Port settings:
Every time you plug in the cable that connects the ABPM into the computer, Windows creates
a so-called virtual COM port and gives this port a number. CPWS has been programmed with
this number during the installation.
If the cable is removed from the computer and plugged in again, perhaps into a different USB
port, Windows may hand out a different number to the virtual COM port. However, the settings
in CPWS will not automatically change accordingly.
Take the following steps to find out if this is causing the issue and how to correct it
1. First we need to find out if the port is available in Windows and what the assigned port
number is:
In Windows, click the start button and type “Device manager” and hit enter or click on
“device manager” in the list that appears
The Device manager window will open
In the list of devices that appears, look for an entry named “Ports (COM & LPT)” and click
on the little arrow left of it to expand this entry (double clicking on the item itself also works)
You should now see at least one entry that has one of the following names (depending on
your ABPM version and interface cable type):
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