CP-X2511N(C15I-25N2) / CP-X3011N(C15I-30N2) / CP-X4011N(C15I-40N2) / CP-X2011N(C15-20N2) / ED-X45N(C15-20N2)
Dichroic Optics Unit replacement
Disassembly procedure
1) Stand the optical unit on the flat and stable place
with the lens side upwards. And then, loosen and
remove 4 screws of the lens assembly shown in
the drawing.
2) Lift the lens assembly to separate it from dichroic
optics unit. Do this word carefully not to shift or
drop any spacers.
NOTE: In some case, spacers may come off with
lens assembly.
3) Draw sketches of each spacer in their position
and direction so that you can re-attach them to
the optical unit as they are in assembly.
Dichroic Optics Unit and Lens Assembly replacement
• Do not touch lens or glass parts of the LCD panels and optical filters. (See the chapter “6-3 Cleaning
the dust off the panels and the optical filters”.
• Do not loosen screws with which the lens assebmly is fastened to the dichroic optics unit except
when you replace them. Oterwise, spacers between the lens assembly and dichroic optics unit
may shift or come off, and it may make optical performance worse. (The number of spacers and
their position are different in each projector.)
• Take care separated spacers or hexagonal nuts may not damage the optical parts, while you do
these works.
Assembly procedure
1) Attach the LCD prism assembly to the new dichroic optics unit.
2) Stand the dichroic optics unit on the flat and stable place with the lens side upwards, and put
all the spacers on the dichroic optics unit as they were.
3) Put the lens assembly onto the dichroic optics unit. Insert 4 screws into their screw holes, and
then align the spacers.
4) Fasten the lens assembly with 4 screws as follows.
1st: Tighten 4 screws lightly. (Torque: 0.1N•m)
2nd: Tighten 4 screws firmly. (Torque: 0.25N•m, 0.30N•m (max.))
5) Check any spacers do not protrude from the optical unit before you complete re-assembling
the optical unit.
Lens Assembly replacement
Disassembly procedure
Loosen and remove 4 screws, and detach the lens assembly and spacers.
Assembly procedure
Put the new lens prism assembly onto the dichroic optics unit, and fasten with 4screws.
(Torque: 0.25N•m, 0.30N•m (max.))
ATTENTION: Do not put back the spacers removed in disassembly to the optical unit.