12) Please consult your doctor if you see symptoms such as unexplained
irritability, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, changes in appetite or
activity, seizure, muscle pain, shivering, stiff neck, pain when
urinating, etc., even in the absence of fever.
13) Even in the absence of fever, those who exhibit a normal temperature
may still need to receive medical attention. People who are on
antibiotics, analgesics, or antipyretics should not be assessed solely
on temperature readings to determine the severity of their illness.
14) Temperature elevation may signal a serious illness, especially in
adults who are old, frail, have a weakened immune system, or
neonates and infants. Please seek professional advice immediately
when there is a temperature elevation and if you are taking
temperature for whom are:
Over 60 years of age (Fever may be blunted or even absent in
elderly patients)
Having diabetes mellitus or a weakened immune system (e.g., HIV
positive, cancer, chemotherapy, chronic steroid treatment,
Bedridden (e.g., nursing home patient, stroke, chronic illness)
A transplant patient (e.g., liver, heart, lung, kidney)
15) This thermometer is not intended for pre-term babies or small-for-
gestational age babies. This thermometer is not intended to interpret
hypothermic temperatures.
16) Clean the thermometer probe after each use.
17) Do not use the thermometer on newborns or for continuous
temperature monitoring purposes.
18) Do not take a measurement while or immediately after nursing a baby.
19) Patients should not drink/eat or be physically active before/while
taking the measurement.