This monitor uses Smart Sense™ Technology to
detect your blood pressure. With one touch of a but-
ton, the cuff will automatically inflate to block the
blood flow through your artery. Next, the deflation
process starts. Smart Sense™ Technology enables
the monitor to automatically inflate and deflate to the
appropriate level for each individual. Please note that
any muscle movement during inflation or deflation will
cause measurement error. When measurement is
complete, the monitor will display your systolic pres-
sure, diastolic pressure, and pulse readings.
Based upon your measurement results, the monitor's
Risk Category Indicator will alert you if your reading
falls into the pre-hypertension, stage 1 hypertension, or
stage 2 hypertension categories. See page 21 for more
information on the Risk Category Indicator.
This monitor also features an irregular heartbeat (IHB)
detector that will alert the user to the presence of an irregu-
lar heartbeat. It is strongly recommended that you consult
your physician if the IHB symbol appears often (five
times or more in a row). See page 22 for more information
on the IHB Detector.