User Manual of Network Camera
WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) refers to the easy configuration of the encrypted
connection between the device and the wireless router. The WPS makes it easy to add
new devices to an existing network without entering long passphrases. There are two
modes of the WPS connection, the PBC mode and the PIN mode.
If you enable
the WPS function, you do not need to configure the parameters
such as the encryption type and you don’t need to know the key of the wireless
Figure 4-10
Wi-Fi Settings - WPS
PBC refers to the Push-Button-Configuration, in which the user simply has to push a
button, either an actual or virtual one (as the
button on the configuration
interface of the IE browser), on both the Access Point (and a registrar of the network)
and the new wireless client device.
Check the checkbox of
to enable WPS.
Choose the connection mode as PBC.
Support of this mode is mandatory for both the Access Points and the
connecting devices.
Check on the Wi-Fi router to see if there is a WPS button. If yes push the button
and you can see the indicator near the button start flashing, which means the WPS
function of the router is enabled. For detailed operation, please see the user guide of
the router.