M-1000C Bluetooth GPS Logger Manual
4.6. Output and Interface
I. Output protocol
Baud Rate: 38400 bps
Data bit: 8
Parity: No
Stop bit: 1
II. Format. NMEA0183 V3.01: GPGGA (1time/1 sec), GPGSA (1 time/5 sec.),
GPGSV (1time /5 sec.), GPRMC (1time /1 sec.), GPVTG (1 time/1 sec), (GLL,
or MTK NMEA Command for optional).
III. Datum: WGS84.
Input/ Output Interface:
I. Compatible Bluetooth Serial Port Profile (SPP), Version1.2 and class 2(up to
10 meter range).
II. In/Out Port. GPS signal (Out)/Command(In) with USB Level Mini USB Type
B Connector
4.7. Physical
62.5 × 41 × 17.1 mm
< 53 g
Operating Temperature
-10°C to + 60°C (under the un-charging condition);
Charging Temperature
0°C to + 45°C
Storage Temperature
-20°C to + 60°C
Operating humidity
5% to 95% No condensing
4.8. Other Functions
Bluetooth frequency: 2.4 ~2.48GHz
Bluetooth Input Sensitivity: -85dBm
Low sensitivity of receiving satellite signal
-165 dBm
LED Functions: Indicate Bluetooth status, GPS status, Battery Status and
Battery charging status