5.3. Visually Inspect the Equipment
Lock out power before inspecting.
Check the following during a visual inspection:
1. Ensure all guards are in place and in good working order.
2. Examine the Powersweep for damage or unusual wear.
3. Check tightness of bolts/nuts, fasteners, and hardware (re-torque if necessary).
4. Be sure all safety decals are in place and are legible.
5. Check that the discharge and intake area are free of obstructions.
6. Inspect all moving or rotating parts to see if anything has become entangled in them. Remove any entan-
gled material.
7. When equipped: Inspect hydraulic hoses and fittings for leaks and wear. Fix or replace where necessary.
5.4. Inspect Hydraulic Hoses and Fittings
--When equipped:
Pressurize the system.
Using a piece of cardboard or wood, run it along the length of the hose and around all fittings.
Escaping hydraulic fluid under pressure will cause serious injury if it penetrates the skin sur
Replace the hose or tighten/replace the fitting if a leak is found.
Replace any hose that is badly cut, nicked, abraded, or is separating from the crimped end of the fitting.
Secure hoses to the machine.
5.5. Clean and Wash the Equipment
1. Clean out excess grain from all areas of the equipment.
2. Wash the unload auger that extends outside of the bin with a water hose or pressure washer until all dirt,
mud, debris, or residue is gone.
3. Provide sufficient time for the equipment to dry.