Installing the
rack on your vehicle:
Within the parts bag, locate the hitch pin, flat and star washers and clip (Fig. 2). The hitch pin
may be black or silver.
2. When inserting the rack into the trailer hitch, try to get the insert tube as parallel to the receiver
hitch as possible, then slide the rack in a couple of inches until the hole on insert tube of the rack
lines up with the hole in your receiver.
Slide the flat and lock (star) washers over the threaded hitch pin, then Insert the hitch pin through
the trailer hitch (receiver) and insert tube
4. Thread the hitch pin i
nto insert tube using a ¾” wrench (box, open end or socket type) or an
adjustable wrench. Tighten securely.
5. Install the hitch pin clip provided by placing it through the hole at the end of the hitch pin. To lock
the rack to your vehicle, you can alternately place a padlock through the hole at the end of the
threaded hitch pin. If you use a padlock, the hitch pin clip will not be used.
Installing your bikes on the
1. If the support arms are not already in a horizontal position, back off the knob at the end of the
rack’s support arms, pull out the support arms and rotate them into the horizontal position. Retighten
the knobs securely.
2. For ease of installation, we suggest you put the
larger bikes on the inside (closest to vehicle),
smaller frames or kids bikes on the outside. The
first bike loaded should have the handlebars facing
towards the driver’s side of the vehicle. Place the
top tube (or closest appropriate frame tube) onto the
bike cradles, pull the straps over the bike tube and
attach to the tab on the opposite side of the cradle.
Use a strap notch-hole that provide a snug fit, but
take care not to pull the strap over-tight. This can
put undue stress on the bike’s paint, and may over-
stretch the strap, making it more susceptible to
breakage. Be sure to use the anti-sway blocks
(below the support arms) to strap the bikes seat tube
(or other frame tube as appropriate) to prevent the
bikes from swaying on the
rack. The anti-
sway pivot block can be removed with either Phillips
screwdriver or 5mm hex wrench (depending on
fastener used by factory).
3. If you can’t mount the bikes top tube onto
the cradles, use the down tube or seat tube.
Secure the bike with the cradle straps. Please
note that the cradles can be rotated on the
support arm to place them in a more easily
useable position, and to accommodate unique
bicycle frame designs.
Attach the long (86”) strap
by placing it through the front and rear wheels of all
bikes mounted (this keeps the wheel from spinning
while in transit). Wrap the Safety strap around the
main beam of the rack after passing it through the
wheels of the bikes.