General information
Engine oil
If the recommended engine oil grades are not available, select an alternative from the following
chart according to the average temperatures in your area.
All 4-stroke engines are shipped from the factory without engine oil.
Propeller selection
The performance of your outboard motor will be critically affected by your choice of propeller, as
an incorrect choice could adversely affect performance and could also seriously damage the
motor. Engine speed depends on the propeller size and boat load. If engine speed is too high or
too low for good engine performance, this will have an adverse effect on the engine.
For a greater operating load, a smaller-pitch propeller is more suitable as it enables the correct
engine speed to be maintained. Conversely, a larger-pitch propeller is more suitable for a smaller
operation load.
Recommended engine oil:
4-stroke motor oil with a combination of the following SAE and API oil classifications
Engine oil type SAE:
10W-30 or 25W-40
Engine oil grade API:
Engine oil quantity(excluding oil filter):
0.35L(0.37 US qt) (0.31 lmp.qt )