Advanced System Set Up
Safety T imer
O N 120Min
Capacity C ut-Off
O N 5 000mA H
This program sets t he maximum
capacity t hat will be supplied
battery during charge. If the delta
voltage i s not d etected nor t he
timer expired by any reason, this
will automatically stop the process
selected capacity value.
When y ou start a charge process,
integral s afety timer automatically
running at t he s ame time. T
programmed to p revent o vercharge
battery i f it p roves to b e faulty, or
termination circuit cannot dete
battery full. The value for the safety
should be generous enough to allow
charge of the battery.
100-50000 mAh)
1-720 Min
The system will be set to its default parameters when powered on
for the fi rst time. The screen displays the following information in
sequence and the user can change any given value on each screen.
To change a parameter value in the program, press START/ENTER
to make that value blink. Next, change the value by pressing INC or
DEC. The value will be stored by pressing START/ENTER once.