iH-210 User Guide
Hitachi Terminal Solutions Korea Co., Ltd.
11) External Display Two Teller Mode
When set to ON, the display is only displayed in the right port when the right user is selected in
the two teller mode, and the display is updated only in the left port when the left user is selected.
When set to OFF, both are updated at the same time.
4-4. Comm Info
Set up ENET and External Display connection.
After selecting each item, press and hold the item to edit it.
After enter all items, try to press
“Connect” button to connect the machine to Server.
You can save the current setting by pressing
“SAVE” Button.
When press
“Default” button, Default ENET Setting is loaded.
2) External Display
- Display Type: FND type and LCD type can be selected.
- Display Mode: Select information displayed on the screen of External Display.