Product Description
Lifting very heavy patients requires special techniques
and specially designed lift equipment. Liko has developed
the Ultra product series to help lift such patients in a safe
and comfortable manner.
The Liko Ultra LiftPants also give very heavy patients the
chance to practice standing and gait training without risk
of falling. They also reduce the risk of injuries to care-
The Liko Ultra LiftPants aid in safe standing and gait
training for patients with poor balance and poor leg
function. The LiftPants allow the patient to move while
relieving him/her of a greater or lesser degree of body
The Liko Ultra LiftPants are equipped with two hip straps
on either side for more even weight distribution. There
are two different sizes.
Selecting a suitable lift
We recommend that at least two caregivers be present
when transferring a patient.
The Liko Ultra LiftPants can be used along with Liko’s
overhead or mobile lifts. An overhead lift can be used
by the patient for unrestricted movement within the lift’s
lifting area. You can choose between:
- Liko’s UltraTwin system with two lift units. The maxi-
mum load is 500 kg (1100 lbs.), depending on which
individual products are included in the assembled lift
system. The UltraTwin system is available for both
stationary installation and for freestanding installation
in the UltraTwin FreeSpan.
- Viking XL for lifting up to 300 kg (660 lbs.). May be
equipped with arm rest to give extra support during
standing- and gait training
is a warning triangle used for situations that demand extra care and attention.
In this document, the person being lifted is referred to as the patient and the person helping them is referred to as
the caregiver.
Read the instruction guide for both the sling and the lift used. Instruction guides are available for
downloading, free of charge, at www.liko.com.
Liko Ultra LiftPants™, Mod. 920
Instruction Guide