Introduction (continued)
[IP Address:]
A unique numeric address used to identify each network device.
The IP's factory default setting is
[Sub Net Mask:]
The network address portion of the IP address.
The factory default is
[DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):]
This setting is used to determine whether to have this device's IP address assigned automatically
by the network's DHCP server or to assign the IP address manually (as described above).
The factory default is to leave this setting Off and assign the IP address manually.
[Ch (Channel):]
The wireless LAN (IEEE802.11b) device can communicate on channels 1 to 11. The factory
default is channel 10.
[Wireless Mode:]
Sets the communication mode to be used for wireless communication. The factory default setting
is 802.11 AD-HOC.
[WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy):]
An encryption method used for wireless communication. The factory default is "Off," meaning that
encryption is not used.
[Operation Mode:Use this to confirm the current operation mode of the WNM80 module.]
Live: The screen appearing on the PC is displayed on the projector.
Play Back: The images stored in the WNM80 module are played.
PC-Less: The WNM80 is ready to execute PC-less Presentation Mode using a memory card.
[PC Card: Displays the type of PC card currently inserted into the WNM80.]
The wireless communication speed. The factory default is AUTO.
[SSID (Service Set Identity):]
The network group name (also referred to as ESSID).
The same name setting is used for the same network group.
This dialog displays the first 16 characters of the SSID. Please note that some symbols cannot be
displayed in this dialog.
[MAC Ethernet: The fixed MAC address of the wired (cable-based) LAN device installed in this device.]
[MAC Wireless: The fixed MAC address of the wireless LAN card inserted in this device.]
[WEP Key: The common encryption key when the WEP (encryption) function is enabled for wireless LAN.]
This is the encryption key used in common by the network group when the WEP (Wired
Equivalent Privacy) function is enabled.
When WEP is set to 40bit, this will be 10 hexadecimal characters. When WEP is set to 128bit, the
first six characters are set as a dummy header (00:00:00) and the remaining 26 characters
(except “:”) are the actual WEP key.
Please note that even if DHCP is enabled, the displayed address is the IP address that was
manually set, not the IP address assigned by the DHCP server.