ning several sub-divisions per level (e.g. separate for
every floor). All load and control wiring should also
be run in a star format to the respective sub-divi-
sions. The power supply is done through a DIN rail
power supply HMW-Sys-PS7-DR or another
24 V power supply dimensioned according to the
number and total current consumption of all existing
modules in the respective sub-division. If central
programming and control is to be done through
the HomeMatic Centre, the HMW bus lines for the
individual sub-divisions and the lines coming from
the control PC or a Centre should be run together
in a room according to available space in order
to achieve a separation of the individual bus seg-
ments and to simplify troubleshooting if necessary.
Normally, this is the room in which the HomeMatic
system Centre is installed.