When the HSK-200Z starts, it will query the associated power meter to get the
Auto scene activator
This function enable us to start the scenario when the power meter detect that the
associated device is turned on. Usually, the power meter notify the HSK-200Z for its
status only. However, it can be used to trigger the scenario as well. For example, if the
projector power meter detects the projector is on, the HSK-200 will execute the whole
scene 1 if the configuration xxx is non-zero.
In this way, we can use the power button of the projector to start the presentation
mode.In addition, the AV power meter can be used to trigger the normal mode and the
AVR power meter can be used to start the meeting mode.
This function is disabled by default. In order to start this function, please use the CONF
key of HSK-100 to setup the configuration 7&8.
4.5. Device calibration
The HSD-400Z will send SCENE ID 1 to all devices listed in the group 1 when the current
exceed the value specified in Configuration 1. In addition, it will send SCENE ID 2 to all
evices listed in the group 2.
However, these values may not be able to detect the current sonsumption of your
devices.We may need to determine a good high threshold and a low threshold. We can
use the HSK-100Z to adjust these configurations. This is inconvienent since we need to
adjust thevalue and verify it. If it does not work, we need to retry again.
The device calibration is a special mode of the HSK-200Z. The procedure is
Use HSK-100Z to add power meter into the HSK-200Z.
Press and hold the program button of the HSK-200Z.
The LED of HSK-200Z will start to blinking.
Press the power button of the device attached to the power meter.
Wait the device is completely on or off.
• Repeat press the power button until the LED stop blinking. The calibrated
values will be saved at configuration 1 & 2 of the power meter.
4.6. Add IR keys
The AV starter kit provides 20 IR keys which will be sent in pre-defined scenarios.
4.7. Define key for power off
For most projectors, we need to press power key twice in order to turn off the projector.