The view of the
fitted baffle
from the top
To back
of stove
To front
of stove
This side
faces down
To back
of stove
To front
of stove
This side
faces down
There should be no need to remove the rear firebrick.
3 Removing the Lower Baffle Plate
The lower baffle plate is very heavy and you should
be careful to not to let it trap your hands or fingers.
Simply push it upwards to one side and let the other
side of the baffle drop down to clear the ledge on top
of the Tertiary Air channel at the back of the stove.
Using both hands you should then be able to carefully
manoeuvre the baffle plate out from the fire chamber.
Take extra care to avoid knocking it into the glass.
You can now access the smaller, upper baffle plate.
4 Removing the Upper Baffle Plate
The upper baffle plate is held in place by two
retaining lugs (A) at either side of the fire chamber
walls and is positioned against the back wall.
Again push the baffle upwards to one side to clear the
retaining lugs and then drop it downwards to
manoeuvre it from the fire chamber.
The upper baffle plate with
its distinctive curved feature
Inspect both baffle plates for signs of damage and if
necessary use a light wire brush to clean them.
Check and thoroughly clean the flueway (the flue
outlet). If soot and other deposits, such as creosote
tar, are extensive then you will need to urgently
review your choice of fuel. This could be because of
wet or unseasoned wood which causes creosote or
soot-producing bituminous house coal – see pages 12
and 13). It could also be to do with how you operate
your stove, for example, too much slumber burning
without burning on ‘full power’ at least once a day.
5 Replacing the Baffle Plates
To replace the baffle plates simply reverse the
procedure outlined above being careful to note the
correct position of the components – see below.
The Upper Baffle Plate
This is the smaller of the two baffles and should be
replaced first. its distinctive curved feature points
downwards towards the fire grate.
The Lower Baffle Plate
This should be replaced once the upper baffle plate is
firmly in place. its firebrick retaining lips along its sides
face downwards and the firebricks fit in behind them.
The upper baffle
retaining lug