M-1000C Bluetooth GPS Logger Manual
2) Setup the Baud rate: 38400, then tap “Scan” button to scan your COM Port.
Select your COM Port respectively, then tap “Open GPS” button. Check log
screen below if the satellite data is receiving correctly.
(Fig. 6)
3) Select “GPS Status” panel to observe the GPS information status, see Fig. 7.
(Fig. 7)
4) In “setup” panel you can see “Hot Start”
“Warm Start”
“Cold Start”
which allow
you to re-acquisition of Ephemeris and Almanac. Basically the satellites are
always moving in the sky, if Ephemeris and Almanac data in GPS Logger can’t
meet real satellites status upon you if GPS Logger is over 0.5 hour power off but
you are no longer in the previous position , it takes more time for the GPS
Logger to get GPS position fix soon. We suggest you can click “Cold Start” or
“Warm start” to re-acquisition. Or you can remove the battery for 3 seconds and
reinsert it, this operation is the same with “Cold Start”.