background image


 Do not use door handles when carrying the refrigerator.

■ Never use the carrying handles to hang 

    up with a chain hoist or similar machines.

 When replacing lamps (LED) is required. Please contact your de

aler or Hitachi Service Center.

● For a floor that may be easily scratched, 
    lay a protective mat, etc. .

● Carry the refrigerator by at least 4 persons for safety reaso


● Carry it with the doors facing upward.

■Before carrying the refrigerator:
  1. Take out all food items and ice cubes.

  4. Finally carry the refrigerator with the doors facing upwar


● Secure the doors well with adhesive tapes so they do not open


● If transporting in a vehicle, do not load the refrigerator on

 its side. This could damage the compressor.

When replacing lamps (LED) is required. 

  2. Lay a protective sheet or cloth to protect the floor from 


      and catch remaining water spilled from the refrigerator.

  3. With a large piece of old cloth underneath, tilt the refri


      backward to drain water. 

Such as old cloth


■ Keep ventilation openings in the 
    appliance enclosure or in the built-in 
    structure, clear of obstruction.

Summary of Contents for R-H200P4H

Page 1: ...nce Cleaning Troubleshooting Service Center 4 2 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 Thank you very much for purchasing the HITACHI refrigerator Before using this please read the instruction manual cearfully for the correct usage Maintenance work must only be carried out at workshop by well trained maintenance worker No Frost 䯁ခֵ 䴠 ࢃθ䄁 ᗹ䯧䆶䃠᱄ᴮθԛ ֵ ᵢ Ⱦ 䶔ᑮ 䅓ᛞ䚮䌲ᰛ 䴠 ؤ ᐛ ᗻ举 ᔖᡵ䙨㺂θќ 䁉㐪ᴿ Ⲻ ؤ ᐛӰ䋖䋢Ⱦ ਠ ᇬቻ 䙊 ֵ 䃠᱄ᴮ ᰛ 䴠 ޝ ᇯ 丷ᮮ...

Page 2: ...ppliances inside the food storage compartments of the appliance unless they are of the type recommended by the manufacturer Do not damage the refrigerant circuit If you happen to damage the refrigerant pipe stay away from the refrigerator and avoid using fire and electrical appliances And open windows to ventilate and contact retailers or HITACHI service center The following warnings and cautions ...

Page 3: ...t all food items and ice cubes 4 Finally carry the refrigerator with the doors facing upward Secure the doors well with adhesive tapes so they do not open If transporting in a vehicle do not load the refrigerator on its side This could damage the compressor When replacing lamps LED is required 2 Lay a protective sheet or cloth to protect the floor from damage and catch remaining water spilled from...

Page 4: etc Refrigerator oor Poc ets Storage of pac ed small food and drin s such as juice mil etc Refrigerator Compartment Storage of side dish desert etc Refrigerator Shelves Vegetable Lower position 2 78 Upper position Convertible Compartment Freezer temperature control dial Refrigerator temperature control dial Temperature control 㻝䉝䡚㻡䉝 Refrigerator oor Poc ets 㻞䉝䡚㻢䉝 944 Storage of eggs 14 eggs Fre...

Page 5: ...0 kg 1 Convertible Compartment CAUTION HOW TO REMOVE CONVERTIBLE COMPARTMENT Lift the front of the shelf upward slightly then pull the shelf out towards you The temperature zone of the compartment is selected between Dairy Meat and Vegetable depending on the set position 2 Dairy Meat Upper position To keep meat and fish fresh before freezing 1 Vegetable Lower position For more vegetable storage If...

Page 6: ...6 ...

Page 7: ...en t he window and ventilate Afterwards please contact Hitachi Service Center 6 This appearance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the Children shall not play with the ap...

Page 8: ...ૂ ᝅӁ主 㾷䚵 ރ ᡬૂެᆹӰ ۭԛ 䋗 ᩃ θ䄁䐕ᗔԛс䆜 ૂቅᗹ δਜཌθ䄁 ж丷䜳䯧䆶䙏ӑᨆ εȾ ᆿ㼓ᱸ 㾷䚵 ރ Ƚ䀮䴱ૂ ۭ 䴱㐐ૂ䴱㐐ᨈ乣 㾷䚵 ރ θ䀮䴱Ⱦ ᰛᑮֵ ᱸ 䱨 䆜Ƚ䀮䴱Ⱦ сࡍൌ ᱥжӑׁᆆ 䆜 䆜 ቅᗹ сࡍⲺ䆜 ૂቅᗹᨆ θᱥ ٽ 䁣 ᡬу ᴹ䙏ӑᘖ 㙂Ⲳ Ⲻਥ㜳ۭᇩૂᩃ 五θ 䛀Ⲻㅜ㲕 ᾐ亥 Ⲻ䠃㾷ᙝȾ ൌ 㺞 ɇྸу ᴹθᴹᴿ儎 ᓜ೪䠃 ۭᡌ ӗⲺਥ㜳ȾɈ ㅜ㲕ᱥć䆜 Ĉᝅᙓ ൦ ㄥ ֵ ൦㷰 ᆿ㼓 ㅜ㲕ᱥ ᝅᙓ ㅜ㲕ᱥć䴶㾷Ĉᝅᙓ ൌ 㺞 ɇྸу ᴹᴿ儎ᓜ ۭᡌ䋗 ᩃ Ⲻਥ㜳ȾɈ ᵜ䴚 ᱃ ߧ ࣁˈлࡇⲴㅖ㲏ࡇ Ҷ ᱃ ߧ ࣁᱲⲴ һ丵DŽ 䙏 ف ㅜ㲕ԙ㺞ֵ ᱉ ࠃࣇᱸⲺ ᝅӁ主Ⱦ Ƶ 䃻ሷᵜ ᧕ൠԕ䚯 ݽ 䀨䴫ᡆਇಚ丣 ᬮˈ 儈 ᓖᡆ儈 Ⲵൠᯩ ᵜ ᱲˈ ׯ 䴰㾱 䴚 䙓᧕ൠ㐊DŽ 䃻䄞䂒䴦 ᡆᰕ ᴽउѝᗳ 䲚䶔ᱥ 㯜θ व 伕 䋥ᆎṲֵ ެᆹ䴱ಞ...

Page 9: ...θ वᢁᨗެ丸䜞Ƚ ᓋ䜞ૂ ޟ 䛀Ⱦ ᢁ ਥ㜳㻡䮶䛀ུ㪍Ⱦ वֵ 䮶 ᩢ䚁䴠 Ⱦ वሽੀ䧾ᡌ五ղₕಞ ޛ 䮶 θሽ䴠 ੀ䎭Ⱦ ᆹᴹⲲ 㠣 ቅᗹ वᢁ ᱸ 䀮 ࠃᇚ Ⲻޝ 伕 ૂᇯಞȾ 䙏ਥ㜳Ԛ ࠃۭ δ ᱥ䠇ኢ ԬεȾ व䇉伕 ᬧᷬࢃㄥⲺ䜞Գシ Ⱦ 䙏ਥ㜳ᴹԚ 䮶у㜳䚟 䰒䮿ᡌ䋥 Ṳᦿсθਥ㜳ഖ ᆆᦿࡦ㞩рθ 䙖ᡆ ۭȾ व ࠃᇚᆎ ᆆȾ ᆆਥ㜳ഖ ޝ 䜞Ⲻ伨ᯏ㟞㝯㙂䙖ᡆ 㻸θ 㒲㙂ቄ㠩 ۭȾ वሽᢁ ޛ 䴠 ᓋ䜞с䶘Ⱦ ᱸྸሽᢁ ޛ 䶖䘇䴠 ᓋ 䜞Ⲻ㺞䶘рθਥ㜳ᴹ㻡㮺Ⲻ䠇 ኢ ࢨۭȾ 䯁க 䮶ᱸθ 䴏㞩у㜳䶖ᗍའ䘇Ⱦ ᢉ䯁 䮶ᱸθ 䴏㞩ਥ㜳㻡 و Ⱦ䙖ᡆ ۭȾ 㤛൦ᶵᇯ᱉ࡤ㣧θ 䄁 рж ؓ䆭ເᆆȾ ֻྲ㠺ᐳ ƽ ᆹ ޘ 䎧㾻ˈ䴰㾱ː ػ ᡆԕкⲴӪ ᩜ䙻䴚 DŽ ƽ ᩜ䙻䴚 ᱲˈ 䮰ᵍкDŽ Ƶᩜ䙻䴚 ࡽ ਆࠪᡰᴹ伏 ߠ DŽ ᢺ 䆧 ᡆҮᐳ㡆 ൠкˈԕ ݽ ൠᶯਇᨽˈ і 䳶䴚 Ⲵ DŽ ᢺ...

Page 10: ... Ⲻ ऋθԚ䴠 Ⲻޝ ⓡᓜуᒩൽ վθ 㙂ъᴹԚ 仞ਙⲺ伕 ߦȾ ֵ ؓ凤 ᡌᇼሷᇯಞθ䱨 伕 䇀Ҵᡌ Ⱦ 䃯ㇰ 㞣 㻙㻝㻥䉝䡚㻙㻝㻣䉝 ࠃᇚ 䮶 ݨ Ṳ ਟ ݢ 㯿乀 ݸ व㼍Ⲵߧ 伏 нᔪ䆠䮧ᵏ ݢ ᆈˈ ഐ ᑨ䮻䰌䴚 ਟ㜭ᴳԔⓛ ᓖॷ儈DŽ 㻞䉝䡚㻢䉝 ᆈ ᴹव㼍Ⲵ ሿ伏 伢 ྲ ǃ ྦㅹDŽ 㰅ᇚ 䮶 ݨ Ṳ 㰅ᇚ 䮶 ݨ Ṳ 㻠䉝䡚㻣䉝 㭢㨒ؓ凤ᇚ 㭢㨒ᇚᣳኒ ᆈ ᯠ凞㭜㨌 㻝䉝䡚㻡䉝 㰅ᇚ ݢ ᆈ佨㨌ǃ ㅹ 㰅ᇚኚᷬ 㻙㻞㻜䉝䡚㻙㻝㻤䉝 ࠃᇚ ࠃᇚ ᆈ ᙕ 伏 䴚 ㅹDŽ 伕 ᆎⲺփ㖤 ֵ ࢃⓌ ۏ 䴔㴁ᷬ ࠃᇚ 䮶 ݨ Ṳ ᝅ ƽ ԕкⲴⓛᓖˈᱟ ᇔཆⓛᓖ e ˈߧ㯿ᇔⲴⓛᓖ䁝ᇊ 1RUPDO ᑨ ˈߧ ᇔⓛᓖ䁝ᇊ 1RUPDO ᑨ ˈ 䴚 䮰䰌к ᴹ ݢ ᆈ伏 ᛵ лⲴ䘁լᮨ DŽ ƽ 䮰 ݢ ṬⲴⓛᓖਟ㜭 儈ᯬк䘠ⲴⓛᓖDŽ 10 ሿᱲ ⓡᓜ ࠃᇚ 㰅ᇚ ਥ䃵ᕅ 㰅ᇚ 㭜㨌 лኔս...

Page 11: ... ሷĀߦⴚā ࠪˈі ަк ˈⴤ㠣 ս 䔹㐊䱴䘁DŽ ƽ ߠ ᖼˈᬠĀߦⴚāⲴᖼ㒼 九ˈߠ㩭 ޕ Ā ⴈߦݨ āDŽ ƽ यሷ㼭ߠ 䙓Ṷ 䎠ᡆᢝᴢ ྲെᡰ ˈԕ ݽ ᨽ 㼭ߠ DŽ ƽ यሷ ⴂߠݢ 㼭ߠ ˈԕ ݽ ᨽ ⴂߠݢ DŽ 㴁ᷬ 䃵ṗኚᷬ 䃯ṑኔ ޜ ᯔ ƽ 䕅䕅 䎧ኔ Ⲵࡽㄟˈ ᖼᵍ㠚ᐡⲴᯩੁሷᆳ ࠪDŽ ƽ 䁝ᇊኔ Ⲵ ᜣ儈ᓖDŽ ƽ ᆳਟԕ㼍䔹 䳫䴎㳻ˈሷᆳ䕹ࡠ㛼䶒ˈ ਟԕ 㖞䔳 ሿⲴᶡ㾯DŽ ƽ 䃻 л㺘Ⲵ ݢ ᆈ䟿 ݢ ᆈ伏 ˈ н㾱䎵䙾ᤷᇊᇩ䟿DŽ ᴶཝ㼓䔿䠅 ਟ䃯ᔿߧ㯿ᇔ ޜ ᯔ 㭜 凞Ṭ ޜ ᯔ ቅᗹ 㰅ᇚ ਥ䃵ᕅ 㰅ᇚ ྸ 〱䲚ਥ䃵ᕅ 㰅ᇚ ƽ 䕅䕅 䎧ኔ Ⲵࡽㄟˈ ᖼᵍ㠚ᐡⲴᯩੁሷᆳ ࠪDŽ 㿆Ѿ䁝ᇊⲴս㖞ˈߧ㯿ᇔⲴⓛᓖ ਟᯬ ྦ于ˋ㚹于 㭜㨌ѻ䯃 䚨 DŽ ྦ于ˋ㚹于 кኔս㖞 ƽ ᙕ ࡽ ᤱ㚹于 冊于ᯠ凞DŽ 㭜㨌 лኔս㖞 ƽ ݢ ᆈᴤཊ㭜㨌 ƽ 㤕 ᜣ ᆈ凞㚹 冊于䔳䮧Ⲵᱲ...

Page 12: ...䐩䯎Ⱦ 䴠 ᴿੜ 㖤 䲳 ݿ ሺⲺփ㖤ϋ 䴠 ᴿੜ䶖䘇 Ⓠϋ ⓡᓜ ᰁ䡋ᱥੜ䁣ᇐ 䇾㻯㼛㼘㼐䇿փ㖤ϋ 䴠 ޝ ᴿੜ 㖤 伕 ϋ 䴠 ޝ ᱥੜ 㖤䚄ཐ伕 ϋ 䯁䰒 䮶ᱥੜའ䚄乱㑷ϋ 䮶ᱥੜぃᗤ䯁கϋ ⓡᓜ ᰁ䡋ᱥੜ䁣ᇐࡦć ROGHVWĈփ㖤ϋ ᴿੜሽ儎 ᓜⲺ伕 ૂ㭢㨒θ ࡦ䶖䘇 仞 ਙⲺኚᷬ ޝ ϋ 㤛ሽ伕 ᗍའ䘇 仞 ਙθᆹ ه ሽᴹ ߦȾ 䴠 ᑮуࠃ 䴠 уབࠃ 㰅ᇚ Ⲻޝ 伕 ᑮ ߦ ޝ 䜞 䙏уᱥ 䳒 Ⲳ ಠ丩 䴠 㺞䶘Ⲳ 䰒䮿ж䳱䮶θ ਜж䳱䮶ᴹᢉ䯁 ᴿੜⲲ у ᑮⲺ㚨丩ϋ ᱥੜ ᴿऻ㼯ᴹⲲ Ⲻ伕 ϋ ؓ䴠 ᐨゟരᆿ㼓Ⱦ 䴠 ᴿੜ䀮 ࡦ ϋ 䴠 ޭᴿ䱨䵨 ૂⲲ 䁣 ۏ Ⱦ 䴠 䮶கऋᡌ 䮶 ᑮ䯁ਾᱸθ㜂䜞ૂ ڪޟ 䜳ᴹⲲ Ⱦ ࠃᇚૂ 㰅ᇚⲺグ 䚉ᱥ䙙 Ⲻθ 䰒䮿ж䳱䮶ᱸθ 仞 ᴹቄ㠩ਜж䮶㻡ᢉ䯁θ䙏ኢ ᑮ 䊗Ⱦ 㚳㿁 ᡌ Ⲻ㚨丩θެሜᱥ ࠃࣇ ऋⲺ㚨丩θ 㻸㚨ּ㠠 ݨ ᆎᇚȾ ⓡ...

Page 13: ... 㾱 ˈࡽ 䃻ṩᬊㅜ 丱 ḕ䴚 DŽ ྲ䴚 ӽᵚ㜭ྲᑨ䙻 ˈ 䃻ণᤄ䲔ᨂ九ˈ 㚟 䴦 ᡆлࡇᰕ ᴽउѝᗳDŽ 䴱䂧 852 2753 5386 ᵃएѣᗹ 俉 ᰕ ᴹ䲀 ޜ ਨ ƽ 䴫䂡㲏 ྲᴹ अᚅнਖ㹼䙊 ᵃएѣᗹ http www hitachi hk com hk tc contact_us index html 13 ...

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