How to Use
4 Setting Charge
Refer to the corresponding items in Installation & Operation Manual.
● Registering unit data
Refer to
Setting Charge
Registering Unit Data”.
● Registering name
Refer to
Setting Charge
Registering Name”.
● Setting accumulated data
- Untaken data acquisition
Refer to
Test Run
Conduct Calculation”.
- Changing start date of data accumulation
Refer to
Test Run
Preparation for Actual Operation”.
● Setting Calc. Mode
Refer to
Setting Charge
Registering Calc. Mode”.
● Checking connection information
Refer to
Setting Charge
Verifying Unit Connection and Registration”.
● Control System
- Offset
Refer to
Maintenance & Service
Print out Adjustment”.
● Complete setup
Refer to
Setting Charge
Complete Setup”.
<Method Sample>
1. Ratio on REFGN Cycle 0, Unit 0 at 0:00 2008/Jan/1 is;
Ratio on that day = 5.5687% (DAYS_200801.csv)
Ratio at 0:00 = 3.8754% (HOURS_20080101.csv)
Ratio on REFGN Cycle 0, Unit 0 = 16.5484% (UNITS_20080101_00.csv)
Then 0.05687*0.03745*0.165484*100% = 0.0352%
2. Ratio on REFGN Cycle 0, Unit 0 at 1:00 2008/Jan/1 is;
Ratio on that day = 5.5687% (DAYS_200801.csv)
Ratio at 1:00 = 4.7565% (HOURS_20080101.csv)
Ratio on REFGN Cycle 0, Unit 0 = 18.2498% (UNITS_20080101_01.csv)
Then 0.055687*0.047565*0.182498*100% = 0.0483%
3. Total ratio of REFGN Cycle : 0 Address : 0 in 2 hours from 0:00 2008/Jan/1 to 2:00 is ;
0.0352% + 0.0483% = 0.0835% (from the result above)
Apply the method above to the data stored in a month so that the result of the method will be total ratio in the
If applied to each unit, result of the method will be total ratio on each unit.
If the result shows ratio of 30% on REFGN Cycle 0, Address 0, then the unit is responsible for 30 % of the total
electricity charge.
Note: Electricity amount of air conditioner usage (if any other is included) * 0.3 = charge for REFGN 0, Address: 0.