A m pl i f i e R i nst AllA tio n
section 3
Important note Before proCeedInG
Power wires and wires for rear speakers will travel from inner fairing
area towards the back of the bike. You can run wires in the factory
wire “chase” which is under the fuel tank along the frame, or up
and over fuel tank, but under the chrome console. If you are
comfortable removing and re-installing your bike’s fuel tank, doing
it now can make running the wires much easier.
As the amplifiers come in the box, they are “stuck” to a mounting plate for use in
FLH (Batwing) model bikes. “Peel” the amps off the plate and put that plate aside
as it’s not required for FLTR (Road Glide) installations.
As stated in the “Important Notes” at the beginning of this manual, the required
radio flash is called “4 speaker no amp” and is required for your system to work
properly. The 4 speaker no amp flash is what comes from the factory on all non
CVO model Ultras. Please refer to these important notes or CONTACT US if you
have questions!
The image below will be one you can reference throughout the installation. Please
take a minute and familiarize yourself with the items listed below in the image.
Figure 1.1
= Mounting points for Headlight assembly
= Wire passage from fairing to bike
= Brake side speaker harness (Pink and Pink with Black Stripe wires)
= Clutch Side Speaker harness (Pink and Pink with Black Stripe wires)