Exterior Care
Paint Touch-up
Your dealer has touch-up paint to
match your car's color. The color
code is printed on a sticker on the
driver's door jamb. Take this code to
your dealer so you are sure to get
the correct color.
Inspect your car for chipped or
scratched paint every time you wash
it. Repair it as soon as possible to
prevent corrosion. Use the touch-up
paint on small chips and scratches.
More extensive damage should be
repaired by a professional.
Examine the chip or scratch closely
before repairing it. If it does not go
down to bare metal, clean it with
soap and water and apply the touch-
up paint. If it does go to the metal,
apply a coat of primer first. After this
dries, apply the touch-up paint. Build
up the paint in the damaged area to
the level of the surrounding paint.
Several thin coats of paint are better
than one thick coat.
Appearance Care