The Network Camera can be configured to send event and error email messages via SMTP
(Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
SMTP(E-Mail) Setting
Select “Enable” to activate the SMTP operation.
-. Mail Server / Port -
Enter the host names (or IP addresses) and port numbers for
your mail server in the fields provided, to enable the sending of notifications and
image email messages from the camera to predefined addresses via SMTP.
-. Sender – Enter the email address
to be used as the sender for all messages sent by
the Network Transmitter.
-. Interval - Represents the frequency of the email notification when an event occurs.
-. Aggregate events - Shows the maximum number of emails sent within each interval.
If your mail server requires authentication, check the box for Use authentication to log in
to this server and enter the necessary information.
-. User Name / Password - Enter the User Name and Password as provided by your
network administrator or ISP (Internet Service Provider).