Step 10
Step 11
Range Test
Anti-Crash Technology (ACT)
Prior to your first flight, you will need
to perform a range test. Two people
are needed to do this—one to hold the
airplane and one to hold the transmitter.
1. One person holds the transmitter
while the other person walks 100
paces away with the Super Cub LP.
2. Be sure the throttle slider is in the
“off” position.
3. Extend the antenna and turn on the
4. Plug in the flight battery, close the
battery door and turn the latch so
the battery door stays in place.
5. As soon as the throttle is advanced,
the prop should spin quickly.
6. As the person moves the
transmitter controls, the airplane
should respond correctly with the
controls operating smoothly.
Warning: The person holding the airplane
needs to make sure the propeller
will not come in contact with any
clothing, hair, or parts of the body.
100 paces
Your Super Cub LP comes equipped
with exclusive Anti-Crash Technology.
This software will help prevent crashes
due to over-control. The sensors that
are located on the fuselage “see” the
horizon. One sensor is located at the
top of the windshield and the other is
on the bottom side of the fuselage, in
front of the landing gear.
The electronic system connected to the
sensors knows that the airplane (with
“on”) should not be allowed to
enter a steep dive. If you give
transmitter input that causes the plane
to enter into a steep dive that could
lead to a crash, the ACT software will
override your input to help prevent the
aircraft from crashing to the ground.
ACT will cut the power going to the
motor and add some up elevator, as
well. This causes the nose of the
airplane to pull up, thereby helping
to prevent your aircraft from
crashing. However, in order for ACT to
work properly, there has to be sufficient
altitude for recovery (at least 200 feet
or 61 meters). ACT will only interrupt
flight in extreme situations, allowing you
to enjoy as much control of your Super
Cub LP as you need.