Grinding & Polishing Process
When you are finished using any of the diamond discs, rinse and spin completely dry. Make
sure to store them in a clean, dry plastic bag. All discs are made with industrial grade diamonds.
The maximum weight of any discs/laps shouldn’t exceed 1.5lbs on your All-U-Need machine.
Step 1: 180 Mesh Electroplated Diamond Disc (Rough Shaping)
The 180 Mesh Diamond Disc is used for stock removal and
shaping of hard-to-grind materials covering a wide hardness range.
use discs dry and use only clean water as a lubricant. Do
not use wipers or sponges, as they can become contaminated with
cutting debris and larger diamond particles. Contamination from
coarse material will cause hard-to-remove scratches in the material
you are working with. Grind the edge of your material to fit the
mounting or template. Also, remove bulk of material to create
your desired shape gemstone. Remove as many flat spots as
possible if you are making a domed cabochon. If a sharp edge is
present on your material, gently apply the sharp edge to the
diamond disc to prevent possible chipping of your material.
Step 2: 325 Mesh Brown Smoothing Disc (Smoothing)
This disc is used following the 180 mesh metal disc to further refine
the desired shape. It also removes scratches and flat spots left from
the 180 rough grinding process. It is important to remove all
scratches from Step 1 because these scratches are difficult,
sometimes impossible to remove later on. Rinse black spray shield
before proceeding to Step 3.
Step 3: 600 Mesh Red Smoothing Disc (Smoothing)
This disc is used following the 325 mesh smoothing disc. The 600
mesh red smoothing disc is used to further refine the work piece
before proceeding to the next step. It is not as aggressive as the last
disc and is excellent for removing the scratches and flat spots
Step 4: 1200 Mesh Blue Smoothing Disc (Pre-Polish)
This disc is used following the 600 mesh smoothing disc. Once you
have completed shaping your stone through the previous steps, you
use this disc to remove any scratches left from Step 3. This disc is
a pre-polish pad, prepping your stone for the final step.