10. Built-in devices 143
Use the adjusting knob / pushbutton to select the icon in the
menu line
- Press to switch to the setting mode.
Setting the timer
- Use the adjusting knob / pushbut-
ton to set the hours and then the
Entering the start time
- Use the adjusting knob / pushbut-
ton to set the hours and then the
Entering the end time
If the start/end time was exceeded during entry, the operating
parameters will only be taken into account after the next start/
end time has been reached. Until then, the operating parameters
set outside the timer will remain valid.
Setting the room temperature
- Use the adjusting knob / push-
button to select the desired room
- Press the adjusting knob / push-
button to confirm the temperature.
Setting the hot water temperature
- Use the adjusting knob / pushbut-
ton to select the desired hot water
- Press the adjusting knob / push-
button to confirm the temperature.
The timer can only be selected if the clock on the control panel
has been set.
If the timer has been activated (ON), the menu item Activate timer
(OFF) is first displayed.