An IP address consists of the network address and the host address.
The network address identifies the network (subnet) that the instrument
is on. The host address identifies the instrument.
To specify the division between the network address and the host
address, an identifier called a subnet mask is used. A subnet mask is
represented by a 32-bit number. The bits for the network address are
set to 1 and the bits for the host address are set to 0.
For example, if the first 24 bits show the network address and the
remaining 8 bits show the host address, the network will be shown as
11111111 11111111 11111111 00000000
This is represented by a hexadecimal number (0xffffff00) or, as with an
IP address, by a number with decimals (
When a net mask is combined with an IP address, it is shown as The number 24 after the slash shows that the net mask
is made up of 24 bits, i.e.,
Set the same subnet mask for all the instruments on a subnet.
When DHCP is enabled, a subnet mask will be automatically assigned.
Subnet mask