DS-1000KI Keyboard User Manual
2005. All rights reserved.
Page 30
2.3.5 Preview
Choose “Preview” as shown in Fig 2.3.2 and enter into the preview control menu as
shown in Fig 2.3.10.
Fig 2.3.10 Preview
Choose the above items and realize DVR local preview shift.
Select preview mode:
There are 4 preview modes: 1 Screen, 4 Screen, 9 Screen and 16 Screen. You can
press the corresponding key as shown in Fig 2.3.10 to select one preview mode.
Switch preview camera:
In the one screen preview mode, press
or any numeral key, input the
channel number in the information display area (At present it can be input any
numerals between 1-32. The default channel is 1 if the input is bigger than16), then
to shift the previewing web page on the different channels.
Start preview cycle:
Choose “StarCyl”, DVR will start cycle previewing according to the preview
sequence and switch interval. Please note the switch interval time must not be set as
Stop preview cycle:
If there is no need to cycle preview between channels, choose “StopCyl” and choose “Prev.” to
exit into the control menu of the keyboard.