General information about the HomeMatic system
3 General information about the
HomeMatic system
This device is part of the HomeMatic home control sys-
tem and works with the bidirectional BidCoS® wireless
protocol. All devices are delivered in a standard con-
figuration. The functionality of the device can also be
configured with a programming device and software.
The additional functions that can be made available in
this way and the supplementary functions provided by
the HomeMatic system when it is combined with other
components are described in the HomeMatic WebUI
Manual. All current technical documents and updates
are provided at www.homematic.com.
4 Function and device overview
The HomeMatic Wireless Door/Window Sensor, opti-
cal detects open and closed windows and doors with
an infra-red sensor (reflection coupler) and transmits
the current status via radio signal to other HomeMatic
devices or the HomeMatic Central Control Unit. Even
while being out and about you can keep a close eye to
your windows and doors.
The device offers different application options and can
be used e.g. with a HomeMatic Wireless Radiator Ther-
mostat for regulation of the room temperature during