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기기가 냉각되지 않은 상태에서 유지보수 작업을 실시해야 할 경우에는 반드시 보호장갑을 착용하십시오.

적합한 귀마개를 착용하십시오(기술자료의 소음 정보 참조). 화스너는, 가스-공기 혼합기의 점화에 의해 격

발되어 박히게 됩니다. 이때 노출되는 소음은 청각에 손상을 줄 수 있습니다. 그 주변에 있는 사람들도 적

합한 귀마개를 착용해야 합니다.

작업 시 비정상적인 자세는 피하십시오. 안전한 작업자세가 되도록 하고, 항상 균형을 유지하십시오. 이렇

게 하여 예기치 않은 상황에서도 제품을 잘 제어할 수 있습니다.

본 지침에 따라 타정기, 액세서리, 공구 비트 등을 사용하십시오. 이 때 작업 조건과 실시하려는 작업 내용

을 고려하십시오. 기기를 규정된 용도 이외에 사용하게 될 경우 위험한 상황이 발생할 수 있습니다.

작업할 때 다른 사람, 특히 어린이들을 작업장에서 멀리 떨어져 있게 하십시오.

타정기를 이용한 안전한 작업

타정기를 신체 부위 쪽으로 누를 경우 실수로 리벳이 박혀 중상을 입을 수 있습니다.

어떠한 경우에도 타정

기를 손 또는 다른 신체 부위 쪽으로 누르지 마십시오.

고정 요소를 끼울 때 손가락을 방아쇠에 두지 말고, 화스너 가이드 쪽으로 너무 세게 누르지 마십시오. 용

도에 따라 (예를 들어 와셔, 클램프, 클립 등) 고정기구를 화스너 가이드에 끼울 때 실수로 리벳이 박혀 중상

을 입을 수 있습니다.

타정기가 자기 자신 또는 타인에게 향하지 않도록 하십시오.

타정기 사용 시 팔을 굽힌 상태로 유지하십시오(팔을 펴서는 안됨).

타정 작업 시 항상 타정기의 손잡이를 꽉 잡고, 모재에 수직으로 위치시키십시오. 이렇게 하면 고정 요소가

모재에서 빗나가는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다.

핀을 미는 기구를 되당길 때 항상 기구가 맞물리도록 유의하십시오.

타정 요소를 작업하기 전에, 타정 작업 시 작업 영역의 앞쪽, 뒤쪽 또는 아래쪽에 있는 사람 및 물건에 위험

이 없는지 확인하십시오.

타정 요소가 타정되는 작업면 뒤쪽에 사람 또는 신체 일부가 있어서는 안 됩니다.

고정 요소를 용접된 강철 또는 주강과 같은

딱딱한 모재에 박지 마십시오

. 이러한 소재에 박으면 잘못 박히

고 고정 요소가 파손될 수 있습니다.

고정 요소를 목재 또는 캐리어재가 없는 석고보드와 같은

부드러운 모재에 박지 마십시오

. 이러한 소재에

박으면 잘못 박히고 모재가 뚫릴 수 있습니다.

고정 요소를 유리 또는 타일과 같은

깨지기 쉬운 모재에 박지 마십시오

. 이러한 소재에 박으면 잘못 박히고

모재가 분리될 수 있습니다.

작업하기 전에 모재의 뒷부분에 사람이 부상 당하거나 물건이 손상될 염려가 없는지 확인하십시오.

타정기가 모재에 완전히 수직으로 접촉된 후에만 방아쇠를 당기십시오.

장시간 동안 타정율이 높은 경우 손잡이 부위를 벗어난 표면이 뜨거울 수 있습니다. 화재로부터 보호할 수

있도록 보호장갑을 작용하십시오.

타정기가 과열되면, 가스캔을 제거하고 타정기를 냉각시키십시오. 최대 타정율을 초과하지 마십시오.

타정 과정 중에 모재, 고정 요소 또는 매거진 스트립 등의 물질이 튀어 흩날릴 수 있습니다. 재료의 파편으

로 인해 눈 등 신체에 부상을 입을 수 있습니다.

보안경, 귀마개 및 안전모를 사용하십시오.

타정기의 종류

와 용도에 따라, 방진 마스크, 미끄럼 방지용 안전 신발, 안전모 또는 귀마개 등과 같은 안전한 보호장비를

착용하면 부상의 위험을 줄일 수 있습니다. 주위에 있는 모든 사람도 보안경과 안전모를 착용해야 합니다.

어떠한 경우에도 동일한 부위에 다른 고정 요소를 박지 마십시오. 이로 인해 잘못 박히고 고정 요소가 파손

될 수 있습니다.

매거진을 교체하거나 청소 또는 수리 작업을 진행하기 전에는 항상 가스캔(지침 → 페이지 52), 배터리(지침

→ 페이지 52) 및 매거진 내용물을 분리하십시오. 타정기를 무감독 상태로 두거나 운반 및 보관하는 경우,

가스캔, 배터리 및 매거진 내용물을 제거하십시오.

열 유입으로 인한 파열 위험!

타정기, 액세서리 및 소모품에 화기 노출, 발열체, 납땜기 및 용접기 등으로 인

해 과도한 열이 유입되지 않도록 보호하십시오.

완변하고 규정에 맞는 기능을 보장하기 위해 있을지도 모를 손상에 대하여 타정기와 액세서리를 점검하십

시오. 기기의 움직이는 부품이 완벽하게 작동하는지, 끼이지 않았는지 또는 부품이 손상되지 않았는지를

점검하십시오. 타정기의 완벽한 작동을 보장하기 위한 모든 조건들이 충족되어야 하고, 모든 부품이 정확

하게 설치되어야 합니다. 손상된 안전장치와 부품은 사용설명서에 다르게 언급되어 있지 않는 한,


비스에서 정확하게 수리 또는 교환해야 합니다.

타정기는 반드시 자격을 갖춘 전문 기술자에 의해 그리고 순정 대체부품만 이용하여 수리해야 합니다. 이

렇게 하여 타정기의 안전성을 계속해서 유지할 수 있습니다.

타정기를 변조하거나 개조해서는 절대로 안됩니다.

화재위험 또는 폭발위험이 있는 곳에서 타정기를 사용하지 마십시오.

주위 환경을 고려하십시오. 타정기가 비 또는 눈에 노출되지 않도록 하며, 습하거나 물기가 있는 곳에서는

기기를 사용하지 마십시오.

환기가 잘 되는 작업장소에서만 타정기를 사용하십시오.

화스너 가이드와 고정 요소가 올바르게 조합된 것을 선택하십시오. 잘못 조합된 경우 타정기가 손상되거나

고정력이 낮아질 수 있습니다.

Summary of Contents for GX-IE

Page 1: ...GX IE GX IE XL English 1 Fran ais 11 T rk e 22 34 45 55 64...

Page 2: ...1...

Page 3: ...2 3...

Page 4: ...GX IE GX IE XL en Original operating instructions 1 fr Mode d emploi original 11 tr Orijinal kullan m k lavuzu 22 ar 34 ko 45 cn 55 zh 64...

Page 5: ...f danger that can lead to serious injury or fatality CAUTION CAUTION Draws attention to a potentially dangerous situation that could lead to personal injury or damage to the equipment or other propert...

Page 6: ...tted to operate service and maintain the products This personnel must be specifically informed about the possible hazards The product and its ancillary equipment can present hazards if used incorrectl...

Page 7: ...discharge of a fastener Never point the fastening tool towards yourself or any other person Keep your arms flexed when operating the tool do not straighten the arms Always keep the fastening tool fir...

Page 8: ...s presented by electricity Before beginning work check the working area e g using a metal detector to ensure that no concealed electric cables or gas and water pipes are present Hold the fastening too...

Page 9: ...ificial respiration and if necessary supply oxygen After eye contact with gas rinse the open eyes thoroughly under running water for several minutes After skin contact with gas wash the contact area c...

Page 10: ...provided with the gas can In order to operate the fastening tool the gas can must be inserted in the gas can compartment The gas can status can be read from the LED display after pressing the GAS but...

Page 11: ...e information and vibration values The sound pressure and vibration values given in these instructions have been measured in accordance with a standardized test and may be used to compare one fastenin...

Page 12: the battery is seated securely 3 Check that the battery is securely seated in the fastening tool 6 Driving fasteners WARNING Risk of injury due to accidental actuation The uncontrolled driving of a...

Page 13: ...elease slider to the EJECT position 4 Remove the fastener guide 8 4 Inserting the fastener guide 1 Remove the gas can 2 Remove the battery 3 Push the fastener guide release slider in the direction ind...

Page 14: ...listed in this table or you are unable to remedy the problem by yourself please contact Hilti Service Trouble or fault Possible cause Action to be taken The content of the gas can is inadequate for t...

Page 15: ...rned to Hilti for recycling Ask Hilti Service or your Hilti representative for further information Do not dispose of power tools electronic equipment or batteries as household waste 13 Manufacturer s...

Page 16: ...tres informations utiles Maniement des mat riaux recyclables Ne pas jeter les appareils lectriques et les accus dans les ordures m nag res 1 2 3 Symboles dans les illustrations Les symboles suivants s...

Page 17: ...le produit d crit ici est conforme aux directives et normes en vigueur Une copie de la D claration de conformit se trouve en fin de la pr sente documentation Pour obtenir les documentations techniques...

Page 18: ...ments de fixation dans un mat riau support trop fragile comme du verre ou du carrelage Une implantation dans ces mat riaux peut entra ner des rat s de tir et une projection d clats du mat riau suppor...

Page 19: ...ntra ner des accidents Ne pas exposer les accus des temp ratures lev es ni au rayonnement direct du soleil ni au feu Il y a risque d explosion Les accus ne doivent pas tre d mont s cras s chauff s une...

Page 20: ...inture D clencheur Ou es d a ration Compartiment de la cartouche de gaz Bouton de d verrouillage de l accu Indicateur de l tat de charge de l accu Touche pour l affichage de la cartouche de gaz Affich...

Page 21: ...aut retirer la cartouche de gaz 3 8 Indication du niveau de charge de la cartouche de gaz Apr s avoir appuy sur la touche GAS l afficheur LED indique l tat de la cartouche de gaz tat Signification Tou...

Page 22: ...une valuation pr alable de l exposition aux bruits et aux vibrations Les indications fournies correspondent aux principales applications du cloueur Ces donn es peuvent n anmoins diff rer si le cloueu...

Page 23: ...bien en place dans le cloueur 6 Tir d l ments de fixation AVERTISSEMENT Risque de blessures entra n es par un d clenchement d un tir par m garde Une implantation incontr l e peut entra ner de graves...

Page 24: ...verrouillage du canon sur la position EJECT dans la direction de la fl che et le maintenir dans cette position Le canon peut seulement tre introduit si la position EJECT est maintenue 4 Introduire le...

Page 25: En cas de d faillances non num r es dans ce tableau ou auxquelles il n est pas possible de rem dier sans aide contacter le S A V Hilti D faillance Causes possibles Solution Le contenu de la cartouc...

Page 26: ...eux pays en vue de leur recyclage Consulter le service clients Hilti ou un conseiller commercial Ne pas jeter les appareils lectriques lectroniques et accus dans les ordures m nag res 13 Garantie cons...

Page 27: ...boller kullan lm t r Bu say lar k lavuzun ba lang c ndaki ilgili resimlere atanm t r Numaraland rma resimdeki al ma ad mlar n n s ras n g stermektedir ve metindeki al ma ad mlar ndan farkl olabilir Po...

Page 28: ...uyu turucunun ya da alkol n etkisi alt nda oldu unuzda aleti kullanmay n z Aletin kullan m s ras nda bir anl k dikkatsizlik ciddi yaralanmalara neden olabilir Ki isel koruyucu donan m ve her zaman bi...

Page 29: ...koruyucu donan mlar n n kullan lmas yaralanma riskini azalt r evredeki di er ki iler de koruyucu g zl k ve koruyucu kask takmal d r Ayn noktaya asla ikinci bir sabitleme eleman akmay n z Bu sabitleme...

Page 30: d ar km ve veya d ar ekilmi ak ler arj edilemez ve art k kullan lamaz Tutulamayacak kadar s cak bir ak ar zal olabilir Ak y yang na kar g venli bir yerde so umaya b rak n Yak n nda yan c malzeme bu...

Page 31: halinde ger ekle tirilebilir Hilti taraf ndan belirtilen sabitleme ve uygulama nerileri ancak bu ko ullar n sa lanmas durumunda ge erlidir ivi akma tabancas sadece manuel olarak kullan labilir Bu r...

Page 32: ...n yor Doluluk durumu 25 ile 10 aras nda Bir LED ye il yan p s n yor Doluluk durumu 10 un alt nda Gaz kutusunun yenisi ile de i tirilmesi tavsiye edilir Gaz kutusu bo veya i levini yerine getirmiyor Ga...

Page 33: na ra men kullan lmad s reler de dikkate al nmal d r Bu durum toplam al ma s resi boyunca zorlanmay belirgin ekilde azaltabilir Kullan c y ses ve veya titre imin etkilerinden koruyacak ek g venlik...

Page 34: ...i in teti e bas n z ivi akma tabancas n n ve sabitleme eleman n n dayanak noktas na kadar zemine do ru bast r l mamas halinde akma i lemi m mk n de ildir 5 akma i leminden sonra ivi akma tabancas n z...

Page 35: ...aleti ne de akan su kullan n z Silikon i erikli bak m malzemesi kullanmay n z Ne sprey ne de benzeri ya lama ve bak m r nleri kullan n z ivi akma tabancas n havaland rma delikleri t kal iken kesinlik...

Page 36: ...maddeleri temizleyiniz ak m kafas a nm ak m kafas n de i tiriniz ivi akma tabancas akma i lemini ger ekle tirmiyor Ak bo Ak y de i tiriniz veya bo ak y arj ediniz Gaz kutusu bo Gaz kutusunun durumunu...

Page 37: ...i tir Geri d n m i in gerekli ko ul usul ne uygun malzeme ayr m d r o u lkede Hilti eski aletlerini yeniden de erlendirmek zere geri al r Bu konuda Hilti m teri hizmetlerinden veya sat temsilcinizden...

Page 38: ...34 2208859 2208859 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1...

Page 39: ...2208859 2208859 35 Hilti 1 3 2 1 4 Hilti 35 GX IE GX IE XL 01 1 5 GX IE Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Zulassung Ger te Hiltistra e 6 86916 Kaufering DE 2 2 1...

Page 40: ...36 2208859 2208859...

Page 41: ...2208859 2208859 37 42 42 Hilti 80 Hilti...

Page 42: ...38 2208859 2208859 10 3 3 1 1 3 2 Hilti Hilti...

Page 43: ...2208859 2208859 39 Hilti B 12 Hilti C 4 12 50 3 3 2 Hilti Store www hilti group 3 4 2 3 5 EJECT EJECT 3 6 1 2 3 3 7 LED GAS 3 8 GAS LED LED 100 75 LED 75 50 LED 50 25 LED 25 10 LED 10...

Page 44: ...2208859 LED 3 9 LED 75 100 LED 50 75 LED 25 50 LED 10 25 LED 10 4 4 1 GX 2 IE GX 2 IE XL 3 3 3 4 500 550 10 45 10 45 150 200 50 60 3 35 50 60 3 35 60 90 3 15 60 90 3 15 20 20 800 800 4 2 7 6 13 553 1...

Page 45: ...2208859 41 EN 15895 GX 2 IE GX 2 IE XL LpA 1s 100 A 100 A LpC peak 133 C 133 C LWA 1s 104 A 104 A 2 A 2 C 2 A 2 C GX 2 IE GX 2 IE XL 1 C40 ahw RMS 3 4 5 4 5 0 22 0 22 5 5 1 5 2 1 2 3 5 3 1 2 LED 3 6...

Page 46: ...42 2208859 2208859 5 6 42 42 7 7 1 7 2 1 2 3 8 8 1 3 1 2 3 4 8 2 1 GAS 2 8 3 1 2 3 EJECT 4 8 4 1 2 3 EJECT EJECT 4 5 9 9 1 1 2 3 4...

Page 47: ...2208859 2208859 43 5 10 10 1 10 2 25000 10 3 Hilti www hilti group Hilti 10 4 11 Hilti 42...

Page 48: ...44 2208859 2208859 LED 1 42 Hilti Hilti Hilti 12 Hilti Hilti Hilti 13 Hilti...

Page 49: ...2208859 2208859 45 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1...

Page 50: ...46 2208859 2208859 iOS Android Hilti 1 3 2 1 4 Hilti 46 GX IE GX IE XL 01 1 5 GX IE Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Zulassung Ger te Hiltistra e 6 86916 Kaufering DE 2 2 1...

Page 51: ...2208859 2208859 47 52 52 Hilti...

Page 52: ...48 2208859 2208859 80 C Hilti 10...

Page 53: ...2208859 2208859 49 3 3 1 1 3 2 Hilti Hilti B 12 Hilti Hilti C 4 12 50 3 3 2 Hilti Store www hilti group 3 4 2 3 5 EJECT EJECT 3 6 3...

Page 54: ...GAS LED 4 LED 100 75 3 LED 75 50 2 LED 50 25 1 LED 25 10 1 LED 10 1 LED 3 9 4 LED 75 100 3 LED 50 75 2 LED 25 50 1 LED 10 25 1 LED 10 4 4 1 GX 2 IE GX 2 IE XL 3 3kg 3 4kg 500mm 550mm 10 45 10 45 150mm...

Page 55: ...m 20mm h 800 800 4 2 7 6dB A m 13 553MHz 13 567MHz 4 3 EN 15895 GX 2 IE GX 2 IE XL LpA 1s 100dB A 100dB A LpC peak 133dB C 133dB C LWA 1s 104dB A 104dB A 2dB A 2dB C 2dB A 2dB C GX 2 IE GX 2 IE XL C40...

Page 56: ...52 2208859 2208859 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 52 52 7 7 1 7 2 1 2 3 8 8 1 3 1 2 3 4 8 2 1 GAS 2 8 3 1 2 3 EJECT 4 8 4 1 2 3 EJECT EJECT 4...

Page 57: ...2208859 2208859 53 5 9 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 1 10 2 25 000 10 3 Hilti www hilti group Hilti 10 4 11 Hilti...

Page 58: ...54 2208859 2208859 52 LED 1 52 Hilti Hilti Hilti 12 Hilti Hilti Hilti 13 Hilti...

Page 59: ...2208859 2208859 55 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1...

Page 60: ...56 2208859 2208859 iOS Android Hilti 1 3 2 1 4 Hilti Hilti Hilti 56 GX IE GX IE XL 01 1 5 GX IE Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Tool Certification Hiltistrasse 6 86916 Kaufering Germany 2 2 1...

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Page 62: ...58 2208859 2208859 80 Hilti 10 3 3 1 1 3 2...

Page 63: ...9 59 Hilti Hilti Hilti B 12 Li ion Hilti C 4 12 50 3 3 2 Hilti Store www hilti group 3 4 2 3 5 EJECT EJECT 3 6 3 1 2 3 3 7 GAS LED 3 8 GAS LED 4 LED 100 75 3 LED 75 50 2 LED 50 25 1 LED 25 10 1 LED 10...

Page 64: ...0 mm 50 mm 60 mm 3 35 mm 50 mm 60 mm 3 35 mm 60 mm 90 mm 3 15 mm 60 mm 90 mm 3 15 mm 20 mm 20 mm 800 800 4 2 7 6 dB A m 13 553 MHz 13 567 MHz 4 3 EN 15895 GX 2 IE GX 2 IE XL LpA 1s 100 dB A 100 dB A L...

Page 65: ...2208859 2208859 61 5 5 1 5 2 1 2 3 5 3 1 2 LED 3 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 61 61 7 7 1 7 2 1 2 3 8 8 1 3 1 2 3...

Page 66: ...62 2208859 2208859 4 8 2 1 GAS 2 LED 8 3 1 2 3 EJECT 4 8 4 1 2 3 EJECT EJECT 4 5 9 9 1 1 2 3 4 5 10 10 1 10 2 25 000 10 3 Hilti www hilti group...

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Page 73: ...50 LED 50 25 LED 25 10 LED 10 LED 3 9 LED 75 100 LED 50 75 LED 25 50 LED 10 25 LED 10 4 4 1 GX 2 IE GX 2 IE XL 3 3 kg 3 4 kg 500 mm 550 mm 10 45 10 45 150 mm 200 mm 50 mm 60 mm 3 35 mm 50 mm 60 mm 3...

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Page 77: ...2208859 2208859 73 Hilti Hilti Hilti 12 Hilti Hilti Hilti Hilti 13 Hilti Hilti Taiwan Co Ltd 4 F No 2 Jen Ai Road Sec 2 Taipei 10060 Taiwan Tel 886 2 2357 9090...

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Page 80: ...Hilti registered trademark of Hilti Corp Schaan Pos 8 20210428 2208859 2208859...
