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e-Link for 8-Bit MCU ICP User’s Guide
e-Link for 8-Bit MCU ICP User’s Guide
Figure 7
The upload option includes six commands, “Program”, “EEData”, “ALL”, “Verify Program”,
“Verify EEData” and “Verify All”.
• Select “Program”: Only read the Program Memory data.
• Select “EEData”: Only read the EEPROM Memory data.
• Select “ALL”: The Program Memory and EEPROM Memory data will both be read.
• Select “Verify Program”: Only verify the Program Memory data.
• Select “Verify EEData”: Only verify the EEPROM Memory data.
• Select “Verify All”: The Program Memory and EEPROM Memory data will both be verified.
Note: The read data will be shown in the corresponding window. If the data is to be stored then click
the “Save” button under the “File” option.