Point the remote control to the component and press the BRAND button.
Press the number button on LCD screen that corresponds with the
first alphabetical character of your brand name. ( Please press the
number button within 20 seconds of programming.)
Plcase note that pressing the number button will only show the first
alphabet of the brand in that alphabet group.
If the first code number assigned to the brand is the right one, it
will turn off the component. If it is not the right one or if it is not the
right brand name, press the Channel Up button. It will automatically
send out a POWER OFF command either from the next code
number from the same brand or the code from the next brand. Keep
the Channel Up button pressed until it turns off the component.
When the component turns off, save the code by pressing the SAVE
button on the LCD. ( Note: It is quite possible that the code number
that works with your component may have a different brand name
because of the way it was made by its manufacturer. )
6. Programming the Remote Control