background image


SNAPS toolbar…. 

Use these to force 
SiteMaster to ‘snap’ to a 
specific point on an 
object…the red dot shows 
where the snap will occur 

Options toolbar… 

This will and give you 
different options for the 
particular command you are 

Main Menu….

all the commands are available in a drop 

down format 
Load this extended menu by selecting ‘File > Load extended 

Standard toolbar…. 

All the usual stuff…. 
New Drawing, Open, Save, 
Cut Copy Paste Print and 

Property toolbar…. 

Ortho lock, Snap to Grid, Grid ON/OFF 
CAD Layer Manager, Current Layer, Current Colour, Current Line Style 



Note: Any toolbar can 
be ‘floated’ simply drag 
it onto the drawing 
screen Use the grey 
bar at the end of the 
TIP Right click in a 
toolbar (on the grey or 
blue, not on an icon) to 
bring up the full list of 
icon toolbars. 
Tick the one you want 
to switch it on. 

SiteMaster Menu 

Pictorial access to the 
SiteMaster Building 
commands…split into 
modules for easier working. 


TIP If this is on screen, use 
its icons in it. If it isn’t on 
screen use any of the 
normal icons. 


TIP For modules with more 
than one page of commands 
use the arrows at the side to 
turn the pages. 


Use the 

Goto Menu


navigate between 
SiteMaster modules 




Use the 

Floor Manager


down to control which floor 
you are working on. 



…very useful 

Command Prompt…. 

This is where can type commands and you are 
prompted for the next thing to do in any 

Drawing window…. 

This is where you drawing will 
appear…use the ZOOM tools to 
navigate around it 


SiteMaster Menu ON/OFF 

You can also use the main 
menu…SiteMaster > Start Icon Menu 

Pan tool…

 ‘Push’ the drawing 

around on screen press again (or ESC) 
to switch OFF 

Zoom IN/OUT…

 Slide the stylus up 

and down the screen to zoom in/out 
press again (or ESC) to switch OFF 

Zoom Extents…

 Shows the whole 

drawing in the drawing window 

Zoom Window…


when picked, 

needs 2 further points to be picked on 
screen….these points will be the 2 
diametrically opposite corners of a 
box….the contents of which will fill the 


Add Voice Note...


Lets you record 

your voice and place an icon in the 



acts as the Enter key



Building XP 




