Hilti PD 38 Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

Navigate to the Room Module…


To move between Menus use 
either the UP arrow… 
Or the ‘Goto Menu’ drop down … 
Select the 


Add Room Area data…


Plan Menu > Rooms/Area’s icon…then select the ‘

Assign New’


1. Fill in the dialogue box… 
NOTE The comment drop 
down has ‘Edit’ ..you can 
add your names 
2. then click OK. (dialogue 
NOTE The height is used to 
calculate the volume of the 
3.Then Click inside the 
Room where you want the 
room area text to appear… 
4. Move, rotate, scale 
Show/Hide refers to the text 
you are placing..(you can 
type factors at the command 

prompt …for a scale, press the ‘scale’ button and enter 0.7 for 
instance and the text will appear 0.7 smaller). 

Add detail to the room…. 

Lets add a chimney breast or pillar into a wall….In the 

Plan Menu 

> Walls

 menu select the 



Then select the wall where you want to place the object and also at 
the end that you want to measure from. A red arrow with d1 
appears…this is to indicate where you need to measure from. 



Measure to the nearest point of the object…

(press any of the 

arrow keys on the A6 to ‘send’ this dimension the ’Distance’ 

Initially you will see a 0, when you send the dimension 

it will change 



Fill in the Recess/Chim. Dialogue box…width and depth…and click 
OK…a pink arrow appears…



Simply pick on screen on the side of the wall line where you want 
the object to appear. (in this case where the L is) 

The object 
appears..click END. 


Add a door is just the same with a couple of 


In the 

Plan Menu > Openings

 select the 



Then select the wall where you want to place the door (select at 
the end of the wall that you want to measure from)…. 
A BIG red arrow with d1 
appears…this is to 
indicate where you 
need to measure from. 
Measure to the nearest 
point of the door…. 


Fill in the Door dialogue 
box and click OK… 
This time when the pink 
line appears you need 
to pick where the 
opposite skin of the wall 
is. (i.e. outside the 
Then the ‘Room 
connection’ dialogue 
Measure the wall to the 
left of the door (in the next room) and then the wall to the right, and 
click OK. 


WATCH OUT…the last thing SiteMaster wants you to do is select 
the wall line where the door hinges. 


This is where the 
ZOOM icons will come 
in handy, as you need 
to be able to pick the 
correct wall 


Use the Zoom Extents (has the cross in the middle) and Zoom 
window (has a box in the middle) icons. 
Zoom Extents when picked will show the whole drawing 
Zoom window when picked, needs 2 further points to be picked on 
screen….these points will be the 2 diametrically opposite corners 
of a box….the contents of which will fill the screen. 
NOTE  you can pick one point on screen and then ‘drag’ the 
second point by pressing again and keeping pressure on…this way 
you see the box that will fill the screen.  (Press and let go,… Press 
and hold, drag, then let go). 


Once zoomed in, pick the wall that the hinge is on and the door will 
be drawn…arrange the text how you want it and pick OK. 


If the door isn’t drawn, one of the lines will be 
pink…in the Options 
toolbar click the NO until 
the correct line is pink,  
then click YES.…arrange the text how you want it and pick OK 


The door command will then 
give the option to put in the 
‘Next’ door along the same wall 
from the same 
datum…(measure first then 
click ‘Next’). 
Or use the ‘End’ option to stop drawing doors. 

Add a Window….


Exactly the same as above (without the swing) but click the 
relevant ‘Window’ command to start in 

Plan Menu > 


…select the wall at the end you want to measure, 

measure, fill in dialogue box, pick where opposite wall skin is, place 


Working in Triangulation mode with a Hilti



If you are not sure whether a wall segment is at 90° or 45° angle, 
you can add it in any angle based on two known points 
(»Stations«) and two distances. 


- In the 

Add Wall dialogue

 select the 

TriDraw icon 

 (select’ 90° 

Draw’ to go back to wall segments in 90° and 45° angles) 
- Click on Select Stations and select two base points in drawing, 
NOTE that SiteMaster has automated SNAPS that are switched on 
by default so you will only have to select the wall line somewhere 
near the end required…the SNAP will do the rest. 
When the pink arrow appears, just click on screen to mark the side 
where the wall segment shall be drawn (where the point to be 
triangulated is… ‘P’ in the diagram below) 
- Measure length from both Stations to wall end point, ( P to S1, 
AND P to S2)….click Draw to draw the wall 
TIP Click on ?  to display 
Click on explanation itself 
to close it. 


Triangulation appears in several 
places but the method is always the 
same…2 station points and measure 
from them to the point. 


Use the ‘Tracking’ mode 
for the cross corner 

Simply press and hold the DIST button until the Disto starts 
beeping….then let go…press again to stop the tracking. The 
measurements will be on the SiteMaster screen…select the one 
you want. 
Activate SiteMasters ‘Tracking’ mode (press ‘Settings’ button while 
in the TriDraw dialogue box and put a tick in tracking) and 
press the DIST icon next to the dimension box required on 
screen in the software….press ‘Stop tracking’ and the 
max/min will be on screen…just pick the one you need. 
Use the Hilti’s fold out ‘peg’ to measure in corners accurately. 
