Take the large snap hook out of the package and attach it to
the small screw hook attached to the spring, or to the fixture/auxiliary rope (if
not using the spring).
To suspend a cradle, use a strong fixture (a ceiling anchor, a standing mount,
etc.) able to bear the load of at least 100 kg. If the fixture is more than 200 cm
above the floor, use the auxiliary rope to make sure the cradle is hanging low
enough to allow you to comfortably place the baby inside. You can purchase
the auxiliary rope in our online store, in the “Hojdavak fixtures” section.
Get your spring ready (if using) and check that the safety rope is installed
properly. The safety rope must be threaded through both snap hooks and the
spring itself, with the ends tied with a strong, firm knot. Never use the spring
without the safety rope! Read more in the Spring Instructions available at
Hodavak.cz. Attach the connector to your fixture or the rope and screw tightly.
Place the mattress into the cradle (buckwheat side up) and push it all the
way to the upper (back) edge. XL version: Fold the fabric that overlaps the
mattress under the mattress. When the mattress becomes too short for the
baby, remove it from the cradle and place a folded fleece blanket into the
pocket under the mattress (blanket is not included with the cradle).
Make a loop at both ends of the rocking cord and insert one of them into the
snap hook. To rock the cradle with a spring, pull down on the rocking cord.
When placing the baby into the cradle, make sure the baby’s head is at
the upper edge of the cradle – this will keep the baby’s head slightly lifted.
Finally, tie the strings together with a bow.
Grab the fabric cradle, find the upper fold, gather the fabric in your hand
and insert it into the snap hook. Close the snap hook. The side with the
strings is the front; it is the side you will be facing when placing the
baby in the cradle.
Gather the sides of the cradle and place the fabric into the grooves on the
beechwood bar.