We recommend performing warm-up exercises presented in the picture below, before starting your training.
Each exercise should be performed for at least 30 seconds. Warm-up
Even though we do our best to ensure the highest quality of our products, single defects or
omissions might occur. If you note a defect or missing part, we invite you to contact us.
Customer service department:
Św. Elżbiety St. 6, 41-905 Bytom, POLAND
Labelling the product with a symbol of a crossed waste container informs us that the worn-out electrical
and electronic equipment cannot be put into the same container as other waste. According to the WEEE
Directive on the management of electrical and electronic waste, separate recycling methods shall be used
for this type of equipment.
A user who wants to dispose of such product is obliged to transfer it to the collection centre for worn-out
electrical and electronic equipment, thanks to which they support its re-usage, recycling or recovery and
thusly protect natural environment. For this purpose, one should contact the equipment seller or represen
tatives of local authorities. Hazardous components contained in electronic equipment may have long-lasting
harmful impact on natural environment as well as adverse effect on human health.
Side bend
Forward bend
Thigh Muscle Stretch
Inner Thigh
Muscle Stretch
Calf & Achilles