Mass cable test
If you want to test the same cables in mass quantity (more than 2 pieces),
read a standard cable as above read cable procedures.
After reading a standard cable, connect the tested cable on the tester properly.
Press the TEST switch once, the test job is proceeding and LCD display will
show “*Test Mode*”
After the test is completed, the LCD display will show “---pass---” with one
“Beep” sound, then display will come back to “Ribbon-666*Cable Tester*”
If the test result is error, the LCD display will show “---Error!!---” with three
“Beep” sound, then display will come back to “Ribbon-666*Cable Tester*”
If you want to read the error out, press UP and DOWN to show the error up.
How to read the LCD display:
LCD display
1. Read cable wire map and show it by up and down switch
The tester is reading the wire map.
All the wires are disconnected
A01-B01 A02-B02 A03-B03......
All the wires are connected by pin to pin
A01-B01 A02-B02 A03-B03.......
Pin 1 and pin 2 are crossed
A01-B01 A02-B02 A04-B04......
Pin 3 is open
2. Test a cable to compare with a read standard cable
The wire map is completely the same as
the standard cable.
The wire map is different from the
standard cable.
3. Show the error by up and down switch
"0": A01-B01
Pin 1 is open
"S": A01-A02
Pin 1 and pin 2 are shorted
"S": A01-B02
"0": A01-B01
Pin 1 and pin 2 are crossed
"S": A01-B02