Firebird Stratos
Flight Control
For smooth control of your aircraft, always make
small control moves. All directions are described
as if you were sitting in the aircraft.
For example, when the aircraft’s nose is point-
ing toward you, left steering (rudder) will turn
the aircraft left (your right while holding the
• Flying faster or slower:
When your aircraft
is stable in the air, push the throttle stick up
to make the aircraft go faster, and pull the
throttle stick back to slow down. The aircraft
will climb when the throttle is increased.
• Elevator up and down:
Push the elevator
stick forward to make the aircraft go down
and pull the elevator stick back to go up.
• Steering right and left:
Move the steering stick
right to make the aircraft go right and move
the steering stick left to go left (as if you are
seated in the cockpit).
For the fi rst fl ights, make sure the transmitter is
set in low rate (LED slowly blinking).
Virtual Instructor
The Virtual Instructor
features 4 assisting systems:
Wing Leveling
–Uses a stabilization
sensor to keep the wings level during
normal fl ight.
What you will see...after the throttle is
increased above 50%, the propellers
will turn when rudder is applied or the
aircraft is moved.
Rudder to Elevator Mixing
–Assists with
stability during turns.
What you will see...the elevator moves
when the rudder is moved.
Throttle to Elevator Mixing
–Aids in
control during descending and landing.
What you will see...the elevator moves
when the throttle stick is moved
below 50%.
Rudder to motor (differential thrust)
–Supports wing leveling to make
more powerful corrections.
What you will see...after the throttle is
increased above 50%, the propellers
will turn when rudder is applied or the
aircraft is moved.
These automatic systems work together
to help prevent the kind of situations
experienced by new pilots, such as over-
correction, that can lead to accidents.
ADVANCED Flying tips
go online and visit
www.hobbyzonerc.com to see Quique’s Tips.
Mode 2
Mode 1