Hitachi H100C Technical Notes Download Page 20


2-3-4 P ower  Con sum pt ion  

Wh en   ca lcu lat in g  t he  in-boa rd  temper at u r e  r ise  of  t h e  con t rol  boar d,  swit chboa r d,  et c.,  t he  power   con sum pt ion  of   

t h e equ ipm en t s used m ust  be consider ed. Th e power  consum pt ion of t h e st a r t er a n d con t a ct or is  given  in  Ta ble 12.   

Ta ble 12. P ower con sumpt ion  

P ower  consu mpt ion  (W) 

F r a m e 

Con t a ct  

r esist a n ce 



con t act or  

st ar t er  

Con dition  of cur r ent  

(Ra t ed oper a t ion a l 

cu r r en t ) 

H 8C


H S8,H S10 





H 20,H S20 






H 25,H S25 






H 35,H S35 

1 .7 





H 50,H S50 

1 .6 

































































Rem a rks: 1. The con t act  r esis t an ce wa s m easu r ed bet ween t h e term in a ls of t he power  sou rce a n d   

t h e loa d sides a ft er th e 50 t h ousa n d cycle elect r ica l endu r an ce t est .   

2. The power con sumpt ion  of t h e con t a ct or  r epresen ts t h e su m  of power  consum ption    

of t h e cur r ent -flowin g section  a n d t he coil, a nd t h e power  con sum pt ion of t h e st a r ter    

r epresen ts t h e sum  of power consum pt ion of t h e cont a ct or a n d t h er m a l over load r ela y.   


2-3-5 E ndu r a nce t o Over -cu rr en t  

Wh en   t h e  squ irr el-ca ge  m otor   is dir ect-on-1in e s t ar t ed,  a  st ar t in g  cur r ent  of  5  t o  6  times  t he  r a ted  cur r ent   flows  for   1   

t o  2  seconds,  a n d  in  som e  of  t h e  loa d  t ypes,  su ch  a  cu rr en t  m a y  flow  for  lon ger  t ha n  5  t o  6  secon ds.  Th e  t h erm al   

over load  r ela y  wor ks  a t  over load  a n d  t h e  cir cu it   is  broken ,  du rin g  wh ich  a n  over-cur r ent   exceedin g  t he  r a t ed  cur r en t    

flows.  Accor din gly,  it   is  necessa r y  t o  select   t h e  st a rt er ,  fu se,  br eak er,  et c.  cor respon din g  to  t he  loa d  ch a r act er ist ics,   

a n d also t o k n ow t he en dur a n ce to over -cu rr en t.   

In   F ig.  15,  t h ey  in d ica t e  t h e  a llow a ble  t im es   for   w h ich   t h e  con t a ct or   ca n   be  con t in u ou s ly  u sed  a lt h ou gh   t h e   

t em per a t u re r ise of cont a ct s is mor e t h a n  t h e specified va lu e in  st a nda r d. N ot e t h a t  a ft er t h e la r ge cur r ent  flows, a t im e   

in t er val of m or e t h a n 2 h ou rs shou ld be pr ovided.   

(N ot e: Th e endu r a nce t o over -cu r r en t does n ot  depen d on power  sour ce volt a ge.)   

Summary of Contents for H100C


Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...acteristics 17 2 4 Application and Selection 18 2 4 1 Application of AC3 18 2 4 2 Application of AC4 Application of Cases Including Inching and Plugging 21 2 4 3 Application of AC1 Application to AC Resistance Load 21 2 4 4 Application to DC Load 21 2 4 5 Application for Star Delta Starters 21 2 4 6 Application for Condenser Load 24 2 4 7 Application to Opening Closing of Primary Side of Transform...

Page 4: ...g Space 37 5 2 Wiring Connection 37 5 2 1 Clamping Torque 37 5 2 2 Connectable Wire and Usable Pressure Type Wire Connector 37 5 2 3 Connection of Thermal Overload Relay with CT 38 5 2 4 Connection when Single Phase or DC Motor is Applied 39 6 HANDLING MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION 41 6 1 Storage and Conveyance 41 6 2 Maintenance and Inspection 41 6 2 1 Inspection 41 6 2 2 Replacement of Contacts of ...

Page 5: ... With saturation reactor With mechanical interlock DC operated type Direct input coil type Double coil type With latch Standard type With twin contact With latch DC operated type 2 phase type 1E thermal over load relay 3 phase type 1E thermal over 1oad relay For protection of overload and single phase failure 2E thermal overload relay With saturation reactor Quick response type Quick response type...

Page 6: ...andards for vessel Name of country Name of standard Necessity of approval J apan NK Regulations for Steel Ships Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Necessary U K LR Lloyd s Register of Shipping Necessary France BV Bureau Veritas Necessary 1 3 SERVICE ENVIRONMENT The performance of starter contactor and thermal overload relay is guaranteed under the following normal service condition Therefore if they are compelle...

Page 7: ...hen the starter and contactor are exposed temporarily to a low temperature during transportation to a cold area even such low temperatures of 30 to 40 are no cause for concern It is necessary though to take measures against deformation due to reverse bending of bimetals and brittleness of insulating materials thus when placing an order please inform us if transportation to a cold area is involved ...

Page 8: ...y such as insulation etc Moreover the structure consists of the horizontal plunger and the link structure types as shown in the following table Table 4 Horizontal plunger and link structure Outline Features Frame used Horizontal plunger Working directions of the moving Simple structure contact and moving core are 8C 250C horizontal Link structure Movement of the moving contact Light shock to is ho...

Page 9: ...5 Fig 1 H35 Horizontal Plunger type Fig 2 H300C Link structure ...

Page 10: ...ore comes into contact with the fixed contact and closes the circuit Then contact pressure and contact over travel are applied to the contact by means of the contact spring When releasing the excitation of the coil the moving core is separated from the fixed core and the moving contact parts from the fixed contact and opens the circuit The above movements are shown in Fig 4 operation diagram Fig 4...

Page 11: and reduction in weight is achieved by placing the electromagnet just under the contact As a result of adopting such a structure contact bounce produced when closing is decreased thus markedly im proving the performance of large capacity models Fig 5 Link structure 2 Shock of link structure products to mounting board Shocks in the case of horizontal plunger type the contact and the moving core ...

Page 12: excited the moving core of release electromagnet is attracted to the fixed core so that it moves in the direction of the arrow D shown in Fig 9 and the moving core disengages from the concave of the rod Then the moving core of closing electromagnet moves in the direction of the arrow C by the force of the return spring and the moving contact linked to the moving core separates from the fixed co...

Page 13: ...s the circuit 2 Double coil type The dimension of double coil type DC operated contactor is the same as that of AC operated one The double coil is a coil which has 2 coils closing coil and holding coil wound on the coil bobbin Operation When a voltage is applied to the coil a current flows only to the closing coil the moving core is attracted to the fixed core and the moving contact linked to the ...

Page 14: ... AC2 AC3 AC4 Non inductive or slightly inductive loads resistance furnaces Slip ring motors Starting plugging 1 Squirrel cage motors Starting switching off motors during running Squirrel cage motors Starting plugging 1 inching 2 1 By plugging is understood stopping or reversing the motor rapidly by reversing motor primary connections while the motor is running 2 By inching jogging is understood en...

Page 15: ...he necessity of not causing any damage to adjacent parts 2 The resulting temperature shall not reach a value such that the elasticity of the material is impaired For pure copper this implies a total temperature not exceeding 75 3 Limited solely by the necessity of not causing any damage to insulating materials When no current is passed to the main and auxiliary circuits and opening and closing ope...

Page 16: ...veral utilization categories IEC 60947 4 1 Category Value of the rated operational current Make Break I Ie U Ue cosφ 1 Ic Ie Ur Ue cosφ 1 AC 1 AC 2 AC 3 AC 4 All values All values Ie 17A 17 A Ie 100 A Ie 100 A Ie 17A 17 A Ie 100 A Ie 100 A 1 5 4 10 10 8 2 12 12 10 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 95 0 65 0 65 0 35 0 35 0 65 0 35 0 35 1 5 4 8 8 6 3 10 10 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 95 ...

Page 17: ...stand the dielectric test voltages 2 3 CHARACTERISTICS 2 3 1 Voltage Allowable Range of Coil When the power source voltage of the operating circuit temporarily varies within a range of 15 to 10 of the rated voltage of coil the contactor operates without any trouble However when the voltage constantly becomes higher or lower than the rated voltage the following failures may occur so be sure to use ...

Page 18: ...s against them taken Table 11 Causes of voltage drop of coil power source Class Causes Main circuit The wire of main circuit is fine so the voltage is dropped by the starting current of the motor The wire of main circuit is long so the voltage is dropped by the starting current of the motor Operating circuit The wire of operating circuit is fine so the voltage is dropped by the rush current of the...

Page 19: ...enerated near them may cause an unexpected malfunc tion When operating the contactor especially when cutting off the exciting current of coil the coil generates a sharp surge voltage with the result that the peak voltage may reach higher than 4kV and the frequency higher than 5kHz This is radiated as noise to the outside and it is difficult to prevent such noise even if a protective element is pla...

Page 20: ... consumption of the contactor represents the sum of power consumption of the current flowing section and the coil and the power consumption of the starter represents the sum of power consumption of the contactor and thermal overload relay 2 3 5 Endurance to Over current When the squirrel cage motor is direct on 1ine started a starting current of 5 to 6 times the rated current flows for 1 to 2 seco...

Page 21: ...mounting board the contacts of the contactor and the thermal overload relay may cause malfunction Therefore try to prevent vibration to the mounting board by all means The malfunction limits of starter contactor and thermal overload relay are over 2 g Vibration acceleration g 0 002 Frequency Hz 2 Double amplitude mm ...

Page 22: ...Starting plugging The same as paragraph 24 l unless plugging is included AC3 Squirrel cage motors Starting switching off motors during running Refer to 2 4 1 IEC 60947 4 1 AC4 Squirrel cage motors Starting plugging inching Refer to 2 4 2 DC load Refer to 2 4 4 Star delta starter Refer to 2 4 5 Condenser load Refer to 2 4 6 Opening closing of primary side of transformer Refer to 2 4 7 2 4 1 Applica...

Page 23: ...llowable accident current IR Making capacity Im Breaking capacity Ib IR Im IR Ib When IR Im the contact may be welded When IR Ib breaking may become impossi ble Mechanical endurance Start stop frequency n Necessary endurance times N Opening closing frequency m Mechanical endurance M n m N M Overload protection thermal overload relay Load current of motor If RC value of thermal overload relay IRC I...

Page 24: ...e curve When long electrical endurance is required select electromagnetic contactors using following endurance curve a AC200V class motor AC3 Fig 17 Endurance curve AC200V b AC400V class motor AC3 Fig 18 Endurance curve AC400V ...

Page 25: ...13 of the catalogue 2 4 5 Application for Star Delta Starters Delta motor is star connected during starting and reduces starting current and torque to one third of full voltage starting values 1 Loads applied to star delta starters and electrical endurance of starter Table 15 Load and electrical endurance Load Example of load Electrical endurance unloaded start machine tools lathe general industri...

Page 26: ...5 H200C T H125C H200C 1 4 1 1 1 7 90 H250C T H150C H250C 2 4 1 7 2 9 TR250B 1E 110 H300C T H200C H300C 132 H250C 2 4 1 7 2 9 200V 150 H400C T H300C H400C 3 8 2 8 4 4 TR400B 1E 5 5 6 8 4 5 9 0 7 5 11 H20 T HS20 T H20 HS20 9 7 11 15 H25 T HS25 T H20 HS20 H25 HS25 15 12 18 TR20B 1E 18 5 H35 T HS35 T H25 HS25 H35 HS35 22 20 16 24 30 H50 T HS50 T H35 HS35 H50 HS50 28 22 34 TR50B 1E 37 H50 HS50 45 H65C ...

Page 27: ... 0 1 8 55 H150C H80C H150C Single installation 75 H200C H125C H200C 90 H250C H150C H250C 2 4 1 6 3 2 110 H300C H200C H300C 132 H250C 3 8 2 5 5 0 200V 150 H400C H300C H400C 6 8 4 5 9 5 5 TR20B 1E 9 6 12 7 5 15 12 18 11 H20 HS20 H20 HS20 TR25B 1E Single installation 20 16 24 15 H25 HS25 H20 HS20 H25 HS25 28 22 34 18 5 H35 HS35 H35 HS35 H35 HS35 22 TR50B 1E 40 32 48 30 H50 HS50 H50 HS50 H50 HS50 55 4...

Page 28: ... 4 8 12 H25 HS25 7 20 12 17 4 20 6 8 17 H35 HS35 10 29 18 26 5 5 28 10 5 26 H50HS50 13 38 26 38 7 5 38 15 38 H65C 18 52 35 51 10 50 20 50 H80C 22 64 45 65 12 60 26 65 H100C 29 84 55 79 16 80 31 78 H125C 34 98 70 101 19 95 40 100 H150C 44 127 88 127 25 125 50 125 H200C 53 153 105 152 30 150 60 150 H250C 65 188 130 188 37 185 75 188 H300C 80 231 160 231 46 230 92 230 H400C 100 289 200 289 57 285 115...

Page 29: ...80C 32 6 4 32 12 28 14 5 40 13 5 40 26 36 31 H100C 40 8 40 15 28 14 5 50 17 50 33 36 31 H125C 50 l0 50 19 32 16 62 21 62 41 40 34 H150C 60 12 60 22 32 16 75 26 75 50 40 34 H200C 72 14 5 72 27 58 29 90 31 90 60 72 62 H250C 96 19 96 36 58 29 120 41 120 80 72 62 H300C 120 24 120 45 100 50 150 52 150 100 125 110 H400C 160 32 160 60 140 70 200 70 200 130 175 150 H600C 240 48 240 90 200 100 300 105 300 ...

Page 30: ...hanism applicable to the thermal overload relay 2E Fig 23 Internal structure of thermal overload relay 2E This 2E thermal overload relay is the same as the standard type as regards the external structure but different from the internal structure in the differential mechanism Current setting mark Operating circuit terminals Current setting knob Reset button Concurrently used for change of reset met...

Page 31: ...e than the predetermined value when over current flows it is possible to stop the motor a Operation diagram b Connection diagram c Operation sequence Fig 24 Protective operation of thermal overload relay b Operation of 2E thermal overload relay Refer to the catalogue page 24 3 2 PERFORMANCE 1 Standards for thermal overload relay The standard type 1 E thermal overload relay and 2E thermal overload ...

Page 32: ...ic 3E relay Rough protection to Phase failure More stringent phase failure protection Object Required function Overload restriction protection 3 3 2 Selection for Small Capacity Motor The reasons why a 2 element 1E thermal overload relay is selected for a small capacity motor of less than 3 7kW in Table 21 are as follows Even in the case of 2 element thermal overload relay the phase failure operat...

Page 33: ...istance value Therefore a voltage drop caused by the thermal overload relay becomes large so that full attention must be paid to insufficient starting torque and voltage unbalance when using 2 element type thermal overload relay Where the load is light unbalance of current due to voltage unbalance tends to become large It is recommended that 3 element type thermal overload relay be selected Where ...

Page 34: ...r 50 may occur Reference 3 Heater resistance of thermal overload relay The thermal overload relay is designed to actuate the contact mechanism by driving the bimetal using the heating of the internal heater arising from overload current of the motor The minimum power necessary for this heating should be more than 1 3W one phase component when the rated current is flowing W power I2 rated current2 ...

Page 35: ...ld be concurrently used for restraint protection thus ensuring perfect protection 3 3 5 Where Starting Time is Long For the fan press machine etc whose mechanical inertia GD2 of load is great the starting time is long If the starting time is long it is very difficult to achieve compatibility of prevention from malfunction with protection of motor so that for practical purposes such a method is ado...

Page 36: ...32 Fig 28 ...

Page 37: ...s of use Abnormal conditions of use Kind of current Category Make Break Make Break I U cosφ I Ur cosφ I U cosφ I Ur cosφ Alternating current AC15 10Ie Ue 0 7 1 Ie Ue 0 4 1 11Ie 1 1Ue 0 7 1 11Ie 1 1Ue 0 7 1 I U T0 95 I Ur T0 95 I U T0 95 I Ur T0 95 Direct current DC11 Ie Ue 6 P 2 Ie Ue 6 P 2 1 1Ie 1 1Ue 6 P 2 1 1Ie 1 1Ue 6 P 2 Ie rated operational current I current to be made or broken Ue rated ope...

Page 38: ... 26 Class of mechanical endurance in millions of no load operating cycles Number of no load operating cycles per hour 0 01 0 03 0 1 0 3 1 3 10 30 100 12 12 12 30 120 300 1200 3600 12000 4 Electrical endurance test The test condition of the electrical endurance test is the normal conditions of use in Table 25 and the maximum frequencies of on load operating cycles are given in the second column of ...

Page 39: ...35 4 4 CONTACT RELIABILITY The maps of contact reliability of contactor relays are as shown in Fig 31 and Fig 32 ...

Page 40: ...ergy of the release operation so that it cannot be mounted crosswise The thermal overload relay can be mounted only crosswise by counterclockwise rotating it 90 degrees because of heat conduction of the heater Table 27 Mounting state Type Frame Standard mounting and allowable mounting angle Crosswise mounting Contactor relay and 8C 125C Reversible type with mechanical interlock cannot be mounted c...

Page 41: ...ering the following items 1 Sufficient space to prevent a short circuit accident due to arc produced when opening and closing 2 Space necessary for normal radiation of heat generated by the starter and contactor and for holding down the temperature rise below the allowable value 3 Space for securing the insulation distance specified in the standard Regarding the mounting space refer to the dimensi...

Page 42: A current flows to the 3 heaters of the thermal overload relay at 3 phase overload Fig 35 Even if phase failure occurs current flows to the 2 heaters without phase failure regardless of the insertion phase of CT the same operation is made as the 3 phase thermal overload relay not using CT Fig 36 Where 3sets of CT are used individual CT s are connected to the respective heaters of the thermal ov...

Page 43: a single phase motor or DC motor connection should be made as shown below in order to maintain the operating performance of the thermal overload relay 1 In case of 2 element thermal overload relay TR12B lE Fig 39 2 In case of 3 element thermal overload relay Connect wires so that a current flows to 3 heaters Fig 40 Wrong connection Fig 41 Wrong connection ...

Page 44: ...n a state where current flows to all 3 elements In the case shown in Fig 41 the protection characteristic is deteriorated The protection characteristic indicates a deviation of 12 in the worst case as shown by the dotted line in Fig 42 Fig 42 Operating characteristic in wrong connection ...

Page 45: ... splashed with water oil etc A condition free of corrosive gas combustible gas dust vapor salt etc Use special care for the storage after unpacking Conveyance Carefully handle and carry the devices The devices are carefully packed however if they should be dropped from a high place a part of the case etc may be damaged 6 2 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION 6 2 1 Inspection In order to prevent troubles an...

Page 46: ... move the moving part by hand Check whether the contact is worn If abnormal wear is found investigate the cause Re confirm the inspection items required immediately before and after operation 2 Periodical inspection a Time of periodical inspection When the inspection is carried out taking into consideration the environment and the frequency of use as given in Table 31 appropriate security and prev...

Page 47: ...iscoloration and crack of the molded part due to overheating 4 Check of thermal overload relay Check the terminal screws for loosening Check the operating state by performing test trip and resetting When the contact of the contactor is almost melted due to short circuit the thermal overload relay must be considerably damaged so that it should be replaced Excluding those which are protected by CT o...

Page 48: ...g with dry cloth Use of sandpaper or file will result in producing beats 8 Check of voltage applied to coil Check whether the voltage is too high or too low The voltage should be adjusted so that it attains the rated voltage after operation Take care that the voltage when closing does not become less than 85 of the rated voltage Unsuitable voltage of the operating coil will cause various troubles ...

Page 49: ...of contacts Allowable min thickness of contact mm Frame Allowable min over travel mm Moving contact Fixed contact Measuring method of over travel H8C 0 5 0 6 0 6 H10C 11 12 HS10 0 5 0 6 0 6 H20 HS20 1 0 3 0 3 H25 HS25 1 0 3 0 3 H35 HS35 1 0 3 0 3 H50 HS50 1 0 3 0 3 H65C 1 0 5 0 5 Measure the position of operational indicator at the front of contactor with slide calipers Measure the position a of t...

Page 50: ...f operating coil and the like 6 The switch should be protected from direct splash of water drops or oil and dust Place the switch in a water proof drip proof and dust proof box during use 7 Do not use the switch without an enclosure at a place where there is a concentration of corrosive gas combustible gas salt and the like 8 Do not mount the switch at a place subject to abnormal vibration or shoc...

Page 51: ...e same capacity kW the load current varies with the number of poles and types so that it is necessary to set correctly the adjusting knob to the motor current Do not raise the set value to prevent occasional operation Since the occurrence of operation must be due to some cause first investigate the cause and remedy it Otherwise there is a possibility that a major trouble may take place 18 The ther...

Page 52: ...t m ot or does n ot r ot a t e Over h ea t of con t a ct H ow t o r ea d t h is Ta ble Rea d t h e Ta ble fr om t h e ph en omen on colu m n a t t h e left en d t owa r d t h e r igh t a n d select t h e ca u ses fr om t h e bla ck por t ion t hen fin d t h e cou n t er m ea su r es fr om t h e cou n t er m ea su r es colu m n below t h e bla ck por t ion s Cou n t er m ea su r es There is a case ...

Page 53: ...ection of circuit or tightening of connection terminals Connect it to motor terminals or load terminals of starter see page 47 Repair or replace the operating switch push button switch float free switch limit switch etc Check the limit switch pressure switch etc Replace parts coil Correctly mount it to the vertical face see page 36 Select the suitable starter Re examine the application In case of ...

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