installeach synchrohub in its mating synchro sleeveandcheckfor freedomof movement NOTE lf replacementis required always replace ths synchrosleeve andsynchrohubasa set SYNCHRO...

Page 447: ...l and placethe synchro ring on the matchinggear Rotate the rjng makingsurethat it doesnot slip Measurethe clearance betweenthe synchroring andgearalltheway around NOTE Holdthe synchroring againstthe gear evenlywhilemeasuring the clearance SynchroRing to Gear Clearance Standard 0 85 1 10mm 0 033 0 0 inl Servico Limit 0 4mm 0 015 in Doubl ConeSynchro to Gear Clearance Standard OuterSynchroRingto Syn...

Page 448: ...ealfrom the clutchside DRIVER 07749 001 x 00 3 8 in r 16thr rd in SLIDEHAMMER Comm rci lly v il blc ATTACHMEN U2x17mm 07746 x l0300 Aq USTABLEBEARING PULER 25 40mm 07736 A01rDoA OILSEAL Replacs 6 Drivethe new ballbesringin from thetransmission sideusingthespecialtools asshown BALLBEABING AALLBEARING ATTACHMENT 62x68mm 077a6 X 105 x AALLAEARING Mainshaft Bearing Oil Seal Replacement C 13 32 ...

Page 449: ...6throad in SLIDEHAMMER Commc ciallyrvailrblel ADJUSTAB1IBEARING PULLER 25 i mm 0t736 A01 0A NEEDl E NEEDLE BEARING 13 33 OILHOLES Position the oil guideplateand new needlebearing in the boreof the clutchhousing NOTE Position the needlebearingwith the oil hole facingup NEEDLE BEARING Drivethe needlebearingin usingthe specialtools asshown DRIVER 07749 xll xx O cont d ...

Page 450: ...ssemblyin the transmission housrng lnstallthewasheron the mainshaft Measuredistance betweenthe end of the trans missionhousingandwasher NOTE a Usea straightedgeandverniercaliper a Measure at threelocations andaverage the read I n g ENDot TRANSMISSION HOUSING MAINSHAFT WASHER 3RD 4THSYNCHRO HUA SPACER COLLAR sTHSYNCHRO HUB SPACER lnstallthe retaining plsteandstakethe boltheadsin the groovein the re...

Page 451: ... 23948 PKs 000 1 41mm 0 0555 in 23949 PKs 000 1 44mm 0 0567 in 23950 PKs 000 1 47mm 0 0579 in K 23951 PKs 000 1 50mm 0 0591 in L 23952 PKs 000 1 53 mm 0 0602 in M 23953 PKs 000 1 56mm 0 0614 in N 23954 PK5 000 1 59mm 0 0626 in o 23955 PKs 000 1 62mm 0 0638 in P 23956 PKs 000 1 65 mm 0 0650 in o 23957 PKs 000 1 68mm 0 0661 in R 23958 PKs 000 1 71mm 0 0673 in s 23959 PKs 000 1 74mm 0 0685 in T 23960...

Page 452: ...issionhousings with several 8 mm and l0 mm bolts Tapthe mainshaft with a plastichammer 4 13 36 7 Slidethe mainshaft baseoverthe mainshaft TRANSMISSION 8 Attachthe mainshaft holderto the mainshaft as follows NOTE o Back outthe mainshaftholder bolt and loosenthe two hex bolts Fitthe holderoverthe mainshaft so its liDis towardsthetransmission Align the mainshaftholder slip aroundthe g r o o v e a t t...

Page 453: ...he clear anceis correct lf the reading is not within the standard re checkthe shimthickness Strndard 0 10 0 16mm 0 00i1 0 006in Transmission Reassembly Installthe differential assemblyin the clutchhous ing CLUTCH HOUSING Installthe springwasherandwasherwith the angle against the clutchhousingasshown lnsertthe mainshaftand countershaft into the shift forks8ndinstallthemasan assemblv NOTE Beforeinst...

Page 454: ...osi Ilon 6 x 1 0 m m 15N m11 5 kg m 11lb ft 13 38 TNANSMISSION HOUSING 7 NOTE Select the thrustshim according to the mea sur ments madeon page13 34 6 Installthe oil guide plateand thrust shim into the transmission housing TRANSMISSION HOUSING Installthe oil gutterplatein the transmission hous ing NOTE Bendthe hookof the oil gutterplateintothe holeon thetransmission housing Installthe28mm sealingbo...

Page 455: ...tthe stopperring as shown Placethe transmis sion housingoverthe clutchhousing beingcareful to lineup the shafts NOTE Alignthe long arm of sth shiftfork with the hookon the stopperring 1 1 Liquidg6k t Dow6lpin SNAPRING 1 3 1 4 12 Lowerthe transmission housingwith the snapring pliersand setthe snap ring in the grooveof the countershaft bearing Checkthat the snap ring is securelyseatedin the grooveof...

Page 456: ...EL BALL lD 5 16in WASHER Beplace BOLT 55N m 15 5 kg m 40lb ttl shift arm cover assembly see page 13 1 3 19 Shiftthe transmission throughall the gearsbefore installing it FORKBOLT 30N m 13 0 kg m 22lb Itl GSCREW 2 2kg m 16lb ft 22 RELEASE FORK RELEASE RELEASE FORK SETSPRING N m I I FORK BOOT 1 8 Transmission Assembly lnstallation 1 Install the dowelpins Applygrease to the pansas shown then installt...

Page 457: ...SMISSION MOUNT 28 tb ft O Tight n t mpor ily Tighron 12x 1 25mm 65 N n 6 5kg m a7lb ftl 8 Install the th ee rear ing bolts Raisethe transmission then installthe mount bracket andtransmission mount NOTE Torquemountingbolts and nuts in sequence snown Makesurethe bushings arenottwistedor offset O Tighren 10x 1 25 mm O Tighten 10x 1 25mm 39N m 13 9 kg n tb ft BRACKET O Tighton 10x 1 25mm 39 N rn13 9 k...

Page 458: ... 28 tb ft Installthe intake manifold staY INTAKEMANIFOLD STAY 13 42 11 Install thefrontenginestiffener andclutchcover NOTE Torquethe front enginestiftenermounting boltsfollowingthe numbered sequenca Torque 39 N m 13 9 kg m 28 lb ft 12 lnstallthe centerbeam 10x 1 25mm 60 N m16 0 kg m 43lb ftl ...

Page 459: ...05N n 10 5kg m 6lb ft SELF LOCKING NUT Replace 12x 1 25mm 55N r 5 5kg m 40tb ft 1 corrERPrN Replace SELF LOCKING NUT Replace 12x 1 25mm 65 N m 6 5kg m a7lb ft AALLJOINTNUT 1 4 x Z t m m 55 N m 15 5 kg m 40lb ltl SPECIALBOLT 10x 1 25mm 39N m 3 9tg m 28 tb ft ROD 17 10x 1 25mm 21 N m 2 lkg m 15tb ft Install the rearenginemountbracket stay NOTE Looselyinstallthe stay mountingbolt and nut thentorquein...

Page 460: ...abl s NOTE Check thatthe newcotterpin is seated firmly Turnthe bootof the shiftleverso the holeis fac Ing down I x 1 25mm P N 08798 90021 COTTER PIN Replace STEEL WASHER PLASTIC WASHER SELECT CABLE CABLE WASHER WASHER 22 Connect thetransmission groundcableandback up lightswitchconnectors 23 Installthewire harness clamp 24 Installthe startermotor then connectthe starter motorcables NOTE When instal...

Page 461: ... x 1 0 m m 10N m 1 0kg m 7lb ft I Front 27 Installthebasestayandbatterybase BASE STAY 24 29 30 3 1 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m 2 2kg m 16rb ft Refillthetransmission with oil seepage13 2 Installthe battery then connectthe battery positive andnegative cables to the battery Check theclutchoperation Shiftthe transmission and checkfor smoothopera tron 32 Check thefrontwheelalignment seesection18 cont d 13 45 ...

Page 462: ... Assembly Installation cont d 33 Loosen thethreemountingboltsof the front engine mount bracket then torque the three mounting bolts NOTE Makesurethe bushingsare not twistedor offset FRONT ENGINE MOUNT BRACKET 13 46 ...

Page 463: ...14 100 OilPump Inspection 14 101 MainValveBodv Disassembly lnspection Reassembly l 4 1 02 Secondary ValveBody Disassembly lnspection Reassembly 1 4 1 04 Regulator ValveBody Disassembly lnspection Reassembly 14 106 ThrottleValveBody Disassembly lnspection Reassembly 1 4 107 ServoBody Disassembly lnspection Reassembly 1 108 1st 2ndAccumulator Body Disassembly lnspection Reassembly 14 109 Mainshaft D...

Page 464: ...singPullor ClutchSpringCompressor Attachment ClutchSpringCompresaor Attachm6nt Test Harnass A ToilPressure Hose ReDlacement Hos s A T OilPressureGsugeS t A T Low Pressure Gauge AdjustableBesringPuller 25 40 mm Attschment 52x 55mm Attachment 62 x 68 mm Attachment 72x 75 mm Oriver Attachment Transmission Cool rFlushor 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 92 1U 1 121 124 1 93 1 121 124 1 121 124 1 35 68...

Page 465: ...panolonthe psss6ng6r s sids Hydr8ullcConilol The vslve bodiesincludethe mainvalvebody secondaryvafuebody servo body regulatorvafuebody throttl vsve bodyand lst 2nd accumulatofbody They 8rebohedto the torqueconverterhousingasanassembly The mainvslve body containsthe msnualvalve 1 2shift valvs 2 3 shift valvs coolel reliefvalve lock upshift vafue lock up controlvalve 3 2 kick downvalve modul8torvatu...

Page 466: ...up hillanddown hilldriving starts otf in lst shifts automsticslly to 2nd then 3rd dspsnding on vehicle speed and throttl position DownshiJtsthrough2ndto 1st on dsceler tionto stop The lock upmechsnismcomesinto operation in 3rd sDeed Forenginebrskingor better traction startingoff on looseor slipporysurfaces stsys in 2ndgsar doos not shitt up or down Forenginebrsking staysin lst ge8r doesnot shift u...


Page 468: ...he 1stclutch The 2ndclutch is suppliedclutch pressurethroughth socondaryshsft by a circuit connectedto th6 internal hydraulic circuit 3rd Clutch The 3rd clutchengages disengages 3rd geaf andis locatedat the centerof the msinshsft The 3rd clutchisjoinedback to back to the 4th clutch The 3rd clutchis suppliedclutchpressurethroughthe mainshaftby a circuitconnoctodto ths regulatorvalvebody 4th Clutch ...


Page 470: ...ect isto bypassthe converter therebyplacing the car in directdrive LOCK UP PISTON DAMPERSPRING by way of Engine J Driv plat J Torqueconvertercover J Lock uppiston J Dsmperspring J Turbine J Msinshalt 2 Operation clutchotf With the lock upclutch off the oil flows in the revers of CLUTCHON As s resutt the lock uppistonmovesaway from the convertercover andth torouoconverterlock uDis rel as d Engine t...


Page 472: ...binationof drivingsignals to shift controlsolenoidvafuesA andB is showninthe tsblebelow Shitt controlsolenoid valve A B Position gesr f trstt ON OFF a at ON ON 1o ll os ltrstt OFF ON Io llo lrznar ON ON 15 ll o lts ar ON OFF E 4th OFF OFF tr ON OFF Lock upContlol Fromsensorinput signals the TCM determineswhether to turn the lock upONor OFFandactivateslock upcontrol solenoid valveA and orB accordin...

Page 473: ... SobnoidValve B Senso Sienal SorylcoCheck Lock up Control Lock up Control SoLnoidV tue A Connector Lock upControl Solonoid Valv6 B EngineSpood P I II TERLOCK CONTROL UNIT R Alr Conditioning Signal BrakoSwitch Signal N D Main haft Countor haft Spo6dSsnso Signal Dr VohlcloSp edSeNor Slgnal 2 not ao Lret r 1 Solt Diagnosi3 Signol 14 11 ...

Page 474: ...ription ElectronicControlSystem cont d Clrcuh DiagramandTerminalLocstion nr r 1r9 n FoTrt 9osllroN r 2ECT ENGIIE COOLiTTTIMPIiATLJRI s rtFlcoiTior rocx utco nol s c s m A13lA1 A1 TCM TERMINALLOCATION 14 12 ...

Page 475: ...ER 6 MODULATE zc LINE 92 TOROUE CONVERTER HydraulicFlow I N IPosition As the enginetufns the oil pumpalsostarts to operate Automatic transmissionfluid ATFIis drawn from g9l anddischsrged into 1 Then ATF pressureis controlledby the regulatorvalveandbecomesthe linepressure 1 The torque converter intet pressure 921 enters 94 of torqueconverterthroughthe orificeanddischarges jnto 90 Thetorqueconve ter...

Page 476: ...power is transmittedonly during deceleration through the lst holdclutch Fluidflows bv wav of LinePressure l4 1 2ShiftVatve 2 3ShiftValve 3rdClutchPressure 31 3 4 ShiftVslve 4th ClutchPressure 41 r Manual Valve I st hold ClutchPressure 16 J 1st hold Clutch Themodulator pressure 6 issupplied to the 1 2and2 3shiftvalves The linepressure 1 alsotlows to throttle valveB NOTE Whenused left or right indic...

Page 477: ...line 2O to the 2nd clutch Also linepressure 1 goesto the modulator valvethroughthe fiherandbecomes the modulator pressure 6l Modulator pressure 6 isnotsupplled to the l 2 2 3and3 4shiftvalves Lin pressure 1 alsoflowsto throttlevalveB NOTE Whenused lett or right indicatesdirectionon the flowchart cont d 14 15 ...

Page 478: ...lewill moveasthe enginepower istransmitted The lineDressure 1 becomesthe modulatorpressure 6 by the modulatorvalve snd travsls to 1 28nd 3 4 shift v8lv s The 1 2shitt vave is movedto the rightsidebecausethe shift controlsolenoidvalveA is turnedofJ 8ndB is turned on by the TCM Thisvalvestops 2ndclutchpressureandthe power is not transmittedto the 2ndclutch Linspressure 4 alsoflows to the servovalvea...

Page 479: ...hift vav is movedto the left anduncoversthe port leading to the 2ndclutch the 2ndclutchis engaged Fluidflows by way of Line pressure 4 1 2Shift Valve 2 3 ShiftValve 2nd ClutchPressure 21 J Orifice 2nd ClutchPressure 20 r 2ndClutch The hydraulicptessurealsoflows to the 1stclutch However no power istransmittedbecauseof the one wavctutch NOTE Whenused left or right indicatesdirectionon the flowchart ...

Page 480: ...t leading to the 3rd clutch Sincethe 3 4 shitt valve is movedto the rightto coverthe oil port to the 4th clutch the 3rd clutchisturnedon Fluidtlows by w8y of Line Pressure 41 J 1 2ShiftValveJ 2 3ShiftValve 3rd ClutchPressure 31 J 3 4 ShiftValve notcontrolled 3rd ClutchPressure 30 r 3rd Clutch The hydraulicpressurealsotlows to the 1stclutch However no power istransmittedbecauseof the one wayclutcha...

Page 481: ths 4th clutch Sincathe 1 2and2 3 shift vslvesarekept on the l ft side the fluidflows th oughthe 4th clutch the power istrsnsmittedthroughthe 4th clutch Fluidflows by way of Line Pressure 4 J1 2 Shift Vslvo J 2 3 Shift Vslve 3rd ClutchPressure 31 3 4 Shift Vslvs 4th Clutchpressuro 41 ManualVslve 4th ClutchPressure 4O J 4th Clutch Ths hydraulicprossurealsoflows to th8 1stclutch However no power ...

Page 482: ... speedinLqllor I D3I position As a resuh tho 1 2shift valve is also movedto th8 lsft The Jluid 3 will flow through the seryo valve and m Ei alvalveto the 4th clutch power is transmittedthroughthe 4th clutch Rev6rsoInhibito lE ontrol When the I R I positionis selectedwhile the vehicleis movingforward at a speedover 6 mph 10 km h the TCM outputslst i6 al A OFF B ON andthe 1 2shift valveis movedto th...

Page 483: ...sesthroughthe manualvatue Then linepressure 3 flowsthroughthe l 2 shitlgrvs to the sarvo v8vs andthe servocontrolvalve causingthe shift tork shatt to be movedto rhe reversepositionasinth I RI position However the hyd auilcpressureis not supptied to the crutches The power is not trsnsmittod NOTE When used left or right indicatesdirectiononthe flowchart CM E a 14 21 ...

Page 484: ...he timingof the lock upsystem Undercenainconditions the lock upclutchis appliedduringdecsleration in3rd 8nd4th sp66d The lock upsystam controlsthe rangeof lock upaccordingto lock upcontrol solenoidvav s A and B 8nd throttle valve B When lock upcontrol solenoidvslvesA andB activate modulstorpressurechanges Lock upcontrolsolenoidvalvosA 8ndB aremountedon the torqueconverterhousing andarecontrolledby...

Page 485: ...the lock upshift valveireequat ttrestritt vatveis movsdto the rightsidebv the tensionof the v8tuespringalone The fluidtrom the oil pumpwillflow throught e bft sideof the lock upclutchto the torqueconverter i e the lock upclutchis in OFFcondition NOTE Whenused left or right indicatesdirectionon the flowchart I 4ODULATOR PRESSURE cont d BRi I v 1 9ii 9P B i VBS jffi f TOROU CONVERTER C H E C K V A L...

Page 486: ...egulatedby the lock upcontrol vave whereasthe positionot the lock uptimingvalveis doterminad by the throttle B pressure tensionot the valvespringandpressureregulated by the modulator Alsothe positionoJthe lock up controlvalve is determindedby the back pressuieoithe lock upcontrolvalve andtorqueconverter p essurer gulatedby the checkvalve With the lock upcontrolsolenoidvalveB kept oJf ihe modulator...

Page 487: ...uently the lock uptimingvalveis kept on the righi sideby the springforce With the lock upcontrolsolenoidvalve B turnedon the lock upcontrolvalve is movedsomewhatto tho lelt side causingths back pressure F2 to lower This allowsa greateramountof the fluid Fi to work on the lock u bich 8s ro engagethe clutch Theback pressure Fa which stillexists preventsthe clutchfrom engaging fully NOTE Whenused lef...

Page 488: ...n the throttle B pressuraworkingon the rightendol the lock upcontrolvalvebecomesgleatsr thanthat on the left end modulatorpressureinthe lelt endhasalreadybeenrelessedby the solenoid vatueB i e the lock upcontrolvalve is mov6d to ths l6ft As this happ6ns the torque convertar back pressureis releasedtully causingthe lock upclutch to bs ng8ged Jully NOTE Whenused left or right indicatesdir ctionon th...

Page 489: ...oid vslveBonandotf iapidlyunder ceitainconCitions Tfreslightlock up andhalflock up regions 8re msintEined so8sto lockthetorqueconverter properV NOTE Whenused left or right indicatos direction ontheflowchan rocr uP JI 33i i i I LOCXIJ T O R O U E C O N V E R T E R C H E C K V A L V E F E L I E FV A L V E MOOULATOR PRESSURE 14 27 ...


Page 491: ...o TOROUECOIWERTER To RELIEF VALVE Stator RoactionHydtaulc P1 ssur6Control Hydraulicprossuroincreaseaccordingto torque is performodby the regulatorvalve usingstator torqus reaction The stator shEftis spllnedinthe ststor andhs arm endcontactsthe ragulatorspringcap wh n the car is acc lerEting or climbing Torque ConverterRange stator to que reactionacts on the stator shaft sndthe stator arm pushesthe...

Page 492: ...rottle valveB controlsthe accumulators to makesmooth changesfrom one gearto snother An assisttunction is usedto lessenthe throttle load ModulEtor Valv6 The modulstorvalve maintainslinepressureJromthe regulator to the pressureshitt control sol noidvatuesA B and lock up controlsolenoid valvesA 8 thus maintaining accurateshi t andlock upcharacteristics 2nd Ollflce Contiol Vslvo Forsmoothshiftingbetwe...


Page 494: ...OD FUSE FELAY 8OX tlo 4t 154i tlo 32l100Al No 43ll0A 423 424 AIO A8 A2O D2 IRAI SMISSION CONTROL MODULE TCM A19 A7 Ar8 A21 A17 A15 At3 All CircuitDiagram A TGEAR POSITIOI I I DtCAT0R 8LK I G40r 14 32 8U 4 G40l ...

Page 495: ...TNODVALVE sHtFr corTRol SOI EI OID VAI VE COUTIIERSHAFI SPEEDSENSOR MAINSHAFI SPIED SENSOR wHT EU I GRN BL Dl8 A22 D9 013 Otl Dt6 D6 D7 D5 A25 A26 TRANSMISSION CONTEOL MOOUIE IICM 017 Dt5 D19 012 A6 A4 A5 A3 8LU TEL A3 A5 A9 A11 A13Al5 A17Ar9421 a t r A4 A6 A8 A C A18 tttta t ltt aa t TCMT nnin lLocnbns 14 33 ...

Page 496: ... individual shortblinks codes10throught 158reindicatedby a soriesof longandshort blinks On longblinkequals10 short blinks Add the longandshort blinkstogetherto determinethe code After dstermining the code referto the electricalsystem Symptom to Component Charton pages1 36 8nd37 rhort n S DTC I Soo DTC 2 s DTC 14 L rhort Some PGM FIproblemswill also make the I D4 lindicator light com on After repai...

Page 497: ...the Test Harnessare usedfor A T troubleshooting Unloss otherwise noted use only the Digital Muhimeter KS AHM 32 003 tor testing DIGITALMULTIMETER KS AHM 32 O03 o o o o o o o o o o o olio o o o o oo qo o o o o 6to o o o o r o o o c CLOCK RADIO FUSE TCM RosetProcodure 1 Turnthe ignition switchoft 2 Removethe No 43 CLOCK RADIOfuse 10A lrom the under hood tuse relaybox tor 10secondsto reset theTCM NOT...

Page 498: ...tch does not engage 1441 Blinks Short in A T 9e8rpositionswitch wire FauhyA T gearposhionswitch Failsto shi t otherthan zrde4th gears Lock up clutch does not engage 1442 OFF Diconnected Nf geat position switch connector OpeninA T gearpositionswitch wire FaultyA T gearpositionswitch Failsto shift otherthan 2ndo4th ge8rs Lock upclutch does not engage Lock up clutch sngages anddisengages ahernate 144...

Page 499: ... be moved from d oressed P Dositionwith the brake oedal Checkbrakeswitchsignal 14 60 f the setf diasnois L91l indicatoflightdoesnot blink performaninspectionaccording to the tabtebelow It a customerdescribesthe symptomsfor codes3 6 or t t Jeqn I Oo l inaicatorlightis not blinking it wiltbe necessaryto r crsglg1liesymptomby tost driving andthen checkingthe I D4 indic8torlightwith the ignitionstillO...

Page 500: ...ignitionswitch OFF Measure the resistance b6 tw 6n th A6 RED WHT and A25 BLK RED or A26 BRtl BLKlterminals Chcck for bo o TCM cor r oc torg It nacollgry lubrtftute a known good aolenoid vtlvo a s s o m b l y o T C M o n d rochock lsth6 resistanco 12 24 O Diconn6ct th6 2P connector i om the lock upcontrolsob noidvalveassembv Checktor continuitybetw on the A6 BED WHT snd A25 GLKiRED or A26 BRIVBLK t...

Page 501: ...l BLKltormingls Chad tor loota TCM connoc toaa ll nacaltary tubttltuta r known good toLnold vllva t m b l y o r T C M n d rachack lsth r sistance12 24 Q Disconn ctth6 connector lrom th lock up cootrol solo noidvafueassernbv Ch6ckfor continuitybetw6en the A4 WHT BLKI 8nd A25 BLK RED o A26 BRI I BLK tsrminsb Rapalr rhort lo ground In WHT BLX wh brtw on thr A4 t ri ml rnd lha lock uo control aoLnold ...

Page 502: b twe6n the D1I ard A29A26 torm F na s R plli op n or rhort In LT ORiUBLK wl b tw n th D I I tcrmlnllaid thcECM lsthe vohago4 75 5 25 V Turnthe ignitionswitch OFF Connectth6 Test Harness A snd 0 conn6ctors to tho TCM Turnth ignitionswitch ON Moasurotho voltagob twe n th6 D7sndA2tA26 torminal R pdr op n or thon In RED BLK wlrr b twarn lh D7 tcrmlnd lnd lha TP naor lstho vohagbapprox O 5V Possibh...

Page 503: ...rt or oDon ln ORI wh bglwaln th Dg tcr mlnll nd th VSS It wl a lr OK check rh VSS rc lecllon 23 Doesth vohageO 12 V spp6arsh rn teV Chack to bosa TCM conrEc lor3 lf n ceaaary aubatftuto a known good TCM tnd echock Possiblo Caus Disconnoctod v hicl spood s nsor VSS congctor Shortor op ninVSS wir6 FauhyVSS Mak ru16 lft lrckr end lrloty stends are plac d properly oo sactlon 11 Sot tho parklng blaks r...

Page 504: ...g Msssureth6 vohag b twoen tho A19 ard A2tA26 tormi na s ChockloJ hort ln LT GRNwlr belw n tho A19 tormlnll rnd th A T gelr po ltlon Indlcltor or lhort In GRN IVHT o GRI wlrer b tw n th A T g lr po ltio r Indlcltor lnd tho A T golt pothlon awhch lf wlia b OK c acl tor loora TCM c nactot lf nacoatlry ubrtltut t known good TCM nd r chock Electrical Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Flowchart cont d Po...

Page 505: ...s Chocktor short in GRN YEL wire betwoontho A13 t rmlnal andthe A T goorposltlonswltch or A T g ar porition indlc tor lf wl o b OK check lo loor6 TCM connociors It n6cas3 rv subatitute a known goodTCM andrecheck lsth6r batteryvohage Moasurethe voltagebotwe n th6 A11 and A2tA26 termi na s Checkfor short in LT GRN W Twiro botw on the A11 torminrl and the A T oparpolition lwitch or A T go i po hion i...

Page 506: ...o l to ooogrri6 lifxl lotllt looo oooo ooo o Solf dlrgno lr I D4 I Indlcrtor Ight bll I h tma Connoct tho Tgst Hamess b tweon th TCM andconn6c tors 1 35 Turnth6 ignitionswitch ON M esurstho vohageb twoen th6 A21 6nd A29A26 termi nab R pdr op n In GR REDwlr batwaan th A21 tarmlnal lnd th Al g r po ltlon rwhch M ssuroth6 vohag b two6n the A19 and A2tA26 te mi nals Rcprlr opln In LT GB wl b two n th ...

Page 507: ... T g ar polhlon twltch Meaguretho vohagobgtwoon th6 A11 and A2ryA28 termi nab R pllr op n In LT GRN WHT wlra b tw n tho All t rmln l nd tho A T gclr poohlon lwhch Chact lo loo YCM codr c tora lt nacaaaary lr atltuta t known good TCM nd rochodr o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ...

Page 508: ...c A Turntho ignitionswhch OFF M6aure the resistanco b tws6n th AS BLU YEL snd A25 BLK RED or A26 BRiU BLK t6rminals Chock fo loo TCM codr c tor lf naceaaary rubltlistc known gpod lolonold vllvo l r t a m b l y o r T C M r n d iechack lstho resistanc612 24 Q Disconn ctth6 3P connoctor trom the shift controlsolonoid valvs assombv Chgckfor continuitybstw on th A5 BLU YEL 8Nd A25 BLK RED or A26 BR I B...

Page 509: ...o r T C M o n d rachack lsth resistsnc612 24 O Disconnsctthe 3P connoctor lrom the shift controlsolonoid vave assembv Chsck tor continuitybstw en the 43 GRi i YEL and 425 BLK RED or 426 BRN BLK t6rmrnals Rcpalrrhort to g oundIn GRN YEL wlr b twe n lhe A3 ter mlnal and the lhift control lolonold valvo B Measureth6 resistanceof the solenoid at th6 3P conn ctor 1 63 Chock to oD n ln GFTUYEL wl g botw...

Page 510: ...ft spood sensorconnector Moasureth6 rosistancoof th6 countsrshaftsPeeds6nsor lsther sistance 400 6 o at7OoF 2OoC Disconnecttho 22Pconnoctor from th TCM Connoct the Tost Hsrn6ss O connoctoa to th wir6 harnossonlY not to tho TcM 14 3 Checkfor cottinuitY betwoon body ground8nd D17torminsl andD15terminalindividuslly R o l rhort In BLU GRNor BLU YELwlr b tw n D17 lnd Dl5 tcrmlnaL and lh coumorrhaft ape...

Page 511: ...l5torminah Rapllr boaa tarmlnrl or opan In BLU GR o BLU YELwlr b tw r D17 did D16 farrt nala r d tha coumarlhnft apaadlanror b th6 a6 iat6nc6 4 8 D O lar7OoF 2OoC Chad for loa TC co rrc ior lf r c Jy rubathul l n o w n g o o d T C M l n d rachad 400 600 0 1449 ...

Page 512: ...ndtho ECM lsthe vohag64 75 5 25V Turnthe ignitionswitch OFF Conn6ctthe T6st Harness A and D connectols to thoTCM Start th enginoand warm it upto normalop rating temper ature the radiatorfan comes on Measurethe voha96betwoen the D5snd A2ryA26terminals Ropoil opon or short in YEL BLUwiro botvvsen the D5 tor_ mlnrl andth6 ECT on3or lsthe vohagel ssthan lV Possibl Cause Disconnactedengine coolant t6mp...

Page 513: ...26P connector from tho TCM Turnths ignitionswhch ON Moasurotho vohagobotwoon tho A9 IBLU and A25 BLK RED or A26 BRN BLK torminab Raprl opon or hort ln BLU wh b tw on tho A9te mlnal lnd tho lgnhloncoll Chod fof l q YCM con lracto a lf naca lry tubttl tqt a known good TCM lnd aachad Vi w trom l rminal6id6 14 51 ...

Page 514: ...MlL on Start th ongin and wtrm it up to normal operrlino temp6ratuao tho rsdiator fan comesonl Turntho ignitfttn swhch OFF Connoct th6 Tolt Harnoss botwo n th6 TCM tr d coonec tor3 1 351 Turn the hnition swhch ON a d wait Ior at l6aat two ggcotxt5 l reaaure the voh go tgtweon the016 rndA2gA26 l torminab Ch d to l a TcM con rrcto r ll nacortxy t btti tul known good TCM and rcch ck Turnth6 ignitions...

Page 515: ...M Checkfor continuityb tw sn t h e D 1 8 a n d A 2 5 l A 2 6 torminalsot th Test Harn6ss R o h hort ln OR RED FAS wh b tw n Tcltl lnd ECM Ch6ck for continuity on tho OR I REO wire botweenthe D 18 t min8l on ths TCM snd thoAlStorminalonthoECM Ch d tor loot TCtt oo r nactora It nacattary tubttl tuto r known gogd TCM and rcchack R p lhoit In OR REO FASIwlr b tw n TCM d ECM cont d 14 53 ...

Page 516: ...s install d properly Disconnectthe 2P connector trom th6 mainshaft spood s6nsor M asur6th resistanceof the mainshrftspoodsengor lsth rssistanc 4OO 600O 7 6t7OoF 2OoCl Disconnectth 22Pconn6ctor trom th6 TCM Conn6ctthe Tost Harnoss 0 conn ctor to ths wire harnossonly not to thg TCM 1 35 Ch6ckth continuitybotwoen D19 and D12 torminalsand bodyground Ropllr lhort In O8N 8LU or WHT BLU w1 3 b tw n D 19 ...

Page 517: ...o continuityb tw66n O 1 2 t e r m i n a l a n d t h 6 mainshaf t spg6dsensor Rep ir oponIn WHT BLUwlro botwaan D12 tormlnal and tho malnahlft rDoodlanror Run El clricsl Troublc rhooting to codc 9 Ch ck tor looro TCM cfi necto It necsrrlry rubatl tuta known good TCM lnd rochock Ch ck tor loor TCM cor nacto6 It nacalatry aubrtl tute t known good TCM and rachack o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ...

Page 518: ...CM connect th6 T st Harn6ss A connector to tho wire harnsssonly not to the TCM 1 35 Checkfor continuityb tweon rhe A25 lorminal and bodY ground and 426 and body ground R Drl oponBLK REDo BR BLK wirc b tw n A25 ot A 20 t rrnln lt nd GI 01 Turntho ignitionswitch ON Measurethe vohagebetw on th A23 or A24 and A25 or A 26t rmlnals R prlr opon o lhon In BLK YEL wlr botwoon tho A23 andloJ A24 taamlnala a...

Page 519: ...tha gaugo a omblv Turnths ignitionswhch OFF Oisconngctthe T st Hsrness A connectorfrom the TCM Checkior cominuhy between th6 A8 t rminalandrhe GRI ORN wiro at the gauge assemDry Ropairop n In GRwOnN wh betwo n the A8 tormlnll nd tho gaug llrombly Chod for loo6o TCM connoc tor Ch ck tho A T gear po ftlon awftdr lf noco3aary aubstl tut I known goodTCM and rechock o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q o o ...

Page 520: ...connoctor trom the TCM Connocttho T6st Harness A coonectoa to the wiro harngssonv not to the TCM 1 35 Iurn the ignitiooswitch ON Measuroth voltagobetwoen th6 A8 torminal and bodY ground Conn6cttho Tost Harn6ss A connectorto the TCM Moasureth vohag6b6tw69n the GR ORN wir6 at th6 gaug6assembt and to bodY gaouno RaDllr rhort to powot toutco oo G8N ORNwlr brtweon A 8 tarml l and lEugp a em_ blv 14 58 ...

Page 521: ...lon r cilon 22 Disconnoctth6 26Pconnector from th6 TCM Measuroths vohag botweon the A22 IRED BLU 6nd A25 IBLK RED or A26 BRwBLKI tsrminals A C comDaealror OFF Rcpah open lo RED BLU wlr b tw n th A22 t rmln l and A C compr or clutch rcLy A C ler llbOK CH lo loor TCM corF racto a It nacaaatay ar5 inul a Lnown good TCM and rachack lnlD ct th lr cor dtlonftt r ctlon 22 Eanary NOTE RED BLU voltage cont...

Page 522: ... Tost Harness A and O connoctors to th6 wil6 harn ssonly not to theTCM 1 35 Moasuroth6 vohaggbetwoon th6 02 andA2tA26 termin3k w i t h t h e b r 6 k o P o d a l depresssd Rrplh op n In GRN WHT wlrc b lw n lh D2 t rmlnd and b ak lwhci Br ko rrvhch tlgnal OK Chod for loot TCM con nacto r lf nocoltary tub_ rtltuto a known good TCM andrcchack lnrDoct the brgka twhch circuh a aociion23 ooooooooooo o o ...

Page 523: ...housing and remove the mainshaft and countershaft soesd sensors COUNTERSHAFT SPEED SENSOB 6x 1 0mm 12 N m 1 2ks m g b tt o R GS R plsc6 6 x 1 O m m 12 N m 1 2 ks m I lb ft Replac the O ringswith a new one before reassem blingthe mainshaftandcountershaftspeedsensors MAINSHAFTSPEED SE SOR 14 61 ...

Page 524: ...nd replscs 8s sn sssembv if necessarv LOCK UP CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE ASSEMBLY LOCK UP CONTROL SOLENOID VALVE ASSEMBLY Cloanth mountingaurface andoil passag68 6 r 1 0 m m 12 N m 1 2kem 9 lb ft ReDlace the lock uDcontrol solanoidvatueassemblyil the resistanceis out of specification lf the resistanceis within the standard connect the No 1 terminal of the lock up control solenoidvalve connectorto the ...

Page 525: ...ositiveterminsl A clicking soundshouldbe heard Connectthe No 2 terminalto the battery poshiveterminsl A clickingsoundshould be he8rd Replacethe shiJt control solenoid valve assemblyif noclickingsoundis hesrd Replacement 1 Removethe mountingbohs and shift control solenoid vafueassamblv NOTE Besureto removeor replacethe shift controlsolenoid valvesA andB asanassembly 2 Checkthe shift control solenoi...

Page 526: ...pshift Erraticshittins Harshshi t uDanddown s Har t n t 12 4 i H Har t 3 Harshkick dowr 2 h kick downshi Harshdowns 8t closedtl Har h shift when manuallv s ngto 1 Dosition Axle s slipsout of transmission on turns sl stuck intransmission Axle Ratc nsnoisewh n shiftinginto R position Loudooooinono sewhen takinsoff in R posrtion Ratchetingnoisewh8n shiftingfrom R to P positionor from R to N oosition ...

Page 527: ...oressurecontrol CPC valvestuck 2ndoriticecontrolvalvestuck Ori icecontrolvalvestuck 3 2 kickdown velve stuck z 3rd kick downvalvestuck 4th exhaustvalvestuck st accumulator dafectivs nd accumulator defective 3rd accumulatordefective 3i 4th accumuletor defective st holdaccumulator detective ervo vave stuck 35 ock uotiminqvalvestuck 2A ock uoshit tvalvestuck 37 ock uocontrolvalvs stuck 38 Shift tork ...

Page 528: ...h ssitemsonth6 PROBABLE CAUSE DUE To IMPROPER REPAIR List hsmson th6 NOTESList arcreeosin N Dosition ardo snot move in D3 or D4 position ransmission locksuDin R position cgssivedraqintransmission vevibration rom r Noisewith wheelsmovinoor R n aeal DoDsout ariousshiftinsproblems HarshuDshifts PROBABLE CAUSE DUE TOIMPROPER REPAIR ...

Page 529: ...ultoJshittingthe transmissionin D3 or D4 posrtionwhile the wheelsrotato inaoverse suchasrockinothe caain snow nsDectthe frametor collisiondamase Inspectlor damage or wear 1 Reverseselectorgearteeth chamfers 2 Engsgement teeth chamfersof countershatt4th sndrevsrseg ar 3 Shift fork for scuff marksincenter 4 Differentialpinionshatt lor wear underpiniongears 5 Bottomof 1st hold clutchfor swirlmsrks Re...

Page 530: ...matsspeedsshown Also check for abnormalnoise andclut ch slippage NOTE Throttle positions nsorvoltagBtepresentsth throttls opening 1 Connectthe Test Harnessbetweenthe ECMandconnector seesection11l 2 Set the digitalmultimst r to check voltage betw en Dl1 terminal and D22 t rminal for the throttle posiiionaenaor CAUTION Al SRSoloctrlcal wldng harnot3as aro covolad whh yelow outor Inrulatlon Bololo ds...

Page 531: ...6 km h 47 55 97 105 142 151 130 138 F22Al Engln l Da IPolhlor Dowruhltt 1st 2nd 2ndJ3rd Lock up Cinchof l Lock up Clutch oFF 4thJ3rd 3rdJ2nd 2nd l st cont d Throftlo porhlon sg lor voltego o 83V Corstlng orbraklng to stop mph 13 16 18 22l4tHld 6 1 0 km h 2 t 26 E 35 4thrhdl 10 16 Throttb po3ltlon lsmor Yoftago 2 18V When car is sbwed by increr3od grldo wlnd oic mph 53 59 km h 5 95 Fd throttlo When...

Page 532: ...m h 1 1 7 l E 117 127 82 90 39 47 4 Accelersteto about35 mph 57km h sothe transmisionis in4th then shift lE Jpositionto f Z lposition Thecar should immediately boginslowingdown from enginebraking GAUTION DonotshifrtromIoi lor lE l position toE lor F l posltlon atsposds over63mph 1ookm h youmeydamaso the transmission 6 Test inI P IlParkino Position Parkcar on slope approx 16o sppv the parking brake...

Page 533: for coolins thenrepeat thetestinloil Tl ana _ oositions NOTE St8llspeed restsshould beused lor diasfEtiplqrpos sonly Stall speed should bethesame inL91l L l L1l andL _lpositions StallSoeedRPM F22Al Engin Spoclficatlon 2 500rpm SarviceLimit 23 2 6fu rpm H23Al Engino Sp cification 2 7 rpm ServiceLimit 2 60O 2 90Orpm TROUBLE PROBAELE CAUSE starlrpm hish i F E E o E posruons Low fluidleveloroilpump...

Page 534: ... bringh to the uppermark UseHondsPremium Formula Automstic Transmission Fluid or an equivalentDEXROIIall Automstic TrsnsmissionFluid ATF only hsert th dipstickbsck intoth6 transmission 14 72 ChEnglng 1 Bring the trsnsmission up to normal op rating tampsraturelths radistorf8n com son by drivingthe car P6rkths car on l6velground turn the 6ngin6olf andth n romovothe drainplug NOTE lf 8 cool r flushar...

Page 535: ...tands aro phccd proparly 3oosoctlon 1l CAUTION Botoratoltlng bo surc tho tra lmirlion fluld lr flled to tho plopol loval Wsrm uptha onglneb torotoltlng 1 Raise the car seesection1 2 Warm up the engine thon stop ths sngine End connectatachometer 3 Connectthe oil pressuregaugeto esch insp6ction hole TOROUE 18 N m 1 8kg m 13 lb ft CAUTION Connecttho oll pr ssuragaugo3ecuroly be rure noi to allow dust...

Page 536: ... HOLE F22A1 Engin PRESSURE SELECTOR POSITtON SYMPTOM PROEABLE CAUSE FLUID PRESSURE Standard ScrvlccLlmh Line E E No orlow linepressure Torqu6conv6rt6r oil pump prossurs regulator torque convertercheck valve O 85OkP8 8 O 8 5ks cm 114 121psi 750 kPa 7 5ks cm 107psi H23A1 Englno PRESSURE SELECTOR POST oN SYMPTOM PROBAELE CAUSE FLUIDPRESSURE Stand rd ScrvlcoLlmh Ltne Eo E No orlow linepressu e Torquec...

Page 537: ...Standard SorvlceLlmlt Throttle B E Pr ssure too hish Throttls VElveB 0 kP8 O kgy cm 0 0 psi throttle l vertully closod Noor low pressure 0 8 5 0 k P a 18 0 8 5 ke cnt 114 121 psi throttl leverfully opensd 75O kPa 7 5 kg cm 1O7psi throttle leverfully openeo H23A1 Engine PRESSURE SELECTOR POSITtON SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE FLUIDPRESSURE Standard SorvlcoLimh ThrottleB E Pressure too high Throttl Vslve B...

Page 538: ... 2 Raisethe front of the car andsupporth whh salety stands 3 Allow the Jrontwheelsto rotatefreely 4 Runthe engineat 2 0OO rpm 5 Measure eachclutchpressure lST CLUTCH PRESSURE INSPECTION HOLE lST HOLDCLUTCHPRESSURE INSPECTION HOLE 4THCLUTCH PRESSURE II SPECTK T HOLE 2NDCLUTCH PRESSURE II SPECTION HOLE 3RDCLUTCH PFESSUBE INSPECTIOI HOLE CENNEB BEAM 14 76 ...

Page 539: ...rmore thsn3 16oD nedl tr ServoVslveor 4th Clutch gJO a5O kP8 lE O 8 5 kg cm 114 121 psi 75O kP8 7 5 kg cm 107 psi PRESSURE SELECTOR POSITrON SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE FLUID PBESSURE Standrrd Sorvico Limlt lst Clutch E 5 Noor low 1st pressure 1stClutch 85O 9OO k Pa 8 5 9 0 ks cmz 121 128psi O kPa 8 0ks cm l14 psi 1st hold Clutch tr Noor low lst holdpressure 1st holdCluich 2ndClutch tr l IA Noor low 2n...

Page 540: ...mal operating temperature theradiatorfan comeson the engineidling movethe slectorleverto position 7 Slowly move the throttle linkageto increasesngin rpm until pressureis indicatedon the appropriate gauge Thenreleasethe throttle linksge sllowingthe engineto return to an idle and recordthe pressure reading with E THROTTLE LINKAGE 14 78 8 With the engin idling lift the throttle control l6v r up appro...

Page 541: ...eropening 4 kP8 4 8 ks cm 68 psi Throttle lever fulv closed 75O kPa 7 5 ks cm 107 psil Throttlelevermore than3 16opened PRESSURE SELECTOR POSITtON SYMPTOM PROBABLE CAUSE FLUIDPRESSURE StEndard SorvlceLlmit 2ndClutch E Noor low 2ndpressure 2ndClutch 50O 9OO kPa 5 0 9 O ksy cm 71 128 ps varieswith throttle leveropening 45O kPa 4 5 ks cm 64 psil Throttle lever fullycbsed O kPa 8 Okg cm 114 psi Thfott...

Page 542: ...ole Disconnecting the battery Removing the No 43 10Alfuse lnthe under hood fuse relayboxl Removing the radio AJter service reconnectpower to the r8dioandturn it on When th word CODE is displsyed enter the customer sSdigh codeto restoreradiooperation 14 80 t 5 Disconnectthe battery negative 8nd positive cablesfrom the battery Remov the battery set pl8te then remove the battery Remove the drsin plug...

Page 543: ...nt pipes NOTE Checkfor anysignsof leakage at tha hosejoints 6 q 10 1 1 12 MAI TSHAFTSPEED SE SORCOI NECTOR SOLENOID VALVE coNf EcToRs TRANSMISSK N GROUD CABLE REARSTIFFENER 14 81 13 14 Removethe starter rnotorcables Disconnectthe countershattspeedsensorconnector COUNTERSHAFT SPEED SENSOR CONNECTOR STARTSER MOTOR 15 Disconnectthe vehicle speed sensor connecter Removethe rear stiffener then remove t...

Page 544: ...ion housingmountingbohs TRANSMISSION HOUSING MOUI TING BOLTS 17 Loosenthe Jrontenginemountbrscketbolts FROiIT E GII EMOUNTT BRACKETBOLTS FRONTENGINE MOUiTT 14 82 1 Removsthe transmission mount TRAl SMlsSOt MOUI T 19 Rsmovethe splsshshield SPLASH SHIELD ...

Page 545: ...ut ot ths differentisl Pullon the inboardjoint and removethe right andleft driv shafts s 6ssction 16 Tie plasticbagsov6r the driv sh8ftenos NOTE Coat 8ll precisionfinished9urf8c6swith cleanongine oilor groass DRIVESHAFT E D 26 Removethe rightdsmpsrpinchboh then separatetho damoerfork anddsmoor 27 Remove the self lockingbolts and self lockingnut then romoveths rightradiusrod DAMPER FORK SELF LOCKII...

Page 546: whils rotatingth cr8nkshEftpulby DN VE PLATC BOLT 6 x 1 O m m 30 SHIFT CABLE DRIVE PLATE 31 Plsce 8 jack und r the transmission and raise th transmissionjust enoughto take weight oft of the mount 32 Romovethe intakemanitoHbracket 33 Removethe trsnsmissionhousingmountingbolts 8nd rearanginemountingbolts 34 Pull the transmissionaway trom the ngine until it clesrs the 14 mm dowel pins then lower i...

Page 547: ...lllustratedIndex Right SideCov 14 86 ...


Page 549: ...lllustratedIndex Transmission Housing B o o t 14 88 ...


Page 551: ...lllustratedIndex TorqueConverter Housing I l L a 14 90 l il q I U l P ...


Page 553: ...DE COVER GASKET R place Removethe elev nboltss curingthe rightsidocovet then removethe rightsidecover NOTE h is not necessarvto remove ths right side covsl protector Slipthe specialtoolonto th mainshsft MAII SHAFT HOLDER 07GAB PF5010O or 07GAB PF50lOl PARKIT G GCAN COUNTERAHAFT IDLER GEAR REVERSE IDLER GEAR SHAFTHOLD R ERAKE PAWL L TRANSMISSION HANGER ATF LEVELGAUGE Ex 1 0mm BOLT ATF COOLER PIPES ...

Page 554: ...and thrust washer from the countershaft Removethe parkingbrake pawl spring shaft and stopperfromthe housing Remove the throttlecontrolleverandspringfrom the throttle controlshaft Removethe ATF coolerpipemounting boh from the transmission hanger Removethe transmission housingmountingbotts o 8 9 10 1 1 SPRING PIl 14 93 12 Removethe reverseidlergearshaft holder NOTE The steelballdoesnot pop out becsu...


Page 556: ... 3 Removs ths count rahaft 2nd go8r reverse gear socondaryshaft 2nd gear thrust wash r and thrust ns dl besring togsther from the countershaft and secondaryshaft 4 Remove the lock bott socuringthe shift fork then romovs ths fork with tho rav rses lector from the countershaft 5 R move tho n66dlebesrings thrust nesdle besring 8ndsplinedwasherfrom the socondaryshaft 6 Romovethe secondsryshaft sub Ess...


Page 558: ...rossDsttern 5 R6movethe sevenbohssecuringth8 servo body then removsthe sarvobodysnds6parstorplats 6 Removethe secondsryvalvebodyandsoparstorpl8te 7 Rsmove the seven bohs securingth throttle valve body then remove the throttle valve body and soparatorplata 8 Rsmove the boh securingthe regulatorvslve body then removethe rsgulatorvElvebody 9 10 Romovethe ststor shsft sndstoppershaft Romov the dstsnt ...

Page 559: solvent 8nd dry it with compressed 8ir Rotlup h lf a sheet of ATF soakedf60O paper and insertit inthe valveboreot the stickingvalve Twist ths paperslightly so that it unrollsandfits the boretightly thenpolish the boreby twistingthe paper asyou pushit tnandout CAUTION Th6 valve My is aluminum and doosn t roquito much polshingto removeany bulls snl ssYi vV fJ llJ Q 14 98 6 Remov the 600 paper Tho...

Page 560: ...h ATF beforeassembly lnstallthovalvs valvespringandcap inthe vavo body andsecur with ths rollsr VALVEBODY ROLLER Sst the springin the valv6andinstallth6mintha valvs body Push th spring in with 8 scrowdrivor th6n instsllthe springssat 14 9 ...

Page 561: ...m the insideof the valvebody CaDswith notched ends are instslledwith the notch toward the insideot the valvebody Capswith flat gndsand a holethroughthe center are installsdwith the smallerholetowsrd the insideof the vave body TOWARD OUTSIDE OFVALVEBODY TOWARD OUTSIDE OFVALVEBODY E E E A TOWARD II SIDE OFVALVESODY TOWARO I SIT E OFVALVEBODY Caps with one projected tip snd hollow end sre instslledwi...

Page 562: ...Standard New l OilPumpDdva goal 0 210 0 265 mm 0 0083 0 0104 inl OllPumpDrlvang6al 0 035 0 063 mm O OO14 O 0O25 in OILPUMP ORIVE GEAR Inspect t ethlor wearordamage 3 Removethe oil pump driven gesr shaft Measurethe thrust clearanceof the oil pump driven gear to valv body OllPumpDrlvo DrivonG6srThrust AxiallClearance Standard Now 0 03 0 05 mm 0 001 0 002 in Selvico Limit 0 07 mm O 0O3in STRAIGHTEDGE...

Page 563: ...Checkallvav s tor free movement lf anyfailto slidefreely seeVafueBodyRepairon page1 98 CAUTION Do not usea magnotto tomovo tho ctrockbalb it may magnotizotho bak MODULATOR VAIVE CPCVALVE SEAT n U SHIFT 3 2 K CK DOWN VALVE OILFEEDPIPE FILTER R6phc6 lnstsll in this diroction CHECK BALLS 3pcs DETENT ARM 1_2 SHIFT VALVE VALVECAP R u ROLLER 2_3 SHIFT VALVE MAINVALVE BODY Inspectlor scoring or domag 14 ...

Page 564: ...stvalvespring Modulatorvalvespring CPCvatuespring 3 2 kick down vatuespring 1 2 shittvalv spring 2 3 shift valvespring o 70 0 028 o 90 0 035 1 10 0 043 1 40 O O55 1 40 0 055 1 20 O O47t 1 00 0 039 o 90 0 035 6 60 0 260 7 60 0 299 8 40 0 331 9 40 0 370 9 40 0 370 7 10 O 2m 8 60 0 339 7 60 0 299 38 00 1 496 73 70 2 9021 46 80 1 8431 33 OO 1 299 33 00 1 299 46 90 1 846 41 30 1 626 57 t2 2441 14 1 32 ...

Page 565: ...movsment lf sny failto slidefreely seeVave BodyRep8iron page1 98 Coatallpartswith ATF befor assembling Replace the vave bodyas8nassemblyif anypans 8reworn or damaged CAUTION Do not usoa mrgnoi to romovath chockballs h may magnatizotho bak p cqtcrco n4u o 0 l CHECK BALLS 7 pcs SECONOARY VALVE BODY Inspect for scoring ordamag6 21 DOR F CE COI TROL VALVE L 3_4 SHIFTVALVE 14 104 SLEEVE ...

Page 566: ...oils O o 4th sxhsustvalvespring 3 4 shift vatuespring 3rd kickdown vslve spring Sarvocontrolvalvaspring Orificecontrolvslve spring 2ndorificecontrolvalvespring 0 90 o o35t 0 90 o o35 1 10 0 043 1 0 039 0 s to 031 0 60 0 024 7 10 0 2 7 0 299 7 60 0 299 8 10 0 319 6 60 0 260 6 0 260 60 e 2 394 57 l 2 244l 48 30 1 902 52 60l2 O71l 52 12 06 7l 5A30 2 295 4 9 26 8 4 3 22 4 33 O 15 8 14 105 ...

Page 567: ...springcap with the holein th valve body thsn pressthe springc8p into the valve body andtight nthe stopporboh REGULATOR SPRING CAP STOPPER BOLT 6 x 1 0 m m 12N m 1 2ks m 9 lb ft FILTER Rophce REGULATOB VALVE LOCX UP TIMING VALVE EBOOY Inapgctfor w6ar scratchos or scorng TOROUE CONVERYER CHECK VALVE SPRING SPECIFICATIOTSS ROLLER Unit mm in No Springs Standard New WireDi8 o D FreeLength No of Coils O...

Page 568: ...ALVE THROTTLE CAM STOPPER 0 8 AOLT 5 r 0 8 8 N m THROTTLE ADJUSTING BOLT CAUTION Do not loosen or remove RELIEF VALVE THROTTLE VALVEBOOY InsDect lor wear scratches or scoring SPRING SEAT SPRING SPECIFICATIONS THROTTLE SHORT VAIVE B Unit mm in No Springs Stsndard New WireDia o o FreeLength No of Coils o ThrottlevalveB spring ThrottlevaVe I adjusting spring Relietvalvespring 1 40 O O55 1 40 O O55 1 ...

Page 569: ...OVER OILFEED PIPE SPRING SPECIFICATIONS SERVO BODY Inspoctlor woar scratchg8or scoing 3RD ACCUMULATOR PISTON SERVO DETET T BASE SHIFT FONK SHAFT SERVO VALVE Inspoct for sco ngordama o 4THACCUMULATOR PISTON ATF STRAINER Cleanor roplac Unit mm in O RING Replace No Springs Stsndard New WireDi8 o D FreeLengrth No of Coils o t 4th accumulator sPring 1st holdaccumulator spring 3rd accumulator spring 2 9...

Page 570: ...sssembly CAUTIO Do not usa r mrgnot to temoya the cfiack bal h may megnotlzo tho bals ACCUMULATOR EODY COVER CHECK BALL 2I DACCUMULATOR PISTON lST ACCUMULATOR PrsTot sPRtt G SPEC F CAT O S Unit mm in No Springs Standard Nsw Wire Di8 o D FreeLength No ol Coils o lst accumulatorsprim zrd accumulatorspring 1 e o o71 3 30 to 130 16 30 to 64a 22 0 866 115 40 4 543 84 90 3 343 18 6 11 1 14 109 ...

Page 571: ...T Replace NOTE Lotr handthr6ads 23O N m 23O ks m 166 lb ft O 170 N m 17 0ks m 123 lb ft CONICALSPRING WASHER R6place IOLER GEAR TRANSMISSION HOUSING BEARING SNAP RING COLLAR THRUST NEEDLE BEARING 4TH REVERSE GEAR O RINGS Replaco NEEDLE BEARINGS THRUSTNEEDLE EEARIiIG 4THEGEARCOLI AR 3RO 4TH CLUTCH ASSEMBLY MAINSHAFT Ch cksplinesfor excessive w6ar or oamage Checkbeadngsurtacetor scorang scratchesor ...


Page 573: ...Countershaft Removal 1 Using a press press out the countershEft while supponingth lst hold clutch NOTE Place an attachment betwoen the press 8nd countershaftto preventdsmagsto the shalt 14 112 ...

Page 574: ...E WAY CLUTCH lnstall inthisdirection lST GEAR I EEDLE BEARING THRUSTWASHER lST GEANCOLLAR 1ST HOLD CLUYCH ASAEMBLY 3 Installth8aboveassemblv on the countershaft 4 Align the shaft splin swith thoso of 3rd gaar then pressthe countershaftinto 3rd gearwith a press NOTE Also alignthe shaft splineswith those of th lst hoH clutch when pressing the countershaftinto the 3rd gear Use 8n attachment between t...

Page 575: ... ONE WAY CLUTCH COUNTEBSHAFT IST GEAR 14 114 3 Inspectthe partsasfollows V ffi Inspsct3rdgear for wear oascoring Inspoct the thaust noodls bearing tor damage or faulty mov mgm Inspectth ono way clutchfor damagoor fauhy movement Inspectlst gear tor w ar or scoring After the Dartsaresssembled holdcountershatt 1st gesr and turn countershatt 3rd gear in directionshownto besureit turnsIreelv COUI TERSH...

Page 576: ...hs O rings LOCKNUT FLANGE NUT Roplsc6 23ON m 23 0 JO 170N m 17 0 kg m 166 tsft ks m 123lb ft CONICAL SPRING WASHER Replsco IDLER GEAR TRAI SM SS OI HOUST G BEARII G THRUST WASIGN THRUST NEEDLE BEARING 2NDGEAR SECONDARY SHAFT Checksplin sfor oxcossive w6aror d6magE Chgckbearing surfacofor scoring scrotchesor excosstvowoat THRUSTNEEDLE BEARII G I EEDLE BEARIMi 1STGEAR DISTANCE COLLAR 5 mm COTTERS 29...

Page 577: ...gearsaxialclearance whilemoving2nd gear STANDARD 0 07 0 15 mm 0 003 O 0O6 in NOTE Takemeasurements in at loastthlee plscos anduse theaverage astheactusl clearance 5 It the clearanceis out of tolerance removethe splinsd washerandmeasure the thickness SPLINED WASHER No Pari l umbol fhbknols 90406 PX4 700 4 05 mm 1O 159 in 90407 PX4 7 4 10mm 0 161 in 90408 PX4 700 4 15mm 0 163 in 4 90rto9 PX4 700 4 2...

Page 578: ...nEruRNsPuu rc srRrnc aeurnea C s APRTNG o CLUTCH PLATES Standard thicknoss 2 30mm 0 091in ctuTcH Drscs Stshdardthickness 1 94 mm 0 076inl SNAPRII G SPRI TG RETAINER CLUTCHDISCS Standard thickn6ss l 94 mm 0 076 inl RETURN SPRII G PISTON O RINGS Rsplacs CLUTCH DRUM cont d 14 117 ...


Page 580: ... O RINGS Replace PrsroN __ l Xtt v qfluansrnrNcre Y SPRTNG RErarr ER _ SNAPRtNG ___ v smr nnc l sPRr G RETATNEB __ _ CLUTCH PLATES Standard thicknoss 2 60mm 0 102in RETURN SPRING DISCSPRING 2ND CLUTCH DBUM 1STCLUTCHDBUM cont d 1 4 1 1 9 ...

Page 581: lllustratedIndex cont d 1ST HOLDCLUTCHASSEMBLY CLUTCH E OPLATE RETURN CLUTCH PLATES Standard thicknsss 2 00mm 0 079inl sr AP R NG 13 SPRTNG RETATNER DISCSPBING PISTON O RllrlcS B6placs CLUTCHDRUM 14 120 ...


Page 583: ...sprlng the rotalnormay be d8magod NOTE SteDs4 thru 6 arefor allclutches Compr ss the returnspring Do not s6t hore t 14 122 Removethe snapring Then removethe spscialtools spring retainer 8ndretrunspring Wrap a shopragaround the clutchdrumandapply8ir pressureto the oil passage to removethe piston Plsco a tingertip on the other ndwhileappvingairpres6ure ...

Page 584: ...t the discspringis securelystaked NOTE For 1st 3rd and4th clutches Installnew O ringson the piston O RINGS CHECK VALVE PISTON CLUTCHDRUM 4 Installthe piston in the clutch drum Apply pressure androtateto ensureproperseating NOTE Forallclutches Lubricate the piston O ring with ATF before installing CAUfION Do not dnch O ringby instalingthe istonwhh force Installthereturnspringandspringretainerandpos...

Page 585: ... CLUTCHSPRI G COMPRESSOR ATTACHMENT oTHAE Pl601 00 CLUTCH SPRING COMPRESSOR ATTACHMEITT 07LAE PX40lOO CLUTCHSPRI G COMPRESSOR ATTACHMET T oTHAE P150100 NOTE For 1st 2nd 3rd and4th clutches 14 124 7 CAUTION lf otthor end of lho comprslsol attachmcnt b 8ct ovor an lroa of the sp ng lelalnor whlcft k unrupportodby tha toturn sprlng tha rctalnel may b dam god NOT Steps7 thru I 8refor allclutches ComDr...

Page 586: ...11 Soak the ctutch discs thoroughv in ATF tor I mini mumot 30 minutes 12 Starting with I clutch plats ahernately instsll ths clutch platesanddiscs Installthe clutchendplatewith flat sidetoward the disc NOTE Before installingthe platss snd discs mske sure the insideof the clutchdrum is free of dirt or other forsign mattot CLUTCH Dtsc 13 Installth snspring cont dl CLUTCHENDPLATE SCREWDBIVEB 14 125 ...

Page 587: ... 85 mm 0 026 0 033in 0 40 0 60 mm 0 016 0 024in 0 40 0 60 mm 0 016 0 024in O 1 0O mm 0 031 0 039 in TOPDISC 14 126 1 E It the clearanceis not within th servicelimits selecta new clutch ndplatefrom the followingtable NOTE It the thickest clutch nd plst is installsdbut the clearanceis still over the st8ndatd roplacethe clutch discs8ndclutchplstes CLUTCHENDPLATE Phte t o Part Number Thlckncrs mm lnl ...

Page 588: ...7749 OOTOOOO ATTACHMEIYT 07947 6340500 TOROUE COI VERTER HOUSIT G Orivein the new mainshaftbsaringuntil it bottoms in the housing usingthe specialtoolsasshown ATTACHMENT 62x68mm 07746 xrlos x DRIVER 07749 OOl xXX 3 Installthen w oils6alflushwith the housing usingthe sDscialtools asshown DRIVER 07749 001o xro ATTACHMEI IT 72x75mm 07740 x lo6 x 14 127 ...

Page 589: ...lOqro ATTACHMEifT 62x88mm 07746 0010500 BEARING 0 0 03 l0 0 01inl HOUS G _ _ _ OII GUIDEPLATE TorqueGonverterHousingBearings Secondary ShaftBearing Replacement 1 Removethe secondaryshaJt bearingby heatingthe torque converter housingto 212oF 10O C with a heat gun then tap the housinguntil the bearinglalls our CAUTION Do not hoattho casein excsssof 212oF 1OOoCl Installthe oilguideplate Drive the new...

Page 590: ...e housing I Remov Expsnd achsnap ringwith snap ringpliers ins new b aringpart way into it then releasethe Pushthe bearingdown into the transmissionu ringsnapsin placaaroundit NOTE Inst8llwith groovesideo the housingfacingins transmission housing lnstali I After installing th6 bosringverify the following The snapringls se8tedinthe bearingandhol groovas Th6 snapringoperatesproperly Ths ring6ndgapis ...


Page 592: ...AFT OILPUMP DRIVEGEAR Installthestator shaft andstoDDer shaft Installthe two dowel pins torque converter check vafueand torque converter check valve springin the mainvalvebody Installthe egulator valve body with the bolt on the mainvalvebody Installthe two dowel pins and separatorplateon the regulatorvatue body then install the throttle vave bodvwith sevenbohs 8 10 Installtho s condarysaparatorpla...

Page 593: ...E lnsta inthis direction TOROUE COi vERTER HOUSING COUNTERSHAFT 4TH GEAR NEEDLE BEARIiIG NEEDLE BEARING COUNTERSHAFT 20 Turnthe shitt tofk shaft so the largechamferedholeis facingthe fork botthole Th ninstallthe shift fork and the lock boh with a new lock washer and torque Bendthe locktab againstthe boh head SH T FORKBOLTHOLE LOCKWASHER R plac6 LOCK BOLT 6 x 1 O m m 14 N m 1 4kg m 10 rb ft SHIFT F...

Page 594: ...L SHAFT DOWEL PIN 14 133 m hstall the trsnsmissionhousingbolts andt ansmission hanger then torque the boltsto 55 N m 5 5kg m rlo lb ft intwo or morestepsinthe patternshown 27 Engage the reverseidlergearto the countershaftand mainshattreversegesrs then installthe reverseidler gesrshaft holderon the transmission housing 6 x 1 0 m m 12 N m 1 2 ks m I lb ft 28 Installthe parking brske lever on the con...

Page 595: ... Nm 23 0 ks m 166 lb tt PARKII GGEAR SECONDARY SHAFT IOLER GEAR 32 33 34 14 134 35 Placea 24 mm socketon the parkinggeEr andinstslla 10 x 1 25mm boh in the count8rshaft Then engage the parking brake pawl with the parking gesr by movingup the parkingbrakepawl CAUTlOltl K apanof tho particlosout of tho transmissionwhon insialllng a bolt 36 Tightenthe bohandlightlyseatthe parkinggear NOTE Donot drive...

Page 596: ...TOROUE WRENCH 42 4i S t rhe psrkingbrake lever in tne lT l position thon verity that the parkingbrakepswl ei gages the parking 9ear lf th pswl doss not engagefully check the psrking brakepawl stopperclearanceasdescribedon page 1 136 Tightenthe lockboh andbendthe locktab againstthe bolt head PARKIMiBRAKE LEVER ROLLER PARKINGBRAKE PAWL PAWLSHAFT lnstalltherightsidecover TOROUE 12 N m 1 2kg m 9 lb ft...

Page 597: ...fiftflllf PARKTNGBRAKE ff the measuremantis out oJ tolerance select and install the sppropriate parking brakestopperfrom the tablebelow PARKINGGEAR PARKINGBRAKE LEVERROLLER PIN LOCKBOLT 6 x l 0 m m 14 N m 1 4 kg m 10 tb ft Distanc6 PARKING BRAKE STOPPER PARKING BRAKELEVER r f f i T l I rl ll T r r t l r PARKINGBRAKESTOPPER PARKING BRAKE STOPPER Mark Part Numbor Ll Lz I 24537 PA9 OO3 11 0Omm 0 433 ...

Page 598: ...TorqueConverter Disassembly ErlOm r 75 N m 7 5kem 54 b ftl DRIVE PLATE lnsD ct forcrackg 12x 1 0mm 75 N m 7 5kgtsm 54 b ft Torquo incrisscrogs Dattgrn TOROUE CO VERTER ASSEMBLY RI G GEAR 14 137 ...

Page 599: ...n housing mounting bolts raar engine mountingbohsandintakemaniJold bracketbotts Roplaca I1 TAKE MANIFOLD BRACKET INTAKEMANIFOLD ERACKETBOLTS I x 1 25mm 2 N rn 12 2 kg m 16 tb ft TRANSMlsSION HOUSING MOUNTING BOLTS 12 r 1 25 mm 65 N m 6 5 kg m 47 tb ft TRAfISMISSK N JACK REARENGINE MOUNfiNG BOLTS 12x 1 25mm R plac 55 N m 5 5 ks m 40 lb ft 14 138 5 Installth transmission housingmountingbolts TRAI SM...

Page 600: ... 10 lnstafithe control lsvsr with the shift cable on the controlshaft CAUTION Tak6 caranot to bondtho shlft cEHo 11 lnstallthe lock boh with a new lock washer then bend ths locktab 12 Instsll the toroue converter cover and shift cable covar cot TRoL LEVER LOCK WASHER R6plsc LOCI BOLT 6 x 1 O m m 14 N m 1 4ks m 10 b ft TOROUE COI VERTER COVER CONTROL SHAFT SHIFTCABLE COVER 8 x 1 25mm 18 N m 1 8 kg ...

Page 601: ...5mm 65 N m16 5ks m 47 h ft 17 Installth rearbeamstiff ner8ndcenterbe8m CEI TER BEAM 10x 1 25mm 60 N m 6 0 krm 43 tb ft 18 hstat the solashshield t 14 140 19 Installthe vehiclespeedsensor powersteeringspeed ssnsor and roar stiffoner Conngcl the vehiclospe6d sensor connecror SPECIAL BOLT 6 x 1 O m m 12 N m 1 2kgFm 9b ft 10x 1 25mm 21 N m 2 lks m 15 tb ft POWER STEERIl G SPEED SE lsqR O RING R6pbc6 R...

Page 602: ...ntakeairduct 29 Refillthetransmission with ATF seepage14 74 30 Connect the battery positive and negative cablesto the battery 31 Startthe engine Setthe parkingbrake andshitt the trsnsmissionthrough all gearsthree times Check tor propershift cablesdjustment 32 Check 8nd adjust the front wheel alignment see section 18 33 Let the enginereach operatingtemperatur _lthe ralie tor f8ncom s on withthetran...

Page 603: ... L 14 142 7 With ths water and air valves oft attach the wat r 8ndairsuDDlies to the Jlusher Hotwater it svailsbl8 OFF Turn on the flusher water vave so water will flow through the oilcooler for 10seconds NOTE lf wster doos not flow through the oil cooler it is completolyplugged cannot be flushed and must be reolaced Depressthe trigger to mix the flushingfluid into thg water flow Usethe wire clipt...

Page 604: ...l FILLER CAP TOOLMAINTENANCE 1 Emotyandrinseattereachuse Fillthecanwith watsr and pressurizethe can Flush the dischargelino to ensurethat the unit isclean 2 lf dischargeliquiddoes not foam the orifice may be blocked 3 To clean disconnectthe plumbing trom the tank at the large coupling nut 4 Removethe inline tiher from the dischargeside and cleanif necessary 5 TheJluidorificeis locatedbehindthe fih...

Page 605: ... conn ctor s on the aiftag sl Roelacetho 6nthe aft ctod SRSharn63sa cmbly lf h hasan oponcircuh or damag dwiring SRSMAIN HARI ES8 1 Removethe front console seesection2O Z Stritt to I tttl position then removethe lock pin from the cabte adiuster 3 Removethe bohssecuringthe bracket 4 6 x l Omm 10 N m 1 0 kg m 7 luft 8 x 1 25mm 18 N m 1 8ks m 13 b ft sHtFT LOCK BOLT CABLE 6x1 0mm COVER 14 N m11 4kem ...

Page 606: ...HAUST PIPE B GASKET R6phc 7 Romovethe cablsguideandgrommet E x l O m m 12 N m 1 2ksFm I b ft 8 Removethe cotter pinandlock pin then separatetho controll verfrom the shift cable COTTER PIN Rspbca 9 lnstallth8 shift cabl inthe reverseorderof removal 10 Check the cable adiustmentafter instsllingthe shift cable seepage1 146 SHIFTCABLE 14 145 ...

Page 607: ... sligned with the holein the shift cable AIT USTER Cabh Too Shon Exact Alignm nt Cabl Too Long NOTE Therearetwo holesinthe endof the shift cable They are Dositionad 9Ooapartto allowcableadiustmentsin 1 4turnincrements lf not pertectlyalignod loosenthe locknuton the shift cable andsdiustasrequired Tightenthe locknut Installtho lock pinon the adiuster lf you tesl the lock pin bindingas you reinstall...

Page 608: ...tsll the short connector s on the alrbsg sl Raplacotho entilo affectsd SRSharnossassomblylf it h 3 an oponcircuit or damagedrylrlng J 3 N m 0 3ks m 2 2b ft AppV non hardening thre8d locksoalsnt A TGEAR POSITION INDICATOR PANEL Gl ICONE GREASE LEVER COVER 10 N m 1 0kgFm 7 h ft SELECTOR MOUNT BRACKET SRSMAIN HARI EAS SELECT LEVER KNOB 14 147 ...

Page 609: ...gpdwlrlng 1 With the transmissionin I N I position chsck that the indexmsrk on the indicst or alignswith ths N mark on the A T gosr plgtion indicator panel when th t ansmissionis inLll position lf not sligned rsmovs the front conaole sso section 2ol Remove the A T gear position indicstor pansl mountingscrews andadiustby movingth8 pansl NOTE Whenever the A T g 8r position indicstor panel is removed...

Page 610: ... th ottle linkagewhiledepressino andreleasing the acceleratoroedal 2 ff the throttle control lever is not synchronizedwhh the throttle linkage ad iust the throttle controlcable THROTTLE CABLE THROTTLE LINKAGE THROTTLE COI ITROL LEVER THROTTLE CONTROL LEVER 14 149 3 Check that there is plsy in the throttle control levsr while depressingth accGleratorpedal to the fulF throttle oosition Removethe cab...

Page 611: ...t the throttle controllever Removethe free playinthe throttle controlcablewith the locknut whil6 pushingthe throttle control lav tto the tullv closed Doshionasshown THROTTLE COI TROL LEVEB Pushin this direction t THROTTLE LINKAGE 14 150 4 Tightenthe locknuts THROTTLE CONTROL LEVER 5 A ter tighteningthe locknuts inspect the synchro nization8ndthrottle controllevermovemsnt NOTE To tailor the shift l...

Page 612: ...Differential Manual Transmission 15 t Automatic Transmission 15 10 ...

Page 613: ...fferential lllustrated Index 15 3 Backlash Inspection 15 4 FinalDriven GearReplacement 15 4 Tapered RollerBearing Replacement 15 5 OilSealRemoval 15 5 Bearing OuterRace Replacement 15 6 Tapered RollerBearing Preload Adjustment 15 7 OilSeallnstallation 15 9 ...

Page 614: ...load Inspection Tool DriverAttachment Pilot 28x 30 mm Attachment 40x 50mm l D Attachment 52 x 55 mm Attachment 62 x 68 mm Attachment 72x 75 mm Driver 07GAD PG40 100 07HAJ PK40201 07JAD PH80101 07JAD PH80400 07LAD PW50601 07746 0010400 07746 0010500 07746 0010600 07749 0010000 o o o o 6 a o 15 2 ...

Page 615: TAPERED ROLLER BEARING Replacement page 15 5 Inspgctfor wear and damag TAPEREDROL1IR BEARING Replacement page15 5 Inspoctfor wear and damagg TBEABINGOUTEBRACE Replgcement page15 6 Inspectfor wear and dam6ge THRUST Sel6ct Adjustment page15 7 10x 1 25lnm t I I o _ r 103N m110 3 kg m 7a lb ftl Left handthreads DRIVENGEAR Replacement page15 4 Inspectfor wearand damage Remov 1 page 15 5 lnstallation...

Page 616: not within the standard replace the differential carrier FinalDrivenGearRePlacement 1 Removethe bolts in a crisscrosspattern in several steps and removethefinaldrivengearfrom the dit ferential carrier NOTE The final driven g ar bolts have left hand threads 10mm EOLT 103N m 10 3kg m 74lb ft Installthe final drivengear by tighteningthe bolts in a crisscrossDatternin severalsteps t Chamferon insid...

Page 617: ...necessary 1 Remove the taperedrollerbearingsusinga bearing puller BEARING PULLER Installnewtaperedrollerbearings usingthe special tool asshown NOTE Drivethe taperedrollerbearings on until theybottomagainst the differential carrier ATTACHMENT 40x 50 mm l D 07LAD PWSo ol Tapered RollerBearing OilSealRemoval Remove the differential assembly Remove the oil sealfrom thetransmission housing OILSEAL Repl...

Page 618: ...reus the thrust shim if the outer racGwas driven out NOTE Do not heatthe transmission housingin excess of 212 F 100 C TRANSMISSION HOUSING ATTACHMENT 5 2 x 5 5 m m ORIVER 07749 OOl Xno 07715 X 10400 BEARING OUTEFRACE THRUSTSHIM J 4 15 6 THRUST SHIM OUTER RACE 4 Install the oil seal seepage15 9 3 After installingthe thrust shim install8n bearing outer racein the transmissionhousingand clutch housin...

Page 619: ...the thrust shim installthe bea outer racein the transmissionhousing seet 15 6 NOTE Install the bearingouterracesquarely Checkthat there is no clearance between bearingouterrace thrustshimandtransmis nousrng With the mainshaftand countershaftremo installthe differential assembly and torque clutchhousingandtransmission housing TOROUE 10x 1 25mm 45 N m 1 5kg m 33 lb ft 8 x 1 25mm 28N m 2 8kg m 20 lb ...

Page 620: ...96 in T 4 1400 PX5 000 2 47mm 0 097 in 15 8 9 Howto select thecorrect thrustshim 1 Comparethe taperedrollerbearingpreload you getwith thethrustshimthatwas removed with the specified preloadof l4 26 kg cm 12 23lb in 2 lf your measured taperedrollerbearingpreload is lessthan specified subtractyours irom the specified lf yours is more than speclfied subtractthe specitied from your measuremenl Forexam...

Page 621: ... TRANSMISSloN HOUSING DRIVER 077it9 001qxto OILSEAL Replace OR VERATTACHMENT otGAD FG lrX PILOT 2Ex 30 mm 07JAD PHE0 00 2 Installthenewoil sealintothe clutchhousingusing the sogcialtools asshown CLUTCH HOUSING DRIVER 077a9 001o xlo DRIVERATT 07JAD PHgtl01 OILSEAL Roplace PILOT 28x 30 mm 07JAD PH8o4 r0 1 5 9 ...

Page 622: ...Automatic Transmission lllustrated lndex 15 13 Backlash Inspection 15 14 Bearing Replacement 15 1 4 Inspection Disassembly 15 15 Reassembly 15 16 OilSealRemoval 15 17 TaperRollerBearing Preload Adjustment 15 18 Bearing OuterRaceReplacement 15 20 OilSealInstallation 15 20 ...

Page 623: ...1 07HAD SF10r 00 07JAD PH80101 07JAD PH80400 07LAD PW50601 07749 0010000 07947 SD90200 DriverAttachment Preload Inspection Tool DriverAttachment DriverAttachment Pilot 28 x 30mm Attachment 40x 50 mm Oriver DriverAttachment 1 l 1 I 1 I 1 1 15 20 1 E _ 1 4 15 19 15 20 15 20 15 14 15 19 20 15 20 a I t9 I cro o IT 15 12 ...

Page 624: ...lection page15 18 eg 9 OUTERRACE 10mm BOLT 103N m110 3 kg m 7a lb ft1 Left handthreads TAPER ROLLEB BEARING lnspect forf6ultymovement lnstallin this direction THRUSTWASHEB DIFFERENNALCARBIER lnsoocttor cracks PINIONWASHER TAPER ROLI ER SPRING PIN BEARIiIG OUTERRACE PINIONGEAR Backlash inspection page15 14 PINIONSHAFT Inspgct or wearor damage 1 5 1 3 ...

Page 625: ...rential AutomaticTransmissionl Backlash Inspection BearingReplacement NOTE Checkthe bearings for wear and roughrotation lf the bearings areOK removalis not necessary Removethe taper puIer rollerbearings usinga bearing BEARING PULI IR TAPER ROLLER BEARING Installthe new taperrollerbearings usingthe spe cialtoolanda pressasshown NOTE Drivethe bearings on untiltheybottom Usethe special tool largeend ...

Page 626: ... threads Driveoutthe springpinwith a pin punch 5 0mm PINPUiICH FINALDRIVENGEAR DIFFERENTIAL CARRIER 3 Removethe pinion shaft pinion gears washers thrustwashers andsidegears Washthe pans thoroughlyin solventand dry them with compressed air Inspoctall pans for wear or damageandreplace anythataredefective PINIONGEARS SIDEGEAR 1 5 1 5 ...

Page 627: ...Dinionwasherfrom the tableon page15 14 1 5 1 6 THRUSTWASHER Aligntheholes Rotatethe gearsuntil the shaftholesin the pinion gearsIineupwith theshaftholesin carrier Insertthe pinionshaftandalignthespringpin holes in oneendwith the matchingholein the carrier 5 Driveinthe springpinwith a pin punch Checkbacklash of bothpiniongearsagain Standard New 0 05 0 15mm 0 lxt2 0 006in It stillout of tolerance re...

Page 628: ...nnsr side ot final drivengearfac6s cSrner OilSealRemoval Remove th differential ass6mbly Remove the oil sealfromthe transmission housing TRANS tsstotrl HOUSI G Remove th oil seal from the toroue conv rter housing 1 10mft EOLT 103N m 110 3 kg rn 74lb ftl Lett h8ndthreads TOROUE CONVERTER HOUSING OILSEAL Replace FINALDRIVENGEAR OILSEAL 1 5 1 7 ...

Page 629: ... from the tablebelowso that theirtotalthickness is 2 60mm 0 102 in CAUTION Do not use mor than two shims to adiusttho bearingprelosd BEARING OUTER RACE THRUSTSHIM No PartNumb6r Thickncss 41441 PK4 000 2 20mm 0 087 in B 4 1 4 4 2 P K 4 0 0 0 2 25mm 0 089 in 4 1 4 4 3 P K 4 0 0 0 2 30mm 0 091 in D 4 1 4 4 4 P K 4 0 0 0 2 35mm 0 093 in E 4 1 4 4 5 P K 4 0 0 0 2 40mm 0 094 in F 4 1 4 4 6 P K 4 0 0 0 2...

Page 630: ...semblyin both directions to seatthe bearings l 6 Measurethe startingtorque of the differential assembly with thespecial tool anda to quewrench STANDARD Now bosrings 2 8 0 N m 128 l kg cm 2 1 35 lb inl Rculod bslrings 2 5 3 7N m 25 37 kg cm 22 32 lb in PRELOADINSPECTION TOOL 07HAJ PKIO201 NOTE Measu e thestarting torque atnormal roomtem p6 ature in bothdirections lf out of spec selecttwo thrustshim...

Page 631: be replaced Do not useshimson the torqueconverterhous ing side Adjustpreloadafterreplacing the bearingouter raceandbearing Installthe new bearingouterraceflushwith the housingusingthespecialtools 07749 001 xXlO OilSealInstallation 1 Installthe oil seal in the transmission housing usingthe sp cial toolsasshown DRTVER 07749 00ltXXtO OILSEAL 2 Drivethe oil sealintothe torqueconverter housing using...

Page 632: Tools Driveshafts Removal Disassembly Disassembly lnspection Reassembly Installation IntermediateShaft Replacement Disassembly Disassembly lnspection Reassembly 16 2 16 3 16 5 16 6 16 7 16 9 1 6 1 1 16 12 16 13 16 14 ...

Page 633: ...4 16 12 14 Oil SealDriver Hub Dis Assembly Base BallJoint Remover 32 mm Attachment 37 x 40 mm Attachment 52 x 55 mm Attachment 35 mm LD Driver oTGAD PH70201 oTGAF SD40700 oTMAC SLOO100 o7746 OO10200 07746 O010400 07746 OO30400 o7749 OO l OOOO o 6 rA of re l z 1 A I tll ct_ o 16 2 ...

Page 634: ... FRONT WHEEL SPINOLE NUT 24 r 1 5 mm Replace OAMPERPINCHBOLT SELF LOCKING BOLT 10 r 1 25mm 5 Removethe damper tork pinchbolt 6 Removethe damperfork nut bolt and damper DAMPERFORKBOLT OAMPEB ISELF LOCKING NUTI 12x 1 25mm Replace 7 Remove the cotterpinfrom the lowerarm balljoint castlenut and removethe nut 8 Installa 14 mm hex nut on the balljoint Be sure that the 14 mm hex nut is flush with the bal...

Page 635: ...OARDJOINT with lntermediate Shaft Removethe left driveshaftfrom the bearingsup pon by tappingthe inboardjoint of the driveshaJt with a Dlastichammer CAUTION a Do not oull on the driveshaft as the CV joint may come apan a Usecare whsn prying out the assemblyand pull it stlaight to avoid damagingthe diffelsntial oil s al 13 Pulltheknuckleoutwardandremovethe driveshaft outboardioint from the front wh...

Page 636: ...ON Tak care not to damagethe boots NOTE Carelullv clamp the driveshaft in a vise with solf jaws INBOAROJOII T BEARINGREMOVER Removethe inboardjoint and rollers Removethe circlip then removethe spiderusinga commercially available bearingremover NOTE Beforedisassembly mark the spider and driveshaft sothey canbe reinstalled intheiroriginal positions STOPPER RING 16 5 ...

Page 637: ...ollergroovesduringdisassembly to ensureproperpositioning dutingreassembly a Beforedisassembly markthe spiderand driveshaftso they can be reinstalled in theiroriginalposilions a The inboardjoint must be removedto eplacethe boots a lf the boot bandis the weldedtype cut off as shown CAUTION Take care not to damag tho boots Checksplinestor wear or damage Checkinsideborelor wear Inspectfor cracks DRIVE...

Page 638: ...ts grooveto be sureit is fully seated Installthe spideron the driveshaftby aligningthe markson the spiderand end of the driveshaft Fitthe circlipintothe driveshaft groove Rotatethe circlipin its grooveto be sureit is fully seated SPIDER STOPPER RING CIRCLIP b 6 Pack the outboardjoint with the joint gr ase cludedin the new driveshaftset crease Ouantity 130 140 9 4 6 4 9 ozl Fitthe rollers to the sp...

Page 639: ...ension NOTE TheendsoJbootsseatin the grooveof the driveshaftandjoint Righr 507 9 512 9 mm 2O OO 20 19 in Left A T modelg 862 9 867 9 mm 33 97 34 17inl M T models 52O 9 525 9 mm 2O 50 20 7O inl ManualTransmission OnlY Align the holderdirection of the rollers toward the slot of inboardjoint as 10 t 16 8 1 1 12 lnstall new boot bands on the boot and bend both sets ot locking tabs Lightlytap on the do...

Page 640: whon6va th6 drivoshatt is being installod Installthe inboardendof the driveshaft intothe dit ferentialor intermediate shaft 1 4 J NOTE Atter applyinggrease rcmove greasefrom the splinegrooves at int ot 2 3 splinesand trom the set ring g NEWSET INTERMEDIATE SHAFT INBOARD JOINT RIGHT Make sure the right driveshaft locks in the dit eren tial sidegesr groove and the CV ioint sub axle bottoms in the...

Page 641: ...Do not 8li9n tho nut by loosening DAMPERPINCHBOLT SELF LOCKING BOLTI 10 x 1 25mm 44 N m 14 4kg m 32 lb ft DAMPER FORK TSELF LOCKING NUTI 12 x 1 25 mm COTTERPIN On reassembly bendthe cotterpin CASTLENUT 14 x 2 0 mm 50 60 N m 5 0 6 0 36 43 tb ftI k9_m 8 Tightenthe new spindlenut 9 lnstsllthe wheelswith the wheellug nuts NOTE Before installing the wheel clean the matingsurtaceof the brakedisc and ins...

Page 642: ...lts Removethe intermediate shaft assemblyfrom the differential CAUTION To prevent damage to th diftersntial oil s 81 hold ths intormediateshaft horizontaluntil it is clear ot tho diffsrontial 1 2 HEX BOLTS rrrrnme6lhrrsxlrr 5 Installin the reverseorderof removal HEXBOLTS 39 N m13 9 kg m 28 tb ftl FLANGE BOLT 39 N m13 9 kg m 2a b fr I t p a 1 6 1 1 ...

Page 643: ...rclip EXTERNALCIRCLIP OUTER SEAL Replace J l SETRII G R place 4 Pressthe intermediateshatt out to the shaft bear ing usingthe specialtools and a press NOTE Positionthe specialtools so they do not damagethe metalring on the shafr HUBDIS ASSEMBLYBASE 07GAF SD40700 INTERMEOIATE SHAFTBEARING 16 12 5 Removethe internalcirclip 6 Press the intermediate shaft bearing out oJ the bearingsupponusingthe speci...


Page 645: ...ate shaft into the shaft bearing usingthe specialtool and a Press ATTACIlMENT 35 mm l O HUBDIS Pr6ss F t F4 m n F t 07GAF SD40700 16 14 46 0030400 5 Seat the externalcirclip in the groove of the in termediateshaft CAUTION Installthe circlipwith the taperedend tacingout Pressthe outersealintothe bearingsupportusing the specialtools and a Press CAUTION Do not damagethe lip on outer seal duringinstal...

Page 646: ...stment 17 74 On CarChecks RackGuide Adiustment 17 75 FluidReplacement 17 77 P u m p P r e s s u r e C h e c k 17 74 Stesring Wheef Sotational Play 17 79 Power Assist Chsck withCarParked 17 79 AssistCheckat RoadSDeed 17 8O Power Steering SpeedSensor Replacement 17 80 Steering Wheel R e m o v a l 1 7 8 1 Disassembly Reassembly 17 83 Installation 2 W S 1 7 8 4 4 W S 17 8 6 SteeringColumn R e m o v a ...

Page 647: ...tonSealRingSizingTool CylinderEndSealSlider LocknutWrench 43 mm BallJoint Remover 28 mm P SJoint Adapter Pump P SJoint Adapter Hose RackHold r RearSteeringCenterLockPin BypassTubeJoint lncluded with 07406 001OO01 l P SPressure Gauge Pressure ControlValve Pressure Gauge Universal Holder Attachment 37 x 40 mm Attachment 42 x 47 mm Driver DriverAttachment Hub AssemblyGuideAttachment 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 1...

Page 648: ...nically and mechanically in neutral all4 wheelsin properalignment a Th64WS Systemmust be l mechanically and 2 electronically in neutralfor Woperoperation Perform the following mechanical neutralcheckon the systemand adjustas necessary first then performthe followingelectronicneutral checkand adjustas necessary 4WSsystemadiustmeni seepage17 151 l Mechanically neutrsl Besurethat the front andrearwhe...

Page 649: ...terminalswith mud oil and grease a Thephrase the steeringwheelinthe straightdrivingposition meansthat the frontwheels areinthe straightdriving positionwith the steeringwheel spokesat a horizontal angle a lf the powerto the 4WS controlunit was shutdown for the followingoperations startthe engineandturn the steer ing wheeltully right and left beforecheckingand adjustingthe 4WS system Batteryremoval ...

Page 650: ...ment page17 15 l IGNITIONSWITCH SteeringLock Replacomentand Swirch Test see ElectricalSection STEENI G GEARBOX RackGuideAdiustment 2WS 4WS pago17 75 Removal p ge17 114 Index page17 117 Ov rhaul page17 118 POWERSTEERING SPEEDSENSOR Rgplscement pag 17 8O VALVEBODYUNIT TIE ROD ENO BallJoinrEoot Replacement pgae17 145 Ovsrhaul page 17 106 FROI TSUB STEERING ANGLESENSORI4WS Adiustment page17 153 FLUIOR...

Page 651: ... page17 138 Installation page17 144 REARSUB STEERING ANGLESENSOR Adjustmenl page 17 155 Romoval page17 138 Installation page17 141 REARMAIN STEERING ANGLESENSOR Removal page17 141 fnstaf lation page17 142 TIE RODEND BootReplacement page17 45 REARSTEERING ACTUATOR lllustrated Index page17 137 ActuatorRemoval page17 138 Actuator Dissssembly Page17 140 17 6 ...

Page 652: ...pressuretor the response to the car speed By introducing this pressure to the power steeringspeedsensorthroughthe sensororilice the pressure downstreamol the orificeis changedaccording to the speedof car This pressure is then usedto operate the gaincontrolvalve Two orificesarepfovidedaroundthe circumference of the gaincontrolvalve Theseorificespro vide th steplessreductionof the pressuretrom the p...

Page 653: ...tothe innercircumference of the cam rlng The innercircumterence of the cam ringhasan extendedportionwith respectto the centerof the shaft so the rollers movedownwardinthe axialdirectionasthe carrierrotates As a resultof thisrollermovement the internal volumeof the vane chamberwill change resultingin fluid intakeanddischarge STARTOF FLUIDINTAKE FLUIDINTAKE FLUIDMOVEMENT FLUIDDISCHARGE INLET POBT Th...

Page 654: ...dexcessfluid returnsto the pumpinlet As the pressure underthe flow control valvedrops the reliefvalveballis closedby its spring andthe flow controlvalveis forceddown again allow ing excesslluid from the pumpsideto returnto the in let This tlow control valve relief valvecylinderkeeps pump output pressure between TOOO 8OOO kPa 7O 80 kgicm 995 1 138 psi RELIEF VALVE OPEN FluidReservoir Filter A one p...

Page 655: ...e on eachside Eachreactionchambercontainsa pairof spring loaded plungersthat riseagainstrightand lelt thrust pins The valvebody fluid passages are controlledby the 4 way valve Fluidpressure inthe reactionchambers is reduced by the gaincontrolvalveinorderto changethe amountof the assistin accordance with the changein the car s speed VALVE BODYUNIT SENSORORIFICE RESERVOIR POWERCYLINDER L________ FLO...

Page 656: the 4 way valve As the pinionis turned toturn lettor right because it is off center it alsomovesslightlyalongthe rack Thismovement istransferred to the holder The pininthe holderthenmovesthe 4 way valve to directfluidpressure to eithersideof the rack in th power cylinder The bsckedgesot the pinionholder facingawaylrom the rack hit the stopscastinto bothsidesof the gearhousingto avoidpushingthe ...

Page 657: ...Sensor The power steeringspeedsensoris a trochoid rotor hydraulicpumpcombinedwith a reliefvalveanda one way valve lt is drivenby the speedometer gearshatt which in turn is driven by a helical gear on the differential INNERROTOR OUTERROTOR ONE WAY VALVE SPEEDOMETER GEAR The power steeringspeedsensorturns only when the car is moving controllingthe gaincontrolvalve The constant pressureis generatedby...

Page 658: ... to the reservoir reducing the fluid pressureat the gaincontrolvalve Theretore the gaincontrolvalve bsginsto move to the right The orificeresistance on the pumpandreservoir sidesis appropriately balanced with the result that the reaction chamber is in the mediumrangeandthe steeringresistance is moderate Hvdraulic Pressure in reaponse ro thecar ssDeed M dium RESERVOIR SIDEORIFICE FEED REACTIONCHAMB...

Page 659: ...e wayvalvethat lets output tluid recir culateto the inl tpon to equalize pressure Driving at Hlgh Speed ReliefValve ln PowerSteeringSpeedSensorl Whenthe car is movingin reverse the power steering speedsensoralsoturns backwardand pumpstluid in the oppositedirection To avoidbuildingup pressure in the reactionchambersthat would increase steeringef ton while drivingin reverse the inlet and outlet port...

Page 660: ... front wheels the rearactuatorthat steersthe rearwheels the 4WS controlunit andthe sensors that detectthe car sspeedandothersteeringconditions Thefrontsteering gearboxandthe rearactuatorareconnected by a wire harness The rearsteeringangleis controlled electrically allowingthe rearwheelsto be set at anydesigrated steeringangle FRONTMAIN STEENING ANGLESENSOR VEHICLE SPEED 1 7 1 5 ...

Page 661: ...or The4WS controlunitcalculates the vehiclespeed steering turningangle steering speed and steeringdijectionto determine the bestangleto steerthe rearwheels System op ration flow Front main st66dng angle sgnsol VSS ggrves the soeedmeter as well Front gub stooring angl sonaol C lculation ot steor ing rotation speed Calculation of the car s apggd Calculation ot stooring angle lor toar whgels 4WS Cont...

Page 662: ...nsteering anglesensor and the rearsubsteeringanglesensor The4WS controlunitadjusts the angleaccording to the difference betweenthe sens ed steeringangleof the rearwheelsandthe targetedsteeringangleof the rearwheels FRONTMAIN STEERING ANGLESENSOR SENSOR REARSUBSTEERING ANGLESENSOR REARSTEERING ACTUATOR FRONTSUB STEENING ANGLESENSOR 4WS CONTROLUNIT REARMAIN STEERING ANGLE SENSOR cont d 1 7 1 7 ...

Page 663: ...direction of the frontwheels in proportion to the rotationangleof the steeringwheei Whenthe caris travelinga higherspeed the systemincreases the steeringangleof the rearwheelsin the samedirectionas the front wheels Changing the steeringangleperformance of the rearwheelsinrelation to the car sspeedgivesthe carimprovedhandling characteristics a Steeringspeed18 mph 3Okm h or above The rearwheelsteeri...

Page 664: ...otor with DC current lt switchesthe currentpolarityto changethe motor s direction Two strongreturnsprings one at eachend ot the actuator providea centeringaction They returnthe rear wheelsto the straight ahead positionwhenevercurrentis cut to the motor REARSUBSTEERING ANGLESENSOR ACTUATOR HOUSING STATOR REARMAIN STE RING ANGLESENSOB RETURN SPRING STEERII G SHAFT SCREW COMMUTATOR BRUSHES ROTOR RECI...

Page 665: ...n pluganddraintheoil 4 Reinstall the drain plug with a new washer and refillthetransmission oil to the properlevel NOTE Thedrainplugwashershouldbe replaced at everyoil change 5 Reinstall the oil fillerplugwith a newwasher Oil Capacity 1 9 12 0 USqt 1 7lmp qtl ar oil chango 2 0 2 1US qt 1 8lmp qtl at overhaul UseonlySAE10W 30or 10W 40 SFor SGgrade Back up LightSwitch Replacement NOTE Check the swit...

Page 666: ...g wheel otation and converts it to electrical signalsthat are sentto the 4WS controlunit CIRCUIT MR ELEMENT HALLIC HALLIC MR ELEMENT Roal main ste dng angle 9en9o1 The rearmainsteeringanglesensoris mountedon the rearactuator lt sensesthe directionand angleof the rearwheelsandsendssignalsto the 4WS controlunit The4WS controlunitusesthis information asfeedback to determineif the actualrearwheel posi...

Page 667: ...pedgrooveinthe rack As ths rackturnsthe tront wheels the plungerridesup the slope and is pushedinto the differentialtransformer assembly The plunge spositionis used to determine how tar the rack is turned FROI TSUBSTEERING ANGLESENSOR Rgarsub gtoodng anglg aensor Th6 r6a sub steeringanglesensoris mountedon the rear actuator spring cover lts detects the position oI the rearwheelsas a feedbacksignal...

Page 668: ...degrees 3osecondsl When the averagemovingcurrentto the motor is below the given value the rearwheelsreturnto the designated steeringangleslowly approximately 6 degrees 2 minutes a Over voltagecontrol An increasein batteryvoltage dueto a voltageregulatorfailure for example couldcauseexcessiveactuationof the motor andgrraticcontrolof the r arwheels To preventthis the 4WS controlunjtmonitorsthe volta...

Page 669: ...ter minalswith a iumoerwire underthe dash The code is readas blinksof the 4WS indicatorliqht 4WS INDICATORLIGHT I Flr n Puf i 1 a Damper Control Whenthe systemgoesintofail safe mode it cuts powerto the motorby poweringthe fail safe relay Withoutsometype of damping the returnsspringswouldturn the rearwheelsto the straight ahead position too rapidly adversely atlecting the car s handling To countera...

Page 670: ...tly it must be in el ctronicalignmentas well as mechanical alignment ln other words thesYstem s rontandrealsensorsmustSigna thatthewhee sarepointedstraightaheadwhenthewhee sare mgchsnically pointedstraightahead Thetechniciancantest tor electronicstraightahead by connecting the service ch6ckconnectorterminalswith a iumperwire andturningthe front and rearwheels 17 24 ...

Page 671: ...easedlC 3 O00 rpm lI assistdoes nol improve check tluid pressure usingpower steer ing pressure gauge with shut off valveclosed seepage17 78 lf assistimproves checkthe pump flow control volve lor internalleak ing and clean or replace as necgssary seepage17 98 lf the valve is OK replacethe steering Fluidpressure7 00O 8 O00 kPa l7o 80 kslcn 995 1 138psi Fluid pressurebelow 7 000 kPa 7Okglcm2 995 psi ...

Page 672: ...peed adjustidle speed seefuelsection ldlespeedlow or erratic Checkpowersteeringfuid level lf levelisexcessivelylow check for leaks in the system Add tluid to the soecitiedlevel Air in reservoirtank o low powersteering lluidlevel It fluid levelis OK checkO rings and sealson both endsot the pump inlet hose and the oil pumphousingmatingsurfaces tor suctionleaks ReDlace Darts as necessarv Adjustthe ra...

Page 673: ...O kPa t 5 kg cm a 70 psi or less ll the needle fluctuation exceeds t 5O0 kPa t 5 kg cm t 70 psii checkthe flow control valve of theJlow controlvalve is OK replace the pump Measure forcerequired to turn wheel with bypasstube joint installed and car parked on dry paved surface see page 1 7 8 0 lf below check gain con trol pressure control valves and valve body unit and replace parts as necessary Adj...

Page 674: ...nt of linkageclearance To distinguishthis lyp ol clunk turn th wl el backand lorth with lhe engineOFi Tightenor replacepulley ll sh6lt is loose raplacelh pump Loosc pump pull y Loos6 sleerinO shtfl conn6ctor ti6_ rod or ball pant Check and tighlen or teplace gans Columnshaft wobbling Replace the columnassemblY Lines or hoses from the valve bodY unit louching each other Noise from valve body unil N...

Page 675: ...tween the steenng rack gear teelh and the piston Inspect the seal re tainer bore in the gearbox housing for proper chamfer and sharp e d g e s s e ep a g e 1 1 1 7 1 Resealgearbox and inspect the rack sealingsurfacebetweenthe steeringrack pistonand the righl e n d s e ep a q e 1 7 1 1 7 Trghten attachrng bolls or replace valve body or port housrng Leaking l om erlher side of valve Replacethe valve...




Page 679: ...nlxeY 91 v116g J SERVICE CHECK CONNECTOR IGNITION SW TCH l G2 ABS CONNOL UNII IWSCONTROL UNIT POWER TERMINAT interiorside I8PCONNECTOR 1 4 7 U 1 0 t2 1 4 1 5 16 1 7 1 8 12P CONNECTOR 1 9 20 21 23 27 28 IWS CONTIOL UNIT CONNECTOR 1 7 3 3 ...

Page 680: ...GRN Rearmain steerang anglesensorA phase Whileactuatormotor is runningslowly 5 V O V 6 24 1 PNK Warning 1 Light ON O V Lisht OFF Battery voltage I GRN Frontmain steering anglesensorA phase While steeringwheel is beingrotatedslowlY 5 V O V 8 24 I 1 0 BRN WHT Service check signal Short O V 10 24 Open 5 V A T 1 l V 1 1 1 BLU Frontmain steerlng anglesensorZ phase Whilesteeringwheel is beingrotatedslow...

Page 681: ...rning2 Light ON Light OFF O V Batteryvoltage 23 24 24 BLK Ground1 IG SW ON O V 24 gtound 25 YEL RED lgnition1 IGSW ON Baltery voltage 2 5 2 4 IG SW OFF ACC O V YEL GRN Frontsub steering anglesensorcenter Analog tester DC approx 6 4 range 2 5 V 27 2S GRY BLK Rearsub steering anglesensorleft AnalogtesterAC range Left Cen Right 2 A 1 7 2 OV 2 5 V 3 0v 29 GRY Rearsub steering anglesensorright Analogte...

Page 682: ... The4WS indicator lightdisplays a codeby a seriesof longandshortblinks Thisindicator lightcandisplaymultiplecom ponentproblemsby blinkingseparatecodes one after another The numberof longblinksequalsthe lirst d gitof the code the numberof shortblinksequalsthe seconddigit Whenthereare multiplecodes thereis a two secondpause betweenthe codes Systemproblemscan be detectedby both the mainand sub centra...

Page 683: ...tedin anyother part of the system turningthe ignitionswitch off will canceithe 4WS indicatorlight NOTE It the 4WS lightcomeson because of a temporaryproblemin the mainsteeringanglesensorsystem it cannot be canceledby simplyremovingthe causeof the problemand cyclingthe ignitionswitch the CLOCK RADIO 10 A fuse must be removed The 4WS indicatorlightdoesnot comeon when the DTCis 71 72 ot 73 However th...

Page 684: ...r 2 e R IE F z lr F t E F 2 o NO code 7 2 3 o Go to trouble shoo ng No code 1 8 25 2 o o o Go to trouDte snoorng 1 0 FRONT 22 o o o Go to snoorng 1 14 5 1 t 1 4 1 6 1 7 1 8 REAR 1 7 o o a Go to snoorng 1 7 5 0 o v FRONT o o G o t o trouole snooflng Go to trouble snooflng 1 74 5 1 7 5 0 REAR 1 1 2a c o z FRONT o Replace 9 z tr F REAR o Replace trolunrt at l FRONT 22 26 2 1 o o Go to shootrng 1 t 4 ...

Page 685: ...FAIL SAFE F S ITEM 9 4 E l D z F q z i z t r rroLrble 17 59 Go to 17 39 ...

Page 686: ...E z E d 9 4 F z 2 o 33 o I REAR R L 3 l o o o Go to trouble snoorng 1 7 6 8 34 FRONT 1 9 o o o Go to 1 7 6 3 REAR L 3 o o o 17 64 REAR R I o o o o shooting 17 66 37 REARL o Replace 4WScon VEHICLE SPEED o Replace 4WScon trolunrt 40 L z o F z o o CONTROL UNIT o 4 1 CONTBOL UNIT o 42 CONTROL UNIT o 43 UNIT o 44 UNIT o 4 5 UNI T o 46 4WS CONTROL UNIT o C o o a Go to 1 7 7 0 z o 5 t 6 C D _ o o o 1 7 7...

Page 687: ...Go to trouble shooting 1 1 1 1 1 77 1 1 7 4 1 ...

Page 688: ...e ls the luse OK Reolaceth fuso and rocheck ReDairopen in the YEL wire b tw nrheNo 13 METER tuso110 Al nd the 4WS indicator light Does the brake indicator light Does the 4WS indicator light Reolacerhe 4WS control unft Connect the4WScontrolunit No 7 terminal PNK and No 23 ter minal PNK wireto bodyground The 4WS indicatorlight doesnot go oft alier stariing ngineandno DTCis shown Start the engine and...

Page 689: ...ct thg 4WScontrolunit l8P connector and 12P con nector Repalrihort in tho Pf Kwlrc b6 tw6en tho 4WS cont ol unit and tho indicrtor light Connect lhe 4WS contiol unit 18P connoctor and 12P con nector Measure voltage between the 4WScontrolunitNo 18terminal WHTrY L and body ground Ropalrop n in WHT EL wlro bo twcon tho 4WS control unit nd undor hoodfuaa rolaybor ls there bsttery vollage 4WS CONTROL U...

Page 690: ...ignitionswitch ON Measure voltag between the 4WScontrolunitNo 25 terminal YEL RED and body ground Reprir op6n in tho YEL REO wlr6 b tw6 n the 4WS conlrol unh and und r d6ahfuse rolav box ls there battery voltageT Measure voltage betwe n the 4WS control unit No 4 terminal BLK YEL and body ground Ropairopen in tho 8LK YELwir6 botwoon tho 4WS control unit and tho under dashtusoholay box ls there batt...

Page 691: ... dlc tcd Disconnectthe front substeering anglesensorconnector Measur resistancebetween the No 1 terminal BLK and No 2 terminal WHT BLU ot the sensor sideconnector ls there8 4 12 2O Measureresistancebgtween the No 2 terminal WHT BLU and No 3 terminal BLKMHTIot rhe senaorside connector ls rhere8 4 12 2O Checkfor continuitybetweenthe sensorside connsctor No I te minal 8LK and body ground Turnthe igni...

Page 692: ...le sonsor Connectthe 4WS control unit 12P connector Measurevoltag betweenthe No 21 terminal YEL BLKI ol the 4WS controlunit and body ground ls thereapproximarely 2 5 V Ropairop6n in tho YEL BLKwiro botwoon tho 4WS control unit and th tront sub stooring anglo 30nsot Troubleshooting 4WSl DiagnosticTroubleCodes DTCs 10 12 16 cont d FRONTSUBSTEERING ANGLESENSOR 4WS CONTROL UNITSIDECONNECTOR i _I J z s...

Page 693: ...sub steeJingangle sensor Connect the 4WS control unit 12P connector Measur6 voltage betwoen the 4WScontrolunitNo 26 terminal YEL GRN and bodv ground Rool6c6the 4ws control unit ls thereapproximatoly 1 25 V R6pai opon in tho YEL GRN wire borwoon tho 4ws contol unit and tho front rub staering anglo aonaot FRONTSUBSTEERING ANGLESENSOR 4WS CONTROL UNITSIOECONNECTOR rlTf w V 1 25 v Y View from terminal...

Page 694: ...r connector No 3 termi nsl YEL BLU and body ground Disconnectthe 4WS control nit 12Pconnector ls lhere approximately 2 5 V Checkfor continuitybetweenthe 4WScontrolunitNo 22lerminal YEL 8LU and body ground Ropai shorl in the YEL BLUwiro b 6two6nth6 4WS contiol unh 6nd 3ub stooring6n9lo sonsor Connectthe 4WS control unit 12P connector Measure voltage between the 4WScontrolunitNo 22 terminal YEL BLU ...

Page 695: ...wn in the table Check the neutralpoint of the front sub steeringanglesensor seepage17 146 Adtust the noul al point ot tho troni 3 b steering sensor ls the neutralpoint OK ReDlacoth6 4WS control unit View from terminalside FRONTSUBSTEERING ANGLESENSOR TERMINALVOLTAGE IREFEBENCE 4WS CONTROL UNIT 12P CONNECTOR List6d Voltage Analogtester AC range STEERING WHEEL P0stTt0N LEFT CENTER RIGHT Voltage appr...

Page 696: ...umpodcod6s1l 13 l7 arein dicatod Disconnectthe rear sub steerang anglesensorconnector Measureresistancebetween the No 1 terminal BLKMHT and the No 2 terminal WHT BLU oI th sensorsade connector ls rhere8 4 12 207 Measurerosistancebetween the No 2 terminal BLK ryVHT and th6 No 3 terminal BLK of the sensor sadeconnector ls there8 4 12 20 Chockfor continuitybetweenthe sensorsideconnectorNo 3 ter minal...

Page 697: ...tagebGtweenthe 4WS control unit sideof the sen sor connector No 1 terminat GRYIand body ground fio page 17 52l REARSUB STEERING ANGLESENSOR 4WS CONTROL UNITSIDECONNECTON r Ffi r V z svz Y View from terminalside 4WS CONTROL UNIT 12P SENSOR SIDECONNECTOR Checkfor continuitybetweenthe 4WScontrolunitNo 29 terminal GRY and body ground fl ll rarfT l wrl I continuiry View from terminal side YES RoDairsho...

Page 698: ...unit sideof the sen sor connector No 2 terminal GRY Y L wire andbodyground Disconnectthe 4WS control unit 18Pconnector ls thereapproximately 1 25V Checkfor continuitvbetweenlhe 4WScontroiunitNo 17terminal GRY YEL and bodv ground Reoahshort in the GRY YELwire betwoontho4WS conttolunitand the rearsubstG ring anglesensor Connectthe 4WS control unit 18P connector Measure voltage between the 4WScontrol...

Page 699: ... tho rotr subst oringanglosonsor Connect the 4WS control unit 12P connector Measure voltage between the 4WScontrolunitNo 28 terminal GRY BLK and bodyground ls thereapproximatelv 2 5 V Ropairop n in tho GRY BLKwire between 4WS control unit and th roaasub Stseainganglesensor Frompage 17 52 To page 17 54 3 1 I V z svz Y View trom terminalside REARSU8 STEERING ANGLESENSOR 4WS CONTROL UNITSIDECONNECTOR...

Page 700: ...e steeringwhool andmeasure voltagebetweenNo 17 lGRY ryELl andNo 29 GRY terminalsof the 4WS controlunit using AC range ot an analog tester Doos voltage change as shown in the table Checkthe neutralpointot the rear sub steering angle sensor sse page 17 1461 Aqu3t dre iratural point of tt tolr aub ltoailng aanlor ls the neutral point OK Replacotha 4WS control unit STEERING WHEEL P0stTt0N LEFT CENTER ...

Page 701: ...enthe 4WS controlunit No 8 terminal GRN and body ground Rooairshort in tho GRNwiro be twoon tho 4WS control unit and th6 main ste dng angle aonsor Connectthe 4WS control unit 18P connector Measure voltage between the 4WS controlunit No 8 terminal GRN and body ground ls there approximately 4 5 V Ropahopen in the GRNwiro be tweon the 4WS control unit and the front main sloo ing anglo DiagnosticTroub...

Page 702: ...erminal BLU and body ground Disconnectthe 4WS control unit 18P connector ls thereapproximately 4 5 V Checktor continuitybetweenthe 4WS controlunit No 3 terminal BLU and body ground R Dairshort in tha BLU wire b6 twoon tho 4WS cont ol unit and the main stooringangl aonsor Conn6cl the 4WS control unit 18Pconnector Moasure voltage between the 4WScontrolunitNo 12terminal BLU and body ground Roplscethe...

Page 703: ...l unit and tho main st eringsngle s nsor Connectthe 4WS control unit 18P connector Measure voltage between the 4WScontrolunitNo 15 terminal YEL BEO and body ground Reolacethe 4WS control unit ls thereapproximately 4 5 V Ropairopon in th6 YEL REDwire botwo6n tho 4WS control unit and th6 front main sto6 ing angle aon30r FRONTMAIN STEERING ANGLESENSOR 4WS CONTROL UNITSIDECONNECTOR View from terminals...

Page 704: ...erminal GRN and body ground should pulse O 4 5 V rspidly every2o B phas6 Between th No 15 terminal YEL RED and body ground should pulse0e4 5 V rapidly ev ry 2o Z ph8se Bgtween the No 12 terminal IBLU and body ground should pulse0 4 5 V oncepersteoring wheel revolution Are the signalsavailable be tween the resp ctiveterminal andthe body ground Checkthe Z phaseneutralposi tion seepage17 146 adjust t...

Page 705: ... steering angle sensor Connectthe 4WS control unit 18P connector Measure voltage between the 4WS controlunit No 6 terminal WHT GRN and body ground ls thereapproximately 4 5 V Repairopon in th6 WHT GRNwi o botwoon the 4WS contol unit and the aoaa main stooring angle sensot DiagnosticTroubleCodes DTCs 21 23 25 29 YES REARMAIN STEERING ANGLESENSOR 4WS CONTROL UNITSIDECONNECTOR Measurethe voltagebetwe...

Page 706: ...4WS controlunit sideNo 4ler minal ORN wire and body 9rouno Disconnectth 4wS control unit 12P conneclor ls ther pproximately 4 5 V Checklor continuitybetweenthe 4WScontrolunitNo 20 terminal ORN snd body ground RoDairshon in ths ORNwiro bo tweon tho 4WS control unit 6nd tho oar main stoering anglo 80n8 t Connoct the 4WS control unit 12P connector Measure voltage belwoen the 4WScontrolunitNo 20termin...

Page 707: ...No 13 terminal BLU GRN and body ground ls there approximately 4 5 V Raolace the 4WS control unit R6pai op n in the BLU GRNwire botween tho 4WS control unit and tho ioaa main Stoaring anglg sensor REARMAIN STEERING ANGLESENSOR 4WS CONTROL UNITSIDECONNECTOR rnfl a F v l 5 l t V a svr Y View trom terminalside 4WS CONTROL UNIT 18P SENSOR SIDECONNECTOR View from terminal side YES ReDai short in the BLU...

Page 708: ...ol unit and tha ra maln ltooting anglo Itn o1 ls there pproximately 4 5 V Rsconngcttherearmainateering sngle sonsot 8P connector While turningth steeringwhe checkfor the signalsbetwe nthe following 4WS conttol unit termi n6lsandthe body groundwith an analogvoltmeteronthe DCrange A phase Eetween the No 6 terminal WHT GRN ahd body ground shouldpulseO 4 5 V rapidlylev ery 2o B phase Between thc No 13...

Page 709: ...are indicated Disconnectlhe No 43 fuse l0A in the undeFhoodfuse relaybox Tesl drive the car Sy3tom is OK at trrb tims Inlpoct tho vohicle spoed sonso tominal connecrots Do codes30 and 34 appear Does the speedometer operate properly Disconnect the 4WS controlunit 12Pconnector Turnthe ignitionswitch ON Measurevoltagebetweenthe No l9 terminal ORN of sensorside connectorot 4WS control unit and body gr...

Page 710: ...With the loft rearwheel raisedoll ground slowly rotate the wheel while checking or voltage be tween the 4WS control unit No 3 terminal GRYMHT andbody ground Record lhc DTC rnd clear the 4WS contiol unit Tost drive th6 car if th6 DTCdoo3not roaPpear chock tho to minal connoctions ol th 4WS co rtrol unii 18P conn c tor and tho A8s contiol unit l4P connoctor Doesthe voltage alternatefrom zero to appr...

Page 711: ...of the 4WS controlunit connectorand body ground ls thereapproximately 5 V Rophco tho 4WS control unit Measure voltage betweon the No 3 terminal GRY WHT of sensor side connector oI ABS control unit 14P connector and body ground Rsp ir opsnin tho GRY WHTrYiro botwoon tha 4WS control unh snd th ABS control unit R6olacothe ABS control unit lFrompage17 64 4WS CONTROL UNIT 18P SENSOR SIDECONNECTOR View ...

Page 712: ... d Stopthe engine Thenturn the ig nition switch back ON With the right rear wh ol aised off the ground slowly rotate the wheel while checkingfor voltag betweenth 4WScontrclunit No 1 terminal IGRY RED and bodv grouno Rocord tha DTC nd cl t th 4l rS control unll l al driv tho c r it tha DTCdodc not ro ppaat afFck tra tarmind connacdonr ot d 4WS cont ol unit 18P cofir c_ toi and th ABS control unit l...

Page 713: ...gebetweenthe No 1 terminal GRY REDlotth 4wS conlrol unit conneclor and body ground Rcplscrlh 4WS control unii ls there approximately 5 V Measurevoltag betweenthe No 1 terminsl IGRY RED of sensor sideconnectorof ABScontrolunit 14Pconnector andbodyground Rcplli opcn in th GBY REDwite b twran th 4WS coiltol unh lnd th ABS control unit Roplacalhc ABS conttol unit 4WS CONTROLUNIT I8P SENSORSIDECONNECTO...

Page 714: ...Dortodon Whh sorvic6 chack connoctor iumpod codo 33 ir indicsted Doesthe ABS light stay ON Stopthe engino Thenturn the ig nitionswitch backON Rotatethe rear left wheel slowly and check for voltage b tween the 4WS unit controlNo 1 termi nalIGRY RED andbodyground and betweenthe No 3 terminal GRYA HT and body ground Record tho DTC and clear th6 4WS control unit T6st driv th car if th6 DTC doos not rs...

Page 715: ...e 4WS controlunit No 3 terminal GRY WHT and body ground Ropairlhon in th6 GRY WHTwiro between tho 4WS control unit snd tho ABS control unit Measure voltage between the 4WS control unit No 1 terminal GRY RED and body ground Roplac6ths 4WS control unit ls thereapproximately 5 V 4WS CONTROL UNIT I8P SENSOR SIDECONNECTOR View from terminalside 4WS CONTROL UNIT 18P SENSOR SIDECONNECTOR View from termin...

Page 716: ...l unit ls there approximately 5 V Measure vollage between the No 7 terminal GRY RED ot the 14Pconnectorof the ABScontrol unit and body ground Ropair op nin th6 GBY RED wiro ls there approximstely 5 V Measure voltage between the No 8 tgrminalof the 14Pconn6c tor of the ABS control unit and body Oround ls there approxinately5 V Baplacothe ABS control unit The 4WS indicato light hes boon rcooned on w...

Page 717: ...mpodcodos60 61 62 63 aro indicatad check the No 38 4ws fuse 60AI in the under hood fuse re Roplaco th turo lnd rccheck Measurevoltage between the A rarminal WHTIof the 4WS con trolunitpowerterminaland body grouno Ropairopon in th6 WHT wi a bo two n thq undo hood fute tol y box and tho 4WS control unlt Measurevoltage between the B terminallBRN of the 4WS control unit power torminal and body grouno ...

Page 718: ... immediately after withinapprox imately 2 seconds startingthe engine Repairopsn in the REDwi o be twoen tho 4WS control unit and tho roar actuator motor ls there battery voltage Measurevoltagebetweenthe D rerminal BLK of the rearactua tor motor and body ground immediately alter withinapprox imately2 seconds startingthe engine Ropairopon in the BLK wir6 be tween tho 4WS control unit and the rcar ac...

Page 719: ...body groundimmediatelvaf ter within spproximately 2 seconds starting the engine Ropairop n in tho YEL wir6 bo two6n the 4WS cont ol unit and tho roar actuator motot Measure voltage between the controlunit No 34 terminal 8LU and body ground immediatelyat ter within approximstely 2 seconds starting the ngine Repaii opon in the BLU wir6 b6 twoon th6 4ws control unil and the ioai actuator motoi ls the...

Page 720: ...he belt and measurethe tensionof the belt T6nsion Us dbolt 350 5OO N 35 70 kg 77 11Olbsl Now belt 7oo 9oo N 70 90 kg 154 198 lbs NOTE lf there are cracksor any damageevident on the belt replaceit wilh a new one Followthe manufacturer s instructions lor the ten srongauge POWER STEERING PULLEY CRANKSHAFTPULLEY 17 74 2 Loosenthe power steeringpump mountingbolt nuts and adjustingbolt locknut 3 Turn th...

Page 721: ...Removethe gearboxshield 2 Loosen the rack guide screw locknut with the specialtool 3 Tighten loosenandretightenthe rackguidescrew two timesto 4 N m O 4kg m 2 9 lb ft then back it oft 20 3 4 Tightenthe locknutto about25 N m 2 5 kg m 18 lb ft while holdingthe guidescrew 5 Checkfor tight or loosesteeringthroughthe com pleteturningtravel 6 Recheck steering assist seepage17 79 RACKGUIOE SCREW 17 75 ...

Page 722: ... it olf 20 6 Tightenthe locknut to about 25 N m 2 5 kg m 18 lb ft while holdingthe rack guidescrew 7 Checkfor tight or loosesteeringthroughthe com pleteturningtravel 8 Rechecksteeringassist seepage l7 79i zo 3 LOCKNUT WRENCH 43 mm 07MAA S10020A RACKGUIDESCREW LOCKNUT RACKGUIDESCR W 9 Reconnectthe connectorand securethe sensor wire harnesswith the clampand installthe cover NOTE a Be sure the sensor...

Page 723: ...engine letit runat idle andturnthe steer ing wheel from lock to lockseveraltimes When tluid stops runningout ol the hose shut off the engine Discardthe fluid Reconnect the returnhoseto the reservotr Fillthe reservoir to the upoerlevelline NOTE Takecarenot to spillthe fluid on the body and parts Wipe oll the spilledat once CAUTION Uso only Honda Power Stsering Fluid V Using other fluids such as ATF...

Page 724: ...mpjoint adaptoras shown P S JOII T ADAPTOR PUMPI oTNAK SR30l1A P SJOINT AOAPTORIHOSE 07NAK SR3012A SHUT OFF VALVE 17 78 1 5 6 8 9 Openthe shutoff valvefully Openthe pressure controlvalvefully Startthe engineand let it idle Turn the steeringwheel from lock to lockseveral timesto warm the fluid to operatingtemperature Closethe shut oft valve then closethe pressure control valve graduallyuntil the pr...

Page 725: ...o warm up the Jluid 3 Attach a springscaleto the steeringwheel With the engineidlingandthe car on a clean dry floor pullthe scaleas shown and readit as soonas the tires beginto turn SPRING SCALE The scaleshouldreadno morethan 30 N 3 Okg 6 6 lbs lf it readsmoreor less go on step 5 Stop the engine Disconnectthe hose from the powersteeringspeedsensorandplugthe hoseand the sensorfitting as shown POWER...

Page 726: ... be ing caused by reducedpower steeringspeed sensoroutput Replace the power steeringspeedsensor lf thescale reads lessthan50 N 5 Okg I1 lbs the power steeringspeedsensoris OK and the problemis in the sensorleed line the pump or lhe valvebody unit Seeif the feedlineis pinchedor bentthencheck pump SeeGeneral Troubleshooting seepage17 25 Replacement 1 Removethe rearmountingbracketstay 2 Disconnectthe...

Page 727: ...isassemble or tamper with the airbag assembly NOTE The radiomay have a coded theft protectioncir cuit Be sure to get the customer scode number betore Disconnecting the battery Removing the No 43 1OA tuselin the under hood fuse relaybox Removing the radao After service reconnectpower to the radio and turn it on Whenthe word CODE is displayed enter the customer ss digit code to restoreradio ooeratio...

Page 728: ...ut Removethe steeringwheel by rocking it slightly Irom side to sideas you pull steadily with both hands 17 82 EMBLEM I I V bo Without SRS Removethe emblemand steeringwheelnut NOTE Becarefulnot to damagethe emblemandsteer ing wheel Removethe steeringwheel by rocking it slightly from side toside as you pull steadily with both hands STEERING WHEEL NUT Replace STEERING WHEEI t ...

Page 729: ...e deploved seesection23 With SRS STEERING WHEEL NUT 5ON m 5 Oks m 36 lb ft CAUTION a Carelullyinspectths driver sairbagass6mbly betore installing Do not installthe driver sairbagassembly that shows signs ol being dropped o impropo ly handled such as dents cracksor deformation a Always keepthe shortconnector s on the airbag s when the halnessis dioconnected o Do not disassemble or temper with the d...

Page 730: ...tion ing the stesring wheel l conlirm that ths driver s airbag assembly is socutely attached to lhe steering whe6l othorwise sgvgie personal iniury could result during airbagdgploYment 1 Before installingthe steering wheel center the cablereel Dothis by first rotatingthe cablereelclockwiseun til it stops Then rotate it counterclockwise approximately two turns until The yellow gear tooth linesup wi...

Page 731: ...lower cover CAELEREEL CONNECTOR TORX BOLT SHORTCONNECTOR 1 7 8 5 9 Connect the battery positive terminal and then connectthe negativeterminal 10 After installingthe driver sairbagassembly con firm propersystemoperation a Turn the ignitionto ll position the instrument panelSRS indicator light shouldcome on for aboutsix secondsandthen go off a Confirmoperationof horn buttons a Confirmoperationof cru...

Page 732: ...nment beforeadjusting the spokgangle Pertormthe electronicn6utralcheck ot the 4WS systemto be surethat the rearwheelsareat the correct steedngangle while driving see page 17 146 a B6foreinstallingthe steeringwheel align the f ont whsels straight ahead a B su eto installthe harnesswiles so that they aie not pinched or interferingwith other car oarts a Do not replacethe originalsteeringwheelwith any...

Page 733: ...angleset in the step 1 beingcarefulnot to pushinthe steeringwheel Remove the steering wneet FRONTSTEERING ANGLE sEilsoR tE ffi rD 6 Reinstall the steering wheel in the straight ahead drivingposition being carefulnot to make it off to either side from the position set in step 3 NOTE a Align the hole in the sleeringwheel with the pin of the cable reel a Align the steering wheel with the sefiations w...

Page 734: ... cable reel connector 13 Attach the short connector RED on the access panel and installthe accesspanelon the steering lower cover IREDI 14 Connectthe batterypositiveterminalandthencon nectthe negativeterminal 15 After installingthe driver sairbagassemblY con lirm ProPer sYstemoPeration a Turn the ignitionto ll positionlthe instrument panel SRS indicatorlight should come on for aboutsix secondsandt...

Page 735: ...290 a R place tho entire affected SRS harnass assembly it has an open circuit or damagsd wiring NOTE The radio may have a coded theft protectioncir cuit Be sure to get the customer scode number betore Disconnecting the battery Removing the No 43 1O A fuse lin the under hoodJuse relay box Removing the radio After service reconnectpower to the radio and turn it on When the word CODE is disolayed ent...

Page 736: ... SRSonly CABLEREEL ASSEMBLY Remove the turn signalcanceling sleeve combina tion switch assembly andfront mainsteeringangle sensor 4wS only by removingthe circlip NOTE After removingthe combinationswitchas sembly placeit on the floor gentlyso that it does not hinderyou in service Do not disconnect the ca blesfrom the combinationswitch assembly 7 CIRCLIP FRONTMAIN STEERING ANGLESENSOR 4WS Only TURNS...

Page 737: ...t 9 Removethe steeringjoint cover AIR OUCT STEERING JOINT COVER 1O Disconnect the ignitionswitch wtre connecror 11 Remove the steeringcolumnassembly by removing the attachingnuts boltsand columnholder COI UMNHOLDER 17 91 ...

Page 738: ...nsor is unlocked onca turn it to tho locking position and lock sgcu16ly YELLOW PAINTMARK STEERING COLUMN FRONTMAIN STEERING ANGLESENSOR FLANGENUT I x 1 25mm t6 t m 1 6kg m 12lb ft a Checkthe tilt mechanism for propermovement and damage Attacha springscaleto the knobof the tilt lever Measure the preloadrequired to movethe lever Prsload 7O 9O N U 9 kg 15 20 lbs lJ the preload measured is not within ...

Page 739: ... the bolt holewith the groovearoundthe shaft and inslallthe steering ioint bolt Installthesteeringcolumnassembly with the nuts boltsand columnholder Connectthe ignitionswitch connector 39 N m 13 9kg m 28 lb ftl 1 6 N m 11 6kg m 12 lb ft HOLDER 1 7 9 3 4 Installthe steeringjoint coverwith the clampsand cliP JoINT CLIP COVER 5 Install the front main steering angle sensor 4WS only combinationswitch a...

Page 740: ...rojectionon the cablereel 2wS only 2WS Connect the cable reel harness and SRS wire harness then attachthe cablereelharnesson the underside ot the columnbracketwith the clip PROJECTION FROI TMAII STEERING ANGLESENSOR 17 94 SRSWIREHARNESS 8 Installthe upperand lower columncovers 9 Installthe air duct UPPER COLUMNCOVER AIR DUCT ...

Page 741: ...the driver s knee bolster and dashboard towercover DRIVER S BOLSTER 6 mm BOLT WASHER 1ON m 1 Okg m 7 lb ltl DASH BOAND LOWERCOVER 11 Installthe steeringwheel and driver s airbag assembly seepage17 84 or 86 1 7 9 5 ...

Page 742: ...l while the pump removeo 5 Looselyinstalla new pumpon the bracket 6 Connectthe inletand outlet hosesto the pump 7 lnstalland adiustthe belt seepage 17 741 CAUTION a Mak sure that the powel steering belt is securolyon the groove of tho pulleys a Do not get powor ste ringfluid or groasein the powsr steeiing belt or pulley aces Cl anofl any fluid or gloase bsforo installation 8 Fillrhe reservoir with...

Page 743: ...L VALVE 4 Slipthe flow control valve back in the pump and checkthat it movesin and out smoothly FLOWCONTROL VALVE lf OK go on to step 5 if not replacethe flow control vatve a Theoriginal valvewas selected for a precise it in the pump housingbore so makesurethe new one has the sameidentification mark IDENTIFICATION l c o n l d I Mark PartName Sizemm in FLOWCONTROL VALVEA 1 7 9 9 1 1 7 9 9 6 o 7083 ...

Page 744: ...the reliefcheckball reliefvalveand reliefvalvespring RELIEF CHECK BALL RELIEF VALVE 11 3kg m 9 lb ft Clampthis end in a visg with sott jaws 9 Cleanall the parts in solvent dry them olf then reassemble and retestthe flow controlvalve NOTE lf necessary reliefpressureis adjustedat the factory by addingshimsunderthe check ball seat It you found shimsin yourvalve be sureyou reinstall as many as Youtook...

Page 745: ... seepage 17 96 3 Removethe flow controlvalve seepage17 971 4 Removethe inletjoint and 13 x 1 9 mm O ring 6 Remove the pump cam ring from the housing HOUSING 13 x 1 9mm O RING Replace 5 Remove the pump cover and O ring 7 Removethe pump rotor and pump vanes 68 5 x 1 O BING Replace PUMPVANES d f PUMPCOVER cont dt PUMPCAM RING INLETJOINT Disassembly 7 99 ...

Page 746: ... m m O RING Replace SIOEPLATE ROLLER 17 100 11 Removethe circlip then removethe drive shaft from the pump housingusinga plastichammer 12 Removethe pumpsealspacerand oil seal CIRCLIP A U s OAtVe A1 sP cER orr sFA e sHAFf ff t v1t a__ Il U ryv jjAr 1 3 OIL SEAL PUMPHOUSING Replace Inspectthe bearingby rotatingthe outerraceslow ly lf anyplayor roughness isfelt it mustbereplac ed Performstep 14 and 15...

Page 747: ... specialtool and HUB OIS ASSEMBLY BASE OTGAF SDi O7OO 15 Installthe new bearingusingthe pressand special tool as shown Blacksealside Red seal side Pross Plo HUB DIS ASSEMBLYBASE oTGAF SD40700 NOTE Holdthe innerrace with the tool securely 1 7 1 0 1 ...

Page 748: ...LE ROLLER EEARING FLANGEBOLT iPUMP CAM RIf G Check lor damage and wear PUMPCOVER PUMP VANES 10 platBl Checkfor damage Checkfor damageto sealing face ROLLER 4 5 x 49 8 rnm FLANGEAOLT 88 5 x 1 9 mm O RING R place PUMP HOUSING Chock or damageto s alingfaces 16 8x 1 9 mm O RING Replace 6 l OIL SEA Replace 1 3x 1 9 o Rtt G Rgplace IT LET JOINT FLOWCONTROLVALVE Check lor pressure leak ORIVE SHAFT Checkf...

Page 749: ... DRIVER ATTACHMENT 07947 6340500 5 ATTACHMENT 37 x 40 mm 07746 0010200 E O 54 x 1 9 mm O BING o 7 Installthe preloadspringin the pump housing Setthe 4 5 x 49 8 mm rollerin the 4 5 mm holein the pump housing Setthe sideplateoverthe rollerandinstallit on the pump housrng Set the 5 x 26 8 mm rollerin the 5 mm holein the sideplate 5 x 26 8 mm ROLLER 4 5 x 49 8mm ROLLER 8 o HOUSTG PRELOAD SPRING 4 5 mm...

Page 750: ...T FLANGEBOLT 11 N m 1 1 kg m 8 lb ftl 1 4 Installthe 68 5 x 1 9 mm O ringon the pump cover Alignthe rollersetholesinthe pumpcoverwith the rollers Alignthe projectionon the pump housingand the projection on the pumpcover thentightenthe tour bolts FLANGE BOLT 20 N m 18 Installthe flow controlvalve seepage 17 98 19 Installthe pulley seepage 17 96 and checkthat the pumpturns smoothlyby turningthe pull...

Page 751: ...OSE CLAMP VALVEBODYUNIT Overhaul page17 106 GEARBOXSHIELD lr O tg m 7 lb ftl RIGHTMOUNTING BRACKET AIR RACKEND BOOTBAND 65 N m 16 5kg m 47 lb ft CLAMP TIE ROD LOCKNUY 45 N m 4 5 kg m 33 lb ftl TIE RODEND neptace 8o or s K MdNNry 9 Ss t 50 60 N m 5 0 6 0 kg m 36 43 tb ft TUBECI AMP a t I I COTTER PIN Replace ArR HOSEBAND RUBBER AIR HOSEBAND 17 105 ...

Page 752: ... 9 8 x 1 9mm O RING Replace PORT ORIFICE 45 5 x 2 mm O RING Replace Usingsolventanda brush washanyoil anddirtoff the valve body unit its lines and that end of the gearbox Blow dry them with compressed air UsingJlarenut wrenches disconnect the four lines Jromthe valvebody unit A To oil cooler 17 mm wrench 8 To power st qringspsedsensor 12 mm wrench C To reservoir 12 mm wrench D Frompump 14 mm wronc...

Page 753: ...RING 17 107 4 Checkthe Dressure controlvalve Inspectits surfacefor scoringor scratchss Slipit backintothe valvebody andmakesureit slidessmoothlywithout drag and without slde play PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE Check forscoring or scratches andrough opgration NOTE lf the valve body is damaged replacethe valvebodyunit valvebody pressure controlvalve gaincontrolvalve 4 way valve as an assembly Removethe gain...

Page 754: ...he port housing 6 DOWELPIN 17 108 PLUNGERS 9 Remove the rollers from the 4 wav valve bv pushingthe valveout one sideof the valvebody and then the other NOTE When removing the rollers hold the plungerswith your linge sto keepthem ffom pop prngour 1O Removethe plungers return springsand 4 way valvefrom the valvebody 11 Removethe 11 mm O ringt om the 4 way valve 12 Checkthe plungers a Inspecttheir su...

Page 755: ...smoothly without dragor sideplay 4 WAY VALVE Checkfor scoring scratches or rough operation NOTE lf the valvebody is damsged replacethe valvebodyunit valvebody pressure controlvalve gaincontrolvalve 4 way valve as an assembly Usinga 3 mm 1 64 drillbit removethe sensor oriJiceand 3 4 m O ring 1 4 gh PORTHOUSING 17 109 ...

Page 756: and saals in solvent a Apply tb power ste dng fluid in the e algroovos to keep tho leals in pl8cs 6f STEERING GREASE Pa tNumb rO8733 BO OE 45 5 x 2 mm O RING Replace 1l mm O RING PORT HOUSING DOWEL PII S PRESSURE cof TRoL VALVE uo u r noltrN S MS lil wrvvtve H d 6 mm FLANGEBOLT I N m lO 9 kg m 7 lb ft PLUNGERS VALVE EODY SPRINGS ROLLER qq oo n onrro 1 vALvE sENsoR oRtFtcE 3 4 m n O RING R6place...

Page 757: ...g mm I r0 1 1 PLUNGERS E PORTHOUSING rol 17 111 VALVEBODY PRESSURE 7 Coat the pressurecontrol valve and gain conttol valvewith powersteeringfluid andinstallthemin to the valvebody 8 Installthe valvesprings VALVE SPRINGS VALVE 9 Coatthe capsealwith powersteeringfluid andin stallit in the grooveot the valvebody cap 1O Installthe valve body cap on the valvebody with 6 mm flangebolts CAUTION Maka sure...

Page 758: ...en installing be caleful not to hil th pinion holderpin a Mak sure the O rings are in place and not pinchad PINIONHOLDERPIN 6l PORTORIFICES 45 5 x 2 mm O RING BODYUI IT 22 N m 12 2 ks m 16lb lil Connectthe four linesto the valvebodyunit using flarenut wrenches A To oil coolor 17 mm wrench 29 N m 2 9 kg m 21 lb ftl B To power ste ring spoed aensor 12 mm wrench 13 N m 1 3 kg m 9 lb lt C To rgsorvoir...

Page 759: ... the system by turningthe steeringwheel from lock to lock severaltimes with the engine warm lsee page17 771 Makesurethere are no fluid leaks then installthe gearboxshield Recheck the fluid levelin the reservorr GEARBOXSHIELO 1 0 kg m 7 lb ftl o 1ON m 1 7 1 1 3 ...

Page 760: ...over NOTE Removethe ball joint usingthe BallJoint Remover Referto page 18 13 tor how to usethe balljoint remover Separate the tie rodballjointandknuckleusingthe special tool CAUTION Avoid damagingthe ballioint boot 12 mm HEXNUT 7 Removethe selfJockingnutsthat connectthe ex haustpipeA to the three way catalyticconverter and the exhaustoiDeA to the exhaustmanitold Disconnectthe heated oxygen sensorc...

Page 761: ...nt to paevent foreign material lrom entering the valve body unit Usingtlarenut wrenches disconnect the four lines trom the valvebody unit A To oil cooler 17 mm wrench B To power stssring speedsensor 12 mm wrench C To reservoir 12 mm wrench D Frompump 14 mm wrench 4WS 14 Cur the wire tie from the cover then removethe coverfrom the front sub steeringanglesensor CAUTION Use care when cuttingthe wire ...

Page 762: ...the rack all the way to the right Pull the steeringgearbox assemblyall the way down to clearthe Dinionshaft lrom the bulkhead Movethe steeringgearboxassembly to the rightso the left rack end clearsthe rearbeam Holdthe steeringgearboxassemblyand slidethe rack allthe way to the left Placethe left rackend belowthe rearbeam Movethe steeringgearboxassembly to the left and tilt the left sidedown to remo...

Page 763: ...BoToEl FRONTSUB STEERING ANGLESENSOR l4wsl Adjustment page17 132 RACKGUIDE 2WSl SEALRETAI ER SCREW CYLINDERCAP SPRING BUSHINGSTOPPER o t RETAIT ING WASHER AALL BEARING GEAR ffi HousrNG AE5 PrNtoN HoLDER pr roNHoLDER Beplsce PORTORIFICES f f i k H BALL BEARTNG nlr SAf P R NG R SNAP RING ersron ser kr BING 35 5 x 2 4 mm Feplace d ffi o i 11T iJillitt l l3T 0 CYLINDER Inspect lor damageto CYLIIIIDER ...

Page 764: ...9 8 x 1 9 mm O RINGS Replace Loosen the locknut and remove the rSck guide 5Crew Removethe springand rack guide trom the gear housing 1 7 1 1 8 RACKGUIDE 4WS 5 Loosen the locknut and remove the rack guide screw frontsub steeringanglesensorassembly 6 Removethe springand rack guide from the gear housing RACKGUIDE 7 Removethe rack guidescrew O ringand locknut from the front sub steeringanglesensor LOC...

Page 765: ... endsof the gearbox TUBECLAMP 17 119 1 1 Holdth steeringrackwith I wrenchand unscrew the rackend with a wrench LOCKWASHER Removethe dust cover Removethe gearhousingcap from the gearhous ing by removingthe four 6 mm flangebolts Removethe steering pinion seal from the gear housingcap 12 1 3 1 4 DUST COVER STEERING PINIONSEAL Replace GEARHOUSINGCAP 46 r 1 5mm O RING Replace cont d RACKEND ...

Page 766: ...sealwon t be damaged Checkthe ballbearingot the pinionfor play if it is good go on step 17 lf the bearingis noisyor hasexcessive play replace the bearing a Removethe snapring t o 17 120 a Removethe ball bearingusing a commercially available bearingpuller Installthe ball bearingon the p essandthe specialtools pinion using a BALL BEARING ...

Page 767: ...the O ring back up ring steering rack bushingA and cylinderspring PINION 19 Removethe cylinderend seal from the cylindel housing NOTE Useyourtingersor a woodenstickto avoid damagingthe housing CYLINDER ENDSEAL CYLTNDER HOUStt G 20 Remove the cylinder sealretainer cylindercapand steeringrack from the gearhousing GEARHOUSING I I END CYI INDER 17 121 ...

Page 768: ...placethe bearing a Removethe circlipfrom the pinionholder PINION HOLOER I t 17 122 a Remove the pinionholdertromthe gearhousing a Check the needleroller bearingsin the pinion holderandgearhousingfor damage if oK pack the needlerollerbearingwith grease lf the bear ingsare damaged replacethem as a set GEARI OUSING a Checkthe ballbearingfor damage it it is good go on step 23 a Removethe pinion ball b...

Page 769: ... pinionholderin the gearhousing NEEDLE ROI LER BEARINGS PINIONHOLDER GEARHOUSING 17 123 CIRCLIP a Reinstall the circlipwith its taperedsidefacing ouI NOTE Circlipends must be alignedwith the flat area 23 Remove the cylindercapandsealretainerfrom the steeringrack CYLINDERCAP SEALRETAINER cont d STEERING RACK ...

Page 770: ...G CYLINOER CAP Removethe bushingstopper ring lrom the seal retainer Removethe cylinderend sealand rack bushingB 43 3 x 1 5 mm O RINGS Replace SEALRETAINER 27 BUSHINGSTOPPER SEALRETAINER RACKBUSHINGB SEAL 17 124 28 Carefully pry the piston sealtingandO ringoff the olsron PtSTON SEALRI G R Place NOTE Befo e reassemblingany parts inspect them as described on page17 l17 and mak sure they areclean Repl...

Page 771: ... ontothe bigendof the tool then pull it otf into the pistongrooveon top of the O ring STEERING RACK 32 Coat the pistonsealring and insideof the special tool with power steeringfluid 33 Carefullyslidethe tool onto the rack and ove the pistonsealring then rotatethe tool asyou moveit up and down to seatthe pistonsealring Coatnew O ringswith powe steeringfluidand in stallthem on the cylindercaD 43 3 x...

Page 772: ...urfaceof the rack bushingB and installthe bushingon the steeringrack Gl RACKBUSHING 17 126 38 Gr ase the slidingsurfacesot the new cylinderend sealandthe specialtool thenplacethe sealon the specialtool with its groovedside facing opposite the slider BACK UPRING Makesurethe back up ring is seatedin the cylinde end seal CYLINOER ENOSEAL lnstall end soal with its grooved side facing opPosite seal sli...

Page 773: ...he steeringrack RACKSUSHINGB SEALRETAIT ER 42 Pushthe rack bushingBtoward the sealretainerby handuntilthe cylinderend sealis seatedin the re tainer Fitthe bushingstopperringin the grooveot the sealretainersecurely Thengrease the steerinq racK AUSHINGSTOPPER RING SEALRETAINER RAC BUSHINGB 43 Installthe retainerwasheron the gea housing cont dl GEARHOUSING 17 127 ...

Page 774: ... of the steeringrack with vinyltape Coatthe tape with grease 6q 6Q RACK BUSHTNG A_e2 CYLINDERSPRING Overhaul cont d STEERING RACK 46 47 A 9 d F Vinyl tape Gl 17 128 48 Coatthe insidesurfaceof the cylinderwith power steeringfluid and installthe cYlinder end sealwith its groovedsideJacingout GROOVES CYLINDERENDSEAL 49 Coatthe new O ringwith grease theninstalltheO ring and back upring into the gearho...

Page 775: ...s taperedsidefac Ing our PINION HOLDER HOUSING 55 Greasethe sealinglip ot the steeringpinionseal and installit on the gearhousingcap 56 Wrap the splinearea of the steeringpinion with vinyl tape and greasethe surfaceoi the tape 57 Greasethe new O ringand install it in the gear housing 58 Slidethe gearhousingcapoverthe steeringpinion beingcarefulnot to damagesealinglip or dislodge the springof the s...

Page 776: LOCKWASHER Wood block 1 0 1 3mm 0 04 O 05 inl Checkthe lock wssher diameteraft r staking 17 130 63 64 Applygreaseto the circumlerence of the rackend Coatthe tie rodgrooveandinsideoJthe boot with siliconegrease SILICONEGREASE Cost the sliding surface ot the rack end GROOVE lnstall the boots on the rack end with the tube qamps NOTE Checkthat the bootjointpiece i e airhose ioint is not clogged wit...

Page 777: ...e rack guide at the center of the rack stroke 71 Tightenthe rack guide screw until it compresses the springand seatsagainstthe rack guide then loosenrt 72 Retighten it to 4 N m O 4kg m 2 9 lb ft backit off about20 5 then installthe locknuton the rack guidescrew 73 Tightenthe locknut with the specialtool to about 25 N m 2 5 kg m 18 lb ft while holdingthe rack guidescrew LOCKNUT WRENCH 43 mm RACK GU...

Page 778: ...20 3 and installthe locknut on the rack guidescrew with the specialtool 80 Tightenthe locknutto with the specialtool about 25 N m 2 5 kg m 18 lb tt whileholdingthe guide screw O RING 6 1 RACKGUIOE 17 132 81 Coatthe 9 8 x 1 9 mm O ringswith powersteering Jluid and installthem togetherwith the orifices 82 Coatthe 45 5 x 2 mm O ringandpinionholderpin with grease then installit in the valvebody unit 8...

Page 779: ...e rightside Clamp AIR HOSE CLIP atRHosE lnstallthe air hosecliDas shown lnstallthebandcushionandairhossband Dosition the band as shown then tighten it Installthe air hose After assembling slidethe rackrightandleft to be cenainthat the bootsarenot deformedor twisted NOTE After installation perform the electrical checkon the 4wS system seepage 17 146 AIR HOSEBAf O Viewed lrom the right side 6 m m AI...

Page 780: ... brscket points toward the front 39 l m 13 9ks m 28 lb ft 17 134 7 Positionthe steeringrack centerof its strokes Makesurethat the cablereelof the driver sairbag system is centeredas follows a Turn the steering wheel left approx l50 degrees to check the cable reel positionwith indicator a lf the cable reel is centered the yellow gear tooth linesup with the aljgnmentmark on the cover a Return the st...

Page 781: ...hat the sensorwire harnessis not twisted betoreconnectingit Set the coveron the front sub steeringanglesen sor Securethe sensorwire harness andcoverwith a new wire tie CONNECTOR SENSORWIRE 1 1 WIRE TIE CI AMP NOTE After rack guide electricalcheck on the 17 146 adjustment perlormthe 4WS system see page SUBSTEERING 1 4 Fillthe reservoirwith power steeringfluid and bleod air from the system by tufnin...

Page 782: ...eservoirwith new HondaPowerSteer ingFluid V seepage17 77 21 After installation performthe followingch cks a Stan the engineand let it run at idle then turn the steering wheel trom lock to lockseveral times to bleed air from the system seepage 1 7 7 7 t a Check the fluid again and add more if necessary a Checkthe gearboxfor leaks a Checkthe tront toe seesection181 a Checkthe steeringwheelspokeangle...

Page 783: ...glosonsoror th6 roarmain st6o inganglesensorare removsd pertorm Inspgction and adiustmont ot the raar sub stee ng angle sensor aft r installingths rear steeringactuator a Lock th shatt scrow using th6 r6ar steoring lock pin special tool betole removal installstion and dlsassembly r assembly of tho real steering actuator assembly 5O 60 N m 15 0 6 0 kg n 36 43 lb ft t LOCKNUT 45 m 14 5kg m 33 lb lrl...

Page 784: ...n from the castel nut and removethe nut Installa 12 mm hex nut on the balljoint Be sure that the 12 mm hex nut is tlush with the balljoint pin end or the threadedsectionot the balljointpin might be damagedby the balljoint remover NOTE Removethe balljoint usingthe BallJoint Remover Referto page 18 13 for how to usethe balljoint emover Separate the tie rodballjointandknuckleusingthe specialtool CAUT...

Page 785: ...7 Removethe rearsteeringactuatorby removingthe four mountingbolts and bracket REARSTEERING ACTUATOR MOUNTINGERACKET MOUNNNG AOLTS 17 13 l ...

Page 786: ...ECLAMP 17 140 6 Removethe specialtool 3 Usinga soft hammer drive in th sp cialtool be tween the actuator housingand stopperwasher with the flat side of the specialtool toward the housing 4 Straighten the tie rodlock washer RACKHOLDER LOCK WASHER O7NA8 SSOo1OO Reolace 5 Holdthe shaft screwend with the spscialtool and unscrewthe rackend with a wrench RACKEND ...

Page 787: ...stallthe locknut on the rear sub steeringangle sensor then greasea new O ringand installit Screw the rearsub steeringanglesensorinto the actuatorhousingfully by hand back it off about 1 2 turn and looselytightenthe locknut 1 REARSUBSTEERIITG AI GLE SENSOR Screw in the resr sub stgering angle sonsoruntil se6ted thgn backit oft about 1 2 turn 8 LOCKl UT ACTUATORHOUSII G NOTE Adiust the rear sub stee...

Page 788: ...the housingand stopperwasher with the tlat sideof the specialtool toward the housing Tightonthe rack end securely then bendthe lock washer back against the tlat on the flange as snown 55 N m 15 5kg m rto lb ftl CAUTION a Tako exfiomo car6 not to apply axisl impact and fotational tolc on the shaft screw a S t th projoction ot the lock washer in the groove in the lack securely After tightoning the r...

Page 789: ...g tsbs stake points should bs in this range The locking tsbs stske points should be in this ran9e Install new boot bands on the boot and bend both sets of locking tabs Lightly tap on the doubled overponions reducetheir height CAUTION a Siako tho band locking tabs firmly a Whan staking bo careful not to damago boot the LOCKINGTAB i 17 14 l 11 Installthe right and left tie rodends on the right and l...

Page 790: MOUNTINGCUSHION 39 N m 3 9 kg m 28 lb ft 9 I I CASTLENUT 50 60 N m l5 O 6 0 kg m 36 43 lb ft COTTERPIN On reassembly bend lhe cotterpin as shown 17 144 TIE ROD END NOTE Do not contaminatethe terminalbolt 8nd nut with grease Cleanthem iJ necessary Connect the ground cable connectotsand ler minalsto the rearsteeringactuator NOTE Besurethe wiresarenot caughto pinched by any parts Adjustthe rearsub...

Page 791: ...nd lip with grease Wipe the greaseoff the slidingsurfaceof the ball pin then packthe lower areawith lresh grease CAUTION a Koepgroaseotl the boot installations ction and th6 tapersd section of the ball pin a Do not sllow dust din or othar foreign mat rialsto onter the boot 2 BOOTINSTALLATTON SECTION and BALL PINTAPERED SECTION 4 Installthe new balljolntboot usingthe specialtool as shown below NOTE...

Page 792: ...Placea pieceof masking tapeor equivalent approx imately3OOmm 12 Oin long on the top edgeof the steeringwheel Placea mark on the tape at eachof the followingmeasurements a Center highestpoint of the steeringwheel a 9 mm O 4in right and lell oI center Forfront mainsteeringanglesensor a 18 mm O 7in rightandleft of center Fortront sub steeringanglesensoradjustment a 55 mm 2 2 in rightandleft of center...

Page 793: ... then turn the steeringwheel slowly to the right beyondthe straightaheaddrivingposition Do not turn the steeringwheel inversely Turnthe steeringwheelto the left then turn to the rightbeyondthe straightaheaddrivingposi tion Repeatthis operationseveraltimes until vou tind the positionwhere the 4WS indicator light startsto come on steady 4WSINDICATOR LIGHT t Br 1 1 r9 mm t0 4 in 3of rll F omCENTER MA...

Page 794: ...terpointshouldbe withinthe rangeof t55 mm l 2 2 ini116 50 from the centermarkon the steeringwheel After adjusting the front substeer ing anglesensor however the centerpointshould be withinthe rangeof 118 mm 10 7 in 15 5 from the centermark It the centerpoint is outsidethe markedrange on the steering wheel adjustthe frontsubsteer ing anglesensor seepage17 153 17 148 Rsal sgnsols insDection 9 Releas...

Page 795: ...1 REARLEFTWHEEL 14 Setthe steeringwheelin the straightahesddriving positionto preventthe rearwheelsfrom steeringit the engineis startedin error 15 Turnthe ignitionswitch on engineoff and check the rearmainsteeringanglesensor Pushthe rearleft wheelfullyto the left by hand then pushit slowly to the right The 4WS indicatorlight shouldturn ON when the rearwheelis pushedto the right TURNTO RIGHT NOTE a...

Page 796: ...cialtool from the lear steeringac tuator and installthe cap bolt andthe new sealang washer on the rear steering actuator REAR STEERII G ACTUATOR 18 Removethe jumper wire from th ssrvicecheck connectorterminals BLU2P 19 Returnthe connectorbehindthe centerconsole 20 Reinstall the removedparts 17 150 ...

Page 797: follows a Setthe steeringwheelin the straightaheaddriv ing position then removeit STEERING WHEEL FRONTMAIN STEERING a Check whether the yellow paint mark ot the tront main stseringanglesensorrotor is facing down i e in neutral lock position where the rotordoesnot turnl Thisindicates that the front main steeringangle sensor is electronically in neutral NOTE lf the paintmarkis not facingdown adju...

Page 798: ...4WS indicatorlight does not indicatethe electronicneutralpositionwhen it is indicating problemcodes a Check the sensors by turning the specified wheel in the specifieddirectionshown in the tablebelow Thesensors areadiustedproperly if the 4wS indicatorlightturnson in the specilied rangeon the steeringwheel or if the centerot the rangewherethe 4WS indicator lightblinksis withinthe specified rangeon ...

Page 799: ...senso is adjustedproperly seepage17 146 1 Jack up the ca and raiseall four wheelsoff the ground Placethe saletystandsin the properloca tions to supportthe car seesection1 2 Setthe steeringwheelin the straightaheaddriving oosttton 3 Take out the service check connector BLU 2P from behindthe centerconsole Connectthe ter minalswith a pieceof iumperwrre NOTE The4WS indicatorlightwill not indicate that...

Page 800: ...lyin neutral 4WS indicator light is blinking this time NOTE Holdthe steeringwheelin this positionun til adjustment is completed lJthe steeringwheelis moved in effor repeat the adjustment procedure startingwith step 10 11 Turn the front sub steeringangle sensor slowly clockwise and check the rangeJrom where the 4WS indicator lightstartsto blinkto whereit stops 12 Loosenthe front sub steeringanglese...

Page 801: ...orandsecurethe substeer ing anglesensorwire harnesswith the clampand installthe cover NOTE a Be sure the sensor wire harnessdoes not in terferewith the stabilizer or othermovingparts a Be certainthat the wire is not twisted before connectingit 17 Securethe coverwith a new wire tie RearSub SteeringAngleSensor 1 Jack up the car and raiseall four wheels off the ground Placethe safetyslandsin the prop...

Page 802: ...ully by hand then bsck it oft about l12 turn and connect the connector LOCKNUT 17 156 9 Set the steeringwheel in the strsight aheaddriving position to preventthe rearwheels trom steeringif the engineis startedin error 1O Turnthe ignitionswitch on engineotf 11 Pushthe rear left wheel tully to the left by hand then push it slowly to the right to turn the 4WS in dicatorlighton i e earmainstee ingangl...

Page 803: ...cessively turn the ignitionswitchoff disconnectthe connector and straightenthe 15 Tighten the locknut while holding the rear sub steeringanglesensorwith a wrench NOTE Takecarenot to turn the rearsub steering anglesensor REARSUBSTEERING ANGLESEI SOR 16 Disconnect the rearsubsteeringanglesensorcon necto to straighten the wire Reconnect the connector NOTE Do not contaminatethe rearsub steering angle ...

Page 804: ... Replacement 18 15 lnstallation 18 17 SuspensionArms Removal lnspection 18 19 lnstallation 18 20 Ball Joint Boot Replacement 18 21 LowerarmBushing Replacement 18 21 Front Damper Removaf 18 22 Disassembly lnspection 1A 22 Reassembly 18 24 lnstallation 18 25 RearSuspension Torque Specifications 18 26 Knuckle Hub llfustratedIndex 1A 27 Removal 18 28 lnstallation 18 31 SuspensionArms Removal lnspectio...

Page 805: ...mbly Base Hub Dis Assembly Tool Hub Assembly Guide Attachment BallJoint Boot CliDGuide Driver Attachment BallJoint Remover 32 mm BallJoint Remover 28 mm BushingDriver Attachment 62 x 68 mm Driver support Base BallJoint Boot Clio Guide 2 1A t5 r 18 15 16 17 1 L 1 8 1 7 1 18 21 35 r I ra ro 1 1 8 1 4 3 0 r I ra ra 14 so 36 1 1 8 2 1 3 5 r I rg rs r Jre rs re 1 1 8 1 6 1 7 1 I 1 8 2 1 3 5 ru l o I H ...

Page 806: 18 36 Disassembly page 18 37 Inspection pago 18 37 Reassembly page 18 39 Installation page 18 40 Oisposal page 18 41 FROI TUPPERARM Removal lnspection page l8 19 Installation page 18 2O STABIUZER BAR Removal lnspection page18 19 Installation page18 20 BEARUPPERARM Removal lnspection page 18 33 Installation page 18 34 REAR KNUCKLE HUB Removal page18 28 Installation pago18 31 FBOI T KNUCKLE HUB R...

Page 807: ...uspension balljoints Holda wheelwith your hands and move it up and down and right and left to checkfor wobbling wheel alignmentadjustmentprocedure Each of the wheel alignment elements relates to the other Theretore the total adjustment of the lront rea wheelalignment is required whenevereitheroneof le ments i e camber caster toe snd orturningangle is adiusted Adiust cambet Adiust caster Adiust toe...

Page 808: ...elsto the straightaheadposition te casterangle ngl 2o4O 1 1 nentis required recordthe casterreading o step 4 lf adjustment is not required re gnmentequipment aster angle can be adjusted by increas lasingthe numberol the sdjustingshims and installthe radiusrod each time the rgleis adjusted front endof the carandplacesafetystands operlocations seesection 1 theselfiocking nut on the endof the radius ...

Page 809: ...ector to turn the 4WS indicatorON see page 17 156 NOTE Maintain thiscondition duringinspection and adjustment Checkthe lront toe Fronttoe 0 t 2 Omm lO a O O8in lt adjustment is required go on to step 5 lf no adjustment is required remove alignment equipment 4WS INDICATOR Loosenthe tie rodlocknutsand turn both tie rods in the samedirectionuntil the lront wheelsare in straightaheadposition Turn both...

Page 810: ... incorrectreading Reartoeln 2 O 2 Omm O 08r O OBin lf adjustment is required go to step 4 lf no adjustmentis required removealignment equrpmenr 4 2WS a Hold the sdjusting bolt on the rear lower arm B and loosenthe self locking nut a Adjust the reartoe by turning the adjusting bolt until toe is correct a Install the n w self locking nut andtightenwhile holdingthe adjustingbolt 4WS a Loosenthe tie r...

Page 811: ...of the car Set the turning radiusgaugesbeneaththe reatwheels then lower the car NOTE Foraccuratereadings the carmustbe level 3 Turn the wheel right and left while applyingthe brake Measure the tutning angle oJ both front wheels and both rearwheels 4WS models Front turning angl lnwa d whsol 36o20 2o Outward whaol 29o4O roloronca Raar tuming anglo 4WSlr lnward wheel 6000 1 10 Outward whcsl 6020 otor...

Page 812: ...s morethan the standard replacethe wheel bearing Runout 1 Raisethe car andsupportit with safety standsinthe properlocations seesectionI l 2 Checktor b nt or deformedwheels 3 Attach the dialgaugeas shown 4 Measurethe wheel runoutby tuming the wheel Front and RaarWheel Axial Runout Standard St6oll haol 0 1 Omm O O O4 in AluminumWhool O O 7 mm 0 0 03 in Se vlce Limitr 2 O mm 0 O8 inl Front and RearWh...

Page 813: ...n 28 lb tt SELF LOCKII G 12 r 1 25 nm 65 ltl m16 5kg m Replace SELF LOCKII G NUT 10x 1 25mm 30 t m 3 0ks m 22 lb ftl Reolace 47 tb ttl CASTLE NUT lO r 1 25mm 4O 48 N m l4 O 4 8 kg tn 29 35 lb ft DAMPER NNC IEOLT SELF LOCKII G EOLTI 10x 1 25mm 44 N m14 4kg m 32 lb ft SELF LOCKII G BOLT 12x 1 25mm 55 N m 5 5kg m 40 tb ftl SELF LOCKING t UT 12r 1 25mm 55 N m 5 5kg m 40 tb ft Replace CASTLE NUT 12 1 2...

Page 814: ... wheel K1 UCKIE Checkfor dam8ge K UCKLE RING Checkfor damag KNUCKLE PROTECTOR Ch6cktor damage BOLT WASHER 6 x 1 Omm 10 N m 1 Okg m 7 lb ft COTTER PIl Roplace WHEELAEARING Replace Replacament psge 18 15 CIRCLIP SPLASHGUARD Check tor bending or damage BALLJUNTEOOT Checkfor doteiorstion or damago CIRCLIP i 3J ff SCREW 10 m 1 0 kg ft 7lb fil FROI T HUB Ch ckfor d6mag6 or cracKs BRAKEDISC Chsck for w6a...

Page 815: ...nt accidantal damago to the calip rassomblyor brakohos us a short pieceol wire to hang lhe calipel sgombly from lhe und r cariago CAIIP R ARAO ET MOUNTINGBOLTS 12 r 1 25mm 6 18 12 7 8 Removethe 6 mm brakedisc retainingscrews Screwtwo 8 x 1 25 mm boltsintothe discto push it away from the hub NOTE Turneachbolt two turns at a time to prevent cockingthe disc excessively Removethe b akedisc from the kn...

Page 816: ...shown Insertthe jaws carefully makingsureyou do not damagethe balljoint boot Adjustthe iaw spacing by turningthe pressurebolt NOTE It necessary applypenetratingtype lub icant to loosenthe balljoint 12 mm HEX 1 13 1 6 Oncethe tool is in place turn the sdiustingbolt as necessaryto make the jaws parallel Then hand tightenthe pressurebolt and recheckthe iaws to makesurethey are still parallel ADJUSTIN...

Page 817: ...osenthe ball ioint 18 14 22 Removethe knuckle protector 23 Removethe cotter pin andthe upperballjoint nut 24 Installa 1Omm hex nut on the balljoint Besurethat the hex nut is tlush with the ballioint pinend or the threadedsectionot the balljoint pin might be damagedby the balljoint emover 25 Usethe balljoint removerasshownon page18 13 to separate the balljoint and knuckle NOTE lJnecessary applypene...

Page 818: ...lashguard a Hold onlo the hub to k6ep it trom talling whon pressodclear HUBDIS ASSEMBLY TOOL oTGAF SE00tOO 28 Removethe knucklering trom the knuckle KNUCTLE 29 Removethe circlip and tho splash guErdfrom tho knuckle 30 Pressthe wheel bearingout ofthe knucklsusing specialtools and a Press tn ORIVEB 07749 OOIOOOO ho t I ATTACHME T 82 x 88 mtt 07744 xr1oBm HUBDIS ASSEMBLY BASE 07GAF SD 7OO cont dl 1 8...

Page 819: ...BEARII G SEPARATOR INNERBACE 18 16 NOTE Wash the knuckle and hub thoroughly in high tlash point solvent b fore reassembly 32 Pressa new wheel besringinto the hub usingthe specialtools shown and a press praaa DRNE I ATTACHMET T oTHAD SGOO100 WHEEL BEARII G SUPPORT BASE 07965 SD90100 33 Install the circlip secur ly in th knuckle groove 34 Install the splash guard and tighten the screws ...

Page 820: ...he nut bYloo8cning 37 Installthe knuckleon the driveshaft 38 Installtheknuckleonthe lowerarmandthe tie rod then tightsn the castle nuts and install new cotter Dtns COTTER PII On reassembly bond the cofte pin CASTLE I UT 12t 1 25mm 50 60 N m 5 o 6 o ks m 36 43 tb frl CASTLENUT 14 x 2 0 mm 50 60 N m 5 0 6 0 kg m 36 43 lb ft 39 Installthe knuckleon the upperarm then tighten the castle nut and install...

Page 821: ... 12 2ks m 16 lb ft 1 O 7 tb fr WHEELSENSOR l 10N m 11 kg m 80 lb ftl 46 Tightenthe new spindlenut NOT Betoreinstalling the wheel cleanthe mating surlace of the brake disc and inside ot the wheel 47 Installthe wheel with the wheel lug nuts 43 lnstallthe brakedisc with the 6 mm brakedisc re tainingscrews WHEELLUG NUT 12 x 1 5 mm t 1 0 i n 11 kg m 80 lb fr 6 mm BRAKE DISC RETAII II G SCREWS 10 N mll ...

Page 822: ...o not disassemble SELF LOCKING BOLT 12 x 1 25 rn rjf BALLJOINTBOOT Checklor detorioration or damage STABIUZER BAR Checkfor bending or damage SELF LOCKING NUT 12 x 1 25mm Replace STABILIZERLINK RUBBER BUSHING Check Ior delerioration or damage LOWERARM Checktor damage SELF LOCKING NUT 12 x 1 25mm Replace RADIUSROD OAMPERPINCHBOLT ISELF LOCKING BOLT t0 x 1 25mm DAMPERFORKNUT SELF LOCKING NUTI 12 x 1 ...

Page 823: ...djustit necessary a When installing the radiusrod washers the FR mark facesthe front of the car SELF LOCKING NUT 12x 1 25 mm 65 N m 6 5 kg m 47 lb ft UPPER ARM ASSEMBLY SELF LOCKING BOLT 12 x 1 25mm 55 N m 5 5 kg m rc lb fr SELF LOCI ING NUT 12 x 1 25mm 55 N m 5 5 ks m 40 tb ft stLrcoNE GREASE STABILIZEBBAR BOLT I x 1 25mm 22 N m 12 2kg m l6 lb ftl SELF LOCKIG NUT 12 x 1 25 fi n RUBAER 55 m 5 5 kg...

Page 824: ...l toolwith the ad iustingbolt untilthe end ol the tool alignswith the grooveon the boot Slidethe set ringoverthe tool and into position Upper balljoint Hold the tool over the ball joint then slidethe clip overthe tool and into position 4 BALL JOINT BOOT CLIP GUIDE ADJUSTINGBOLT Adjustthe depth by turningthe bolt UPPER BALL JOINTBOOT o7974 SA50aOO LOWER BALL JOINTBOOT OTGAG SO rO7O0 40 mm CIRCLIP 6...

Page 825: ...nstructions then removethe self locking nut CAUTION Do not compressth spling more than necessaryto remove tho nut SELF LOCKING NUT 10 x 1 25mm Replace STRUTSPRING COMPRESSOR CornmordallyAvallablo BRANICKO T N MST sAOA o oouivalont 2 Removethe springcompressorthen disassemble the damperas shown on the next page Inspection 1 Reassemble all parts exceptthe spring 2 Pushon the damperassemblvu hi n 3 C...

Page 826: DAMPER MOUNTII G RUBEEB DAMPER MOUNTING COLLAR z a DAMPER MOUNTI G PLATE P l l l l Y OUSTCOVER Checkfor bending or damage DUSTCOVER OAMPERUNIT Check tor leaks and faulty operation Check tor rust 92 Rueeei SPRINGMOUNTINGBUBBER Check for damag BUMPSTOP PLATE BUMP STOP Check tor weaknesso damage _ t vH J 1a 23 ...

Page 827: ...shown Positionthe dampermountingbaseon the damper unit as shown LEFT STRUTSPRII GCOMPRESSOR CommorciollyAvail blo BRANICKO T N MST sAOA STUDBOLT SPRINGLOWERSEAT 18 24 4 Compress the damperspringwith the springcom Dressor CAUTlOltl Do nol comptess tho spring more than necosaaryto install lhe nut Installthedampermountingwasher thenloosely in stallthe new seltlockingnut 6 Hold the dampershatt and tig...

Page 828: ...arjust litls otJ the salety stand NOTE Theboltsandnutsshouldbetightenedwith the vehicle sweight on the damper Tightenthe damperpinch bolt Secure the dampertork boltwith I new selflocking nut Securethe damperassembly to the framewith the flangenuts 8 lnstallthe brskehose mountingbolts BRAKEHOSEMOUNTII G EOLT 8 x 16 rml 22 N m 12 2kg m 16 lb ft a 4 5 BRAKE HOSE MOUNTING BOLT 8 x 20 mm 22 N m DAMPER ...

Page 829: ...joint SEIF LOCKINGNUT 10 r 1 25mm 30 N m l3 O kg m 22 lb frl Rgolace NUT 10x 1 25mm 39 N m 3 9 ks m 28 lb ft SELF LOCKING NUT 12 x 1 25mm OE m 16 5 kg m 47 lb ft Roploce CASTLEttIUT 10 x 1 25mm 40 48 N m 4 0 4 8 kg m 29 35 tb ft BOLT 8 x 1 25 lnm 22 N m 2 2 kg m 16 l l sELF LocKtt c NUT 10 x 1 25mm tb ft 45 N m 4 5 ks m 33 lb ft Replace SELF LOCKII G UT 12x 1 26mm 65 t m 5 5 kg m 40 lb ftl Rgoloce...

Page 830: ... the wheel SELF LOCKING BOLT 10 x 1 25mm 44 N m 14 4 kg m 32 lb tll COTTERPIN Replace 6 x 1 0mm 10 N m ll O kg m 7 lb frl SPLASHGUARD Checkfor bending or damago p s COTTERPIN Replace 10 N m l1 Okg m 7 lb ft WHEELLUG NUT 12 x 1 5 mm 110 N m 111kg m 80 lb frl cont dl 18 27 q REARWHEEL HUB UNIT Check for cracking or damags BRAKEOISC Check for wear or rust Inspection section 19 6 mm BRAKEDISC RETAININ...

Page 831: ...ting boltsandhang the caliperassemblyto one side CAUTION To prevent accidental damage to the caliperassemblyor brakehoss usea shon pisceot wir to hang th calip r as mbly lrom th6 und6 cardag6 BRAKE HOUSE MOUNTING BOLT TRAILINGARM NOTE Takecarenot to damagethe hub 18 28 CALIPER ASSEMBLY 8 9 Removethe 6 mm brakedisc retainingscrews Screwtwo 8 x 1 25mm boltsintothe discto push it away from the hub NO...

Page 832: ... Do not disconnectthe wheel sensorwire WHEEL SENSOR PARKINGBRAKECABLE l 18 29 15 Removethe rearspindleassemblyfrom the knuckle SELF LOCKING NUT 10 x 1 25mm Replace 1 6 ASSEMBLY Hold the ball pin of the stabilizertink with a hex wfench and loosenthe self locking nut Removethe selflocking nut then disconnectthe slabilizerlink from the stabilizer bar 12r 1 25mm Replace cont d ...

Page 833: ...the balljointpinend or the threadedsection of the ball joint pin might be damagedby the balljoint remover 23 Usethe balljoint removerasshownon page18 13 to separate the balljoint and lower arm NOTE lf necessary applypenetratingtype lubricant to loosenthe balljoint CASTI E NUT 14 x 2 0 mm EALLJOINT REmOVER 32 mm oTmac slooro0 a mm HEXNUT 18 30 24 25 Removethe knuckleProtector Remove the cotterpinan...

Page 834: ...ELF LOCKING I UT 12x 1 25mm 55 m 15 5ks m 40 lb ttl CASTLEITUT 14 x 2 0mm 50 60 N m 5 0 6 0 kg m 36 43 tb ft COTTERPIN CASTLENUT 12 x 1 25mm 50 60 m 5 0_6 0kg h 36_43 tb ttt 32 Installthe rearspindleassemblyonthe knuckle then tighten the new self locking nuts SEI F LOq NG IIUTS lO r 1 25mm 45 N m 4 5kg n 33 lb ftl 18 31 33 Installthe whe l sensor wheel sensorwire bracket and parkingbrakecableon th...

Page 835: ...OSE MOUI TING BOLT 22 N m 12 2 16 tb ft ASSEMBLY CALIPER MOUNTII G BOLTS 39 N m 13 9kg m 2a lb ft 39 Installthe new spindlenut then tightenthe nut 40 Installthe new hub cap 41 Installthe rearwheelwith the wheellug nuts NOTE BeJore instslling the wheel cleanthe mating surfaceof the brakedisc and insideo the wheel REANWHEEL SPI DLE UT 22 x 1 5 mm 185 N m 18 5 kg m 134 lb ft NOTE After tightening uss...

Page 836: ...OCKING NUT 12 x 1 25mm Replace UPPER ARMASSEMBLY Check lor bending ordamage NOTE Donotdisassemble SELF LOCKING NUT 10 x l 25 mm Replace l2wS only SELF LOCKING NUT 12 x 1 25 mm Roplace 4wS only bo SELF LOCKING BOLT 14 x 1 5 mm 2wS only SELF LOCKIf G 12 x 1 25mm Replace STAAILEERBUSHII G Check lor deterioration or damag6 LOWERARM B Check tor b nding or damage 2WS only RUBBER BUSHING Checktor deterio...

Page 837: ... suspensionarm check the wheel alignment and adiust if necesssry SELF LOCKING NUT 12 x 1 25 mm 65 N n 6 5 ks m 47 lb ft1 _rrat v SELF LOCKING T UT 10 x 1 25mm 55 N m 15 5kg m 4 tb ft 2WS onlyl UPPER ARMASSEMBLY BOLT 10 x 1 25 rn n 44 m 4 4 kg rn 32 lb ftl SELF LOCKIT G NUT 12 x 1 25mm 65 N m 6 5 kg m 47 lb ft 4wS only SELF LOCKING BOLT 14 x 1 5 mm 85 N n18 5ks m 61 lb ft 2WSonlyl BOLT 8 r 1 25mm 2...

Page 838: ...Adjustthe specialtoolwith the ad justingbolt untilthe endof the tool alignswith the grooveon the boot Slidethe set ringoverthe tool and into position Upper ball oint Hold the tool over the ball joint then slidethe clipoverthe tool and into position Lower Arm BushingReplacement BALL JOINT BOOT CLIP GUIDE AOJUSTII GBOLT Adjust the depth bV turning the bolt UPPER BALL JOINTBOOT 07974 SA50800 LOWER BA...

Page 839: ...the ball joint Dinend or the threadedsectionof the balliointpin might be damaged by the ball joint remover Usethe balljoint emoverasshown on page18 13 to separatethe balljoint 8nd knuckle NOTE lf necessary applypsnetratingtype lubricant 1o loosenthe balljoint BALL JOINT BEMOVER 28 mm oTMAC SLOO200 KNUCKLE PROTECTOR CASTLE l UT 10x 1 25mm t 4 6 7 8 10 mm H X UT COTTEB PIIT Replaco BOLT 6 x t O m m ...

Page 840: ... or oquivrlant 3 Remove the spring compressor and disassembly the damper as shown on the next page J Reassembleall parts except the spring Pushon the damperassemblyas shown Check for smooth operation through a full stroke both comoressionand extension NOTE The dampershouldmove smoothly lf it does not nocompression or no extensionl the gasis leak in9 andthe dampershouldbe replaced 4 Checkfor oil le...

Page 841: ...AMPER MOUI IN G BASE DAMPCRSPRII G Check for weakened compresspnor oamage F DAMPER MOUl TrirG ll l iUBBER t 6 ooio ornr ro r ffi w t SPf INGMOUNTING RUBBER Check lor damago or cracKs BUMPSTOP r PLATE DUSTCOVERPLATE DUSTCOVER Chocklor bending or damage DUSTCOVER AOOT Ch6ckfor detorioration or damage DAMPERUITIT Check tor leaks and faulty operation Check tor rust 18 38 ...

Page 842: ...e damper mounting base on the dsmp r unit as shown 4 Compressthe damper spring with the spring com pressor GAUTION Do not comprossihe spring more than necesaaryto Install tho nut Installthe dampermountingwasher then looselyin stallthe new selflockingnut Holdthe dampershaft and tightenthe self locking nut 6 a LEFT RIGHT SELF LOCKII G lrluT 10x 1 25mm 30 tl m l3 Oks m 22 ltFftl OAMPM WASHER WELDED U...

Page 843: ... N m 3 9 kg m 2a lb trl 4 Connectthe upperarmandknuckle then tightenthe castlenut 5 Installthe knuckleprotectorwith the bolt COTTERPIN On reassembly bend the cotter pin 4 I COTTERPIN CASTLENUT 12 x 1 25mm 40 48 N m 4 O 4 8 kg m 29 35 rb frl l0 m 1 Okg m 7lb ftl 7 Raisethe rearsuspension with a tloorjack untilthe weight ot the car is on the dampe Tightenthe dampermountingbolt DAMPEB MOU IINNGAOLT S...

Page 844: ... and possible hiuly whon scrapping a Always wear oye protsction to avoid getting motal shavingsin your eyeswhon the gasdampel pr ssuro is rolieved Placethe damperon a levelsur acewith its rod extend ed anddrilla holeot 2 0 3 0 mm 0 O8 0 12 inl di ameter in the body to releasethe gas Front Damper Rear Damper Drillhere Drillhere 18 41 ...

Page 845: ...Brakes Conventional Brakes Anti Lock Brake System ABSI 19 1 19 31 ...

Page 846: ...elism Inspection 19 11 Bleeding 19 12 Master Cylinderand BrakeBooster Removal lnstallation 19 13 MasterCylinder Inspection 19 14 Brake Boostel Tests 19 15 Pushrod Clearance Adjustment 19 15 RearDisc Brakes Torque lnspection 19 17 RearBrakePads Inspection Replacement 19 18 RearBrakeDisc Runout Inspection 19 20 Thicknessand Parallelism Inspection 19 20 RearCaliper Disassembly 19 21 Reassembly 19 24 ...

Page 847: ...ools Rol No I Tool Number oTHAE SGOO100 oTJAG SD40100 o7914 SA50000 o7916 6390001 BrakeSpringCompressor PushrodAdjustmenl Gauge SnapRingPliers LocknutWrench 19 22 19 25 1 9 l 5 19 22 19 25 19 21 19 26 an o 19 2 ...

Page 848: ...gmoval lnstallation psge 19 13 MastsrCylinder page 19 14 BrakgBooster19 15 PARKINGBFAKE Adjustmont pago 9 5 Diaa embly 6nd Reassombly p6go 19 29 REARDISCBRAKES Torqu6 lnspsction p8g 19 l7 R6arBrak6P8ds psgs 19 18 R6arBrak Disc page 19 20 R6arCalip r page l9 2 l 9 24 ERAKE PEDAL Adjustmont psg l9 4 BRAKEHOSES PIPES Inspoclion pag 19 27 BrakeHoso Replac m nt p6g l 19 3 ...

Page 849: ... tighten the locknutfirmlv 3 PUSHROD LOCKNUT l5 N m 11 5kg m 11lb fll tor cai withoutABS 19 m 1 9 kg m 14 lb ftl for carswith ABS BRAKE swtrcH 4 Screw in the brakeswitch until its plungeris fully depressed threadedend touchingthe pad on the pedalarm Then back otf the switch 1 4 turn to make O 3 mm 0 O1in of clearance betweenthe threadedend and pad Tightenthe locknuttirmly Connectthe brakeswitch co...

Page 850: ...bck the flont wheots beforo iacking up the loar of the car 1 Raisethe rearwheelsoff the ground 2 Make surethe leverof the rearbrakecalipercon tacts the pin ot the brakecaliper o Rel ase the parkingb akeleverandcheckthat the r arwheelsdo not drag wh n turned Readjustit nScessarv With the equalizerproperly adjusted the rear brakes should be tully appliedwhen the parking brakeleveris pulledup 6 to 1O...

Page 851: ...usethe drainedtluid Us6 onlv clean DOT 3 or 4 brakefluid NOTE a Coat piston pistonseal and caliperborewith cleanbrakefluid a Reolace all rubberoartswith new oneswheneverdisassembled ffi Brakecyrindergrease P N 08733 Bo2oE or equivalent rubbergrease 6 t siliconegrease WEAR INDICATOR lnstallinnerpadwith atswear indicatorupward 12 x 1 25m 110 N ln 11 0kg m 80 lb ftl L I r t t t i I INNERPAD SHIM A Ch...

Page 852: ...up out of the way CALIPERSOLT CALIPER BODY 3 lf the brakepadthicknessis lessthan servicelimit at step 5 replacethe front padsas a set 4 Removethe pad shims pad retainers and pads Using verniercalipers measurethe thicknessof each brakepad lining BrakoPad Thickness Standard F22A1 and H23Al sngine 12 5 mm O 49in H22A1 engin 11 Omm 0 43 in Servic Limit 1 6 mm 0 06 inl NOTE Measurement doesnot includep...

Page 853: ...e of shim Apply Molykoteo M77 to inner sideof shim N t l E i V INNERBRAKEPAD indicator OUTER BRAKE PADS 1O Pushinthe pistonsothat the caliperwilltit overthe pads Keepthe boot in positionto preventdamag ing the boot when pivotingthe caliperdown 1 1 Pivotthe caliperdown intoposition theninstallthe caliperbolt flangebolt NOTE Make surethe pin is cleanbeforeinstalla tion thenapplya cleansilicone greas...

Page 854: ...l passageswith comprossedair 1 Removethe banjo bolt and disconnectthe brake hosefrom the calioer 2 Removethe caliperbolts then removethe caliper SEALING WASHERS Replace CALIPERBOLT 19 9 4 lf necessary apply compressed air to the caliper fluid inletto get the pistonout Placea shopragor wooden block as shown to cushion the oiston when it is exoelled Uselow pressure air in shortspurts Removethe pisto...

Page 855: ...allit in the cylindergroove 3 Apply brakecylindergrease P N 08733 BO2OE or equivalentrubbergreaseto the sealinglipsand insideof a new pistonboot and installthe boot in the cylindergroove i r9ul RUBBER GREASE PISTONSEAL 611 SILICONE GREASE 4 Lubricate the calipercylinderandpistonwith brake fluid then installthe pistonin the cylinderwith the dishedend facingin 5 Installthe brake pad retainersand bra...

Page 856: ...r this operation MEx Refinishing Limit 21 0 mm 0 83 in NOTE A new disc should be retinishedif its runoutis greaterthat O l O mm O OO4 in Thicknessand Parallelism 2 Inspection Loosenthe front wheellug nuts slightly then raise the car and supporton safetystands Removethe front wheels Removethe brakepads seepage19 7 Using a micrometer measuredisc thickness at eight points approximately 45o apartand 1...

Page 857: ...mastercvlindermust be full at the stan ot bleedingprocedure and checked afterbleeding eachbrakecaliper Add fluidas required Useonly cleanDOT 3 or 4 brakefluid BLEEDING SEOUENCE REAR O FronrRight O RoarRlght a Front Loft a R r L fi 1 Have someone slowly pump the brake pedal severaltimes then applysteadypressure Loosenthe brakebleedscrew to allow airto escape from the system Then tighten the bleed s...

Page 858: ... brakepipesJromthe mastercylinder 4 Removethe mastefcylindermountingnuts and the mastercylinder 5 Disconnect the vacuumhosefrom the boosterand removethe vacuumhosebracket 6 Remove the thfottle cruise controlcableb acket then emovethe throttlecableg ommetfromthe enginecompart ment bulkhead Removethe intakeairtemperature sensorfrom the intakemanifold PUSHBOD LOCKNUT Loosenthe pushrodlocknut and remo...

Page 859: ... com partmontwith the front cylindershellsid8 of the b18k boosteruDw8rd Inspection CAUTION a Do not splll brak6tluid on the car it may damagcthe palnt il brak fluid doos contact th paint wash lt ofl immediately with vvater a B fororoassambling check thst all parts ar treo ot dust and other fo olgnparticles a Do not try to disasssmblo th6 maEtar cylindef assembly Beplaco tho ma3t r cylindor assombl...

Page 860: the engineand let it idle There shouldbe vacuum available lf no vacuum is available the checkvalveis not workingcorrectly Replace the checkvalveand retest CHECK VALVE PushrodClearanceAdjustment NOTE Master cylinder pushrod to pistonclearance must be checkedand adjustments made if necessary b foreinstallingmastercylinder 1 Set the specialtool on the mastercylinderbody push in the center shaft u...

Page 861: ...ile holdingthe pushrod Tightenthe star locknutto the specified torque and removethe sPecial tool NOTE a Adjustthe clearance whilethe specified vacuum is appliedto the booster a Holdthe cleviswhile adjusting O O 4mm 0 0 02 inl Carswith ABS removethe specialtool and ad just the clearance by turningthe adjusterin or out while holdingthe output rod O O 2mm10 0 01inl STARLOCKNUT 22 N m 12 2 kg m l6lb f...

Page 862: ... onlv clean DOT 3 or 4 brakefluid NOTE a Coat piston pistonseal and caliperborewith cleanbrakefluid a Replace all rubberpartswith new oneswheneverdiassembled INNERPADSHIM Checktor wear Apply Molykoreo padsideof shim PARKING NUT 1 0 x 1 2 5 m m 28 N m 2 8 kg m 20 tb frl PINBOOTS Replace CALIPER BRACKET CheckIor cracks PISTONASSEMBLY Checktor scoringon the surface SPRING CAM BOOT Replace damage I SL...

Page 863: ...calipermounting bolts and the calipertrom the bracket CAUTION a Thoroughly cloan ths outsido ot tho calipsr to prevont dust and dirt ttom ontodng insid6 a Supportthe calipel with a plecoot wilo 5othat it does not hang trom tho brako hose CALIPERMOUNTING 1 9 1 8 4 lf liningthicknessis lessthanservicelimitat step5 eplacethe rear pads as a set Removethe pad shims padsand pad retainers Using vernierca...

Page 864: ...EARBRAKEPADS o 7 8 1 9 1 9 9 Rotatethe caliperpistonclockwiseintoplaceinthe cylinder thenalignthe cutoutinthe pistonwith the tab on the innerpad by turningthe pistonback CAUTION Lubricatsthe boot with siliconegroaso to avoid twisting the piston boot lf piston boot is twisted back it out so it sits proporly 1O Installthe caliperon the caliperbracketandtighten the calipermountingbolts BRACKET CALIPE...

Page 865: ... Limit 8 Omm lO 32 in WHEEL NUT 11O N m tl1 kg m 80 lb ft NOTE A new disc should be refinishedif its runoutis greatetthan O 1Omm OOO4in RearBrakeDisc 2 Thicknessand Parallelism Inspection 1 Loosenthe rearwheel lug nuts slightly then raise the car and supporton safetystands Removethe rearwheels Removethe brakepads seepage 19 18 Using a micrometeJ measuredisc thickness at eight points approximately ...

Page 866: ...plessed air 1 Remove the caliper shield seepage19 18 2 Remove the lockpinandclevispin Removethe cableclip and disconnectthe parking brakecabletrom the arm 3 Removethe banjobolt and two sealingwashers 4 Removethe two calipermountingboltsandcaliper body from the bracket CALIPER MOUNTING EOLT SEALING WASHERS Replace LOCKPIN 5 6 Removethe pad springfrom the caliperbody Remove the piston by rotating th...

Page 867: ...t compress the spring under the springcover LOCKNUTS PLATE BRAKE SPRING COMPRESSOR oTHAE SGOOIOO 1O Turn the shaft clockwise 1 4 112 turn to com pressthe adiustingspringB in the caliperbody CAUTION To plsv nt damags to ths inn r com pononts do not turn thg shaft more than 1 2 tutn 19 22 11 Lower the locknutslully and tighten the locknuts securely NOTE Keepthe locknutsin this positionuntilyou reins...

Page 868: ...1 4 19 23 1 6 Remove the sleevepiston andremovethe pinfrom the cam SLEEVE PISTON 17 Removethe returnspring 18 Removethe parkingleverand cam as an assembly from the caliperbody CAUTION Do not loos nthe parking nut with tho cam installod in tho calipar body It the lever and shaft must b6 sopa ated hold the levsr in a viso and looson tho parking nut 19 Removethe cam boot RETURN SPRIlTG PARKINGLEVER C...

Page 869: ...nstallit in the caliper DOOy 3 Apply commercially available assemblylubeto the pin contactingareaof the cam and installthe cam and leverassemblyinto the caliperbody 4 Installthe returnspring CAUTION a When the cam and leve wa e separatgd bo sure to assemblothsm betoro installingthe cam in th caliper body Install tho l vsr and 3p ng washer apply locking ag nt to ths threads and tighten the parking ...

Page 870: ...n the springcoverandtu n the shaft until the locknutcontactsthe olate lo 19 25 11 Check that the tlared end of the spring cover is belowthe circlipgroove 12 Installthe circlip in the groove then removethe specialtool NOTE Check that the circlip is seated in the grooveproperly SI AP RING PLIERS 13 Coata new pistonsealwith siliconegreaseand in stallit in the caliper 14 Apply brakecylindergrease P N ...

Page 871: ... PAD SPRING 19 Installthe caliperon the caliperbracketandtighten the calipermountingbolts 20 Connectthe brake hose to the caliperwith new sealingwashersand tightenthe banjobolt CALIPER MOUNTING BOLTS 23 m 2 3 kg m l7 lb ft CALIPERBRACKET BAI JO BOLT 35 N m 13 5kg m 25 rb ft CALIPER 21 Insenthe parkingbrakecablethroughthe arm and connectthe parkingbrakecableto the leverwith the clevispin and lock p...

Page 872: ...etightenif necessary CAUTION Roplacotho brako hose clip whonever the blake hos6 is servicod BBAKELINE TO ARAKE HOSE 15 N m 1 5 lg m 1l lFftl BRAKE LII E TO BBAKE HOSE 15N m11 5 kg m 11 lb ftl MASTERCYLIT DER TO BRAKE LINE 19 m 1 9 ks m 14 lb ft BLEED SCREW 9 N m 0 9kg m 6 5lb ftl BRAKE HOSE TO CALIPER IBANJO BOLTI 35 m 3 5 kg m 25 lb ft BLEEDSCREW 9 N m lO 9kg m 6 5 lb ftl BRAKEHOSE TO CALIPER IBA...

Page 873: ...e brakeoioeus ing a 1Omm flarenut wrench BRAKEP PE Removeand discardthe brakehoseclip from the brakehose Removethe banjo bolt and disconnectthe brake hosefrom the caliper Removethe brakehoseclampbolts andthe brake hose 4 BNAKEHOSECLIP Roplace BRAK HOSEMOUNTING SOLT 8 x 16 mml 22 N m 12 2kg m 16 tb frl BRAKEHOSE MOUNTINGBOLT 1 8x 2 0 m m l 22 N m 12 2 16 lb fr BANJO BOLT 10 x 1 Omm 35 N m 13 5kg m ...

Page 874: ...oadto stift operationand prematurr cablo tailure EOUALIZER Disconnectthe pa kingbrakecablefrom the leveron the caliperby removingthe lock pinand clevispin and removethe cablefrom the arm by removingthe clip cLEVtSnN PARKINGBRAKECABLES Check for laulty movomont d s CLEVISPIN LOCK PIN Replace Sliding surface 19 29 ...

Page 875: ... BrakeSystem ABSI IndicatorLight 19 54 Symptom to System Chart 19 56 Flowcharts 19 57 Hydraulic System IndexHydraulic Connections 19 80 RelievingAccumulator LinePressure 19 81 Modulator Unit Removal lnstallation 19 8 2 lndex Torque 19 83 Solenoids LeakTost 19 84 Pump Pressure Switch Replacement 19 84 Accumulator Disposal 19 85 Bleeding 19 86 ElectronicComponents ABSControlUnitReplacemont 19 87 Rel...

Page 876: ... Ref No I Tool Numbel o a OTHAA SGOO101 or oTHAA SG00rO0 OTHAJ SGOOl OA or OTHAJ_SGOOlOB oTHAJ SGOO200 Bleeder T wrench ALB Checker ALB Checker Canada 19 57 19 64 t 9 8 1 1 9 8 6 1 q _ q l 1 q _ A r9 86 i ffi n tr i l E T ll II tl u U o I 19 32 ...

Page 877: ... Torque lnspection page19 6 FrontBrakePads page19 7 FrontCaliper page19 9 FronlBrakeDisc page 19_1 1 REARWHEELSENSOR Inspection page 19 88 Replacement page19 89 BRAKEHOSES PIPES fnspection page 19 27 BrakeHoseReplacement page19 28 ABS CONTROLUNIT Replacement page19 87 PARKINGBBAKE Adjustment page19 5 Disassembly and Roassembly page19 29 WHEELSENSOR MASTERCYLINDERAND BRAKEBOOSTER Hydraulic Connecli...

Page 878: ...mhasindividual controlot the lront wheelsandcommoncontrol SelectLow lor the rearwheels Select Low meansthat the rearwheelthat would lockfirst the one with the lowest resistance to lock uo determines anti lockbrakesystemactivationtor both rearwheels The system has a fail safefunctionthat allows normalbrakingif there sa problemwith the anti lockbrake svstem Construction In additionto the conventiona...

Page 879: ...or controlling movementof the primarypistonis provided at the sideof the mastercylindetbody A r d switch for detectingthe braketluid volumeis alsoprovidedin the cap of the reservoi tank 2 Ooeration Whenthe brakepedalis depressed the secondary pistonis pushed throughthe brakeboosterandthe contervalveB is closedsothat fluidpressure isgenerated on the secondary side At the sametime the p imarypistoni...

Page 880: ... pistonandthe tensionof the pistonspringuntilthe endhits on the cylinder The brakingis per formedbv the fluid oressure on the secondarv side In caseof leakingfrom the secondary system The secondarypistondoes not producefluid pressure keepsmovingahead hits on the end surlaceof the primarypistonso that the primarypistonis pushedunderthe sameconditionasan ordinaryrod Theretore the brakingis conducted...

Page 881: ... mainfunctionsection whichcontrolsthe operation of the anti lock brakesystem and subfunction which controlsthe pumpmotor and self diagnosis 1 Main Function Themainlunctionsectionof the ABScontrolunit performscalculations on the basisof the signalslrom eachwheel sensorand controlsthe operationof the anti lockbrakesystemby puttinginto actionthe solenoidvalvesin the modulatorunit for eachfront brakea...

Page 882: ...tail sate relays which disconnect the groundlinesof allthe solenoid valvesto inhibitanti lock brakesvstemoperations Undertheseconditions the brakingsystemfunctionsjust asan ordinary one msintaining the necessary brakingfunction Whenthe ABS indicatorlight is turnedon it meansthe tail safeis Junctioning ModulatorUnit Modulatorsfor eachwheeland solenoidvalvesare integrated in the modulatorunit Themod...

Page 883: ... ABS controlunit Uponreceiving the signal the ABScontrolunitactivatesthe pumpmotorrelayto operate the motor lf the pressure doesn t reachthe prescribed value the ABS indicatorlightcomeson ODeration Whenthe pressure in the accumulator rises the Bourdon tube in the pressure switchdeformsoutwards Whenthe freeendof the Bourdontube movesmorethanthe prescribed amount the micro switch is activatedby the ...

Page 884: ...torliqht ACCUMULATOR PRESSUBE swlTcH To Modulator RoliotV lvo valv6 Rod cylindor Eody PisronRod lRotationl ReciptocaringMotionl Anti lockBrakeSystem ABSIIndicatorLight Thiswarningsystemturnson the ABSindicator lightwhenoneor moreof the belowdescribed abnormalities isdetected This is onlv a oartiallist a Whenthe operating time of the motor in the power unil exceedsthe specitiedperiod a Whenvehicler...

Page 885: ...oir throughthe outletvalve which is normally open lt is alsoconnected to the hydraulicpressure source pump accumulator pressure switch etc via the inletvalve which is normallyclosed ChamberD servesas an airchamber Undertheseconditions the pressures ol chambers C andD aremaintained at aboutatmospheric pfessure permittingregularbrakingoperations CHAMBER O RESENVOIR SLIOE PISTON CUT OFF VALVE CHAMBER...

Page 886: ...which is connectedto the caliper increases and the fluid pressure in the caliperdeclines Whenbothof the valves inletandoutlet areclosed whenonlythe outletvalveis activated the pressure inthe caliperis maintained constant Whenthe possibility of wheellockingceases it is necessary to restorethe pressure in the caliper Thesolenoid valveis thereforeturnedoff outletvalve open inletvalve closed Process C...

Page 887: ...cessively causinga very largevolumeof brakefluidto flow intochamberC Whenthis occurs the pistonis movedexcessively resultingin an abnormallossof pressure in chamberB In orderto overcomethis problem the slidepistonis keptin properpositionby springforceto preventthe pressure in chamberB from becomingnegative CHAMBERC cont dl 19 43 ...

Page 888: ...tioning ControlValve Function ln the modulator fo the rearwheels the diameters of the pistonandthe slidepistonaredistinctlydifterent Thispro videsa PCV Proportioning ControlValve functionto preventthe rearwheelsfrom lockingduringan emergency stop 1 Before the Turning Point 1 When the fluid pressurelrom the mastercylinderis below the turningpoint the cut off valveis always pusheddownwardby the forc...

Page 889: ...ylinderincreases the pressure in chamberA becomeshigher causinga forceto pushdown the largediamelerportionot the piston Consequently the slidepistoncomesdown the cut off valveis pusheddownward by the bottom of the slidepiston allowingchambersA and B to connect momentarily As this occurs pressure in chamberB increases the slidepistonis pushedupward the cut off valvegoes up andthe connectionbetweenc...

Page 890: ... sumL f I I A I 1U 88AIG fCH A GL n uf UNDEfiOASH FUSENELAY 8OX YE c YEUGRT ar sLuau l BU o Gr0l Gt02 GOl WHTETU I REOAVHT lruI Y GRN t 8U G 03 ABS PUMP MOTON 19 46 BATTERY CHASGING SYSIEM UGHT 88ATE SYSIEM UGHT A8S INDICATOR UGI T tG s w 50 Al sTotHoRN lr5A A8S i lOT0R 150 Al A8S Ur rI 05A ...

Page 891: ...swtTcH WHIELj s0 rNolDs FRONT R ABS INSPECTION 12PCONNECTOR l 1 t0 8 7 o 5 1 ABS CONTROLUNIT CONNECTOR View trom terminalside ABS CONTROLUNIT COIINECTOR View t om terminal side CASE GSOUND GRMED t9 WASN 2 5 WARti r 3 fl ot T 11R tN 6 ROW RLW l 18P CO NECTOR 3 0 2 9 2 8 2 1 21 2 0 1 9 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1947 ...


Page 893: ...ONNECTOR A nL t i 9 YEL 8LK a Tt E swrlcH b Gt0l BRAK FTUID LEVEL swtTcH ABS INSPECIION J s0tEN0tDs IRONT R ABS CONTROLUNIT CONNECTOR View from terminalside CASE GROUND ABS CONTROLUNIT CONNECTOR View from terminalside GRMTD 2OPCONNECTOR 3 4 3 3 3 0 2 8 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 0 1 9 1 8 1 7 1 5 19 49 ...


Page 895: ...sion can rosult tlom a roduction or completo loss of braking ability csusing aevo o per sonal injury or doath 1 Withthe ignitionswitchoff disconnect the ABSin spectionconnector 6P from the connectorcover located on the cross memberunder the pas senger s seat and connect the ABS inspection connector 6P to the ALB checker oTHAJ SGOO108 Seepoge 19 32for othe applicable checkers 19 51 5 NOTE Placethe ...

Page 896: ...BS control unit There should be kickback Mode 3 S ndsthe drivingsignalof eachwheel then sends the lock signal of the right rear wheel to the ABS control unit There should be kickback Mode4 Sendsthe drivingsignalof eachwheel then sends the lock signal of the left front wheel to the ABS controlunit Thereshouldbe kickback Mode 5 Sendsthe drivingsignaloJeachwheel then sends the lock signalot the right...

Page 897: ...dl conJirmthat its respectivemonitor checkerblinksas the wheelrotates NOTE a Rotatinga wheeltoo slowly will p weak blinkof its monitorlight thl Jicultto see a In brightsunlight the monitorligl Jicultto see Performtests in a st a Insomeinstances it may not bep the tront wheelsfastenoughto ge dication It necessary stan the en ly accelerate and decele ate the The monitor lights should blink good whee...

Page 898: ...t s memoryby disconnecting the ABS 82 15 A luse in the under hood fuse relaybox ior at leastthree seconds ABS INDICATORLIGHT 19 54 1 ABS Indicatol Light Circuir CAUTION Us6only the digital multimet rto chsck th syst6m TheABSindicato lightdoesnot go on whenthe ig nitionswitch is turnedon Checkthe followingitems lf they are OK check the ABS control unit connectors lf not loose or disconnected substi...

Page 899: ...ABS lndicator light oft Conngct tho iumpor wi e Second pauso Socond p6u30 Socond paulo 2 1 5 Socond pau30 5 Sacond pauro SERVICE CHECX CONNECTOR I2PI NOTE a The ABS controlunit can indicatethree DTCS one two or threeproblems a lf the ABS indicatorlight doesnot light seeTroubleshooting of ABS IndicatorLightCircuitpage 19 54 a lf you miscountthe blinkingtrequsncy turn the ignitionswitchoff thenonto ...

Page 900: ...motor fuse 19 87 7 Highpressure leakage 19 62 Solenoid s 19 84 i t Pressure switch 19 63 t I Accumulator gasteakage 19 64 x Parkingbrake switch related problem I I Brake Jluid level I 19 64 I switch I I Brake sYstem light 3 tu Pulser sl 19 88 Wheelsensor installation o o o o o i o Wheelsensor o 19 65 J o o tqt l Wheelsensorls o o 19 67 Modulator Rearbrake drag o o rD o 9r Fail sale relay o o 19 69...

Page 901: ...ELAY BOX CIRCUITDIAGRAM 70 cc UPPER uMlTl 40 cc LOWERLlMlTl contct With onglnorunning ABS in dicotor llght ls Oil tith Bewic chsck connocto iumpod lsoe pago 19 55 DTC 1 b lndlcat6d Bleed high pressure fluid from the maintenancebleeder with the EleederT wrench see p6go 1 9 8 1 Connect the No 29 and 30 ter minals using a jumpe wire lor about eighl seconds Pump runr with a conatant 3oft touno Blo d s...

Page 902: ...YEL and No 2 YEL terminals TIE v r ch b OK at thb timo Connectthe No 29 and No 30 terminals usinga jumperwirefor about 1Oseconds Checkif there is any changein the fluid level in the reservoir tank Faulty ABS pump motor Rell6t velve i3 dofective and ooenl Replace tha ABS pump a em blv ls there anV change F uhy olonoid loak g6l R6plac6lho modulator unit Frompage 19 571 Continuity View from terminals...

Page 903: ...aYbox a CheckABS UNIT 7 5 A fuse in the underhood use relay box a Checkfor looseunder hood fuse relaybox connectors View from underhoodluse relay box terminalside ffilffilffil l _ 9lgl91l l l___q1_1_ _ ll Topage 19 60 JUMPERWIRE Wirh engine running ABS in dicator light is ON With s ruicecheck connector iumped lsee Pago 19 551 DTC 1 2 is indicated ChecktheABSpumPmotorrelaY seepage l9 87 Doesit work...

Page 904: ...necl the l8P 4wS 2OP connectorfrom the ABS control unit Check or voltagebetweenthe ABS controlunit connectorNo 18 4WS No 21 YEL RED ter minalandbody ground Flowcharts cont d 19 59t ls there battery voltageT R pairopon in BI K YELwire be twsen the No S R C MIRROR 15 Al fuso in the undeFdash fusa relav box and ABS PumP motor a lav Ropairopsn in YEL REO wire be tween iho ABS pump motor relay and ABS ...

Page 905: ...pump motor rohy and ABS pump molor ls th ro batt ry voltage Ch6ck for voltage betwe n the No l WHT BLU terminal and No 2l8LKl tsrminal R pairopenin BLKwlro botwoon tho AgS pump moto and g ound or pool ground 1c403 ls there battery voltago Fauhy ABS pump motor Roplac tho ABS pump a tom blv HARt ESS SIDE CONNECTOR BLK GROUNDI WHT BLU IMOTORRELAYI HARNESS SIDE COI NECTOR BLK GROUNDI WHT ALU IMOTOB 86...

Page 906: ...l Iml _trl UI OER HOOD FUSE RELAY BOX CIRCUITDIAGRAM SWITCHSIDECONNECTOR Continulty View from terminal side Whh 6nginorunning ABS in dicator light is ON With soryicechock conngctor jumpod s6o pag6 19 55 DTC l 3 is indicatod Bleed high pressure lluid lrom the maintenance bleeder with the Bleeder T wrenchlsee p6ge 1 9 8 1 Connectthe No 29 and No 30 terminalsusing a iumper wire lor about 10 seconds D...

Page 907: ... 4 k indicatod 8le d high pressure fluid trom the maintenance bleeder with the BleederT wrench soe page 19 81 Oisconnect the 2P connector from the pressureswilch Chockths continuiiy ol pr ssur switch b6twe6nthe No l YEL and No 2 YEL terminals Check for continuity between the No 1 YEL terminal and body ground on lh harnesssade connsclor Ropairlhort In YELwl o ttotwoen tho ABS control unit and P t a...

Page 908: ...ble causes lf theyareOK checkthe ABScontrolunit connectorsfor goodconnection lf not looseor disconnected substitutea known goodABS controlunit and recheck NOTE Beforetroubleshooting DTC 2 1 removethe ABS 82 15 A fuse in the under hood fuse relaybox for three secondsto clearthe ABS controlunit s memory then test drivethe car lf the ABS indicatorlight staysotf the probability is that the car was dri...

Page 909: ...lary substitulo g known good ABS control unit and rsch ck ls there Front 7O0 1 1000 Rear 1OO0 1600 0 DiagnosticTroublo Code DTC 4 1 to 4 8 Wh6el Sensor CAUTION Us only th6 digital multimeter to ch ck ths systsm NOTE lf a malfunctionis detected thiscodesppears andthefail safe functionisactivated TheABSindicator lightmay comeONafterrestarting the engineuntilthe DTCis erased bydisconnecting the ABS 8...

Page 910: ... tl_ 0 0 0 0 I L I I Contlnulty Visw from terminal side Roconnect th l8P 4WS 2OP connector to the ABS control unit Check each wire for continuity belween the whoel sensor harness side terminalsand body ground Rapalr opan lo wlr hrmaaa Chock tor looao whool 3onaot connoctoE It nocolltry tubati iuto a known good ABlt control unit and rochock HARNESS SIDE CONNECTOR FRONTLEFT FRONTRIGHT 19 66 hi r r H...

Page 911: ... in mode 2 and 3 Do sit work prop ly Checkto rctr bt k6 dr g ll OK sub ftut6 a known good ABS control unlt and ochgck ls there1OO0 1600O Dbgnctic Troublo Code DTC 5 to 5 8 Wheol S nsor s CAUTlOttl Use only th digltal multimotor to chock tho syEt m NOTE lt I malfunctionis detected thiscodeappears andtheiail safe functionisactivated TheABSindicator lightmay comeONsfter restarting the engineuntilthe ...

Page 912: ...dr op r lo whr h rnaar Chock lor looig whool lenaoi conn6ctorE It nocoraary aubati tut6 a known good ABS control unlt and rochock Positivs 3 3 k0 a 15 is OK Nogative Lessth6n 1 O is OK Troubleshooting Flowcharts cont d HARNESS SIDE CONNECTOR REARLEFT REARRIGHT GRY lT BLU BLU YEL GRN YEL e_HE _e o_r Lo l l l I 9 9 9 0 Contlnulty Vi6w trom torminalsido 19 68 ...

Page 913: ...S in dicator light is ON With so vic6chock connector iumped lsee pags 19 551 DTC 6 1 is indicated Removethe lronl faifsale relay from underthe gaugeassembly B ttoryVoltago Continuity Doesrt workproperly R6plac thc tront f ll f r hy Turn the ignition switch ON Check for voltagebetweenthe fail saferelay connectorNo 1 BLK YEL termanaland body ground Rep iropen In 8LK YELwlre be tween the No 9 R C MIR...

Page 914: ... unit connectot and body ground RED BLK FrontRightlnlet YEUBLK FrontRightOutlet RED BLU Front LeIt Inlel YEL BLU Fronl Left Outlet F p h lhon In wi b twgln tho roLoold lnd A S cont ol unh RED BLK Froot Right InLl YEUELK Front Rlglrt Outht RED 8LU Front L ft Inlot YEUBLU Froot L ft Outlct View from t rminal sid6 12P CONNECTOR 2WS REO 8LU RED BLK tFL r tFR rN YEUBLK IFR OUTI YEUBLU Ft our Vi w trom ...

Page 915: batlery voltage Chockto loosoABS cont ol unit connoctor3 ll n6c63sary sub stituto a known good ABS con trol unit snd ochock l8P CONNECTOR 2WS 30 29 2A 27 llJ 26 25 24 21 20 19 1 8 11 1 4 continuitvr Cl YEUGRN View rom ABS control unit terminal side View from ABS controlunitterminalside l8P CONNECTOR l2WSl 30 E 2a 27 tlJt 26 25 21 22 21 20 19 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 4 1 3 o un r V tt t f n Batteiy View ...

Page 916: ...ERELAYS Remove the rear lailsafe relay from underthe gaugeassembly Check relay function see Page 19 87 R placethc r6at fall_3aferolaY Doesir work prop rly Turn th6 ignition switch ON Check for voltage between the fail saferelay connectorNo 1 BLK YEL terminal and body ground R plir opon In BLK YEL wlro bo two n th No 9 B C MIRRoR 15 Al fute In th und i dalh lu roby bor and ttont f ll lafo lollY Tur...

Page 917: ...ity betwegn the ABS control unit connector and body ground RED WHT Rearlnlet YEUWHT RearOutlet Repairrhort in wlre b twoon tho aolanoidond ABS control unit RED WHT RearInlot YEI WHT RoarOutlot lTopage19 74 View from ABS controlunitterminalside 14PCONNECTOR l4WSl SOLENOID SIDE CONNECTOR RED WHT R INI 12 t 1 l 1 0 9 8 7 6 4 1 3 1 YEL WHTI Continuity O O View from ABS controlunitterminalside cont dl ...

Page 918: ...und laP CONNECTOR l2WS 30 29 2A Jl 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 1 9 1 8 1 1 1 5 1 4 o tFsR Continuity View lrom ABS control unit terminal side View from ABS control unit terminal side 18P CONNECTOR 2WS 30 29 2A 27 uJ 25 21 22 21 20 t9 1 8 t7 16 1 5 1 1 vorr e z V View from ABS control unit terminal side 20P CONNECTOR l4WS View from ABS controlunit terminalside ch ck lor looso ABS cont ol unlt connoctors I...

Page 919: ...S in lcator light is ON Wlth sorvicoch6ckconnocto ump d lloo pa96 t9 551 DTCa 7 1 6nd or 7 2 ir in dic tod oisconnect the lOP connoctor from the solenoids Check for resistance between the solenoid terminal No 1 RED BLK and No 4 ARN BLK FrontRightInlet No 3 RED BLU and No 6 aRN BLU FrontLeIt Inlet lsthere1 3 0 Check lor resistance between the solenoidterminals No 8 YEL BLK and No 4 8RN BLK Fronr Ri...

Page 920: ...t2WS REO 8LU REDiBLK FL IN FR NI 1 1 llJ 1 0 I 8 1 x 1 3 2 n o l tt o o Continuity View lrom ABS controlunit terminalside YEL BLK IFR OUTI Topage19 77 19 76 Check each wire lor continuity belween lhe ABS cont ol unit andfront solenoid RED BLK Front RighrInlet YEL BLK Front Right Outlet RED BLU Front Lelt Inlet YEL BLU Front Left Ourlet Rapdr opan h vri a batwaan tha oldrold d ABS coitrol unh REDrS...

Page 921: ...O1 G4O2 G rO4l Check BRN BLK wirs for con tinuity bgtwoonthe aolonoid3 and front failsate relay Rcpairopon In BRN BLKwl o b twean tho rolanolda and f ont lall ol relay Chack tor looae ABS control unh connactota lf nocolaaty ublthuto known good ABS contrcl unh ond rechock 14P COI NECTOR 4WS RED BLU FL IiI RED BLKIFR INI YEL BLK IFR OUTI Wiro colors of the tail saIer lav connecror FTONT BRN BLK BLK ...

Page 922: ...urnp d te6 pag 19 551 DTC 74 l indlc lod Oisconnect the lOP connector from the solenoids Check for registance between the solenoidterminals No 2 RED WHTI and No 5 BRN WHI RearInlet No I YELflVHTI and No 5 BRN WHT RearOutlst lsthete 1 3 O Disconnect the 12P 4WS 14P connectortrom ABScontrol unit Check each wt or continuity botween the ABS control unit and r6ar solenoid RED WHT RearInl6t YEL WHT Rear...

Page 923: ... ln wlre b twocn iho lolgnold and ABS cont ol unlt REO WHT RoarInlot YEL WHT R6orOutlct Remove the rear lail safe relav Irom underthe gaugesssembly Check for rglay lunction s e page19 87 Does it work properly RapLco tho rorr tril lafo roaly Check for continuity betweon the tail saferclav connector No 4 BLK terminal and bodY grouno Raprlr opon in BLKwl o botw66n tho hll refe rcl y and ground o poo ...

Page 924: ... does contact the paint wash it oft im nadillcly tYith water RESERVOIR TANK Brake Fluid Draining page19 81 10x 1 0mm 19 N m 11 9kg m t4 tb ft To right l onl brako To lolt tiont to agnr eat 7 br ke To loft roarbrake MODULATORUNIT Removal lnstallation page 19 82 Index Torque page19 83 10 x 1 0 mm 19 N m 1 9kg m 14 tb ft 19 80 ...

Page 925: ...Retighton the maintenance bleederand discardthe fluid 5 Reinstsll the red cao ReservoirBrakeFluid Draining 1 Drainingbrakefluid from modulatortank The brakefluid may be suckedout throughthe top of the modulatortank with a syringe lt may alsobe drained throughthe pumpjoint after disconnecting the pump hose 2 Drainingbrakefluid from mastercylinder Loosenthe bleedscrew and pumpthe brakepedalto draint...

Page 926: ...intorf lonce betwaon th brakapipos and othor panE 1 Drainthe brakeJluidIrom the mastercylinder 2 Relieve the high pressure fluid seepage 19 81 when the highpressure hoseis to be disconnected 3 Removethe intakeair duct 4 Disconnect the solenoid pump motor and pressure switch connectors 5 Disconnect the six brakepipesJromthe modulatorunit 6 Loosenthetwo owermount ngbo ts andremovetheuppermountingbo ...

Page 927: ...e a Do not rous the drainodtluid Use only cl6an DOT 3 or 4 brako fluid a Do not dissssembl tho modulator unit Replacotho modulator unit as an asssmbly if it is defectiv a Do not disassomblsthe pump oxcept plsssuro switchl 6 r 1 0mm 1ON m 1 Okg m 7 lb ft MODULATORASSEMBLY Do not disassemble CONNECTOR BRACKET SEALINGWASHERS Replace SOLENOIDS Leak Test page19 84 BANJO BOLT 35 N m 3 5 kg m 25 tb ft I ...

Page 928: ... 8nd GRNterminalas shown 4 Turn the switch on to allow sutficient gr ssureto builduo withinthe accumulator andcheckfor con tinuity lf ths ohmmete showscontinuity pressure switch turned on run the motor for 1Oseconds mors then turn the switch off a CheckiJthe solenoid hissesor squeaks Replsce the modulatorif the solenoidhissesor squeaks a Check the pressureswitch for continuity within 30 minutes lt...

Page 929: ...6porsonalinjury may l sult 1 Securethe pump assemblyin a vise and remove the accumulatorby turning it counterclockwise with a 19 mm oDen end wrench Securethe accumulator in a viseso that the reliet plug pointsstraightup Slowly turn the plug 3 112 turns and then wait three minutestor all pressure to escape Removethe plug completelyand disposeot the accumulator 4 ACCUMULATOR 19 8s ...

Page 930: ... LEVELLINE ltne 19 86 4 Start the engine and allow it to idle for a iew minutes then stop it Checkthe fluid levelin the modulatorreservoir and refillto the MAX levelline if necessarv Bleed high pressure fluid from the maintenance bleederwith the specialtool BLEEDER T WRENCH oTHAA SG00101 Start the engine and allow it to idle lor a few minutes then stop it Checkthe fluid levelin the modulatorreserv...

Page 931: ...he reverseorderof r movar 1 2 J RelayInspection 1 Removethe fail saferelaysand motor relay loca tion page19 501 2 Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsC and D Thereshouldbe continuity 3 Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsA and B Thereshouldbe continuity when the battery is con nectedbetweenthe terminalsC and D There should be no continuity when the baftery is disconnected Fail sateRelay Moto...

Page 932: ...t the probabilityis a distortedknuckle which shouldbe replaced FRONT WHEEL SENSOR 19 88 Rear 1 Removethe rearcaliDer assemblY Removethe rearbrakedisc Checkthe rearpulserfor chippedor damaged teeth and replaceif necessary Measure the airgap betweenthe sensorandpulser all the way aroundwhile rotatingthe hub bearing unit by hand Standard O 4 1 Omm O O2 O O4in NOTE It the gsp exceeds1 Omm O O4 in at a...

Page 933: ...m 10 N m 1 0 kg m 7 tb ftI Rear NOTE a Be carefulwhen installing the sensorsto avoid twistingthewires a Aftersensor replacement confirm proper operation see page19 53 E e ft I fr 6 r 1 O m m 10N mll 0 kg m 7 tb fr 3 8 x 22 t6 6 r 1 0mm lO N m 1 0 kg m 7 tb ft l l h Y 8 r 1 25 mm 22 N m 12 2kg m 16 lb ft 6 x 1 0 mm 10 rn 1 O 1 25mm N m 12 2kg m tb frl kg m 7 lb trl 19 89 ...

Page 934: ...ent 2G13 RearEmblem lnstaflation 2G7O RoofMolding Side SillPanel Reolacement 2G68 Seats FrontRemoval 2G38 FrontReplacement 2G38 FrontSeatCoverReplacement 2G4O Rear Reo acement 2G41 SeatBelts FrontReplacement 20 43 Rear Reolacement 2045 lnsoection 2G46 ChifdSeatAnchorPlate fu47 Sub f rame 20 71 Sunroof lndex 2 28 Troubfeshootin9 Tn Sliding Panel HeightAdiustment 2G29 RearEdge Closing Adjustment 2G3...

Page 935: ...o pago20l0 a U OUTER IIOLDING Replacemont so6ps B 2G9 TXX R Adjustm n s6epa 2G11 POWEA WNDOWMOTOR LocK cYLr D R Rophcemont sso p6gE2G5 d P ftto f a s t b RJ o HIiIGE r r3 CJ r DETEiIT ROD OUTER H I DLE Rsplaceinent Ee6p B 2Gs PLASTIC COVER I U ERHA DLE ARMREATPOCKET POWER DOOR MIRROR SwlTCH I I ER HA DLE TRIMPA EL FOWER DOOR LOCKSWTTCH I OOR PAI EL R plac m nt s66 psc e2G3 POWER WNDOW swtTcH r D S...

Page 936: ...LOCKSW TCH CONiECTOR POWER Wtl DOW slvrTcH coi EcToR Pry the c8p and ramovothe acrew then rsmovo tha armr stDocket SCREW Prytho cap NOTE Romove thedoorpansl with aslittleb6nding 8spossibl to svoidcroasing orbreaking it 95mm 3 74 In 1 l 12 hm io 7 1 L tu 5 CLIP REiIOVER sltAPO a177 SCREW fr r n l F o oa hl I l____l 45 mm 1 77In Rsmove the screws and clips bee clip tetnover attachingthg door pansl R...

Page 937: ...nd olasticcov r in th revarae ordel ol removal NOTE Maka sure the door harnsssssand connoctorsare lastenedcorrsctly on the door D tlarno ctp locltloo GROMMETS DOOR LOCK UMT Apply sdhesivoalongthe edgewhere necessaryto maintain8 continuousaealandDrsvsntwEtsr l6aks Beforetighteningth6 door psnelmountingscrewa makosur6tho door harnesaes arenot pinchod GROMMETS flEl ...

Page 938: ...0 5kem 3 6 b ft 4 LOCK CYLINDER ROD Pry the outer hsndlerod out ot its ioint usingI flat tip screwdriver CAUTIOI Whon prylngwhh a llat tip lcrawd vsr wrap h whh prot ctlvotapoto pravontdamlge NOTE To eas6 rosssembly note the location of the outer handlerod on the joint beforedisconnecting it Tske ca enot to damage the joint OUTER HA IDLE OUTER HAI DLE 6 Pu out the ret8inerclip then removethe lockc...

Page 939: ... then removethe innerhandleand lockcrank NOTE Tak6carenot to bendthe rods FASTEI ER 20 6 Disconnectthe connector and harnessclip from the door Removethe mountingscrews then removethe latchthroughthe holeinthe door NOTE Takecarenot to bendthe lods OUTERHAM LE ROD iloul Tllrlc SCREWS 6r 1 O mm 5 N m 0 5 kg m 3 8 b frl HARNESS CLIP 4 lnstallation isthereverse of theremoval Drocedur NOTE Make sure the...

Page 940: ... you can 8oe th thss mountingbolts then looa nthe glasamountingbohs Slid tho guid to the rear then ramov tho glaaa R r ldo FromaHa l___ l 5 Csrefullypullthe 9l8ssout throughthe NOTE Takecsre not to droptho glassinsideI GUIDE PIf L I GLASS GLASS MOU ITI G BOLTS 6 r 1 0 m m 6 N m10 6ks m 4 3 b ftl Check th guide pin for damag nec ssary NOTE Sclib Elinearoundth guidepinto s location GUIDE PIN GUII EP...

Page 941: ...O m m 8 N m 0 8ks n 5 8b ftI Loosenthe bohs MOUNTINGBOLTS S x l O m m I N m 0 8 ko m 5 8 lb ft q 10 BOLLER n 8 x 1 0 m m I N m O 8kg m 5 8 lb ft Greaseallth6 slidingsurtacesoJ th6 regulatorwhere snown Before removingthe powar window motor mark tho locationby scribingI line acrossth6 s ctor gear and r gulator Install using th6 motor mounting bohs Move th regulatorto tho originslpositionby conecting...

Page 942: ...ding lnstsllation isthe reversaof ths removalprocodure NOTE ll nsces sary rsplscsanydsmagod clips When instslling slign ths r88r dgs of tho outsr moldingwith the resredgoof the door OuterMolding Replacsmont Weatherstrips Clp bc rlon Replacement WEAY ERSTRIP WEATHERSTRIP rnside f CI ASsRUl CHA EL NOTE BeforeinstElling th6 w68th6rstrip sppv cle8rs68l8nt ths ar asof th doorasshown e lf necessary repl...

Page 943: ... andsdju the glassso h is p8rall6l with ths glassrun chann6l NOTE Mak6surethe guid6pini9inths centst sashguide GUE EPIl ROLLER GUDE AOLTS Loos6n R8issth glassasfar up 8s possiblaEndholdit sgainst th gbss runchann Thontbhten the rollerguid6bolts S 6 Makssurstho glassgossup anddown smoothv lf n csssaly sdjust the front channgl and c6ntor channel CE TER CXAiT EL 7 Rsisath giasstullysndcheckfor g6ps W...

Page 944: ...dgesshouldalsob p8rall8l Adjust 8t the hing s8sshown GAUTION Plec6a shop towol on tho ieck to prevent damagoto lho door whcn the mountigbohs arebosen d for adiuttmem DOON MOUI TING BOLTS I x 1 25mm 30 N m 3 0lg m 22 lb ft Looson the doormoumingbohsslkthtvto movotho doorlN or OUTuntilit s tlush withthobody tf nocoas ry youcaninstall a shimb hindoo hingE to m6k6the doo odgss PARALLEL whhthobody y i ...

Page 945: ...ldthe outer handleout and pushthe door against the bodyto besurethe striker allowsa tlushJit Do not tap the striker with a metal hammerto adiustthe position lf the door lstches properly tighten the mounting screwsandrecheck NOTE R place the strikor it it is cracked 1 8 1 3 Mirrors PowerDoorMirrorReplacement 1 Pry out the cov r panolwith I flat tip scrswdrivor then removethe covGrpanel Disconnectth...

Page 946: ...Replacement 1 Carstullyremoveths cover with a flat tip screwdriv r 2 Loosenthe lock boh then slidethe mirror stay from th lug REARVIEW MIRROR ffirSr FJ COVER MIRROR STAY Removethe lock boft th n r moveth toothed lock washsr8ndhoHspringfrom the mirrorstay LOCK BOLT Loft h6nd th16ads TOOTHED LOCKWASHEN HOLD SPRING HOOK PLATE MIRROR STAY 4 lnstallation is the revarseof the ernovalDrocedure ADIfSIVE T...

Page 947: ...LD Removsl s66p8g 2G 15 Instoll tion s66pago 2G16 UPPER FASTEiIER 2 solf adhosive typo CENTER FASTEER 1 Solf adh68iv6 tYP6 GLASS BRACKET12 Tr MOLDIMi R ar Wlndow RUBBER DAMS REAR WINDOW Romovsl roopag62O2O Instslldtion s opag62G21 Ouortor GLrr r I nuesen S V p s GLAss DAM LOWERMOLDtitG q GLASSBRACKET 2 OUARTERGLASS Romovsl soep8g 2G25 Installation soepagE2G25 20 14 MOLDII GHOLOER 7 ...

Page 948: ... v RETAINER 20 15 4 Pulldownthe front ot the front headlin r seepsgG 2G36 CAUTION Takecaronot to bondthe h6adln6roxcosrivev 5 Removethe other retainersand Jast nersfrom the body 6 Apply p ot ctivatape alongthe edgoof the dashboard andbodyasshown Usingan awl mske a holethroughthe rubberdamand sdhesivefrom inside the car Push the oiano wire throughtthe holeandwrap eachendaroundI pieceof wood PROTECT...

Page 949: ...scraDsoff all trscss of oH 8dhesiv8 thon cleanthe wlndshisldsurfac with slcoholwh6re new sdhesiveisto be appliad NOTE Mak surethe bondingsutfecs ia kept 1166ot watsr oilandgre8se CAUTION Avoid s tilng tho wlrdshl H on h3 edlps tmd filpE may hsr dovobp Into clrckt NOTE Cleanthe shadowed8reE WINDSHIELD 20 16 WINDSHIELD 4 Glue the rubber dams to the inside faca of th windshieldas shown to contain the...

Page 950: ...f the windshieldas shown then lightlywipe it off with gauzeor cheesecloth NOTE Do not applybody primerto the windshield anddo not get bodyandglassprimerspongesmixedup Nevertouch the primedsurfaceswith your hands lf vou do the adhesive may not bond to the windshield properly causing a leak atter the windshieldis installed Keepwster dust andabrasivematerislsaway from the primedsurface f Agply slast ...

Page 951: ...of the windshieldasshown NOTE AppWthe sdhesivewithin 30 minutesalter sppving the glassplimer 10 1 1 12 2 mm o Og Inl Tr Make s slghtly thickor bo d at 6achcorn r d upp r Fffi I AD IESNE t l 8 m m 10 31in E m m l m m o 31 lnl 0 04 l CET TER FASTEIIER At cslvE RUBBER OAM WI DSHELD WII DSHIELD WII DSHELD 13 Uso suction cup8 to hold tho windshioldover tho opening alignh with the slignrnont marksmad in...

Page 952: ...IT G f r I cLrP 31 WIl DSHIELD MOLDIT G k 4 RETAIT ER 4 17 Let ths adh6siv6dry for 8t l68stone hour than sprsy wat r over the windshisHand ch6ck for l aks Mark loakingErsassnd l6t th6 windshielddry then seslwith saalant NOTE Lot th car stand for at l ast four hours aftsr windshisH install6iton ll th6 c81 h8s to bs ussd within th first four hours it muatb6driv nslowly K66p ths windshi H dry for th6...

Page 953: ...screw grommst agEinldo not screw it in andDrsssit down 3 Pull the screw with molding hoHer o n of bodY th8 tns V Affi S ts ro or r HoLDER 10 R s L I 4 Peeloff th6 roarwindow molding NOTE o Whenth6 rosrwindow moldingremovslisdifficuh cut the 168rwindow mold ng whh 8 knife lf ngcossary remov6the screw th6n replacetho glas s brsckets REAR WINDOW MOLDIIIG Ronrovo th6 r6arhosdlinerls6op8g 2G36 CAUTIO T...

Page 954: ... bonding Remove the rubbsr dam and fastenars from the body Mask otf surrounding surfaces before applying orimer Clean the body bonding surfacs with a aponge damponed in alcohol NOTE After clesning keep oil greaseor wat6r from gEtting onth6 surface It the old rearwindow is to bs rsinstallsd use I putty knile to scrape oft all trac s of oH adhesive th n clgan the resr window aurtaca with alcohol whs...

Page 955: ...ASTEI ER 2 RUBBER DAM SIDEFASTENER 2 REAB WINDOW FAETENER REAR WII DOW 10 lnm 039 Inl H Nft I I FASTENER 4 6 Installth glass brack ts andfasten rs to thebody8s snown NOTE Donottighten theglsss brscketmounting 8crews GLA88BRACKETS 2 7 Set the rear window upright on the ghss brsckots than cent r it in the opening Make alignrnontmarks acroaathe roarwindow 8ndbody with Egreasep ncil at the tour ooints...

Page 956: ...ot to mix up glassandbody primersponges Nevertouch the primedsurtaceswith you hands 20 mm 0 79in 9 mm 0 35inl LJ I I GLAss f l Ndffi I RUBEER DAM 9 t Appiv body pdmor horo tGmm10 63lnl 7 4mm o 29in 10 1 1 Thoroughlymix the 8dhesiveandhardener togotheron a glassor m tal plate with a putty knife Follow th8 instructionsthst camewith the adhesive NOTE CleanI glassor metalplste with s spongeandalcohol ...

Page 957: ...hoptoweldampsnedwith alcohol lnstslltherearwindow molding NOTE Wheninstalling makesurethsre areno twists inthe rearwindow molding First instaltthe upper section th n installthe each side Gluethe uppersectionwith the adhesive 1 4 t a REAR WII DOW MOLDNI G CUPS 20 24 16 Installthemoldingholderon the low r molding 17 lnstsll the screws lower moHing then tighten the mounting 18 Let th adhosivedry for ...

Page 958: ...ape the old adhosivesmooth with a knife to s thicknoss ot about 2 mm O O8in on the bonding aurfacearoundthe entirequarterglassopeningflango NOTE Do not scrapedown to the paintedsurface of th body damagod paint will interfero whh proper bonding M sk ofJ surrounding surtacas before applying onmar 2 Clean ths body bonding surtace with a sponge dampsnedin alcohol NOTE After cleantng keep oil greaseor ...

Page 959: ...ASA 11 fxn lo4 l hl 5 With a sponge apply8 lightcoat oI bodv primerto the o iginal adhesiveremainingaround the quarter 91888 openingfl8nge Ths quarterglassshouldbe installed10 minutesafter you spplythe bodYprim r NOTE Oo not apply glass primer to the body and be carefulnot to mix upglsss8ndbody primersponges Nevertouch the primedsurfaceswith your hands f Applybodyprlmethte 6 Throughv mix the adhes...

Page 960: ...ointsand s t it down on the adheisive Lightly push on the quaner glassuntil its edgesarefully seatedon the adhesivea the way around NOTE Do not oDenor closethe doors until the adhosivois drv SUCTK N CUPS 10 1 1 Scrspeor wipe the excessadhesiveoff wlth a putty knifeor towel NOTE Use a soft shoD towel damDenedwith alcohol to remove adhesivefrom a painted surlace or quaner gEss After the adhesive is ...

Page 961: ...NER Roplacemont s6epag 20 30 PANEL BBACKET REARSEALHOLDER SIDE SEALTOLDER OUTER CABLE ASSEMBLY Rsplscom nt ssepag 2G33 MOTOR Repl6coment s e p6g62G32 b n o r REARDRAIN CHAI NEL FRAMESEAL REARDRAII TUBE 20 24 e or llniRt ttottt on o ER Y J ggygtr 4 FROTT DRAIN CHANNEL FAONT STOPPER FRAiIE Roplacamont soe ps B2G32 dtrr ...

Page 962: ...not attachedproperly Sunroof Danel do s not move and motor does not turn lsunroof panel canbe movedwith sunrootwrench 1 Blowntuse 2 Fauhyswitch 3 Battery rundown 4 D tectivemotor 5 Fsultyrelay SunroofPanelHeightAdjustment Boot panelshouldbe even with the sunroof sealto within 1 9 t 0 5 mm 0 o7 0 02 in 8ll the w8y around lf not tih the sunloot panelfully and SUNROOF SEAL Removeths sunroofliner seep...

Page 963: ...acket to the samepositionon eachside lnstall the sunrool panel ClosBthe sunroot panol then check the alignmentbetween the rool panel and sunrootpanel NOTE Adjust the sunrool panel right 8nd l ft bY usingthe oanelbracketmountingholes With the sunroof panelclosedfully check for water leaks NOTE Do not usehighPressura water SunroofLinerandSunroofPanel l Replacement Remove thefront of the roottrim Ali...

Page 964: ...d asfollows 1 Removethe sunroofliner seepage2G30 2 Removethe sunroofpanel 3 Remove the sealholder Carefully peelthesealoffthe sunroofpanel Scrow nutlocttlon r 9 c t 6 c A SU R X FSEAL Fillwirhadhesive SUNROOF PANEL 4 Cleanthe sunroofsealattachingsurfaceswith a clean cloth dampened in alcohol NOTE After cleaning keep oil greaseor wster from getting onthe surface 5 Fillthe sunroot seal groove with a...

Page 965: ... NOTE When removingthe motor removethe two mountingbohsandthree nuts 3 Remove the sunroolpanel see page2G31 4 Disconnectthe draintubes 5 Removethe 10 mountingboltsandrearhooks then removethe framefrom the car NOTE You mav requireassistance when removingthe lrame DRAhI TUBE To instsl sid6thsdrsintubsovorth trsrnsnozzl st loast10mm 0 4in DRAI TUBE GUIDEPIiI To install ins rtths Jrama sfearhooksinto ...

Page 966: ... bendthe cableDiDos MOUiITING SCREW GROMMET NOTE To install fill the groovein 6ach grommotwhh seahnt FROI T DRAIN CHANNEL CABLE PIPE PANEL STAY OUTER CABLE ASSEMSLY Slidethe p8n6lstay backwsrd than remove it from the guiderail Remove the lift r Jrom the inner cable end then separatsthe panelstsy lifter slidestoppet link 8nd slider NOTE To install applymuhi purposegreaseto the lifter and slidestopp...

Page 967: ... the calking to guide railmountfacesof theframe OpeningDragGheck MotorRemoved Betor inEtallingthe motor measurestfon required to opensunroofpanelusinga springscaleasshown cAuflo wh n rFlng a cp ng scals proiect the loadingodgoot tho sunroof panelwhh a lhop towol lf load is over 1Okg 22 lbs check side clearanceand sunrootpanelhoightadiustment s page2G29 ltooK ANCIIORSPRING At cHoRROD SHOP TOWEL GUI...

Page 968: ...he sunroof panel stops moving then immedistely releasa the switch andspringscale CAUTION When udng a spring scale protest th badng adgo of tha 3unroofpanelwhh a 3hoptowel ClosingForce 20 30 ks t4 66 lbs lf force is not within sDociJication installI new bck washer sdjustthe tensionby turningthe motor clutch adjustingnut and bend th lock washer agsinstthe motor clutchadjustingnut tocK WASHER SPRING ...

Page 969: ...IER Looaoh th6 bohs t O iGH MOUT T BRAKE LIGHT DCEILIIIG LIGHT OLE S Dbconnoct tho connoctol REARPILLAR TRIMPA EL NOTE Removethe headliner from the passenger s sidsdool opening l stallationis the reverseol the removslproc dure NOTE V lt en nsta ngthe lront andtsar head nsrs be csrstu r ot to lo d or bsnd R A so be cqrelu not to scrstch ths bodY Ch ckthat boih sidesof the tront andrearheadliners ar...

Page 970: ...AI EL Firstromov theroar headlinor s6s psg6 2G36 l ldB t T OSEATLOCKCOVER soepa 62G42 REARSHELF Fhstrsmov th spoakors s6 s ction23 and166lsoat upp rtrim panells epsf eMA OTRUNKTRIM RIGHT TRUNKFRO IT PANEL Firstrgmov the r6ar s6at soepags2G41 C REARTRIMPANEL u OOOOR SILL MOLDING oSPARETIRE LID v_trj DOOR TRIM OiIGTITKICKPA EL lnstallation istherevelse of theremoval procedure NOTE lf nocessary repla...

Page 971: ...obs then removo the reclinecover FrontReplacement RECLII E COVER r the Disconnect ths connector drivor sonly scREw MOUiTTNGAOLTS 1Ox 1 25mm ito N m l4 O ks m 29 tb tt Disconn ct th6 aeat hgAtorconnoctor canada I SR4WS sR v oulmonv xroa ORECLII E KNOB MOUI TING BOLTS 10x 1 25mm O N ml4 OkgFm 29 b ft 3 Instalhtionisthe reverseof tho rsmovalprocedure 3 Removeth screws then removethe centercoval R mov...

Page 972: ... 43 N m 4 3kg m 31 b ft INNERAEAT TBACK SEATHEATER UNIT To so6t back SEATCUSHION REAR SEAT accEas CABLE To 86at bolt buckh lo rast back Diaconnoctth6 r6ar 366t aCCgSll cabb RECLIiE AII USTER HoatedSoat C6nada SR4wS SR V SEAT BACK MOUNIT NG BOLTS 1Ox l 26 mm 43 N m 4 3 kem 31 b ft SEATCUSHION MOUI TING BOLTS 1O x 1 25mm 43 N m 4 3kg m 31 b ft JOINT ROD NOTE Takec6renotto b6ndth rod OUTER SCATTRACK ...

Page 973: ...erseof the removalorocedure NOTE To preventwrinkles mak sureths mat rialis stretched 6venv overthe lrsme b6tor securingallthe clipsandinsidesprings ll necsssary replaceanydamaged insidesprings RoDlace the cliDs t I f fo Sffi or crp rmovlr SEAT BACK COVER n I OU il ss K i l w Seal curhlon covar ramovsl 1 Removeth6 s6atcushionfrom ths inn6randouter s6attracks 2 Removsallclipsfrom undsrths ssat cushi...

Page 974: ...assomble in numboredssquencs _ G HOOK t2l OLEFT SEAT 8ACK 10x 1 25mm tON m14 0ksFm 29 b ft Pushthe roat cushion Pullth knob th6n dirconnoct th6 hook PulluDsndfomovotho 3aatcu3hion CARPET N GHT SEATCUAH oN OLEFTSEATCUSHION 2041 ...

Page 975: ...LI IDER R6movo thorear shotf seepag62G32 LEfTPIVOT BRACKET I t 1 0 rnm 10 N m 1O kg m 7 b ft tocKRoD NOTE Tak car not to bsndtho bck rod RIGHT PIVOTBRACKET Removo thsouanor trim pansl so ps a2G37 LEFT PIVOTBRACKET R6movo thosoatcorltea p d se psgo92 hstEllationisthe revsrs6of the r movalprocodur NOTE Bolore sttsching the sest back and sgat cuahion n8kesurathere ar no twists inth6 seatb h Whon inst...

Page 976: ...untingbolt then removethe segt belt 8nd seat belt buckle NOTE Wh n removingth anchorbohsandretlactor boh usea 17mm socketor box andwrench TUPPER ANCHORBOLT 7 16 20 UNF 33 N m 3 3 kg m 24 b ftl cont d 2 10 N m 1 0kem 7 b ft SEATBELT GUIDE MOU TllrlcBOITS 6 x l 0 m m RETRACTOR BOLT 6 x 1 O m m SEATBELT GUIDE SEAT BELT RETRACTOR 10 N m 1 0ksm 7 lb ft REiRACTORBOLT 7 16 20 UNF 33 N m 3 3 ks m 24 b ft ...

Page 977: ... 5 ChBckthat the retractorlockingmechanism tunctionsasdescribed on pago2G46 lnstallation isthe revors of the removalproceduro NOTE Makesureyou assemble the washers8ndcollslsonthe upp randlow6l dnchorboltaaaahown Beforeattschingthe quartertrim pan6l makssureth ra arenotwists or kinksinthe ssEtb6lts Onreassembly r pl8cethe upperanchorboh andcenteranchorbolt andu86liquidthr68dlock BEARING 20 44 ...

Page 978: ...uckle NOTE Whenremovingthe snchorbohsandretractorboft us a 17mm socketor box endwrench J TUPPER AI CHOR BOLT 7 16 20 U F 33 N m 3 3kg m 24 b ft RETRACTOR MOUNTING BOLT E x l O m m 10 N m 1O kg m 7 b tt TcENTER Ar cHoR Botr 9 3l i Tn ro n r b BUCKLE Checkthat the retrsctor lockingmschanism functionaas describsdon psge2G46 lnstsllation isthe r verseof the removalprocedul NOTE Beloreattachingthg rear...

Page 979: ...emovement on the anchorbohs lf necessary removethe anchor bohs andcheck thst the washersandother Dartsare not damsgador improperlyinst8lled Check the sest behs for damageor discoloration Cl68nwith a shoptowel if necessary CAUTION Uso only 3oapand wator to clean NOTE Dirt build upin ths metal loopsof the upper anchors cancausetha seatbehsto retract slowly WiDs the inside of the loops with 8 cl 8n c...

Page 980: ... Dlatesecurelv 8 x 1 25mm 22 N m12 2ks m 16 lb ft CHILDSEAT TOOTHED WASHER ANCHOR PLATE NOTE Do not removethe toothed washor from the childseat anchor plate Use the child sest anchor plste with the tooth dwssherattachedto it When installing a childseat on the rear seat follow the instructionsof the manutacturorof the childseat AdditionslsnchorDlates areavsilable r So not 3q i q t d sst a i sr Er c...

Page 981: ... to the radioandturn it on When the word CODE is displayed enter the customer sSdigitcodeto restoreradiooperation 1 Remove Frontse8ts seepage2G381 Consols seepage2G50 Centerpanel see page2G51 Dashboard lower cover kneebolster seepago2GtB Glovsbox seepsge2GS Rearseat seepage2G41 Seatcenterpad seepage 2 2 4 Pryout the clipsandremovethe retainorfrom the doorsilltlange Detachthe fsst narinthe driver s...

Page 982: ...RSILLMOLDING s6epage2G37 SEATHARI ESSES SEATHARI ESS DOORSILLMOLDING s6epage2G37 DOORA LL MOLDII G 5 Installation isthe reverseoJthe removalprocedure NOTE Take care not to damage wrinkle or twist the carDet Makesurethe seatharnesses areroutedcorrectlY DOORSILLFLAI GE 2049 ...

Page 983: ...lon Auiomlllc trantmllllor modal SHFT II DICATOR TRIM RING il ll S sF CAUTIO To plevenl damageto tho 3hlfl bvot knob ard shlft Indicatort m rlng wrap thom whh a shoptowol When pryingwhh a th tip sclowdllver wlaP h whh plotostlvo tapeto preventdEmago NOTE Takeca enot to scrgtchthe front andcenterconsolesanddashboard Slidethe front sest fullyto the rear SHIFTII DICATOR TRIMRII G FROiIT COI SOLE r hs...

Page 984: ... radiomayh8v a codedthett protectioncircuit Besureto gatths customer scodenumbarbofore Disconnecting the battery Rsmovingthe No 43 10A tuso inths under hood fuse r hy box Romoving the radio After service reconnectpower to the radioandturn it on Wh nth6 word CODE is displaysd ent rtha customsr a codeto restoraradiooDeration Tak carenot to scratchthe dsshboard andrslstedp8rts Do not dropthe screws i...

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Page 1072: ...rewthe boltin the centerandremovethe armature plate FLYWHEEL PULLER 07935 8050003 3 Remove the snapringB with a snapringpliers NOTE Oncethe snap rjng B is removed replaceit with a newone a Be caretulnot to damagethe compressorbody androtorpulleyduringremoval installation ROTOR PULLEY Remove the rotorpulleyfrom the shaftwith a puller andthe special tool NOTE Putthe clawsofthe pulleron the backofthe...

Page 1073: ...the rotor pulley onto the compressorboss with the soecial tool lf the rotor pulley does not press on straight removeit and checkthe rotor pulleyand compres sor bossfor burrsor damage CAUTION Maximum pressload il00 kg 882lbsl SHAFTRING REMOVER OTJAC _ SH2O3OO Vv 22 38 7 lnstall in the reverseorder of removal and Clsanthe rotor pulley and compressorsliding surfacaswith non Detroleum solvent Installt...

Page 1074: ...r in the 3y3 t n HEAT II SULATOfi 2 N m 1 2ks m I lb ftl RELIEF VALVE New p rt R 134 1 10N m 1 0kg m 7 tb ftl O RING NGwp rt R 134 Replace 1 lnstrllation Cleanoff the reliefvalvematingsurface Replace O ringwith new oneat the reliefvalve and apply a thin coat of refrigerantoil SP 10 P N 38899 Pl 3 0031beforeinstalling it NOTE Oo not returnthe oil to the containeronce dis pensedand nevermix with oth...

Page 1075: ...A C COMPRESSOR Measure with BeltTensionGauge Attachthe belttensiongaugeto the beltand mea surethetensionof the belt CompresgorBglt Tension UsedBsh 450 600N i 5 60 kg 99 132lbs New Belt 950 1t5ON 95 115kg 2Og 254lbs P S B lt UsedBeh 350 500N 35 50 kg 77 110lbs Nsw Eolt 700 900N 70 90 kg t5 l 198lbs NOTE lf therearecracksor any damageevidenton the belt replace it with a newone a Seethe instructions ...

Page 1076: ...MOUNTBRACKET I il I f oo oto t MO UNTBRACKET 6 x 1 0 m m RECEIVER LINEA 10N m11 0 kg m 7lb ttl 22 41 o Removethe two mounting bolts then lift out the condenser asshown CAUTION Do not damagetho radiator and con denserfins when removingthe condenser CONOENSEB MOUNT CONDENSER MOUNT CUSHION 7 6 r l Omm 10 N m 1 Okg m 7 lb ftl Installinthe reverse orderof removal and lf you reinstalling a newcondenser ...

Page 1077: ...ied pressures and can rslull in flre or exploslon causing iniury or property damags Never use compressed alr lo pre3sura trlt R 134a servlce equlpmsnt or vchlclo alr condillonergyslama Additionalhealth and salety inlormation may be obtained fromlhe refrigerant and lubaicant manufaclurers When an Ay C Svstemhasbeenopenedto the atmo sphere suchasduringinstallation or repair it must be evacuated usin...

Page 1078: ...alr condllloner ratllgoranl and lubrlcanl vapor or ml3t It accidental systemdischargeoccurs ventilatework area b lore resumingservice Additionalhealth and salely in lormationmay b obtainedkom the relrig rant and lubri cant manulacturers Rctriglrlnt crpacity 650 g 1231oz CAUTTON Oo not ovrrchrrgc tha tYstcm th comp t 3or will ba drm g d Connecta R 1348rsfrigerantRecovery Recycling ChsrgingSystemto ...

Page 1079: ...air to pressure lgsl R 134a servlce equipment or vehicle ail conditionersystems Additionalheallh and salely information may be obtained fromthe relrigerant and lubricant manufacturers Connecta R 134arefrigerantRecovery Recycling Charging Systemto the car as shownfollowingthe eouiomenlmanufacturer s instructions NOTE Be sureto installthe sameamountot new refrigerantoil back into the A C system befo...

Page 1080: ...ator 23 1 44 HighEeamfndicator 23 132 SafetyIndicatol 23 151 TurnSignaf fndicator 23 132 fntsgratedControlUnit 23 164 tlntedockSystem 23 158 Lights Exterior Back upLights 23 192 Brake High Mount BlakeLights 23 194 Hoadlights 23 183 License PlateLights 23 148 Palking Lights 23 186 SideMa erLights 23 185 188 Taiffights 23 147 TurnSignslLights 23 185 Lights Interiol Ceiling Light 23 190 DashLightsBli...

Page 1081: ... oTLAZ S140300 oTLAZ SL40400 A973X_041_XXXXX DigitalMultimete EeltTensionGauge Antenna Wiench Oeployment Tool Test HarnessA Test HarnessB Test HarnessC Test Ha nessD VacuumPumpGauge I I 1 1 I I 1 l 23 99 293 23 1 13 1 t4 23 214 23 322 23 303 23 306 23 222 274 30 l 23 309 23 243 lncludedin SRSTool Set OTMAZ SMSOOOA lncludedin SRSTool Set OTMAZ SLoOlOA I 23 2 ...

Page 1082: ...vity connectors8repsckedwith grease exceptwatertightconnectorsl a All connectorshavepush downreleasetype locks Nevertry to disconnectconnectorsby pullingon their wires pull on the connectorhalvesinstead Always reinstallPlasticcovers Befoaeconnectingconnectors make minalsarein olaceand not bent sure the ter a Checklor looseretainerand rubberseals Someconnectorshave a clip on their sideusedto 8t tac...

Page 1083: ...Keep wire harnesses away from exhaust pipes and other hot parts lrom sharp edges of brackets and holes and from exposed screws and bolts SNAP RINGPI IER 23 4 NOTGOOO A M Y P l l l r Testing and Repairs a Donot usewiresor harnesses with brokeninsulation Replace them or repairthem by wrappingthe break with electrical tape a After installingparts make sure that no wires are pinchedunderthem a When us...

Page 1084: ...rcuitoperation identifyoneor morepossible causesof the Droblem lsolate Tho ProblomBy Tosring Th6 Circuir Makecircuitteststo checkth diagnosis you made in step 2 Keepin mind that a logical simplepro cedure is the key to efficient troubleshooting Test for the mostlikelycauseof failurefirst Tryto make tests at pointsthat 8re easilvaccessible 4 Fix Tho Problom Oncethe speciticproblemis identiJied make...

Page 1085: ... circuit schematics WHT White YEL Yellow BLK Black B L U B l u e GRN Green R E D R e d ORN Orange P N K P i n k B R N B r o w n GRY Gray PUR Purple LT BLU LightBlue LT GRN LightGreen The wire insulationhas one color or one color with anothercolorstripe The secondcolor is the stripe I 9 wHr BLK ___ t t l R RELAYlln no Normally opon r lay rmal po itlon Normally closed relay G I T I t i l l t f CONDE...




Page 1089: ...Relayand Control Unit Locations Dashboard cont dl TRA SMISSIOT CONTROL MODULE TCMI 23 10 ...


Page 1091: ...Relayand ControlUnit Locations Floor 23 12 ...

Page 1092: ...1 0 1 Rightenginecompartmentwire harness C201thru C2l I G201 Left enginecompartmentwire harness C301thru C326 G301 Main wire harness C420 thru C435 and C484 C401thru C419 C436 thru C483 G401 G402 G403 and G4O4 Rightsidewire harness C501 thru C514 T5O1thru T5O9 G501 G502 G503 G504 G505 Lefl side wire harness C521 thru C543 G521 G522 Rearwire harness C551 th u C559 G5 5 1 Dashboard wire harness C6O1...

Page 1093: ...Battery positive terminal Connector ot Torminal Numbor ot Cavities Location Connocts to Notes T Middle of engine compartment T16nsmissionhousing Right side of engine compartment Body ground via battery gfound cables Battery Battery negativ terminal Connoctor or Torminal Number of Cavitios Location Connects to Notos T4 T5 Middle ot engine compartm nt Middl of engine compartmant Enginemount bracket ...


Page 1095: ...ecompanment Rightsideof enginecompartment Rightsideof enginecompartment Rightsideof enginecompartment Rightsideof enginecompartment Rightsideof enginecompartment Alternator No l fuel injector No 2 fuel injector No 3 fuel injector No 4 fuel injector Idleair control lAC valve Injectorresistor Intakeair temperature lAT sensor Powersteeringpressure PSP switch Enqineoil pressure switch Throttleposition...

Page 1096: ...THEBMOSTAT HOUSING c104 c108 cl13 t 9r ro cl35 C136 cl 26 crzrI c1J7 23 17 ...

Page 1097: ... Rightsideof enginecompartment Middleof engine MiddleoJengine Rightsideof enginecompartment Alternator No 1 fuel iniector No 2 fuel injector No 3 fuel injector No 4 fuel injector ldleair control lAC valve Injectorresistor Intakeair temperature lAT sensor Intakeair bypass lAB controlsole noid valve Power steering pressure PSPIswitch Knock sensor KS Throttle position TP sensor Hestedoxygensensor HO2...

Page 1098: ...c 1 1 3 cl32 ct 33 ct31 c1 c139 cl ct c123 c1 23 19 ...

Page 1099: ...Rightsideof enginecompanment Right side of engine compartment Right side ot engine compa tment Alternator No 1 fuel injector No 2 fuel injector No 3 tuel injector No 4 tuel iniector ldleair control lAC valve Injector resistor Intakeair temperature lAT sensor lntake air bypass lAB control sole noidvalve Power steering pr ssure PSPIswitch Knock sensor KS Throttle position TP sensor Heatod oxygen sen...

Page 1100: ...THERMOSTATHOUSING 06 El oa 109cl c1o3 WIREHARI ESS c l 1 5 C 1 1 8 c1 14 T103 1 2 I c133 c l 1 cl c l 1 cl22 c123 c1 c1 1 0 23 21 ...

Page 1101: ... bumoer Behindfront bumper Behindright headlight Middle ot engine compartment Behindright headlight Behindright headlight Behindright kick panel Righthorn Left horn A C pressureswitch Right front side markor light Right tront turn signal light Right front fog light Right headlight High b6am Radiatorfan motor Right headlight Low beam Right lront parking light Main wire harnesslC4Ol OPTION Rightside...

Page 1102: ...9 P 23 23 ...

Page 1103: ...t Middleof enginecompartment Middleof enginecompartment Left side of ngine compartment Undermiddleof enginecom panment Behind left kick panel Behindlett kick Danel Behindleft kick Danel Left front side markerlight Left front turn signallight Left front fog light Left headlight Highbeaml A C compressorclutch Condenserfan motor Left headlight Low beam Cruisecontrolactuatot A C wire harness C381 EGRc...


Page 1105: ...6 I 4 4 4 2 Lelt side of engine compartment Under left side of dash Und6r left side of dash Under left side of dash Under l ft side oJ dash Under l ft side of dash Left engine compartment wire har ness C3O9l A C diode Cond nserfan relsy A C compressorclutch relay Condenserfan motor A C compressorclutch G381 Left front of engine compartment Body ground via A C wire harness 23 26 ...

Page 1106: ...23 27 ...

Page 1107: ...rtment Rightsideof enginecompartment Rightsideof enginecompartment Right side ol engine compartment Right side of engine compartment Rightsideol enginecompartment Rightsideof enginecompartment Rightsideof enginecompartment Rightsideof enginecompartment Rightsideot enginecompartment Under hood fuse relavbox C945 Under hood fuse relaybox C946 Under hood fuse relavbox C947 Under hood fuse relaybox C9...

Page 1108: ...lcontinuos on prgo 23 3 l l UNOER HOOD FUS RELAY BOX lviow lrom bolow MAII WIREHARNESS c427 c42A c 84 c429 cont d 23 29 ...

Page 1109: ...deof dash Under right side of dash Under right side of dash Under right side of dash Under right side ol dash Under right side of dash Under right side ot dash Behind glove box Behindright kick panel Behindright kick panel Behindright kick panel Behind glove box B hindright kick panel Under right side ot dash Under right side ol da8h Under right side ol dash Underright sideof dash Under right side...

Page 1110: ...MAIN WIREHARNESS Continuoaon I Ipaee 23 33 I Continuo on I paso 23 29 c418 I c413 c414 cont d 23 31 ...

Page 1111: ...eot dash Under left side ot dash Under left side of dash Underleft sideof dash Under left side of dash Under left side of dash Under lett side ot dash Under left side ol dash Under left side of dash Under left side ot dash Under left side of dash Under lelt side of dash Junctionconnectof lgnitionswitch lgnitionswitch Combination light switch Driver sdoo wire harness C7221 Driver sdoor wire harness...

Page 1112: ... Continuoson page 23 31 c469 c46a c467 MAIN WIREHARNESS INTEGRATED CONTROL c453 c 54 c456 UNDER DASH FUSE RELAY BOX 23 33 ...

Page 1113: ...4WS control unit 4WS control unit Right rear wheel sensor Le t rear wheel sensor 4WS rear di ferential trans ormer Rear main steering angle sensor ABS 4WS 4WS 4WS 4WS 4WS ABS ABS 4WS 4WS Tsol Ts02 T503 T504 T505 T506 T507 T508 T509 Right side ot engine compartment Let tfront of trunk Left lront oJ trunk Lett front of trunk Left front of trunk Under middle ol trunk Undermiddleof trunk Undermiddleof...


Page 1115: ... Fueltank Fueltank Right side of rear shelf Middleot rearshelt Left side of rear shelf Behindrearconsolepanel Behind rear console panel Let tside ot floor Dashbosrdwire harness lC603 Main wire harness C461 Under dash fuse relaybox 1C917 Hazardwsrning switch Parkingbrake switch Passengor sseat heater switch Driver s seat heater switch Rearwire harness C5511 Passenger sseat heatel Driver a seat h at...

Page 1116: ...c535 c52a E 4 l l r UNDER OASHFUSE RELAY BOX ...

Page 1117: ... markerlight Right rear side marker light Power antenna motor Righttaillight G 5 5 1 Middleof trunk Body ground via rea wire narness RearWire Harness Roof Wire Harness RearWindow Defogger Ground Wire Connector ol Torminal Numbor ot Cavities Loc tion Connocts to Not6s L O 5 c652 c653 c654 1 2 5 L ft side oJ rear shelf Rearof roof Rearof roo Rearof roof Rearof roof Left side wire harness C535 Rearwi...


Page 1119: ...n gaugeassembly Behindsub gaugeassembly Behindsub gaugeassembly Behindsub gaugeassembly Behindmiddleot dash Underright sideot dash Underright sideoJ dash Underright sideot dash Underright side of dash Underright side of dash Under left side ol dash Under dashfuse relay box C9O7 Main wire harness C464 Left side wire harness C521 Dashlightsbrightness controller Cruisecontrolmain switch Sunrool switc...

Page 1120: ...DASHBOARDWIREHARNESS I 19 C602 C6O3 r r e UI DER DASH FUSE NELAY BOX C6i4 C615 C616 2 1 23 41 ...

Page 1121: ...7 2 1 8 4 o Behind left kick panel Underleft sideof dash Underright sideot dash Middleot floor Underright sideof dash Under left side oJ dash Under left side ot dash Under dash tuse r8l8ybox C931 Lett dash sensor Rightdash sensor SRSunit Passenger sairbag assembly Main wire harness C4781 Cablereel 4WS VTEC G701 Middle of floor Body ground via SRSmain hsrness 23 42 ...

Page 1122: ... lnL t l E Fi r EF r l lE ml ffiEHflHflHHil 23 43 ...

Page 1123: control unit Power mirror defogger switch Power mi ror switch Driver s Dower miror actuator Driver s oower mirrot actuator Driver sdoor lock switch Master oower window switch Canada USA Canada Connector or Terminal l umb6 of Cavitios Location Connocts to l ote c741 c742 c743 c744 c745 c746 c747 c74A c748 1 0 o o 5 5 6 Passenger sdoor Passenger s door Passenger sdoor Passenger s door Passenger s...

Page 1124: ...c745 c744 PASSENGER S OOOBWIREHARNESS 23 45 ...

Page 1125: ...c942 To di tor tan r llyl c943 lTodimrn rrCryl lfo h d ght r hyl BATTERY oretoncr cautes 1 ALTERNATOR I To ongino wtr I r ha n r T101 1 c945 I To mainwire I t harne tC42O c946 I To mainwlro r harn 3 C4211 c947 tr47f E46fC45lE44 fE43 lC42fC41ftr4oftr3s l tr4efC48f EsllEsof 23 46 I To mrin wir h m s I tc422l I ...

Page 1126: ...l8y hazardwarning lights 40 1 5A WHT ABS controlunit 82 4 1 1 5A WHT YEL Horns horn relay brakelights brakelight signal 42 20A REO GRN Parkinglights dash lights 43 1 0 A WHTA EL Clock B stereosoundsystem 4WS controlunit ECM transmission control moduleITCM 44 1 5A WHT Powerdoor lock controlunit 45 1 5A WHT GRN Condensertan motor radiator tan control module 46 1 5A WHT BLU Ceilinglight cigaretteligh...

Page 1127: ...SRSluso block C933 l AUXILIARY FUSEHOLDER 4WSl c909 c931 lTo sRsm6ln I I harno r C701 c932 lTo ignitionrwltchl c933 lTo und r h turc rclly box C9O8 l I To combinrtion I I lightswitch I Sporofuso SRSFUSE BLOCK C910 loptionl C911 loptionl C912 loptionl C913 loptlonl C901 To turn signal hazardroloy q nnrjl I 1a1920 UUU nr In lnnnnn 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 t UUIJIJUUUUT l lnnnr rrj nElr 1 2 3 4 ...

Page 1128: ...ernal connection Rearwindow defoggerrsl8y integratedcontrolunit YEL BLK Seatheate main relay Canadal A C compressor clutch relay ECM 12 7 5 A YEL RED Daytimerunninglightscontrolunit Csnada t 5 1 0 A YEL Gaugeand indicatorlights clock back uplights 1 4 7 5 A BLK RED Cruise control system t 5 20A WHT BLK Driver s Dower window system t o 2 0 A BLU BLK Passenger spower window system 1 7 3 0 A GBN BLK ...

Page 1129: ... h ma lc470ll c916 lTo D ln wlrc h mct C471ll c918 lTo m ln who hlrnr r lc466ll c919 c915 lTo mlin wlr h rno C469 l c917 Tol tt rid wl h rn r C523ll c920 lTo m ln wiro ha nor C468ll c922 lTo inlin wlr h no c t67 l c921 lTo Intcgrr d control unltl lTo mainwlr hrrru t C472ll 23 50 ...

Page 1130: ...39l15A No 40 1541 N0 49 l20Al ABS MOTOB RELAY wHT 4WS controlunit Tumsional fuiard rclay Hazrrd waming lighls ABS control unitlB2 akolightB Eke sigml ABS control unit BI ABS control unit183 WHT YEL wm Gnl1 0 1 17 54 GRN 8LK ECM l l 13l ltlT BLvcRN Tl 13 P ooo n h o 5lJ59 0 i wrrneo HloollAoltfrTu t t WHT BLU HtX rol i tt t cont d fro p g 23 521 23 51 ...

Page 1131: ...atdooabck controlutit Sters rdio clssott dayor Pow6l 6nt6nn6 motor Clock l Sl 4WS contrclunh Tra miaiion control modul ITCM ECM Clgrott lQht6 lgnilion koylight Keyintodock lohndd la Tl Intagratad conttol unil Trunk k t C ih o fght oat linkcortrroclor oLCl BIUEU Rrdiator f8nmotor raunm ENGTNE cooLAt T TEMP MTURE lFrom p4o23 51 Top g623 53 541 23 52 ...

Page 1132: ... Lrfth6ad tt High boaml High b 6m indicrtor hht Foglightr6lry oprionl FOG UGI T st tTcH Optionl I ORN coMEINAT oN UGHT SWTCH RED 8t 1 G401 G102 BIUiNED Riohttritight F ont p ing lights Roa aidemerkorlights Lhons6pht6 fEhts Int6grstadcontrolunit Daehhhts DEshlightsbrightnosscontrolunit Oplion O conrpclot Ljghtslin dimmodoltor clock A Tg po ion indicrior rd cru aaadic8lor toft tdxght DIMMER G PASSIN...

Page 1133: ...rchy loFion i8ilfl8sil3il LD 36 S11 llf uo l_ Rioht rdffghr Fmntprltin lightg R rrs re mafiorlights Lic ns pleto liohs kt grrtod controlunit D hli ts D hlights brighhGscor oludt OptionO conn ctorl Light3 indimmodolfor cbcl A T gcsrposition indicdor rM cruis iMicrtor l ft trtlghl 1_ YEURED lf l Jl illtT REo cRN lH Jl3fliSE G401 G402 G404 I I I r REO GRiI REDTYEI GRI I RED t GRI I RED UNDEN HOODFUSE...

Page 1134: ... Wndshioldwipd int minont rcl6y l Windshiold wip rnotot DleY WINDSHIED WIPE WASHER SWTCH BLKryEL lgritioncrtl Btt ryEL AUXIUARY FUSE HoL DER t4WS YEUREo 4lVSfiontmain raing lngh 36 eot F 4WS controlurtt L tWS r6srmein slo ting tngie nsor cont d 8LK YEL Inraka it comol olsnoilv6tuo DOHC F EGR cnntolaol noid vdv6 l Evroorutivc oinisioi IEVAPI Putgs control lol noillv6fuo BLKIYEL ch rgino3y3t m light...

Page 1135: 0 ak6rr lOptbn connectorl lloltar conlroip8n l Powd mkror lurtor i i powor mlror d io0e6r Modacontrolmotor il i a8sfril f trby ABS contrcl unh ABS i lp cti nconn lor 4WSconttol unh Rldirtorlln control modllo Rldirtortln control nroduk f Rrcirdhtbn control molor j fif HlSlBll SluAvHr 8bw6 moior r DAYTIME RUNMIG UGHIS YEURED 11 CoMTRoL UN T f Top 0 23 54 YEUBIX S t h tt mlin hy E VCcompllasof ctx...

Page 1136: ...swrrcH G10l G402 G404 BLX RED EU IVI I strrrorsol noid I __________r BUoi t T strd6f solonoid BLUif ED CM L FGM _Flmain r6leY BtuiRED Sub gru 6 l rk d ck llntlmal connaclion BIUiRED YEUBLU wm Buf loprionO conmctor Foghht3 loptionl PGM Flm3in roky i J solth orlrLy cont d UNOEF DASH FUSE RELAY BOX 23 57 ...

Page 1137: ... V Y I No 37 404 FUSE From pag623 51 I I G4ot G402 G104 WffT BtX Malter pow window lwhdl E orivo t war window motor BtU BLK P 3 ng powarwindow motor GRN RED suilRooF slyncH GRiI RED glnmot moior nrtnr sunooF slvrTcH GRNY smroolr oto Bt A G40l G402 G404 o c r p liFlfl itT f o i I I __i tlo 15 20A1 23 s8 ...

Page 1138: ...ion ICYPI nsor G10l E tr E cont d 23 59 w ttstu 1 l l l0RN BLU r 14 wHT I I ORN I WHT 8LK RED r 8rl 1 i4lsLurenir l ElarurrcL l 1 i JonNBLu L lOwrniBLU f Elont r L t lwHT El j Mdnnkehsmess Shield whe BU _ Transmbsion conlrolmodul TCMI ECM Vohicle sp d s6nsor IVSS Engino coola tomperature IECTI Transmi ion contrclmodulo ITCM DEta link connoctor DLcl WECpmssure switch VTECI 1 E r T riX_o r Bt Power ...

Page 1139: ...rdd ma 6rlight bft trontrumlign l kht o ffrkll vsl swhch L ft fmntprtjrE fght Wri iald wipormotor Wri bld wahd morot Wind i Hrvipor intonnitt nt nlay Bu 8tx 8u Btx Btl BU BIJ BU BU BU Right6ngin6comprt rafit wira hdtL Lrft onginocompitrnant wira h fiLd i A Cwir6hrm63afwrthot ronrl A Cl CondeNorfln molor Wth optionalA Cl BU olpjrx l F lFlBU t 6rr u J 8U Right lronltugrghtloption BU Rightl r I h dft...

Page 1140: ...hlA I L lurloo poCtlon witch BLX DimmrtlLv Bt EL unh l Ciger no lightor Fro t v lrtt Hom r by minltsring d gl saNot odva porv6 minordotog r lcantdal Powot minor lwilch Master powewlndow rwitdr Ddvor powar window motor E tr M6inwhohanoss Ddver s doorwir hamoss cont d G4o4 Bt Powd door lock contolunh F orlvor s doorlocllwhch l Odvlr adoorbcl rcturtor B Ht rolUu n 8LK St6r o radio ca8atl plryar P t a...

Page 1141: ...aslombv Clod Sunrcof closo rErry Sunrcofoponl6l6y nrfrr ofttot unfl T u m Powar window nlay Blowar notorrdrv s K D G521 fiop 0 23 61t deu Combinalion ligfrtlwhdl nd windCli ld wiper yra or witdr BI K 8tJ 8U Clu swlth lwth cruL contol Clurdtlm dod rwirdl lM Tl Bl K Ljght on chim b Sart lbdar min lthy lgrilionk yrwhch Oo rtl lietn rllrt BU lhrt r ft l tyitdl oashboerd wir6 ham ss ft sid r ir hanost ...

Page 1142: ...04 l4WS co rclunitl 7 i R6 r st ingmotor ffneO l Rear lt ring motor ffarf l t G505 Raar ito dno rrotor oamper fu tion Radrlacrimmotor lDempdl funclion I v rTl vFl ffau 8tK lws comrorunir conl d El Right sidcwir6ham 3 23 63 ...

Page 1143: ...ang r s s6 t hostorr6lay P6ssongor s sert hortor lwitch Fuol pump lFPl Bt x s1x l M l eu L f Hish mount blskoFght r c ilimlisht su lHlu t T Yt rc N Drst6 rohtt l Lln r L frunkletchrwhclr Driv r r6st b6hawitch Woof lmplfi r fwith s wn sDoako6 Fuol landing unit E L ftslde ire t ness E Foof wit E Rear wira hamcss 23 64 ...

Page 1144: ...Riohtr tdltqhr Lsft r Riohtl L ft J reea o m ncr gnt Poworantonnanrotor tt I unn I E Rear wnehmess sRsmain han ss E R windo N dofoggor ground wir Re rwindow defogg6 otot 23 65 ...

Page 1145: ...eratureot tho oloctrolyte Thb may forco ol6ctroly toto splay out of tho battory vontE Follow the chargor manufactulor s inatructions and chargo tho battory at a propol tato Useeithefa JCI or BearARBSTtester andfollow the manufacturer s proc dures l you don t haveoneoJthesecom puterized testers follow this conventional test procedure To get accurateresults the temperatureot the electrolytemust be b...

Page 1146: ...harged Test LoadCapacity 2 Apply 30Oamp loadlof 15 secondsto removesurfacecharge Allow 15 secondsrecoveryperiod Apply test load seeTest Load Chart Recordvoltageat the end of 15 seconds Voltage stays abov 9 6 volts battery is OK Voltagedropsbelow 9 6 volts batteryis no good 80D26L MF T I I_ BATTERYCODE 23 67 TESTLOADCHART Usethe test loadot 112the cold crankingamps CCA print ed on the labelon the t...

Page 1147: ...ction cir cuit Besureto get the customer scodenumberbeJore Disconnecting the battery Removing the No 43 1OA fuse ln the under hood fuse relavboxl Removingthe radio After service reconnectpowerto the radioandturn it on When the word CODE is displayed enterthe cus tomer s 5 digitcode to restoreradiooperation Removal 1 Disconnectboth the negativecable and positive cablefrom the battery 2 Removethe dr...

Page 1148: ...le locked To removeit firstlift the connector lid then pressthe connectortab down andpullthe connec tor out Installatioo 1 Reconnect the connectorsto the fuse relaybox NOTE To reinstallthe SRSmainharnessconnector pushit into positionuntil it clicks then closethe con nectorlid 2 Installthe under dash fuse relaybox 3 Reinstall the kick paneland door sill molding 4 Reinstallthe knee bolster and dashb...

Page 1149: ...vbetweenthe C and D ter minals a Thereshouldbe continuitybetweenthe A andB ter minalswhen powerandgroundareconnected to the C andD terminals Thereshouldbenocontinuitvwhen oower is disconnected a Starter cut relay a Horn relay a Cigarettelighterrelay a Powerwindow relay a Blowermotor relay a Radiator lan relay 23 70 a Seatheatermain relaY a ABS front fail s8ferelay a ABS rearfail saferelay a Conden...

Page 1150: ...a Hsadlightrelay a R6arwindow defogger r8lay a ABS motor relav 23 71 ...

Page 1151: ... Thereshouldbe continuitvbetweenthe A andC ter minalswhen powerandgroundareconnected to the D and E terminals Thereshouldbe continuitybetweenthe B andC ter minalswhen Doweris disconnected a Dimmerrelay D B E 23 72 a Windshieldwiper intermittentrelay a Sunroof open elay a Sunroofclose elav I A C o E 6 7 l1 ...

Page 1152: ...r continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table 1 Removethe dashboard lower cover left kne bol ste and left kick panel seepage23 68 Disconnect the 5 Pconnectorfrom the under dash fuse relavbox and disconnectthe 3 P connector from the main wire harness 3 P CONNECTOR Mainwire harnessside 3 P CONNECTOR UNDER DASH FUSE RELAY BOX 5 PCONNECTOB SOCXET rernrnsl Position WHT BL...

Page 1153: ... the No 43 1OAl fuse ln the under hood fuse relaybox Removing the radio After se vice reconnectpowertOthe radioandturn it On When the word CODE is displayed enter the cus tomer s 5 digitcode to restoreradiooperation SRSMAINHARNESS 1 Remove the dashboardlowsr cover and let t knee bolster 2 Removethe steeringcolumncovers UPPERCOLUMN COVER 3 Disconnect the 5 PconnectorJromthe under dash fuse relav bo...

Page 1154: ...he cus tomer s 5 digitcode to restoreradiooperation Removethe dashboard lower cover left knse bol ster and lett kick panel seepage23 68 Disconnect the 5 Pconnectorfrom tho under dash fuse relay boxandthe 3 Pconnector fromthe main wire harness Remove the steering column covers see page 23 74t 4 Centerpuncheachof the two shearbolts anddrill their h adsoff with a 5 mm 3 16 in drill bit CAUTION Do not...

Page 1155: ...e 23 82 Reassembly page 23 87 STARTER CUTRELAY M TI A T GEARPOSITION swtTcHtA Tl nd NEUTRALPOSITIONSW TCHI Test page23 148 Replacoment pago23 149 i T i Ii5i sw rcH rM rl Switch PositionAdjustment s ction12 Wir6 color BLK WHT BLKAA I T BLK GNN lnd 8LK RED Test page 23 70 _lEr_ f l D f r r r lFl L l rl l r rr1 rfltll l l 0mmm l Jmm 0 D0lj 23 76 ...

Page 1156: ...ed Theclutchinterlock switchturnson at the positionwherethe clutchdisengages 15 20 mm O 59 0 79 in from the fully depressed positionoJthe clutch pedal NOTE A full strokeof the clutch pedalis 135 145 mm 5 3 5 7 in from the fully released position Fully D6pro od Posidon CLUTCHINTERLOCK SWITCH 135 145 mm 5 3 5 7 inl Description 23 77 ...

Page 1157: ...H l Hr o crj 87 I BLl A t l T A n I r r NEUTMI POStTtoN swtTcH InA Tg er po ition Bwilch BLXNEO I T r l u z luNo F oAsH I k 7 5A RSEinELAYSOX r I I I 8t u RED I f7 ECM PGM FIMAIiIREI AY BSAKE CHECK CIRCUIT STATTER UNO R HOOD FUSE RELAY 8OX 23 7a ...

Page 1158: ...IVETERMII AL 1 Disconnectthe 4 P connector coil from the ignition Checkthe starterengagement Press the clutchpedalallthe way in M T andturn the ignitionswitchto START Thestartershould crankthe engine NOTE Oncarsequipped with manual transmission the enginewill not crankunlessthe clutchpedalis fully depressed a lf the starterdoesnot crankthe engine checkthe battery battery positive cable ground nd t...

Page 1159: or slippingwhen the armatureis rotatedwith the drive gearheld Replsce the gearsif damaged Checkcrankingvoltageand currentdraw Voltageshouldbe no lessthan 8 5 volts Currentshouldbe no more than 38Oamoeres lf voltageis too low or currentdraw too high check for Low batterv Open circuit in starter armature commutator segments Starterarmaturedragging Shortedarmatur winding Excessive drag in engine ...

Page 1160: relavbox Removing the radio Atter service reconnectDowerto the radioandtu n it on When the word CODE is displsyed enter the cus tomer s 5 digitcode to restoreradiooperation 1 Disconnect the negativecabletrom the battery 2 Removethe enginewire harnessfrom the harness clip on the startermotor 3 Disconnect the startercabletrom the B terminalon the solenoid 8nd the BLKMHT wire trom the S terminal N...

Page 1161: ...oving th6 starta disconnecttho ground cable from the battory BRUSH HOLDER ARMATURE OVERRUNIIII G CLUTCHASSEMBLY ENOCOVER GEARHOUSING l LABYRINTH TUEE NUT 9 N m 0 GEARHOUSING COVER soLEt otD Test page23 83 W q m r o o o s N with PERMANENT MAGNET 23 82 ...

Page 1162: ...ove the stsn r solenoid 2 Checktor continuitybetweenthe terminals in each solenoidplungerpositionsccordingto th table Terminal R M s Position GITUUNU RELEASED PUSHED o SOLENOIO HOUSI G IGROUT D PULL IN COIL HOLD IN COIL 23 83 ...

Page 1163: ... O8inr VEBNIER CALIPER 23 a4 4 Commutator Runout Standard Now 0 0 02 mm 0 0 0008 in SsrvicsLimit 0 O5mm 0 002 inl lf the commutatorrunoutand diamet rare within limits checkthecommutator for damage or tor car bon dust or brasschipsbetweenthe segments It the suriaceis dirty recondition it with a SOOor 600 sandpap r Then check mica deDth ll necessary undercut the mica with a hacksaw blad6to achievepr...

Page 1164: ...on the armaturecore Hold a HACKSAW BLADE It the bladeis attractedto the coreor vibrates while the coreisturned the armature is shorted Replace the armature ARMATURETESTER ARMATURE 7 With an ohmmete checkthat no continuityexists betweenthe commutatorand armaturecoil core and betweenthe commutatorand armatureshaJt lf continuitvexists replace the armature COILCORE COMMUTATOR j I 23 85 ...

Page 1165: rotate the armature The contact surface of the brusheswill be sandedto the samecontouras the commutator 1 Checkthat there is no continuitybetweenthe and O brushholders lf continuity exists replace the brush holder assembly O EBUSH HOLOER O BRUSH HOLDER BRUSHHOLDER ERUSHHOLOER 2 Insertthe brushintothe brushholder andbringthe brushintocontact with the commutator then attach a springscaleto the sp...

Page 1166: ...t available separately NOTE Check the condition ot the flywheel or tot queconv rterringgearif the starterdrivegearteeth are damaged trI Startel Reassembly Reassemblethe starter in the reverse order of disassembly l Pry back each brush spring with a screwdriver then positionthe brush about haltway out of its holder and release the springto holdit there 2 Installthe armaturein the housing Next pry b...

Page 1167: ...lf the pinion protrudes it is working properly NOTE Do not leavethe batteryconnectedfor morethan 1Oseconds Hold in Coil T sl Disconnectthe battery from the M torminal lf the pin ion does not retract the hold incoil is working proporly NOTE Do ot bave the batt ryconn ctodfor morothan 1Oseconds 23 88 Retlactlng Test Also disconnectthe battery from the body lf the pinion retracts immediately it is wo...

Page 1168: ...mthat the motor starts and keepsrotating 3 lf the electric current and motor soeed meet the specifications when the battery voltage is 8t 1lV the staner is working prop rly Spocitication6 Mitruba 80 A 01los aloclric currsnt 1 4KW 2600 rpm 01 mote motor spoodl Mitsuba 80 A or less el ctric curont 1 6KW 2600 lpm or mor moior spccd 23 89 ...

Page 1169: ...93 DISTRIBUTOR Top End Inspection page23 95 Removal lnstallation page23 95 97 Overhaul page23 96 Reassembly page 23 99 lgnirioncontrol Modu16 lcM Troubleshooting section 1I ICM Input Test Page23 98 IGNITIONWIRES Inspectionand Test page 23 99 SPARK Inspection page23 1O1 IGNITION COIL Test psge 23 1O0 SERVICECHECKCOT NECTOR 2 P TESTTACHOMETER 23 90 ...

Page 1170: ...pressure With compenssting signalsfrom sensors the systemdetermines optimumignitiontiming and durationfor ambientconditionsand sendsvottagepulsesto the lCM Compensation of ignitiontiming Control at Start lgnitiontimingis fixedat 7o BTDCJorcranking Thecrankingis detectedby the TDCsensor crankingrpm andslartersignal Enginecoolanttemperature ECT com pensation Compensation ltem RelatedSensorand Inform...


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Page 1206: ...Gauge Assembly CircuitDiagram cont d cRursE CONTROL UNIT No 2 7 5A FUSE ISTsigml Y BLU REO COMBINATION LIGHT SWITCH Y I I RED BTK 23 128 l ...


Page 1208: NOTE Theradiomay havea codedtheft protectioncir cuit Besureto get the customer scodenumberbefore Disconnecting the battery Removing the No 43 1OA fuse ln the under hood fuse relaybox Removingthe radio Aiter service reconnectDowerto the radioandturn it on When the word CODE is displayed enter the customer s5 digitcodeto restoreradiooperation 1 Removethe tweeter coverstrom the dashboaad covERs 23...

Page 1209: prot ct the main gaugeassembly then pullthe assemblyout and disconnectits connectors MAIN GAUGEASSEMBLY Sub Gaugs Assembly 6 Remove the four screws from the sub gauge assemblv 7 Placea cloth over tho dsshboardto protect the sub gauge assembly then pull the assemblyout and disconnect its connectors 23 131 ...

Page 1210: ...mblY BulbLocations Main GaugoAss mblyi RIGHTTURNSIGNAI IT DICATOR LIGHT 1 4 W 4WStNDtCATOn LTGHT 1 4Wl rl DtcaToRLTGHT t1 4 W sRs tNDtcatoF UGHTtl 4 Wl HIGH BEAM II DICATORLIGHTII 4 W GAUGE ucltTs 3 w r 5l 23 132 ...


Page 1212: ...chomet r is faulty reolacethem both as a unit SRSINDICATOR MOUNTING SCREWS x2 G 6 d s r a e r SRSINDICATORPANEL HOUSTNG Sp cificstion page 23 124 page23 136 FACE PAITEL TACHOMETEB Specificstion page 23 124 PRINTED CIRCUITAOAROA ilil0iltltil lt0tl Tilil 0ffi L0l SPEEDOMETER MOU TI c SCREWS lx3l PRINTED CIRCUITBOARDC ODO TRIP METER PNI TED CIRCUITBOARDB 2 vtsoR 23 134 ...

Page 1213: ...inalsand printed circuit boardscarefullyto avoiddamagingthem PRINTEO CIRCUITBOARD REAR COVER MOU TI G SCREWS x 161 FUEL ENGINE COOLANT TEMPEBATURE IECTI GAUGE Test p ge 23 139 142 PNI EOCIRCUIf BOAROBOX PRII TEDCIRCUIT FROIITHOUSING 23 135 ...

Page 1214: ...eterdo not 1 2 3 Speedometer odometer andtrip meterdo not work 2 BLK Underall conditions Checkfor continuityto ground Thereshouldbe continuity An openin the wire Poorground G101 BLK YEL lgnitionswitch ON Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe battery voltage BlownNo 23 15 A fuse Shortto ground 3 ORN lgnitionswitch ON Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe about 5 V Shortto ground An openin the w...

Page 1215: ...shon to body grcund Raisethe lront oI the car and supportil with stands Toucha probeto the ORN wire and connectit to body ground througha voltmeter Slowlyrotateonewheelwiththe otherwheelblocked Roplaca the vss soe Page 23 138 DoesvoltagepulselromOto about 12 V Disconnectthe 16 P connector at the speedometer Touch a probeto the ORNwire and connect it to body ground through a voltmeter Slowly rotate...

Page 1216: ... 1 8 kg m 13 0 lb ftl 1 8 in BSP Eritish Standard PipeTaper 28 threads inch Use properliquid sealant OILFILTER YEL RED WIRE POSITIVE TEBMINAL 3 lf the switch failsto operate checkthe engineoil level lf the engineoil levelis OK checkthe engine oil pressure and it necessary inspectthe oil pump seesection8 23 138 1 Remove the YEL REDwire from the engine oil pressureswitch 2 Checkfor continuitybetween...

Page 1217: ...f the voltageis as specitied go to step 5 a lJthe voltageis not as specitied checkfor An openin the YELor YEL GRN wire Looseor disconnected terminals Faultytuel gauge YEL GR L I r t t I Fi 1 1 I l l t I r YEUWHT 7 Turn the ignition switch OFF Connect a iumper wire between the YEL GRN and YEL WHT terminals CAUTION Do not connect power and ground to th lerminals it will damageth6 luel gaugs Turnthe ...

Page 1218: ...ut 27O 33O O go to step 6 23 140 b Check the resistancebetween the B and C ter minals lt shouldchangeevenlyas you changethe positionof the tloat a lf it does not change evenly replacethe fuel sendingunit a lf it changesevenly go to step 7 Supportthe sendingunit on a workbenchin the positionshown Top ot tho wortb nch Bottom ol tho tuel tank 8 Measurethe resistancebetweenthe B and C ter minalsby mov...

Page 1219: ... shouldcome on within four minutes LOWFUEL INDICATOR LIGHT lnthesubgauge assemblyl a lf the lightgoeson within four minutes go on to step 5 a lf the light does not go on within four minutes go on to step 4 til 4 Removethe fueltank accesspanelanddisconnect the 5 Pconnector romthe fuelgaugesendingunit Connect the GRN WHTterminalto the BLK ter minalwith a iumperware It the lightcomeson the problemis ...

Page 1220: ... light up check for an open in the YELor REDwire lf the wire is OK replacethe ECTgauge a lf the segmentslightup checkthe sendingunit Sending UnitTest REDWIRE ECTSEI DII GUNIT 1 2 Disconn ct the REDwire from the sendingunit With the snginecold usean ohmmeterto measure r sistanceb tweenthe positiveterminaland the engine ground REO WIRE 4 POSITIVE TERMINAL ECT SENDINGUNIT Checkthe temoerature of the ...

Page 1221: ...input test for the daytime running lights control unit see page 23 180 BrakeFluidLevelSwitch Test Removethe reservoircap Check that the float movesup anddown freely if it doesn t replace the reservoir cap assemblY Check Jor continuitybetween the terminalswith the tloat uDand down a Thereshould be continuity with the float down a Thereshouldbe no continuitvwith the float up Replace the resetvoir ca...

Page 1222: ...le atfocted SRShamossassemblyit it has an open ci cuit or damaged wiring a Aftel installing tho gaugo assembly recheck th operation ol the SRSindicator light MAIN GAUGEASSEMBLY Removal p6ge23 130 Disassembly p6ge23 134 INTERLOCK SYSTEM Seepage23 158 A T GEARPOSITIONSWITCH Test page23 148 Replacement page23 149 23 144 A T GEARPOSITION INDICATOR InputTest page23 146 BulbReplacemenr page23 1 TRANSMIS...


Page 1224: ...he dash board seepage23 13O 2 Disconnect the 16 Pand 1O Pconnectorsfrom it 3 Inspectthe connectorand socket terminalsto be surethey are all makinggood contact a lf the terminalsafe bent loose o corroded repair them as necessary and recheck the sysrem a lf the terminalslook OK makethe loltowingin put tests at the connector lf a test indicatesa problem find and correct the cause then recheckthe syst...

Page 1225: lights brightness controldialor full bright Checkfor voltagebetween RED BLK and REDterminals Thereshouldbe battery voltage Faultydashlightsbrightness con trol system An openin the wire GBN ORN lgnitionswitch ON and shift leverin any Posi tion except Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe bsttery voltage fof two seconds after the ignitionswitch is tutned ON and lessthan 1 V two secondslater F8u...

Page 1226: ...Sindlcator lighr 1 Removeths console thendisconnect the 12 Pand 3 P connectorsfrom the switch 2 Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table a Move the leverback and forth at each oosition without touchingthe pushbutton andcheckfor continuitywithin the rangeof tree play a lf thereis no continuitywithin the rangeof free play adjust tho position ot th switch as...

Page 1227: ...rtwhenthe shiftleveris in position anywherewithin the rangeof free play Adjust rearward lup to 2 0 mm O O8 in l A T GearPositionSwitch Removethe console thendisconnect the 12 Pand 3 P connectorstrom the switch Removethe two mountingnuts and removethe switch SHIFTLEVER GEARPOSITION swtTcH Position the slideron the new switchto positionE as shown above Shiftthe leverto Neutral then slipthe switchin ...

Page 1228: ...294t a Replacothe ntire affectod SRSharnessassemblyif it has an opon ci cuit or damagedwi ing a Afior installing tho gaug assombly roch6ck tho opelation of th SRSindicator light 1 Remove the main gauge assembly see page 23 130t 2 Disassemble the main gaugeassembly seepage 23 134 3 Removethe bulb from the A T gear positionin dicatorcircuitboard BULB I1 12WI 4 Installtheindicatorin the reverse order...

Page 1229: ...NSOR Test page 23 157 TNUNKLIGHT est page23 199 RIGI TBRAKELIGHT AILURESENSOR Test page23 157 LATCHSWITCH Test Replscement page 23 189 Safsiy lndicator Systsm Bulbsareusedto indicatewhenthe trunklidor a dooris not fullyclosed or whena brakelightis faulty Thebulbswill re main ON Jor about two secondsafter the ignitionswitch has been turned ON to show that the system circuit is functioning Blako Lig...

Page 1230: ...SafetyIndicator CircuitDiagram WHT YEL UNDER HOOD FUSE R TAY BOX Mreoncreo rn tro 38lY 0 8fi l o POWER I POWER 00oR tocK I D00R rocK 8fii 8Rifl Y Y H q Q n l8fi f lDooRsw TcH t l 1 1 23 15 2 ...


Page 1232: ...r light 1 Removethe sub gauge assemblyfrom the dash board seepage23 130 Disconnect the 30 Pconnectorfrom the subgauge assembly Inspectthe connectorand socket terminalsto be surethey are all makinggood contact a lf the terminalsare bent loose or corroded repair them as necessary and recheck the sysrem a lf the terminalslook OK makethe followingin put tests at the connector It a test indicatesa prob...

Page 1233: ...Faultybrakelightfailuresensor Poorground G521 G551 An openin the wire 4 GRN BLK Trunklid open Checkfor continuityto ground Thereshouldbe continuity NOTE Beforetesting remove No 46 15 A fusein the under hood fuse relay box Faultytrunk latchswitch Poorground G521 An openin the wire BLK WHTCeilinglight switch in MIDDLEposition Connectto ground Ceiling light shouldcome on ElownNo 46 15 Al fuse Faultyc...

Page 1234: ... come on when the ignition switch is turned to ON Door indicatorlight doesnot come on with ooorsopen J 1 GRN BLK GRN RED Trunk indicatorlight doesnot come on with trunk lid open 2 3 1 G 5 2 1 GRN BLK Brakeindicatorlight doesnot come on with blown brakelight bulb 2 WHT GRN or GRN Brakeindicatorlight remainson with good brakelight bulbs 1 G 5 5 1 Ceilinglight does not come on with door open with swi...

Page 1235: ...he D GRN wire of the 4 P connectorgroundedandthe brake pedalpressed o It the 6nAre LAMpllight comeson and stays on replacethe right failuresensor o tt ttreIERAKELAMpllight doesnot stay on go to step 4 4 Openthe taillightaccesspanelto the left taillight Remove the bulb socket housing watch the trTARnAMFl light when the ignition switch is turnedfrom OFFto ONwith the B GRN wireot the 6 Pconnectorgrou...

Page 1236: ...lac the sntile affected SRShamassassemblyif It has an opon clrcuit 01damagedwiring a Aftor inEtalling ths gaugo assombly rechock th6 opelation ol th SRSindicator light A T GEARPOSITIONII OICATOR So page23 144 INTERLOCK CONTROL UNIT InputTest page 23 161 KEY INTERLOCK SOLEI OID and KEY INTERLOCK SWITCH ln thg steeringlock assembly Test p ge23 162 A T POStTtON swtTcH T st page23 148 Repl cement psg ...

Page 1237: ...accelerator aresteppedon at the sametime a In caseof svstemmalfunction the shiftlevercanbereleased by pushinga keyintothe release slotnearthe shiftlever Key Intorlock System The ignitionkey cannotbe removedtrom the ignitionswitch unlessthe shift leveris inL 1 Whenthe shift leveris in any positionotherthan a solenoidis activated makingit impossible for the keyto be removeduntilthe leveris movedto t...

Page 1238: ... same color have been given a number suffix to distinguishthem GRN WHTl and GRN WHT are not the same UNOER DASH FUSEiRELAY 8ox SHIFT LOCK s0LEotD loN UNLoCK ERAKE cRutsE UGHTS c0t rRoL UNOER HOOD FUSEiRELAY 8OX WHT YEI HORN CIRCUIT GRNMIfT I G40l G402 G404 23 160 ...

Page 1239: ...ot obtained T st Desiredresult Possiblecauseit lesult is not obtained WHT GRN 1 WHTiGRN lgnition switch ON Brakepedalpushed Check for voltage to ground Thereshouldbe battery voltage Blown No 41 15 A tuse FaultyECM Faultybrakeswitch Faultythrottleposition TP sensor An openin the wire lgnitionswitch ON brakepedsland ac celeratorpushedat the sametime Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe lessthan b...

Page 1240: ... aftoctod SRShamessassemblyif it has an opon cilcuit or damagedwiring SRSMAINHARNESS 1 Remove the dashboard lower cover and knee bolster 4 Checkthat the kev cannot be removedwith powe and groundconnectedto the A and C terminsls a lf the key cannot be removsd th ksy interlock solonoidis OK a It the key can be removed roplacethe ste8ring lock assemblv the key intetlock solsnoid is not availabl separ...

Page 1241: ...nce check on this paqe a Whenthe shift lock solenoidis OFF makesure that the lock pin is blocked by the shitt lock tever a lf it is not adjustthe positionof the shift lock solenoid Rsplacement 1 Removethe solenoidpin 2 Remove the self locking nuts and shift lock solenoid NUTS Replace 1Ot m lnstall the new shift lock solenoid in the reverse orderof removaland adjustits position a when the shift loc...



Page 1244: ...onnectorand the socketterminalsto be surethey are all makinggood contact a li the terminalsare bent loose or corroded repair them as necessary and recheck the system a lf the terminalslook OK makethe followingin put tests at the connectorand the socket lf a test indicatesa problem find andcorrect the cause then recheckthe system lf allthe inputtestsproveOK the controlunit must be faulty replaceit ...

Page 1245: ...per switch An openin the wire B3 lgnitionswitch ON Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe battery voltage Blown No 17 30 A tuse ln the under dash fuse relayboxl Faultyintermittentwiper relay Faultywindshieldwiper motor An openin the wire 1 B1 Underall conditions Checkfor continuityto ground Thereshouldbe continuity Poorground G4O1 G4O2 G4o4 An openin the wire B9 lgnitionswitch ON Checkfor voltage...

Page 1246: ... openin the wire 5 B9 lgnition switch ON Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe battery voltage BlownNo 13 1OA fuse ln the under dash fuse relayboxl An openin the wire Power Window Key oft Time System No Terminal Test condition Test Desiredtesult 23 168 Possiblecause it esult is not obtained 1 B1 Under all conditions Checkfor continuityto ground Thereshouldbe continuity Poorground G4Ol c4O2 G4O4 ...

Page 1247: ...tinuityto ground Thereshouldbe continuity NOTE Beloretesting remove No 46 l5 A Iusein the under hood fuse relay box Faultydriver sdoor switch An openin the wire 1 B1 Underallconditions CheckIor continuityto ground Thereshouldbe continuity Poorground G4O1 G4O2 G4O4 An openin the wire 2 B6 Headlight switch ON Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe battery voltage BlownNo 42 l2OAJ fuse ln the under ...

Page 1248: ...aultydefoggerrelay Blown LED An openin the wire 4 B9 lgnitionswitch ON Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe battery voltage BlownNo 13 1OA fuse ln the unde dash fuse relayboxI An openin the wire I B1 Underall conditions Checklor continuityto ground Thereshouldbe continuity Poorground G4O1 G4O2 G4O4t An openin the wire B9 lgnition switch ON Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe battery voltage...

Page 1249: ...ig nitionswitch a There should be no continuity with the key removgd 8 P CONNECTOR NOTE Referto page 23 165 tor the diagramof the lights onremindercircuit and page23 169 for the in put test of the circuit When the ignitionkey is turned to O positionand removed with the lightson voltageis appliedto the remindercircuiton the integratedcontrol unit When you open the driver sdoor the circuitsensesgrou...

Page 1250: ...the 89 terminalandgroundat the RED BLU terminal the seat belt beepersounds and the timer contacts closeandopen Thiscausesthe seatbeltreminder light to ilash on and off After five secondsthe alarmstoos and the contacts emainoDen SeatBeltSwitchTest Slide the f ont seat all the wav forward then disconnect the 2 P connector from the seat belt switch Ch ck continuitv between terminals A and B a There s...

Page 1251: ...ctthe 8 P connectorfrom the main wire narness Thereshouldbe continuitybetweenthe A and B termlnals It thereis no continuity replacethe light lgnitionKey Light Replacement 1 Remove the steering column covers lsee page 23 741 2 Removethe bulb socket from the key lighthousing by turningthe socket45o counterclockwise 23 173 ...

Page 1252: ...2 COMBINATION LIGHTSWITCH Test page23 178 Repfacement page 23 182 DAYTIMERUNNINGLIGHTS CONTROLUNIT Canadal Test page23 180 HEADLIGHTS Adjustment page23 184 Replacement page23 183 FRONT LIGHT Beplacement Page23 186 FRONT TURN SIGf AL LIGHT Replacement page23 185 SIDE MABKERLIGHT Replacement page23 185 B type Test page23 72 tAt TAt I4A4A4I4A4 Y i l i l i l a L _ J a t l f t to k i I A typel Test pag...

Page 1253: ...90 Replacement page23 190 TRUNKLIGHT Test page23 189 Replacement page23 189 DRIVER S DOOB SWITCH T sr page23 l91 REARSIOEMARKERLIGHT Replac ment page23 188 LICENSE PLATELIGHTS Replacement page23 188 TAILLIGHTS Repalcement Page23 1 87 BulbReplacement page23 187 23 175 ...


Page 1255: ...GircuitDiagram Canada No 32ll00Al No 42 20A DAYTIME RUI INING UGt rs CONTROL UNIT DNLINOICATOR LrGHT 3 0W1 REDffVHT o Btu Ln nroT RN RED GRN RED BRAKE FLUID lVEL SWTCH 23 177 ...

Page 1256: ... hood tuse relaybox Removingthe radio After service reconnectpower to the radioandturn it on When the word CODE is displayed enter the customer s5 digitcodeto restoreradiooperation 1 Remove the dashboard lower cover and knee bolster 2 Disconnectthe connectorsfrom the main wire narness 3 Inspectthe connectorterminalsto be surethey are all makinggood contact a lf the terminalsare bent loose or corro...

Page 1257: ...LOW a o HIGH o Passinq switch Headlisht siitch OFF OFF ON o Passing switch H sdlight switch ON o o Headllght Dlmmor Pa ing Switch Tum SiqnalSwltch Seepa ge 23 197 fol turn signalcircuit dlagraml 23 1 1 Tsrminsl Position o I 12 RIGHT o N ut18l LEFT ar o 23 179 ...

Page 1258: ...ntrolunit 3 Inspectthe connectorterminalsto be surethev are all makinggood contact a lf the terminSlsare bent loose or corroded r pair them as necessary and recheck the svstem a lf the terminalslook OK makethe followingin put tests at the connector lf a test indicatesa problem find andcorrect the cause then recheckthe system lf allthe inputtestsproveOK the controlunit must be faulty replaceit NOTE...

Page 1259: ...Nl Passingswitch ON Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe battery voltage Faultypassingswitch Faultydimmerrelay Fsultyheadlightrelay BlownNo 50 20 A fuse ln the under hood fuse relay box BlownNo 51 2OA fuse An openin the wire 6 RED YEL 7 RED BLU Passingswitch ON Checkfor continuityto ground There shouldbe con tinuity Faultycombination lightswitch Faultydimmerrelay An openin the wire a ORN Combin...

Page 1260: s see page 23 2941 a R6placothe ntire aftect d SRSharnessassemblyil it haa an opon circuit or damag d wiring Remove the dashboard lower cover and knee bolster OASHBOAROLOWERCOVEN 23 182 4 Installin the reverseorderof removal 2 Removethe steeringcolumncovers COLUMN LOWER COVER Disconnectthe connector from the combination light switch assembly then remove the two screwsand the switch COLUMNUPPER ...

Page 1261: ...5 2 Remove a scr w th6n remove the flont side markerlight seepage23 185 3 Disconn ct the connectors from the tlont turn signallightsandfrqnt sids ma kerlights 4 Removeths front bumper seesection 2Ol Disconnectthe 2 P connector from the front park ing light and remove the light by removingthe mounlrngscrew o Disconnectthe 2 P connectots from the headlight bulbs Remov the mounting bolts and headligh...

Page 1262: ...nnectors removethe batteryandthe enginecoolantreservoir Disconnect the 2 P connector s from the headlight Turn the bulb holder s counterclockwiseand removethe bulb s EULBHOLDERS Do not touch the giass auLB 65W Adjustment CAUTION a Halog nheadlights can become v ry hot in us do not touch them or the attaching hardware im mediately attsr they havs bsen tuhod otf a Do not try to replaceor cleanthe he...

Page 1263: ...eDlacethe bulb turn the bulb socket 45o counterclockwise and removeit trom the housing BULB t3 cPl 1 Removethe screw and pull the front turn signal light assemblyout ot the front bumper FRONTTURNSIGNALLIGHT Disconnect the 2 P connectorfrom the light To reolacethe bulb turn the bulb socket 45o counterclockwise and removeit from the housing BULB t32CPI FRONTTURNSIGNALLIGHT FRONTSIDEMARKERLIGHT 23 18...

Page 1264: ...t from the headlightass mbly NOTE Becarefulnot to damagethe hoadlight and the tront fender Disconnect the 2 Pconnectorfrom the light Turn the bulb socket 45o counterclockwise and remove it from the housing then replacethe bulb 2 1 I BULB SOCKET BULB15WI FRONTPARKII GLIGHT 23 186 ...

Page 1265: ... pushingit in and then turningit 45o counterclockwise O BRAKELIGHT TAILLIGHT BULB 43 3 CP TURNSIGNALLIGHTBULB 45 CP O BACK UP LIGHTBULB 32 CP Oisconnectthe 8 P connector from the assembly Removethe six mounting nuts and the assembly taillight taillight 8 P COf NECTOR ASSEMBLY NOTE a Inspect the gasket replaceit if it is distorted or stays compresseo a After installingthem run water over the lights...

Page 1266: ...earSide MarkerLights Replacement Removethe screw from the rearsidemarkerlioht assembly Carefullypry the light out of the rearbumperand disconnectthe 2 P connectorfrom the light NOTE Becarefulnot to damagethe rearbumper LICENSEPLATE LIGHT 3 Take the lens off then replace the bulb 3 Remove the bulb socket by turning counterclockwise ir 450 23 1AA ...

Page 1267: ...hat comDensatas tor diodes or make sure you connect vour t st leads to match the polarity snown LatchSwitchTest Replacement Openthe trunk lid and disconnectthe 2 Pconnec tor from the trunk latch CheckcontinuitybetweenterminslsA andB There shouldbe continuity lJ necessary removethe three bolts and pull the latchou1ot the trunk lid then disconnecttho lock rod from the latch Disconnectthe trunk opene...

Page 1268: ...acrews from the c iling light housing Disconnect th6 3 P connsctor and r mov th housing Test Check for continuitv between the terminalsin ea ch switch positionaccordingto the table From 0 46 l5Al FUSE A Torminal P A o r A o t 6 D OFF o o MIDDLE G ON o A o t l ON l I t8w OFF b c B A B 23 190 ...

Page 1269: ... and pullthe door switch out Disconnectthe 1 P connector and temove the switch Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin sach switch positionaccordingto the table rermnal Poshion O TERMINAL BASEPLATE CLOSE OPEN o e TERMINAL SCREW 23 191 ...

Page 1270: ...MAIiIWIRE ENGINE WIRE MAIN WIR Back up Lights CircuitDiagram A rT GEAR POSTT oN uplioht IIFT SIDE WR HARNESS REAR WIRE HARNESS r l ucr Ts I t32oh2t t t UNDER HOOD FT S RELAY BOX 23 192 ...

Page 1271: ...ightsdo not go on checkfor An openin the YELor GRN BLK wire Poorground G551 Automatic Tmnsmission 1 Turnthe ignitionswitchon andmovethe shitt lever to LB 1 The back uplightsshouldcome on lf a back uplight doesnot go on checkfor Blown bulb in the taillightassembly lf both back uplightsdo not go on checkfor Blown No 13 1OA fuse in the under dash fuse elaybox It the fuse and bulbsare OK go to step 2 ...

Page 1272: ...BrakeLightsandHighMount BrakeLight CircuitDiagram ECM TRANSMISSION COMTROT MODUI E ITCM crursE coNTnoLuNn A8S Coilrnot UN T L Fr TAII TIGHT i F L 8u G551 1 T I F l 7 f nj BRAXE I UGHI ErcPI 23 194 ...

Page 1273: ...ion19 and recheck a It thereis stillno continuity replscethe switch a lf thereis continuity but the brakelightsdo not go on checkfor Poorground G551 An ooenin the WHT YELor GRN WHTwire Faulty brake light failuresensors seepage 2 3 1 5 7 t A B il JE High Mount BrakeLight Bulb 1 Inspectthe bulbsandreplace them if theyareburn ed out 2 4 Replacement Removethe cover ll the lightis taulty removeits two ...

Page 1274: ...o Replacotho ontiro aftocted SRShamess assombly il it has is an open ciicuit or damagodwiring UI DER DASH FUSE RELAY BOX TUNNSrcNAUHAZARD BELAY InputTest page 23 198 SIDEMARKERLIGHTFLASHER CIRCUIT ln the integratedcontrol unit fnput Test page 23 167 TURI SIGIIAL II DICATOR UGHTS ln the gaugeassomblyl Bulb Locations page 23 132 HAZARD WARI II G SWTTCH Romoval page 23 2OO Tosr page 23 2OO coMBll A s...

Page 1275: ...RIGITTI ESS COMTROT UNIT GRN YEL 3 COMBINATION t tcHt swtTcH V I TURNSIGMU HAZARD R I AY 6 4 llm md connoction I SIDE MARKER FI ASHER CIRCUIT llntheintagdt6d contrclunit llntamel conn ction I ALUGHTS T GRNIBIU rs urtfim in I ll I 0 r ru r ono uo GRN YEL GRN YEL t l 9 r t t BLK BLK HTS 1 GRN ryEL GRN I n 9r P l 45cP I MHT GRI frED t t h o Y i I S DE I SrDr I MABKER I MA l l H l s Bl K v ixea T P BL...

Page 1276: ...rcuit or damagodwlring Removethe driver sside kick panel then remove the turn signal hazard relay from the under dash fuse relaybox Inspectthe socketterminalsto be surethey areall makinggood contact a lJ the terminalsare bent loose or corroded repair them as necessary and recheck the sysrem a lf the terminalslook OK makethe followingin put tests at the socket lJa test indicatesa problem find andco...

Page 1277: ...ition BlownNo 13 1OAl fuse ln the under dash fuse relay box Faultyturn signalswitch An openin the wire 4 Hazardwarning switch ON Ch ckfor voltageto ground There should be baftery voltage Faultyhazardwarningswitch An oDenin the wire lgnitionswitch ON and turn signalswitch in Left position BlownNo 13 1OAl fuse ln the under dash fuse relay box Faultyturn signalswitch An ooenin th wire 5 3 2 Connectth...

Page 1278: ...enthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table Te minal il E ON o 1 o o t_r_ o o OFF CAUTION Be careful not to damage the console pan ls 1 Removethe front consolepanel seesection20 2 Removethe screw and turn the hazardwarning switch slowlyin the directionshown andremoveit from the centerconsole 3 Disconnect the 6 P connectorfrom the switch CENTERCONSOLE 6 P CONNECTOR 23 200 ...

Page 1279: ...noss install the short connector s on the airbag s see page 23 2941 a Roplaccthe entiro atfected SRSharnessass mblyif it has an open cilcuit or damaged wiring a Alter installing the gaugo assombly rechock the oD rationof tho SBS indicator light sRs DASH LIGHTSBRIGXTNESS CONTROLUNIT Test page23 2O4 MAIN HARNESS DASH LIGHTS BRIGHTNESS CONTROLLER Test page23 203 23 201 ...

Page 1280: ...DashLightsBrightness Control CircuitDiagram BATTERv rv 98 999l99sEsr9 g3ilfl H3il I No 32ll00Al No a2 t20A r r _ _ 23 202 ...

Page 1281: ... slightlywith tempera IUTE Measureresistancebetween the D and E terminals while rotatingthe adjustingdial Resistance shouldvary from Oto 1OkOasthe dial is rotated Turn the controlleroft clickingsound and check continuitybetwe nthe B and F terminsls There shouldbe no continuity lJ the controller is faulty remove the two screws and reDlace it 4 I I I t T i l I cANcEL I I ucrtr t0 Bwtl 23 203 ...

Page 1282: ...opo ation ot th SRSindicator light ControlUnit Input Test 1 Remove the sub 2 3 1 3 1 2 Disconnectthe 6 P unit gauge assembly see page connector trom the control 3 Inspectthe connectorterminals to be surethey are all makinggood contact a lf the terminalsare bent loose or corroded repair them as necessary and recheck the svstem a l the t rminalslook OK makethe followingin Duttests at the connector I...

Page 1283: ...e under hood tuse relayboxl Faultycombination light switch An ooenin the wire 5 RED Combination light switch oN Attach to ground Dashlights shouldcome on full bright An openin the wire 4 RED GRN or RED WHT Adjustingdial rotating Checktor resistance between the REDiGRN and RED WHT terminals Thereshouldbe 8 12 kOat all times Faultycontroller An openin the wires 5 RED BLU ano RED WHT Adjustingdialrot...

Page 1284: ...n circuit or damagodwi ing NOTE The radiomay havea codedtheft protection cir cuit Besureto get the customer scodenumberbefore Disconnecting the battery Removing the No 43 1OA fuse ln the under hood fuse relaybox Removing the radio After service reconnectDowerto the radio8nd tu n it on When the word CODE is displayed enter the customer s5 digitcodeto estore radioop ration DRIVER S DOOR SPEAKER Rspf...

Page 1285: ...rantennais controll d by the adioON OFF switch lt will extendfullywheneverthe radioswitch andthe igni tion switch areon at the sametime Whenthe radioor the ignitionis shut off the antennaretractsfully The antenna motor hasa built inrslaytogetherwith a limit switch for this function A TEI NA Repfacment page23 214 23 207 ...

Page 1286: ...nna r6tlect6d fullvl l7sLu yer fl en A l 5 l l l n E A R _ GRY Hr _l_ l SPEA ER ANTENNA ITAD YEL VXT I AT ITENNA IIAD GROUND 2 A 6 REOTYEI 416 RIGHT REAR SP AKER BRNAVHT I G401 G402 G404 COMBINATION LIGHT swtTcH I I BI U GRN j ffi i L _ J Wrth sixsp kaE o srER o RAoro o CASS TTE PI AYER I RED GRN t I l t4 I 8 R N B XI I I R I G H T I I I ITWEETER i I 23 204 ...

Page 1287: ...iagram WithSevenSpeakers System YEUWTiT AI T NNA tlA0 YEUWIfI IIAD rcWER Ai ITENNA MOTOR Wrth lhalnr6nns ctractodfully UNDER OASH FUSEJREI AY 8OX DRIVER SPASSENGER S 000R DooR SP AKEFSPEAKER WOOfER AMPLIFIER o ...

Page 1288: ...numb rbefore Disconnecting the battery Removing the No 43 1OAl fuse ln the under hood fuse relayboxl Removingthe radio After service reconnectpower to the radioandturn it on When the word CODE is displayed enter the customer s5 digitcodeto restoreradiooperation Remove the 1Omountingscrews then removethe tront console 23 210 2 Removethe four mounting screws and pull the radiopanelassemblyout part o...

Page 1289: ...nal WHT YEL Constant power Tuningmemoryl A5 YEL RED ACC A6 YEL WHT Radioswilchedpow r A7 BLU YEL Left roar speaker A8 RED YEL Right rear speakerO A9 BRN BLK Rightfront speaker O A 1 0 GRY BLK Left lront speakerO A 1 1 Notused al2 Notused A 1 3 Notusedl A 1 4 BLK Ground G4O1 G402 G4O4 A 1 5 GRY WHT Le t rear speakerO A 1 6 BRN WHT Right rear speakerO ...

Page 1290: ...ctorfrom the amplifier then removelr WOOFERAMPLIFIER 10 P COI NECIOR Woofer AmplifierTerminals 1 WOOFER SPEAKER Connocts lo 8 1 BLU YEL Lettrearspeaker E 82 GRY WHT Leftrearspoaker e BRNAA HT Right rear speakerO 84 RED YEL Right rear spoaker E YEUWHT Radioswitched Dower YEUEED ACC 87 Not used B8 8LK Ground G522 B9 RED Wooterspeaker D 8 1 0 WHT Wooler spoakerO 23 212 ...

Page 1291: ...tterypowerto the No I and No 2 terminalsandgroundto the No 3 terminal RETRACT Then disconnectpower trom the No 2 terminal 4 l_ 1 ilT fl I r t r I 5 lf the motor failsto operateproperly replaceit ANTENNAMAST Sticking Ant nna The antennasticksin eitherthe up or down position 1 Usingthe antannanut wrench removethe special nut spacer and bushing seenext pagel 2 Clean the antenna mast housing threads t...

Page 1292: ... in the directionshown and insen the drivecableinto the antennahousino Check for engagsment of the cable teeth to the drive gear by carefullymoving the cable up and down Turnthe radioswitch OFF andletthe motorpull the drivecableinsidethe ant nnahousing Cleanthe threadson the antennamast housing Insert the antenna mast into the antenna housing install the bushing and spacer and tighten the sp cialn...

Page 1293: ...ennamast SPACER ANTENT A LEAD colrr EcToR DRAINHOSE OTJAA OOIOOOA 0 23 kg m 1 7 lb ft PowerAntennaMotol MOTOR BRAC ET MOUNTING NUT When installing the new antenna tightsn the special nut first thon tighten the mounting nut on the motor brack t DoorSpeaker RePlacement Remov the door panel R mov6the tour screws then disconnectthe 2 P connoctor from the speak r and remove the soeaKer 2 23 215 ...

Page 1294: ... Speeren lsseireLv Removethe three screws from the adapter then removethe speakercover Remove thethreescrews thenremovethe soeaker f om the adaDter Tweeter Replacement 1 Carefully pry the tweeter cover out of the dashboard then disconnectthe connectorsfrom the soeaker LEFT TWEETER COVER Removethe two screws and removethe tweeter from the cover 2 23 216 ...

Page 1295: ...Replacement Removethe rearseatuppertrim panel seesection 201 Removethe four screws and disconnectthe 2 P connector from the speaker then replace the sDeaKer REARCONSOLEPANEL WOOFERSPEAKER 2 P CONNECTOR 23 217 ...

Page 1296: ...GircuitDiagram FUEI dd EilGlNE CooLAi T TEIIIP MruNE IECT1 COMTROL CIRCUTT COi EI ATON UGXT S1VITCH V I I REO Bt K r vaai llFla httd onthd lwltdt do mt tlLr to th v iclo loood lartsr 8t G401 G402 G404 23 218 ...

Page 1297: ...th6 sRs indicator light Romoval I Remove the righttweetercover seepage23 130 2 Remove the instrument panel visor see page 23 130 3 Removethe blackJacepanel seepage23 130 4 Remove the sub gauge assembly see page 2 3 1 3 1 Terminals Tsrminal wira Connectato T rminal Connoctsto NOTE Theseletterson the switch do not referto the VehicleSoeedSensor F5 Fl Yry F 1 BLK Ground F2 RED BLK Combination light s...

Page 1298: insulation a Beforo disconnecting the SRS wire ham ss install tha short connecto s on the airbagls see page 23 2941 a Roplacothe ontire afloctod SRSharnossassomblyil it has an open cilcuit or damag d wifng HORNS fesi page 23 221 HORNSWITCHES Tesr page 23 222 I t REEL fesr page23 222 23 220 ...

Page 1299: ...N UGTIT CircuitDiagram Test 1 Disconnectths 2 P connector and remove the norn 2 Test the horn by connecting batte y power to one terminaland groundingthe oth r The hornshould sound 2 PcOlrllrlECTOR 3 lf it failsto sound replaceit 23 221 ...

Page 1300: the radio After servica reconnect pow r to the radio and turn it on When the word CODE is displayed ent6r the customer s 5 digit cod to restore r8dio operation Disconnect the baftery negative cable and then positive cable Make sure the wheels are turned straight ahead Remove the two scrows and accoss panel th6n removethe short connector trom the acc6ssDanel Disconnsctthe airbag conn ctor and c...

Page 1301: ...tch in the sequence shown cRutsE cot TRoL SET RESUME swtTcH cRursE CONTBOL SET RESUME swtTcx covER 1O Removethe two TORXo bolts using a TORX T3Obit then removethe driver sairbagassembly AIRAAG ASSEMALY CRUISE CONTROL SET RESUME swlrcl covER 11 Checktor continuitybetweenthe hornpositiveter minal and steering shaft with the horn switch pressed HORf POSITIVE TERMII AL STEERING SHAFT a lf there is con...

Page 1302: ...3 224 Component LocationIndex CIGARETTE LIGHTER Repf acement page23 226 CIGARETTE LIGHTER RELAY A tyD l fwrc cotolt Veuneo wxrlglu IBLK ndWHT RED I esr page 23 70 2 rl D r r f l L l rl __ _ ccL___J nllfl l1 0mm il ummmml ...

Page 1303: ...CircuitDiagram YEURED I I V STEREO RADIO CASSETTE PITYER UNOER _DASH FUSE RELAY 8OX Bu G40r G402 G404 BI K I G40t G402 G404 tct utoN swtTcH 6i adf wHIiBLUTwHr BLU U DER HOOD FUSE REI AY BOX 23 225 ...

Page 1304: ...he radio and turn it on When the word CODE is displayed enter the customer s5 digitcodeto restoreradioopgration 3 Disconnect the thermofuse socket housing flom the CIGARETTE LIGHTER 4 Remove the ring nut and s parate the cigar6tta lighter socket trom the th rmal protector Wh6n installingthe cigarette lighter align ach lug on th face pansl illuminstion ring and cigarette lighter socket with the gro...

Page 1305: ...WINDOW DEFOGGER SWITCH Test page 23 230 Replacement 23 230 UNDER DASHFUSE RELAY BOX wftDow DEFOGGER RELAY A Typ6l Test psge 23 7 l REAR OEFOGGER FunctionTest page 23 231 DEFOGGER CIRCUIT ln the integratedcontrol unit fnput Test pago 23 170 The rearwindow defoggeris controlledby the integrated controlunit Whenthe defoggerswitch in th heatercontrol panelis pushed it sendsa signalto the defoggertimer...


Page 1307: ... 8 l z a c g 3 i 9 c g o o x o o F E a o c lo o o 3 o ot o co o E o E 5 E Defogger works but indicator light dogsnot go on 1 3 BLK YEL YEL GRN Oefoggerdoes not work and indicator light does not go on 3 1 YEL Defoggor doas not work but indicatorlight goeson 2 I 5 5 4 G401 G402 G404 G801 BLK GRNI YEL WHT BLK GRN Defogger ontime too long or too short compared with the normalON time 25 minutes I G401 ...

Page 1308: ...nnect the connectors then remove the hester control paner Install in the reverseorder of removal After installing the control panel connect the air mix cable see section 22 and mak sure the temperature control function works correctly SwitchTest Removsth heater control Danel Checkfor continuitv between th terminalsaccord ing to the table BEAR YVITDOW DEFOGGER SWITCH o Terminal t __ t1 1 4 l 6 l 2 ...

Page 1309: ... oximately 6 V with the igni tion switch and detogger switch ON a lf the voltage is as specified the defogger wire is OK a lf the voltage is not as specified repair the defogger lf it is more than 6 V ther is a break in the negativehalf of th wire lf it is l ss than 6 V there is a break in the Dositivehalf of the wire Defogger WiresRepair NOTE To make an effective repair the brokensection must be ...

Page 1310: ...ERSWITCH Test page23 235 Replacement page 23 235 Description Two heatersare providedin each front seat one in the seat cushionand anotherin the seat back In normaluse temperature is automatically controlled bythe thermostat OFFabove104oF 40oCl builtintoeachseatcushionheater Breaker1 OFFabove l22oF 50oC land breaker2 IOFFabove158 F 70 C 1cut ott the circuitto preventabnormal temoeraturerise 23 232 ...

Page 1311: ...ELAY C R SEAT HEATER REI AY BLK l 1 8LK t TI I 8LK BLK I _lr G521 BRI BREAKER I OFFdbove122 F lSOc l TH1 THERMOSTAT IOFFabove1O4oF 4Oc BR2 EREAKER I OFFabove158oF 7Oc l t l l l I l r r r t J I i i i 1 i I r r r l r r l l i i 9 t I i i l 8 8 O l I f o IJ i L SEAT BACK L SEAT CUSHION I r i R SEAT CUSHION R SEATHEA ER 23 233 ...

Page 1312: ...o o o ro o o o D o t o o o E o g Seat heaterswork but indicator light doesnot go on 1 BLK Seat heatersdo not work and indicator light does not go on I 5 G401 G402 G404 G521 WHT BLK BLK GRN YEL BLK WHT RED Seat heatersdo not wo k but indicator light goeson Left or right seat 1 GRN WHT WHT GRN BLU WHT RED WHT BLU Seat cushion heater or seat back hearer does not work but indicator light goes on 1 BLU...

Page 1313: ...nnectortrom the switch 6 PCONNECTOR 1 SwitchTest 1 Removethe seat heater switch Jrom the console 2 Checkto continuitybetweenthe terminalsaccor ding to the table NOTE Left and rightseatheaterswitchesarethe same 6 Position Torminal I o ON o a o 7 OFF o Z o 7 INDICATOR t Gt T l0 84wl 23 235 ...

Page 1314: ...No 8 ter minals Rx 103scale Thereshouldbe continuitv Seat HeaterRelayTest Removethe soat then rsmove the relav from the bottom of ths seat Check continuity between relav terminsls a Ther8should be continuity between the F and A terminals and the C and D terminals when power and ground are connectedto th F 8nd E terminals a Th6rs should be continuity between the F and D t6rminals when power is disc...

Page 1315: tho SRS wire ha noss install ths short connector s on tho airbag s soe pag6 23 294t a Replacetho entiro affsctod SRSharnessassemblyif h has an op6n circuit or damagedwidng SUNROOF CLOSE RELAY B typo Test Pag sut RooF OPEI RELAY B typ Tost page 23 72 SUNROOFMOTOR Test page 23 241 J D l r l I CC lm llm r llfll l m I mmm 23 237 ...


Page 1317: ... b E 5 8 5 o 6 z a c ID 6 a t e Y F 6 z 9 c g E a e Y 6 r z c P i 9 c g I 3 6 rL g ID 0 o g E a 3 o L c Sunroof does not move but motor tuns 1 Sunroot does not move and motor does not run sunroof can be movedwith sunrootwrench With either switch 4 6 G401 G402 G404 WHT BLU BLK YEL GRN YEL or GRN RED With OPEN switch 1 GRN YEL or GRN REO withcLosE switch 1 GRN RED or GRN YEL 23 239 ...

Page 1318: ...hboard then disconnectthe connectorsfrom them 2 Removethe sunroolswitch from the switch o8n6l 23 240 3 Ch6ckfor continuity between the terminalsin each switch position sccording to the table rormrnal Position A I D OFF o o OPEN G o o o ctosE G A o A B c D E ucHT t t1 1wl ...

Page 1319: ...o by connectingpowerandgroundto the 1 and 2 terminalsaccordingto the table The motor shouldrun smoothlY NOTE Motor clutchtest is in section20 OPEN No 1 terminalto ground No 2 terminalto Power CLOSE No 1 terminalto Power No 2 terminalto the ground 2 P CONNECTOR wire sid6 2 P CONNECTOR lf the motor does not run smoothly replaceat 23 241 ...

Page 1320: ... a When disconnecting th SRS wiro harness install the short connector on th8 Eirbag s then disconnect tho wire hamess lso pago 23 2941 a Replac the ontirs affected SRShamessassemblyif it has an open circuit or damaged wiring POWER T IRROR SW TCH Test psge23 245 POWER MIRRORS Test page23 247 Repf acement page23 247 23 242 ...

Page 1321: ...rcuitDiagram USA UNDER HOOO FUSSRELAY 8OX ryIl fffi ffi oo l S lfSl eF lT f UNDEN OASH FUSgREtAY BOX POWEN MIRNOR SWTCH R rcWER MIRROR Grc1 G to2 G1o4 I r l l i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J r t t _ _ t l 23 243 ...

Page 1322: ...PowerMirrors CircuitDiagram Canada uriDER r tooD R SE REIAY BOX rrr i oJ l I tr00A t50AtI tt flo twdT l r aXr rcnrlor lG2 sl lrcH l I EL I lm lili tf e BIJ YEL POWER MIRRON SWTCH OErcGGER DOWN 23 244 ...

Page 1323: ... SrYitch lermlnal Position I 10 5 7 R OFF o o UP o o _o o DOWN G _o o o tEFI o o o RIGHT o o o G L OFF o o UP o o o o DOWN o o o LEFT o o o o RIGHT o _o o o Dofoggor Switch Canada 23 245 lermlnal Position l 0 ON o o OFF o o UP I NIGHT LEFTT I r l l l L L _ _ _ _ _ I J L l l R L l I R oeroccen y swrTcH I i l z l UP l RIGHT i I lv I OEFOGGER I rNDlCAloR rED I I L T l T f E f 1 1 i J ...

Page 1324: ... a lf the mirrorworksproperly checkthe mirrorswitch Right mirlol inopemtiv Connectthe BLK YEL terminalot the 1O pconnectorto the GRN BLU terminaland the BLU ORN or BLU BLK terminalto body groundwith jumperwires The rightmir orshouldtilt down orswing left with the ignitionswitch ON a It the mirrordoes not tilt down or does not swing left removethe right door paneland check for an openinthe BLU ORN ...

Page 1325: ... mirlor 4 Whileholdingthe mirrorwith onehand removethe three mountingscrewswith the other 3 PCONNECTOR 6 PCONI ECTOR tusAl Canadal 4 Test actuato operation 5 Checktor continuitybetweenthe No 1 and No 2 terminals RX 103scale Thereshouldbe continuity TILTUP Connect batterv power to the No 3 terminaland groundto the No 4 terminal TILTDOWN Connect battery powel to the No 4 terminaland groundto the No ...

Page 1326: ...WIITDOWSWITCH InputTest page23 251 Tosr pag 23 252 Repfacement page23 253 UI OER DASHFUSE RELAY BOX KEY OFFTIMERCIRCUIT ln th integratodcontrol nit Inputtest p8ge23 168 E E E1El Description Power Window Key olf Tim r Oporation Thepowerwindowscanstillbe operated tor aboul 1Ominutesafterthe ignitionswitchisturnedfromthe to the 1 or O positionas long as neitherdoor has beenopened This providesa conve...

Page 1327: ...I CircuitDiagram UNDER_HOOD FUSE RELAY BOX ernenv llffif ffifl wnolu _ wtNDow PASS NGER S WINDOWMOTOR 23 249 ...

Page 1328: ... 3 t o E 3 i ID E 3 t o o D 3 E o 3 o i 3 o t o P O 3 o P e E i 9 0 9 i Y o ttt a g 8 c o o c c z 3 D o C z o Neither window works 1 2 G401 G402 G404 GRN BLK Driver swindow doesnot work 3 4 WHT BLK Driv r s window does not work in AUTO 2 a BLU Passenger swindow do6s not work 1 2 2 4 BLU BLK One or both windows do not work within 1Ominuresaft r the ignition switch is OFF 1 J 23 250 ...

Page 1329: ...1 G4O2 G4O4 An openin the wire WHT BLK lgnitionswitch ON Checkfor voltageto ground Thereshouldbe battery voltage Blown No 15 or 16 2OA fuse ln the underdashfuse relaY boxl Faultypower window relaY An openin the wire BLU BLK RED BLU and RED YEL connect the wHT BLKterminalto the RED BLU terminal and the RED YEL ter minalto the BLKIter minal then turn the ignitionswitch ON Checkthe driver swindow mot...

Page 1330: ...WER wtNDowswtTcH Ddvo sSwitch Passong6r sSrvltch E F G H I J Terminal I F Position OFF o UP o o DOWN o DowN AUTo o o rermrnal J PositlonI Main switch OFF ON o OFF o _o UP ON o o o o OFF o o DOWN ON o o o OFF o o 1 Carefully remove the passenger sdoor handle panel from the door then disconnectthe 5 p conneclor 2 Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table ooo...

Page 1331: ... the door handlepanelby removingthe four mounting screws MASTERPOWER wtNDowswlTcH 3 P CONNECTOR DOORHANDLEPANEL 5 P CONNECTOR Passangor awindow Swhch 1 Removethe mounting screw and pry th passen ger s door handlspanelout ot the door pan8l 2 Disconnect the 5 Pand 3 P connectorsfrom it PASSENGER S DOOR HANDLE PANEL 3 Removethe passenger s window switch from tha door handlepanelby removingthe two mou...

Page 1332: ... sido Pul3 r Tcst Connoct the test leads of an analog ohmm tor to ths No 1 8nd No 2 terminals Runthe motor by connecting powerandgroundto th6 No 3 8ndNo 4 terminals The ohmmeter needl should move back and forth Es the motor runs 4 Passenger s WindowMotorTest Romovethe door panel sees ction 20 Disconnectthe 2 P connector from the motor Tsst motor operation by connecting power and groundto the No 1 ...

Page 1333: ...tho wir harnoss s8epags 23 2941 a Replacethe ontiro aftscted SRShamessassemblyit it has an opsn circuit or damaged witing DOORLOCKSWlTCtl Test page23 262 CONTROL U IT Test page23 258 tcl lTrol KEYSWITCH Test page 23 171 DRIVER SOOORLOCKACTUATOR andLOCKKNOBSWITCH Test paee23 260 Replacement section20 PASSENGER S KEY CYLINOER SWITCH Test page 23 26 l PASSEI GER S DOORLOCKACTUATOR Test page23 261 R D...

Page 1334: ...oorLocks CircuitDiagram lGNlTlot l KEY swtTcH 8LK I N 8l PASSENGER S 3 lpAssENG R s 5 l I 000RKEY 00oRtocK I SWITCH I CYUNDER PASS NGER S I I SWITCH 3fi f UNOER HOOD FUSE BEIAY 8OX PoIYER 000R tocKcoNlrot u n ...

Page 1335: ...uFlockwith the pass nger s power door lockswitch Both doors 1 G401 G402 G404 BLK WHTor BLK RED One door 1 YEL REO or WHT RED Doorsdon t lock with th driver s door lock knob lgnitionkey not insert dand doors closed l Both doors 1 z G401 G402 G404 BLU RED or BLUiWHTI One ooor 1 3 YEL RED or WHT RED Doorsdonit lock or unlockwith the passenger s door key cylinderswitch Both doors 2 1 G401 G402 G404 BL...

Page 1336: ...cessary and recheck the svstem a lf the terminalslook OK makethe followingin out test at the connectorterminals lf a test indicatesa problem Jindandcorrect the cause then recheckthe system lf all ingut tests DroveOK the control unit must be taulty replaceit NOTE Differentwires with the same color have beengivena numbersuffixto distinguish them tor examole GRN RED1 and GRN RED are not the same POWE...

Page 1337: ... G402 G404 An ooenin the wire GRN REDT Driver sdoor lock switch in UNLOCK BLKiRED Passenger s door lock switch in LOCK Checkfor voltageto gfound Thereshouldbe 1 V or less Faultypassenger s door lock switch Poorground G4O1 G402 G4O4 An openin the wire BLK WHT Passenger s door lock switch in UNLOCK 6 BLU WHTI Driver sdoor lock knob in LOCK CheckJorvoltageto ground Thereshouldbe 1 V or less Faultydri...

Page 1338: ... the table DOOR LOC X O8 a Test actuator operation LOCK With battery pow6r connectedto the No 4 terminal groundthe No 5 terminalmom ntarily UNLOCK With baft ry power conn ctedto th6 No 5 terminal groundth No 4 tarminalmomentarily CAUTION To provont damagoto thc motor only connocl powor momontarlly lf the actuator doea not work properly r placoit 4 ry d Position 6 r0cK o o UNLOCK o o View trom wire...

Page 1339: ...h batterv power connectedto ths No 5 t rminal groundthe No 4 terminalmom ntarily CAUTION To provont d mag to ths motor con nsct power only momontadly It the actuator does not work properly replsceit KeyCylinder SwitchTest Removethe door Danel seesection20 Disconnect the 6 P connectorJromthe actuator 6 P CONNECTOR View from wire side 3 Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positiona...

Page 1340: ... 1 Removethe door handleoanel DOOR IOCKSWTTCH Disconnect the 3 P connectorJromthe switch Checkfor continuity between the telminals in sch switch positionaccordingto the table 3 PCONNECTOR Terminal A I Poshion LOCK o OFF UNLOCK o o 23 262 ...

Page 1341: ...ERPELAYl8 typo Test page 23 72 WINDSHIELD WIPER WASHER swtTcH Test page 23 266 Repf acement page 23 267 WINDSHIELDWIPER MOTORASSEMBLY Test page 23 268 Repf acement psge 23 27O Ut DER DAS I FUSE RELAY BOX MOTOR Test page 23 269 WIPER WASHER CIRCUIT ln the integratedcontrol unit fnput Test page 23 167 23 263 ...

Page 1342: ...WiperMasher CircuitDiagram UNDER HOOD FUSE RELAY 8OX UI DER_ DASH FUSE RELAY BOX INTERMITTENT WIPERCIRCUIT flntlF intoEnod BI J G30l Btx G4o1 G402 m4 BLK G30r BLK G30l G101 Grc2 G40 t 23 264 ...

Page 1343: ...o o 6 E o o O E Wipers do not ln all positions 1 4 G301 G401 G402 G404 GRN BLK ln INT 1 GRNor BLU WHT In LOor Hl t BLU YEL or BLU ln MIST BLU YEL Bladesdo not returnto parkpositionwhen wipersareturnedOFF 1 BLU WHT ErraticintermittentcY cle or wipersdo not work in lNT 1 GRN BLK GRN BLU WHTor GRN RED Littleor no washerfluid is pumped 4 2 G301 BLK YEL Wipersand washerdo not work at the same ttme I BL...

Page 1344: ...connect the 5 P and 20 P connectorstrom the main wire harness Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each positionaccordingto the table DASHAOARD LOWERCOVER 1 2 20 P COI NECTOR KIEEEOLSTEF U Position l 4 1 5 1 6 1 1 24 OFF o INT o o t0 o HI G_ o Mistswitch 0N o WEsher switch 0N o o 23 266 ...

Page 1345: ...ell th6 rhort connoctor sl on tha sitbag sl sae pago 23 2941 a Roplaco thr cnllro Effectad SRS hamcls asr mbly lf It has an op n circult or dsmlgod whlng 1 Remova bolster the dashboard lower cover and l nee CONNECTOR DASHBOARD LOWER COVER 23 267 I 2 Remove the steeringcolumncovers Disconnectthe 8 P connector then remove the wip6r washerswitch UPPER COLUMN COV R ...

Page 1346: ...inal and ground to the LO BLU te mins HIGHSPEED Connect battery power to the B GRN BLK terminal and ground to the Hl BLU YEL termtnsl lf the motor doesnot run or Jailsto run smoothlv reolaceit 4 23 268 BlGif BLt lfl BLU YEL LO BLU 5 Rgconn6ctthe 5 P connactor to the wio r motor assembly Connsct an analog voltm ter between the As BLUA HT 8nd the E IBLK terminals Fun the motor by turning the wip r s...

Page 1347: ...the washsr motor by connecting batt ty oowel to the terminal and groundingthe O terminsl a lf the motor does not run or fails to run smoothly replsce it a lf the motor runssmoothly but little or no wash er tluid is pumped check for a disconnscted or blockedwasherhose or I cloggedpumpoutlet 23 269 2 P cot r EcToR ...

Page 1348: ...trim clips out and removingthe sctews 3 Disconnect the 5 Pconnectorfrom the wiDermo tor then removethe wiper harnessfrom the wiDer linkage Removethe wiper linkageassemblyby removing the threemountingbolts CAPNUT WIPERLII KAGEASSEMBLY 23 270 Remove the threemountingboltsandonenut from the wiper linkage then removethe wiper motor NUT 22 N m 2 2kg m 16 lb ftl MOUI TIIIIG BOLTS 10 m 1 Okg m 8 lb ft VN...

Page 1349: ... washer motor 4 Romovethe thre mounting bolts 8nd pull out the washer esetvoil 5 Romove the washer motor from the washer reservolr 6 Removeths washel nozzlesand washer hose as necessary 7 During installationtake care not to pinch 8ny hoses Instsllthe hoseclipstirmly 8 After installingwashernozzlss check adiust their aim 23 271 ...

Page 1350: open circuit or damagedwiring ComponentLocationIndex CRUISECONTROLMAIN SWITCH Test page23 280 Replacement page 23 280 COI TROL UNIT fnputTesr page23 276 CAALEREET Test page 23 278 Repfacement pag6 23 276 318 SET RESUME SWITCH Test psge 23 278 Repf6cement pdga 23 27 I CLUTCHSWITCH Test page23 281 PedalHeight Adiustm nt section A T GEARPOSINON swtTcH Test page 23 149 281 Replacoment page 23 149 s...

Page 1351: ... ACTUATOR CABLE Adjustment Page23 294 ACUUII IRESERVOIR SofenoidTest page 23 282 Test page 23 283 Replacement Page23 284 Disa embfy page 23 285 23 273 ...

Page 1352: ...tNAnoir UGHT SWITCH INDICATOR UGHT t0 84wl IP tb8h IP I l I O S E T l L rcNrnoN cot TRot MODUI I rcMl 7 REEL I t l I ErlJ VEHICI T SP ED s NsoR vsst M T CLUICH SWTTCH T MG An I PosrTloir swrTcH I 12 ft D l t P 81 K G401 G402 G404 l 8u G301 CRUISE c0l TRot ACIUATOR G40t G4 2 G X 23 274 ...

Page 1353: ...BLU Cruise control can be set but indicatorlight doesnot go on I GrtO 1 G402 G404 YEL RED RED BLK Cruise speed noticeably highsl or lower than what was set 1 J 2 Excessiveovershooting and or undershooting when trYingto set speeo I 3 2 Steady speed not held even on a flat roadwith cruisecontrol set 1 4 2 3 Cardoesnot decelerate or ac celsrateaccordinglY when SET or RESUME button is Pushed 1 2 Set s...

Page 1354: ...ring 1 Disconnectthe 14 P connectorfrom the control untr Inspectthe connectorand socketterminalsto be surethey ars all makinggood contact a lf the terminsls are bent loose or corrodsd fepair them as necessary and rechsck the system a It the terminalslook OK makethe followingin put t sts at the connector lf a test indicates a p oblem find andcorrect th caus then recheckthe svstem lf allthe inputtes...

Page 1355: ...ld be baftery vortage Faultyignitionsystemor ECM An openin the wire 7 ORN lgnitionswitch ON and mainswitch ON Raisethe front ot the car rotateone wheel CheckJorvoltagebetweenthe ORN and BLKO terminals I t s h o u l d b e 0 1 2 O 1 2 V repeatedly Fauhyvehiclespeedsensor VSS Poorground G101 An openin the wire I GRY lgnitionswitch ON main switch ON and brakepedalpushed then released Checkfor voltaget...

Page 1356: ...gthe radio After service reconnectpower to the adioandturn it on When the word CODE is displayed enter the customer s5 digitcodeto restoreradiooDeration Disconnectthe battery negativecable and then positivecable Make surethe wheelsareturnedstraightahead Removethe two screws and accessDanel then removethe shortconnectorfrom the accessDanel Disconnectthe airbagconnectorfrom the cable reelconnector 4...

Page 1357: ...e sequenceshown CRUISE CONTROL SET RESUME swtrcH CRUISE cot TRoL SET RESUME SWITCHCOVER rofinrnal Position ELU NEU L TG R N REO 1 LTGRNi BLK SET ION o o RESUME ON G o 23 279 I 10 Remove the two screws and cruise control SET RESUME switch Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminslsin each switch positionaccordingto the table lf thereis no continuityin oneor both positions reolacethe switch a lf there i...

Page 1358: ...UISECONTROL MA N SWtTCt 2 Removethe cruise switch panel main switch from the I control 5 P CONNECTOR SWITCHPANEL 23 2AO termrnal Position n a E OFF o o o o ON o o o a 3 Checkfor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table a lf there is no continuity replacethe switch ti I INDICATOR LIGHT t0 84w t l 7 ...

Page 1359: ...or adjust pedal height seesection12 A T GearPositionSwitch Test 1 Removethe tront console then disconnectthe 12 Pconnectorfrom the switch 2 Checktor continuitybetweenthe terminalsin each switch positionaccordingto the table 3 lI necessary replace the switch seepage23 149 Terminal c hP f l B PUSHED BELEASED o o Terminal Position 5 8 tr o o tr o_ o E o o N tr E 23 281 ...

Page 1360: ...enoid Test 1 Disconnect the 4 P connectorfrom the actuStor Viewtromterminal side Measureresistancebetween the terminals Resistance VENT SOLENOID betwo n C and Dt 80 120 0 VACUUM SOLEI OID bstwoen I 8nd Dt 7 0 t 1 0 0 SAFEW SOLENOID botwoen A and Dl 40 60 0 NOTE Resistance will vary slightty with temperature specified resistance is at 70oF 200c VEI T VALVE VACUUMVALVE BRAKESWITCH Terminal _ A d D P...

Page 1361: ...VACUUMPUMPGAUGE a973X 041 XXXXX 4 CHECK VALVE 23 283 With voltageand vacuumstill applied try to pull the actuatorrod out by hand You shouldnot be ableto pullout lf you can it is defective Disconnectground from the C terminal The ac tuator rod shouldreturn lf it does not returnbut the vent hose and filter are not plugged the solenoidvalveassemblyis defective Repeatsteps2 through5 and disconnectgrou...

Page 1362: ...e caDle Installin the reverseorderof removal and adjust tree play at the actuatorrod after connectingthe cable seenext column t i Actuator CableAdjustment Checkthat the actuatorcableoperatessmoothly with no bindingor sticking Startthe engine Measurethe amountof movementof the actuator rod until the cable pulls on the acceleratorlever enginespeedstartsto increase Freeplayshould b e 1 1 t 1 5m m O 4...


Page 1364: ... 23 288 Description 23 2Ag CircuitDiagram 23 290 WiringLocations 23 292 Precautions Procedures 23 293 Troubleshooting 23 294 AirbagAssembly Replacement 23 318 Disposal CableReel Repfacement 23 324 DashSensor Replacement 23 324 SRSUnit Replacement 23 330 23 322 ...

Page 1365: ...ernent page 23 328 TO DRIVER SAIREAG ASSEMBLY ORIVER SAIRBAG lnctuding cowr s nsorlASSEMBLY CABLE REEL Replacement page23 324 TOCRUISE COI TROL SET RESUME SWITCH UNOER DASH FUSE RELAY 8OX FRONTPASSEI GER S ATRBAG ASSEMBLY Replacamont page23 318 Disposal BIGHT DASH SEITSOR R placement psge 23 328 Replacement pag 23 330 R6placement page23 318 Disposal page 23 322 23 288 ...

Page 1366: ...Sunit Forthe SRSto operate 1 Oneor both cowl sensorsand one or both dashsensorsmust activate 2 Electrical energymust besupplied to the airbaginftatorby the battery or bythe back uppowercircuitiJthe bat tery voltageis too low 3 The inflatorchargemust igniteand deploythe airbag It takes aboutO l secondfrom the beginningot the airbagdeploymentuntil it is completelydeflated frontalcollision againsta f...

Page 1367: ...outFrontPassenger s Airbag i1 358 K sRsrNorcAToRcrRcurT ORIVER S ANEAG INFLATOR A o ft on t ot ttt Y wm J I Zlfoii l II ti I i ir i l F l 1 _ BATTERY sRs tNotcAToR ctRcurT llntheg u 6a8 ombv SAIrc Btc GNO tDc MI o o o a a o o SRS UI ITI8 PCONNECTOR 23 290 ...

Page 1368: ...H o a a a a o a a CircuitDiagram WithFrontPassenger s Airbagl SRS INOICATOR CIRCUIT lnthegaug 83s mbiyl DRIVER S AIRBAG INFLATOR FRONT PASS NGER S AIRBAG INFLATOR G401 G4 02 CABLE REEL BLKffEL k lYt t orr Y WHT J rtrI s I I t ff Iln l 6 BATTERY 23 291 ...


Page 1370: ...sploy ment Disposal Proc dules lor disposing of the damagedairbag a Carefullyinspectany SRSpart beforeyou installit Do not installany part that shows signs of being dropped or improperly handled such as dents cracksor detormation Airbagassembly driver sandfront passenger s Dashsensors Cablereel SRSunit Useonly a digitalmultimeter KS AHM 32 OO3 to checkthe sYstem Usingan analogcircuittester may cau...

Page 1371: ...t connector To avoid accidenrat deployment 8nd possibleinjury always install ths protective short con nector s on the driver s and passonget s airbag con nector s belore working noar any SRSwiring NOTE The radiomay have a s digitcodedtheft pro tection circuit Be sure to get the customer s code numberbefo edisconnecting the battery l Disconnect the battery negative cable then disconnectthe positive...

Page 1372: ... SRSmain harness then in stall the short connector RED on the airbagside of the connector Q GLOVE BOX 23 295 Disconnectingthe SRSConnectorat the Fuse Box CAUTION Avoid breEkingtho conn ctor it s double lock6d 1 Firstlift the connectorlid with a thin screwdriver then press the connectortab down and pull the connector out UI DER DASHFUSE RELAY BOX SRSMAIN HARNESS To reinstalltheconnector pushit into...

Page 1373: ...ctor betwoen th cable reol and the SRSmain harn ss a It tho steeling column is going to bo removed withoul dismounting the ste ring wheel lock ths stesring by turning tho ignition key to O LOCKposi tion 01rsmova the key from ths ignition so that the staering wh6al will not turn HARI ESS Do not replacethe originalsteeringwheel with any otherdesign sinceit will m8keit impossible to pro perly install...

Page 1374: ...ASI SENSOR o Be surethe sensorsate installedsecurely doing Avoid InspectionAfter DePloYment After a collisionin which the airbagswere deployed in spectthe following 1 Inspectthe dash sensorsfor physicaldamage l the sensorsare damaged replacethem 2 Inspectall the SRSwire harnesses Replace don t repair any damagedharnesses 3 Inspectthe cablereeltor heat damage lf there is any damage replacethe cable...

Page 1375: ...lectricalsystem brakesystem light malfunctionindicatorlamp MlLletc Check for damage corrosion at the under dash fuse relav box connector NOTE a Beforestartingthe applicable troubleshooting check the conditionof all SRSconnectorsand groundpoints a lf the fault is not foundatter completing the ap plicabletroubleshooting substitute a known_ good SRSunit and checkwhetherthe indicator light goesoff 23 ...

Page 1376: ...t HarnessB 2 3 t 6 t2 t5 1 SRSMAIN HARNESS 1g PCONNECTOR ROWB WIREHARNESS ENDI 23 299 3 5 6 1 I 11 12 13 1 5 18 2 5 6 12 13 15 t6 11 18 t HARI ESSC o7LAz s140300 DRIVER SAIRBAG ASSEMELY FRONTPASSENGER S AIRBAGASSEMBLY 3 P CONNECTOR Test HarnessD SRSMAIN HARNESS 2 P CONNECTOR DRIVER S ...

Page 1377: ... tho Dositivo cable Install tho 3hort connocto lsl on the airbag 3 e page 23 294 Reconnect the battery positive cable and then the negative cable Turntho ignitionswitchON Do any other indicatorlights brakesystem light etc comeon intho gauge ass6mbly Inspocttho No 13 10 A tuse undeFdashfus rclav box ls No 13luse OK Turnthe ignirionswitchOFF Replir opon In drlhborrd wiro hsmoa bqtwoon tho l o 13 tul...

Page 1378: ...assembly then inspect the SRS indicator light b rlb Repl6cotho indicator light bulb Conn ct a voltmeler between the No 3 terminalofthe 5 Pcon nector and body ground Turnthe ignitionswitchON Measure the voltage between the No 3 terfiinal and body ground Frompage 23 3OO SRSMAIN HARNESS 4 P CONNECTOR DASHBOARDWIRE HARNESS5 P CONNECTOR To psge23 302 BLU e Lo than 8 5V View from terminalside 23 301 r J...

Page 1379: ...een the No 1 lerminal and rhe No 5 terminal oI the dashboardwire harness5 P con nector Turn the ignition switch ON Measure the voltage between the No 1 terminalandthe No 5 terminal Ch ck tor continuity between the No 5 terminaland body grouno ls there batteryvoltage Ropoi oD6nin rh BLK wire lNo 5 tominall Detwoen the gauge a3sornbly and body g ound or look to a poor ground c4O1 4021 Turn the ignit...

Page 1380: sRs unit Measure the voltag between tho No 13 terminal and body groundfor six s condsafter igni tion is irst tumed on SRS Indlcatot cilcuit in tho gaugo6 mblyl 13taulty lstheremorethan8 5 V F omp ge23 302 TESTHARI ESS A 07MAZ S100500 23 303 2 3 6 7 8 9 lo 1l 12 t3 1 4 1 5 16 Moro thon ...

Page 1381: ...or the probableFailure Modelistedat the end of the row Referto the letterfor that Mode on the followingpages a lf you did not circleall the rangesacrossany row replacethe SRSunit with a known good unit and retest lf all your voltagereadingsare now Normal replacethe SRSunit lf your voltagereadingsare still not normal but they don t tit within a completerow ot FailureMode ranges checkthe conditionoi...

Page 1382: ... 2 1 4 6 1 1 5 1 4 5 0 2 O 8 5 8 4 1 0 9 Shod in cowl nsor or C open in both dssh sen 5 7 7 4 5 7 4 5 12 O 1 4 3 7 4 9 7 5 1 4 5 o 2 O 8 5 E 4 1 0 9 D Openin one dash sensor 8 6 1 1 3 2 9 3 7 4 5 5 5 t2 o 14 3 3 7 4 9 11 5 1 4 5 0 2 O 8 5 8 4 1 0 9 E Openin d iver s anbog nllatoror ceblereel 2 9 3 7 8 7 4 5 5 5 12 0 14 3 3 7 4 9 1 r 5 14 5 0 2 O 8 5 8 4 1 0 9 F Openin t onl passengers 8 6 1 1 3 8 ...

Page 1383: ...l RED on the airbag sl see page 23 2941 2 ConnectTest HarnessB O7MAZ SP0O50O be tween the SRS unit and SRS msin harness18 P conneclor 23 306 A B 3 Reconnect the driver s airbag connector thsn checkcontinuitybetweenthe Bl terminalandbody ground and betwesn the 87 t rminal and body ground TESTHAR ESSB 07MAZ SF005q a lf there is continuity at eithel terminal go to step 6 a lf ther is no continuity at...

Page 1384: ... P connectorfrom the SRS main harness then connectTest HarnessC O7LAZ SL4O3OO only to the cablereel side oI the 6 P connector o I l 7 Checkcontinuitybetweenthe No 4 terminaland body ground and betweenthe No 5 terminaland body ground lf there is continuity at either terminal go to step 8 lf there is no continuityat eitherterminsl the SRS main harness is faulty Replaceit and recheckthe voltagesaccor...

Page 1385: ...lereel is faulty Replaceit and recheckthe voltagesaccording to the chsrton page23 304 23 308 FRONTPASSENGER S AIRBAG 1O Disconnectthe front passenger s airbag3 P con nectorfrom the SRSmain harness then connect Test HarnessC 07LAZ SL4O3O0 to the airbag sideof the connector TESTHARNESS C 07LAZ_S140300 Checkcontinuitybetweenthe No 7 terminaland body ground and betweenthe No 8 terminaland body ground ...

Page 1386: ... andbetweenthe rightdash sensorterminals84 and 86 TESTHAR IIESS B 07MAZ SPOo50 A I TEST 4 I lf resistanceis 3 8 4 2 Ko for both sensors the SRSunit is taulty Substitutea know good SRSunit and recheckthe voltagesaccording to the charton page23 304 lf resistanceis lessthan 3 8 KOfor eithersen sor go to step 14 ConnectTest HarnessD 07LAZ SL4O4OO be tween the dashsensor8nd SRSmain harness2 P connector...

Page 1387: ...or s RED on the airbag sl seepage23 294l 2 ConnectTest HarnessB 07MAZ SPoO5OO be tween the SRS unit and SRS main harness18 P connector TESTHAR ESS B oTMAZ SP00500 23 310 3 Check the resistancebetween the left dash sensor terminals812 and816 andbetweenthe rightdash sensorterminals84 and 86 TESTHARI ESSB oTMA Z SPq sd a lf resistanceis more than 5 Kn for either set of terminals go to step 4 a lf res...

Page 1388: ...radiomay have a s digit codedthelt pro tection circuit Be sure to get the customer s code numberbetoredisconnecting the batterycables 1 Before disconnectingany part of the SRS wire harness the positivecable Installthe short con nector s RED on the airbsg s seepage23 294 2 ConnectTest HarnessB O7MAZ SP005OO be tween the SRSunit and SRS main harness18 P connector TEST IARNESS B oTMAZ SP00500 Reconne...

Page 1389: ...eit and recheckthe voltagesaccordingto the chart on page23 30 4 CABLEREEL 6 Disconnect the d iver sairbag3 P connectortrom the cable reel harness then connect Test Harness C O7LAZ SL4O30O to the driver s airbag 3 P connector 7 Measurethe esistancebetween the No 7 terminal andthe No I terminal TESTHAB ESS C oTr Aiz st4 t3dt a lf resistanceis more than O 2 KO the drive s airbag intlator is faulty Re...

Page 1390: ...sistance is lessthan O 2 KO the SRSunit is faulty Substitute a known good SRS unit and recheckthe voltagesaccordingto the chart on page23 305 A a 4 Disconnectthe front passenger s airbag3 P con nsctor from the SRSmain harness then connect Test HarnessC O7LAZ S14030O to the tront passenger s airbagsideof the connector PASSENGER S AIRBAG TESTHARNESS C 07LAZ S140300 Measure the resistance betweenthe ...

Page 1391: ... Before disconnectingany part ot the SRS wire harness installtheshortconnector s RED on the airbag s see page 23 2941 ConnectTest HarnessB O7MAZ SPOO5OO be tween the SRS unit and SRS main harness18 P conneclor TESTHARNESSB oTMAz SPOO500 23 314 4 5 Reconnect the positiveand negativecablesto the battery Measure the voltagebetweenthe B13te minaland body groundwith the ignitionswitch ON TEST HARNESS B...

Page 1392: ...ageis lessthan 8 5 V go to step 3 SRSMAII HARI ESS 4 P CONf ECTOR F F i rl JLILx l l BLU t ap t_ View from terminslside 23 315 4 BeJoredisconnectingany pan of the SRS wire harness installtheshortconnector s RED on the airbag s see page 23 2941 ConnectTest HarnessB O7MAZ SPOO5OO be tween the SRSunit and SRS main harness18 P connecror oTMAZ_SP00500 Reconnect the batterypositivecableand negative cabl...

Page 1393: ... 304 Reconnect the SRSmainharness4 Pconnectorto the main wire harness Disconnectthe dashboard wire harness 5 P connector from the gauge assemblv A B HARNESS5 P CONNECTOB q Turn the ignition switch ON and wait tor six seconds Measurethe voltagebetweenthe No 5 terminal and body ground DASHBOARD WIRE HARNES95 P CONNECTOR View lrom terminalside a lf voltageis morethan 8 5 V the SRSindicator circuitis ...

Page 1394: ...MAIN HARNESS 18 P CONNECTOR HARNESS B 07MAZ SP00500 Checkfor continuitybetweenthe 85 terminaland body ground and the 815 terminal and body ground TESTHARNESS 8 07MAZ SP005q 23 317 a lf there is continuity at either terminal the SRS unit is Jaulty Replace it and recheck the voltagesaccordingto the chart on page23 304 a lJ there is no continuityat eitherterminal the SRS unit ground the SRS unit comp...

Page 1395: ...digit codedtheft pro tection circuit Be sure to get the customer s code numberbeforedisconnecting the batterycables l Disconnect the battery negative cable then disconnectthe positivecable 2 Installthe short connector s REDIon the airbaq sideof the connector s Oriver sSide a Remove the access panel from the steering wheel then removethe shon connecto RED trom the panel a Disconnect the 3 P connect...

Page 1396: ... TOBXO BOLT U TORX T3O bh FrontPassenger s Side a Removethe tweetet coverfrom the dashboard then removethe visorand blackfacepanel see page23 130 a Removethe glove box then removethe four mountingnutsfromthe lront passenger s airbag assembly DASHBOABD a Carefully lift the front passenger s assemblvout ot the dashboard airbag cont d 23 319 GLOVEBOX ...

Page 1397: ...7 2 tb ft Reolace U8o6 TOBX T3O bit TORXO BOLT FrontPassenger s Side a Placethe front passenger s airbagassemblyin the dashboard a Loosen the two mountingnutson the L bracket a P essthe airbagassemblydownwardsand turn the adjustingnuts until they touch the lower part of the airbagassembly a Tighten the four airbag mounting nuts then tightenthe two mountingnutson the L bracket ADJUSTING NUT L BRACK...

Page 1398: ... the cable reel 3 P connector a Attach the shortconnector RED to the access panel then reinstallthe panelon the steering wh el CABLEREEL3 P CONNECTOB DRIVER S AIRBAG 3 PCO I ECTOR 6 Connsct th battery positive cable then the negstivecable Aft6r instalting the ai ba t assembly conJirm proper systemoperaflon a Turn the ignitionON lll The instrumentpanel SRS indicatorlight shouldgo on for about six s...

Page 1399: ... that th6 airbag assombty i secu ely mountad otherwiso sovoro porsonal injury could r sult dudng doploymont 1 Disconnectboth the negativecable and Dositiv8 cablefrom the batt8rv 2 Confirmthat the specialtoolis functioningproporly by following the check procedure on the label of the tool set box or on page23 317 Drivor s Alrbag 3 Removethe accesspanel then disconn ct the 3_p connector between the d...

Page 1400: ...crapped car or has been found dotectivs or damaged duringtransit storage or service it shouldbe deployedas follows Positiontho ai6a9 aslembly faco up out E6EJn tlat ground at loart thlrtY feet lrom any obstacbs or Poople 1 Confirmthat the specialtool is tunctioning properly by following the check procadureon this pageor on the tool box l8bel 2 Remove tho short connactor from the Eirbag connector 3...

Page 1401: ...sconnectod a Do not disassomble or tamp r with any ailbag a8sambly NOTE The radiomay have a s digit cod6dtheft pro tection circuit Be sure to g t the customer scode numberbetoredisconnecting the batterycable 1 Disconnectthe battery nogativecable8nd then the positivecabls 2 Makesu eths wheelsarefacingstraightahsad 3 Removethe dashboard lower cover knee bolst6r and air duct 4 Installths short connec...

Page 1402: ...CONNECTOR CRUISECONTROL SET RESUME 7 8 Removethe steeringwheelJromthe column Removethe upperand lower columncovers UPPER COLUMNCOVER 9 Disconnect the 6 P connector between the cable reel8nd SRSmain harness then removethe con n ctor holder from th staering column 1O Removethe cablereelfrom the column CABLEREEL COI NECTOR HOLDER 23 325 ...

Page 1403: ...low make on the front mainsteeringanglesensorrotorfacesdownwards It it doesn t turn the rotortill it is inthe neutrallock position seesection17 Carefullyinstallthe cablereelon the steeringcol umn shaft Thenattachthe connectorholderto the steeringcolumn CANCELSLEEVE 23 326 1 6 13 Installthe steeringcolumnupperandlowercovers 14 Centerthe cablereel Dothis by firstrotatingthe cablereelclockwiseun til ...

Page 1404: ...n reconnect the airbagconnector s and reinstall the glovebox 2 1 Reconnectthe battery positive cable then the negativecable 22 Atter installing the cable re conJirm proper systemoperation a Turn the ignitionON ll the instrumentpanel SRS indicatorlight shouldgo on for about six secondsand then go otf a Make sureboth horn buttonswork a Make sure the headlightand wiper switches work a Gofor a test dr...

Page 1405: get the customer s code numberbeforedisconnecting the batterycable 1 Disconnectthe battery negativecable th n the positivecable 2 Installthe shorrconnector s on the airbag s CAALEREEL 3 P CONt ECTOR SHORTCONNECTOR RED FRONTPASSENGER S AIRBAG GLOVE BOX 23 328 4 3 Left DashSensor Remove the footrestandleftdoorsillmolding then pullthe carpetback RightDashSensor Remove the rightdoorsillmoldingandpu...

Page 1406: ...curelY DASH SENSOR MOUNTINGEOLTS 8 t 1 25mm 22 N m t2 2 kg m 16 lb ft RePlace 7 Reinstall all other removed parts o DASHSENSOR 8 Removeand properlystorethe short connector sl RED then reconnectto aitbagconnector s and reinstall the gloveboxl Reconnectthe battery positive cable then the negativecable After installingthe dash sensor confirm proper systemoperation Turnthe ignitionON ll the in strumen...

Page 1407: ...racks or doformation NOTE The radiomay have a s digit codedtheft pro tection circuit Be sure to get the customer s code numberbeforedisconnecting the batterycable 1 Disconnectthe battery negativecable then the oositivecable lnstallthe short connector s on the airbag sllsee page 23 2941 Removethe right sidecoverfrom the SRSunit _ TOBXo 3 8 tTs Use TORXo bir SRSUNIT t 23 330 4 R movethe left sidecov...

Page 1408: ...nnectorto the SRSunit push it into positionuntil it clicks Installthe SRSunit covers rightand lett 8 1 0 Removeand properlystorethe short connector sl RED then reconnect the airbagconnector s and reinstall the glovebox Reconnect the battety positive cable then the negativecable After installing the SRS unit confirm proper systemoperation Turnthe ignitionto ll the instru ment panel SRS indicatorlig...
