- 77 - Security Freeze Lock [F5h]
The Security Freeze Lock command sets the device to frozen mode. After this command is completed any
other commands which update the device lock functions are rejected. Frozen mode is quit by power off or
hardware reset. If Security Freeze Lock is issued when the device is in frozen mode, the command executes
and the device remains in frozen mode.
Device returns Aborted command if the device is in Locked Mode.
Commands disabled by Security Freeze Lock are:
Security Set Password
Security Unlock
Security Disable Password
Security Erase Unit Security Disable Password [F6h]
The Security Disable Password command requests a transfer of a single sector of data from the host. The
following table defines the content of this sector of information. Then the device checks the transferred
password. If the User password or the Master password match, the device disables the lock function. This
command does not change the Master password that may be reactivated later by setting a User password.
Control Word
Bit 15-1Reserved
Bit 0
0 = Compare user password
1 = Compare master password
17-255 Reserved
Device shall be in Unlocked Mode. Device returns Aborted command error if command is not supported, the
device is in Locked mode, or the device is in Frozen mode.